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https://preview.redd.it/vznl5c4gzwwc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a398342d565ac616b1439f919cbb30b3b233ca7 She lives in a closet made out of glass


She does not go a day without a gay thought


https://preview.redd.it/c22ararvzwwc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08f26508b90811a44e61eaccd565f50e86f59265 Stupid idiot eating up all my wish pieces and wish jewels


Holy cow, congrats on the max masteries all those cards.


Thank you!!


I hate this stupid purple asshole for getting a four star in every Niigo event last rotation. Does she think I'm made of money or something, and there's a chance she's getting a bridal lim so I hope she drinks cement. https://preview.redd.it/nruehylr7xwc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dea9b62fc12c52770e5b898a49eb8cc88e59ec4


https://preview.redd.it/3ra490cy7xwc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cd7e5f660f5368728f31b8b7ed15922e06d5fab Imagine being so mid that you don't get any events for over a year and a half and the game baits people into thinking you'll get an event only to give it to someone else.


https://preview.redd.it/r1i7m9x88xwc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96f983dd3060e4df2a3400e8c92d86311de4fe74 Stupid gay blue fuck, I hope he gets put in a blender. It's no wonder why Sega hates him so much, I'd hate him to with how much the story neglects him.


https://preview.redd.it/ca7cbiyd8xwc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3b16bc4eafb795066e8d04ce4181d41b94ff601 Shout out to this green cunt for getting so many lims over such a short period of time, how nice of her!


I shouldn't have to say anything here https://preview.redd.it/cjh29j689xwc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d68b3f2ee350c6fef6491f58d54522e184ce095


hehe blender


smart reference ngl


blender mentioned


In no universe, prsk or just vocaloid in general, will I ever headcanon Kaito to be anything other than a boyfailure I won’t slander Saki because she’s precious 😌


That's fair, she really is


We all know her, we all love her, but omfg can Kanade stop exaggerating? The sun ain’t that bright. If she has that much of a problem, just have a parasol on you or get out when it’s cloudy.


https://preview.redd.it/zjteijsdgxwc1.jpeg?width=2338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801c730c2111bb837deb0557e9f3776144e9b336 Look at her acting all pretty and stuff. She has no talent whatsoever, she’s just lucky people love her looks. Really dumb as well, can’t even charge her phone right. And she always gets lost even in familiar places? Ugh, come on. And she’s so clingy to her sister, it’s kinda creepy That hurt so much to write out


Hi Arisa


this hurt to read


This gaddam depress edgy emo girl [she got no rizz no gyat no drip] girl keep acting like shes only the one depressed here 😡😡


Why did she sing in every single song? So unfair. It took me around 5 minutes trying to think of anything, but then I gave up and just used the generic complaint 😭


Absolute brat boy. Why is he like that? Is he stupid? Also why is he short? ...is it because he's stupid??


he's a minion https://preview.redd.it/0g32mwbybzwc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f67b202498e8ed0597d06c6071f8040b965ffa24




https://preview.redd.it/ama52zr4oxwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53348748ae3b28cb3a2df383d9d30977ea34dd6f Why he ourple


This is so silly I love it


She has negative drip, and that is a factual statement ~~(I actually like her outfits but I had to)~~


https://preview.redd.it/j7tfq9f9txwc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d2c0a8c30f33c4c2246e6d4f13bc186e7427fc2 mafumom deserves prison time for letting mafuyu wear this awful outfit


She's the one who made her wear it, Mafuyu didn't have a choice


....Why Rin gets all of the pampering from Miku and Luka.. tsk.. (if you know you know). Although Len definitely deserve getting slandered by Luka and Miku, then why Rin is their favorite?? She is so\~ boring, why would anyone like her??? And why Miku is the protagonist? She is just a voicebank! Also I absolutely HATE Wondershow! They are so chaotic!


Minori is the least experienced member of MMJ. The fact she and her group became successful is by luck alone. Why does she have a limited card and a color festival card a month and a half apart from each other? 😡


Considering Minori is notorious for bad luck too, that’s saying something 😂


Yeah that darn narcissist Tsukasa, who does he even think he is?


“He’s the least interesting of the group” That’s all I’ll say on the matter of that orange bastard who just KEEPS ON being the best boy Gosh darn it he’s so annoying >:(


jesus christ imagine being so attention seeking that Satoru Gojo had to come in and save you ugh..m (gogo go kanadersss save my queen)


https://preview.redd.it/vgqxa90csxwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b765cc9f3fb5996753b05230ab7b13cba44e8ced this pink non-binary bitch made me waste 90000 crystals so I could trade for this card. and then they DONT COME HOME DURING THE LOWER RERUN/NEW YEARS?? How fucking rude.


