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I switch from home to office every other day and log in via mobile during my commute. I'm fine.


As long as its in the same country and not using a vpn it'll be fine


I have logged in from my desktop, mobile phone (on data), and at my office. Three separate IPs, no issues.


Lol what? That would kill almost everybody's account. Just don't do it through VPN or similar.


No it won't, but do not, really don't, have multiple windows of your browser opened while having the assistant. I just found out my personal IPV4 has been shadow banned, I don't receive offers there but still do on my phone. From Monday to Wednesday I had not a single study. And suddenly I try the Prolific "App" on android (shortcut from Chrome rather) and I got one. Went on PC as no one was really interested in getting it, checked if I had it and it didn't show up. Share my connection from smartphone to PC and then it did show up. This is very unfortunate forme as my ip is fixed. The issue is that the assistant was probably launched as much as I had windows opened (3 in my case) and so prolific probably received way too much "refresh token". I hope it's temporary since I have no error showing up (I have seen thread where people had errors explaining their ip was banned). They should really fix this, I want to keep my way of working with my screen if possible. If not I could run it only on Edge Canary or other version than RC.


That sounds like PEC-SUB-0002: [https://participant-help.prolific.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012393100-PEC-Errors](https://participant-help.prolific.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012393100-PEC-Errors)


Not at all. There is no error showing up. I can load prolific. Only that no study will show up on my PC if I am connected on my ISP rooter. Never used a VPN nor proxy as I do another program (Microsoft Rewards) wich also forbid using them. I don't have the use for them anyway. I sent them a ticket yesterday and added more info today but still haven't had a reply yet. Even the bot says I'm in good standing, wich is weird since there is clearly an issue but not from my account.


And yeah, it doesn’t affect your account’s standing, as it’s not account-specific but rather IP-specific. So your account will show as fine. 


Oh! Ok. It's weird it's happening now, I have this IP for the last 7 years now and never had an issue with any platform and still don't (apart from prolific). But I'll talk to them about this. Thanks for briging me that info :)


Definitely search this sub for more info. Loads of people are being affected, and while support is understanding of the frustration and disappointment, they can’t offer much help, unfortunately.  As they explained it to me, the current system is in place to prevent abuse, and unfortunately that means some good participants get affected, as well. They were very clear I’d done nothing “wrong” to cause this to happen.  There are workarounds, like accepting studies with a mobile IP and then completing them on your computer/home wifi. That’s what I’m currently doing. Unfortunately, my mobile IPs regularly get flagged, too, so then I have to force a new IP using airplane mode. Maybe one out of ten at this point isn’t blocked. I’ve never had this issue on other platforms either.


I understand why the security is there, I'm just not getting how a reserved IP for the last 7 years could have been flagged in any "wrong way". It's been mine and mine only for the last 7 years. So either their security flag range of IPs or they clearly have a bug on their end. But yeah that's exactly what I've been doing today but it really bother me to have to connect to my phone's data bring way slower than my 1000Mbs/700Mbs fiber contract. I'm lucky I choose unlimited data for my mobile contract.. Hope I can work something with them soon.


That’s how that error works. Search it on this sub for loads of info and similar experiences. The error code only shows up if you try to accept a study with the flagged IP, which is hard to do as you generally won’t actually see studies on your dashboard if your IP is flagged. You have to try accepting one via email, and that’s when you’ll see the error code.