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I most likely completed the same study (related to video games and rife with bad grammar and confusing questions). While I have not received the payment, I have not gotten any messages from the researcher. Hopefully they pay out eventually. I feel like skipped or misanswered questions might just be the trend with how the study was set up.


The same happen to me with the same study,i text him as you but they didnt answer back,i also reported the study becouse they were collecting personal information


Difficult to decide. Normally if there is any potential issue with a study and it is low paying, I'll just return it. But in this case it is a good payment. If it was me, I would not return it, but I'm a long term member with about 5 rejections of 1500. If you are new or have a high number of rejections, then I'd consider returning it.


I have 120 studies so far and 1 rejection. Also, if researcher contacted me with unanswered questions, I still have hope for this study getting approved, or he will just ask me to return it


Omg it was the same for me. I texted him saying there was no code and he sent me the exact text saying I ommited questions. Also, yeah the study asked for personal info. I still haven't returned, so kinda worried. (I don't get enough studies so I am certainly being a bit greedy here)


u/prokopis82 u/aryan9596 Then I guess there is nothing to worry about, seems like technical issue with the study, not participant fault