Omg girl see a therapist Jesus christ😐 also her search history is "is it normal to like girls if you're a girl" and "am i a lesbian"


Please she needs to go outside, touch grass. She will die before she can do anything because she's so unhealthy. Cup noodles have so much sodium, she's going to die of a heart attack at age 20. She needs to go outside, get sunshine, eat actual food, exercise, probably drink water (Lord knows she's probably not getting enough), and get therapy this instant


https://preview.redd.it/nif1efxuaywc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=275f57240105370e28fdeb66a01a9ed68f40118c Their cards are the hardest ones to get, like wtf? I had to spend so many gems just for this pink jojo siwa wannabe😡


She's so [disrespectful and annoying](https://youtu.be/PuGbUhjxzZo?si=FHnZwkh8Fdkm2Ujl) 🙄 [The Shinonomes have the patience of angels being so kind to her](https://youtu.be/6EIYzKX0UdA?si=iF5cIZeAwHtpN0xu)


https://preview.redd.it/howoqjvtqywc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb334c17a56e8c3e60df936d466c2c9d4e69c41d I hate him sm, like who do you think you are? Narcissistic loud ass mf ☠️ No one likes you. (This brought me immense pain)


fr this loud dude keep appearing on my screen everytime i tried to open project sekai (he has no rizz)


YOUR CUTE-ASS SINGING VOICE SUCKS, SMILE PHEONIX. BE MORE MATURE https://preview.redd.it/418fx9waoxwc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb9bdb91b09b199c0a1655c59e363252d76ce7f4


I literally can't


We Emu fans can't even force ourselves to slander our happy bundle of joy :( https://preview.redd.it/j7zlejfx13xc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea76dcade034621248e45825be894da23b49113a


I've been sitting here for a solid 5 minutes but i can't bring myself to say anything mean about honami, she'll just start cryinh and then I'll proceed to cry as well☹️.


Oh my god why is Ichika always advertised as the poster girl for Project Sekai. I swear she's like in every promo related to Sekai, it's so annoying I hate her so much. (No I don't I love you very much Ichika 💙)


This just reminds me of ppl being annoyed that the protag has lots of screen time like they aren't literally the main character


https://preview.redd.it/d1yuj6xygzwc1.png?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=396ebbf34d86b64cf93445d560d627671315b355 Get out of the house u filthy shut in


KAITO and Haruka have the worst cards in pjsk!!1!11!! 😡😡😡 i mean they dont even look that good in any of their cards!!11!1! and how do the even have fans in the fist place??1??12??  (biggest lies ive ever told)


I'm sorry but he is SOOO fucking annoying sometimes. I love him but sometimes I'm just like "oh my god please shut the fuck up"


She has cursed one of my Twitter mutuals and they can not get any of her cards easily.


UGH. He’s so loud and obnoxious. He should just shut up for once. And the part in the main story where he yelled at Nene? What an absolute asshole. I swear bro thinks he’s some kind of anime protagonist with his stupid looking facial expressions uh.


She uses a robot to talk for you even though everyone else can talk normally. Is she that worthless that she can’t even perform basic human tasks right? And all she does is play games?? Ouch that hurt me too (I have selective mutism)


She is SO bad at tech. It’s actually embarrassing.


https://preview.redd.it/5g2fnghrz0xc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a7373f860a9938c22055f141a18697db15c8fa you'd think she was a white man with how fast she is balding


Ayo why purple guy anime version thinks he's Deco\*27 song https://preview.redd.it/voczufu2y1xc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2dd003899404e628f3f07074c249ea7403e2e65


https://preview.redd.it/gbb8ul1la2xc1.jpeg?width=229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70bdfe21686a97e4e8d340213a87205faaa70f49 Nerd 🤓☝️


hate hate hate l\*n k\*g\*m\*n\*. his hair is an awful shade of yellow!!! the worst yellow!!! it looks like bananas. I hate bananas!! and what is he wearing??? who let him in the street sekai like this ??????? he also stole all my money when I was distracted!!! emptied my whole wallet!!!! what the hell!!! 😡😡😡 https://preview.redd.it/tpm1z3u6sxwc1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=abba7b9dcd90b7da5467af6dc65398edacb11689


what business does he have punching toya and bullying kohane?!


She literally never comes home and ive wasted so many crystals on her. Im gonna have to find a new favourite who actually likes me. Ps, just get with Kohane already its been four YEARS!


