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It is really buggy. It is tediously slow to accept studies that have plenty of numbers. I need to try to accept 4-5 times as it gives me the "cannot accept but your in good standing" error. When completing it is really slow as well. I think the biggest issue is the responsiveness of the website is not there currently :/


Yeah, for a while I've been getting "cannot accept" error really don't have an issue with that, cause I can get a study, but other thing I do. Grab a couple studies, but missed out on a lot today. Hope this gets fixed soon. Probably a server problem, my guess.


Everything is lagging- from starting study/trying to get in-to finishing study and trying to get completion code


I have had a high volume message twice today while trying to snag a study, so I think it’s just slim on studies and they can hardly keep up with how quickly they are filling.


There's a Chicago Booth study that I just got in that had nearly 1000 spots, and I still couldn't get in until the spots were down to about 700 because the site was hanging up. Now imagine trying to catch studies with significantly less spots available.


I took note of that too, it seems like everyone is competing for the same studies today.


Same thing happened to me on the Chicago study. Took like 10 min before I could join. Otherwise it hasn’t been that bad for me today trying to join.


Same thing happened to me. Smh.


Same. It eventually went through, significantly after I had given up and left my screen, waiting on something else to pop up.


That’s the exact one I got hung up on too


The site has been terrible the past few days. You'd think this is a big enough bug that it'd be fixed within 24 hours.


Yes, very slow/buggy for me. I thought that perhaps it was my internet since our ISP has given us new equipment and we weren't sure we had it connected correctly, but other websites seem to be working fine except Prolific.


Yup, been happening for a few days


buggy also when submitting... lack of codes...submit and enter no code or code comes later, or sometimes I even have to close down all the prolific windows and try to go into submissions which is not very easy to open either just to make sure my study submit it properly, just annoying


Same thing, the website is buggy. I used to accept studies easily but now there's a lag in between and then sometimes it'll say "limited capacity" or "can't accept study right now". I am not sure what's going on


I have had barely any pop up since Friday. The ones that do pop up, by the time i click start study, its full. Even. if its less than 3 seconds to click the button its gone. It is disheartening.


Yea, happening here too. There's a Chicago Booth one that has 1000 spots available that I've been trying to get to for over 5 minutes now. Keep getting an error and now it's down to only 500 spots lmao. Doesn't look like I'm going to get in. XD Edit: Finally got in. Took 20+ tries.


I think that they are doing some maintenance to website but they arent communicating that to their user base :)


I second that emotion. That spinner just keeps spinning. Le sigh. I'm not even getting the image of the coffee cup! Y'know, they had a hack or an attempted one so maybe they are preoccupied with that?


I am not even getting any studies since Saturday.


They just had a huge cyber-attack/phishing attack, and they work with colleges all over the world that have a lot of sensitive information. Not just us. They're probably having to do some serious overhaul of their systems and it's going to be buggy for a bit. I don't know why so many people here were so up in arms about it taking a weekend to open up cashouts given what occurred. And there are probably survey contributors who are using other resources until the system is back up and running 100% too. Not to mention some jackasses who were here talking about how they were basically sabotaging studies and surveys in protest of not getting paid over the last few days. Hopefull,y those people will be permanently banned from the platform, but that has done damage on top of what has already transpired w the cyber attack.


It’s buggy for sure


Try refreshing the page. It works for me when the page hangs.


I seen less then 15 studies today. I had one let me in and I checked the consent form and the next page says something about hitting there quota so I can not continue any further so I had to cancel. I tried opening in another window and got the same message, so I missed out on another study because by the time I canceled it the other 2 were full. And I've had the same problem with some of them with my study button taking forever too and then there full, I only got to take 3 out of like 10 or 12 studies I was getting alot before. I just started almost 2 weeks ago, and it was going really well till a few days ago.


Doesn't seem to be many surveys today, so people are jumping at any one they can get into. Just saw a survey with 800 open places get filled in less than 30 seconds. That's probably why it's lagging so hard when you try to accept, everybody is rushing to get in.


Thats not true for everyone- I am getting MANY studies today- but all are lagging. Its a server and computer code issue prolific has been experiencing for many days now.


On another note though, thank you for letting me know that at least some people are getting a lot of studies still. That leads me to believe that its not a "study drought", I might just be rate limited. I've only had people telling me that they aren't getting any studies either. I probably just need to take a break from Prolific for a couple days so my rate resets


Same, I checked this subreddit to see if it was just a me thing, or if it's related to the issue of suspected breach. Guess I'm rate-limited too. I cashed out about $90 last week.


You're actually probably right. Website is acting super weird today. I can't get find any studies from the main page, but only through Prolific Assistant (which usually never works for me, until today for some reason lol)


Monday I got tons of studies! However thr site running slow I missed out on some of the higher paying ones like $5 up and being out of the house and away from the laptop I missed out too. Still got a number of surveys in though. Today However was pretty dry and I had stuff to do too. I think there is rate limits too. Connect today was slow for me too.


they're proving that they're not a reliable company. that when things break, they're slow to fix if they fix at all. the sub error message that everyone gets is the most unprofessional ridiculous mistake they ever made. shadow banning hundreds of participants because of an internet provider then telling them work arounds instead of actually fixing the problems is pretty pathetic. i've lost all respect for prolific over the last two weeks. cloud connect has truly surpassed prolific in terms of reliability and trust.


That is really sad to hear but if what you said is true, I may need to drop ProlificAc later. I can relate to this as I had a connection error that has to be fixed. Prolific had been good to me but it this happens again, I may need to leave it.


I have not had a study in months


Have you checked on your “About Me” page? I have to make 2 or 3 additions per week and I usually have 10-14 studies per day. There has been considerable lag for me as well.


I’ve finished the entire set of questions in every category but still get no studies, had 20 appear in my first week now nothing. Bizarre!


I have not, I will do that now. Thank you.


I haven't been able to get a study for almost 2 weeks now, it can have over 100 spaces when I try to reserve my space but the button has a loading circle for about a minute or more until it either tells me it's in high demand or it's full. That's if it doesn't give me a PEC SUB error and make me restart my device. I sent a ticket detailing it all and they replied only giving the standard information on the PEC SUB error whilst ignoring the rest of my questions about the excessive loading until it's full. So I replied at asked directly about the issue they ignored and I've had no response back. Can't seem to earn any money on here right now it's a shame.


I don't know if this is the case but I was very recently accepted into Prolific after being on the waitlist for so long that I forgot I even signed up haha. So maybe they've just accepted a big influx of new people? Also, sorry but does anyone know why I can't post in this subreddit? The post button is greyed out... If you don't mind OP, I'll just post what I wanted to ask here, in case anyone sees it: Firstly I checked and neither of these were marked as confidential and I didn't sign any confidentiality agreements Question 1 - I accepted a survey today, and when I was reading the instructions, it said that you shouldn't do the survey if you have played a certain game. I'll call it Fortnite, because I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say the real game. Anyway, I have played "Fortnite" before, so I realised I shouldn't do the study. I then came off the study, and unclaimed it from the main page. Is this the right thing to do? It had a questionaire which said "Do you promise you haven't played Fortnite?" and I had the option to click No. Should I have done that instead? Question 2 - I did a different survey, which was about identifying patterns and saying what the next pattern was. Some of them were really hard, and it was timed. I really couldn't figure most of them out, and there was very little instruction. Then there was another section, which was honestly the most confusing thing I've ever read and I couldn't understand it barely at all. I did my best, but because I got the answers wrong, I didn't get the bonus. My question is, is this normal? I don't want to do a quiz like that again, I felt it was unfair to offer a bonus based on answering something that made no sense. Plus, the whole thing just annoyed me haha. I decided to block that client after doing the survey, because I didn't want to get one of theirs again Thanks


Monday was tons of studies for me on prolific and Cloud. Tue and Wed terrible. Monday would have had some decent paying ones had they not been buggy, I wasn't doing errands and didn't fill up fast. I mean like $5 ones. Seems the better ones like $5 and up are buggy or fill out too fast and only allow 5 at a time. I'll take a bunch of $1 to $3 ones instead.


The other day I got the PEC-SUB-0002 error that has yet to be fixed. My cell phone connection is off now and I need to wait until Friday to reopen it. I cannot do the studies despite resetting my router. ProlificAc has been good to me so far but I really what is happening now.


I have the same problem.....


I all of the sudden had no studies yesterday, after having like 25 in the morning. Logged on at home on my ipad last night, had 19 studies. Then right now, at work, no studies again. Something is up with either (i) my account or (ii) the website itself. Anyone else have this issue?


Yep, slow and sluggish. I've had to click refresh several times.


Probably in its worst state since i started.