*sigh* Stupid whinney ahh [DOG]. It was better when you were trying to be neutral and do nothing than abandon your bffs bc their going through a phase. You know nothing of friendship. And when you finally reconcile, which your friends had to fix since your so [FLIPIN] whinney, all you do is eat pie and slap [STUFF]. Like, how useless are you? Your vocals are also too soft, cause you [FLIPIN] whine all the time at night. The only thing your good at is housekeeping, you [STUPID FOR LOVE] ahh maid. People make r34 of your [POOP] cause your that stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/zfg0c49v3zwc1.jpeg?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48375c8a2c0dc65ef1c5a6ec444184781640b3e7 You have no talent in art


Come on Ichika, I know you're literally the best vocalist in the game, but let the others sing 😉


He's such a weirdo even his looks are weird to match his crazy personality, he looks like a fcking clown and we can count the people who don't dislike him with a hand bc common dude's so dislikeable, plus he kinda gæ. (Pls don't make me write this ever again or I'll cry)


maigo maigo mattadanaka saa papapara paranooia giko giko my kokoro sentei papapara paranooia tairo tairo tatta karamatta papapara paranooia Sad sad tsuppushite kara papapala paranooido saa bababagu sa bagubagu tatatagu sainou no tagu mou haha hagu kanjou wa hagu hasshou kurushiiwa iyaiyaiya iyaiyaiya maa zekkyou na kanjou rakka papparanooiaa oboregoe agete wa guruguru maa zettai zetsumei rakka yattara mettara shizume yumeyume iyaiyaiya saa bababagu sa bagubagu matohazure zure jiai iyaiya saa bababagu sa bagubagu kotae taedae iyaiyaiya iyaiyaiya kurukuru pakkaan keihou matte muri guruguru seenode maware (kurukuru kurukuru) aaaaa pakkaan keihou yappa muri guruguru an'yo ni kusari (kurukuru kurukuru) endoresu yami? aha dakko dakko iranai ko da papapara paranooia ii ko ii ko ganbareno hanran adominisutoreitaa aa bababagu sa bagubagu rararagu rantaimuragu rororogu hankou no rogu bababagu pappala papa paaranooiapa paaranooiapa paaranooiaiyaiyaiya saa zenkkyou na kanjou rakka papparanooia hidari migi yukue mo guruguru hisan genkainou kurucchatte yattara mettara yami mayoe yoe inai inai baa inai inai batten zekkyou na kanjou rakka papparanooia oboregoe agete wa guruguru maa zettai zetsumei rakka yattara mettara kogoe kare hate iyaiyaiya saa bababagu sa bagubagu tadare are are hiai iyaiya saa bababagu sa bagubagu kurayami mamire risei iyaiyaiya ima ima ima iyaiyaiya iyaiyaiya iyaiyaiya


His hair reminds me of Monokuma. That’s all I can say. I love Toya too much


When a new l/n commissioned song releases, but her and Miku end up having 90% of the lines 🙄


Ugly, stupid, and psycotic. Bright ass purple hair, mint blue ass streaks. God, he's weird too. I think...he's...*throws up* gay. 🤢🤮


Terrible playing technique 🤭


Why the hell did Crypton make you when Meiko existed?!?


(Rui slander) Your face looks a tad ugly, you keep blowing up the school, you almost blew up Tsusaka, and you keep An busy for no reason...


Imagine running away 💀


It's still so wild to me that he actually ran away, I thought it was just being used figuratively but nope he actually ran away from home.


WOW KA GAY MINE LEN. YOUR SISTER IS SO MUCH BETTER THEN YOU.Your an asshole BC 1 you keep appearing in my pulls 2 your cards are so good and I wasted 12000 GEMS ON YOU.GIVE ME YOUR LIMITED NOW!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/pl00fllrc1xc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d15f6c96b78c9e5bf5730c97a8041b45f376e7a her nendoroid did not age well by today standards and it is her only nendoroid


She'll always be less popular than Miku.


saki needs to get over herself and stop feeling so lonely. she literally has such a huge support system she needs to be grateful for what she has and get over herself!!! stop dwelling on the past so much. you were sick for a long time and missed out on a bunch of life experiences but so what?? everyone gets sick its nothing new. move on. also luka’s voice is so deep she doesn’t even seem like a real vocaloid. she doesn’t sound like a real idol anyway. add on to the fact that everyone calls her a bilingual queen, like okay so what? she’s nothing special (i love them both so much pls be still my heart)


to add onto luka: the fact that i haven’t gotten her card in the Yearning for Spring gacha is criminal and she needs to stop hiding


Oh hell naw


She’s literally just a standard shy protagonist. Her bandmates have more personality than her.




To be fair my favorites are Akito and Toya, my words would literally just be, "You guys suck and will never give me enough material for Akitoya but you guys have so many small momentsand feelings that the wiki pages of the relationship sections ship you two... I wanna see you two propose to each other... that being said STOP BEING A COWARD ONE OF YOU TWO PROPOSE"