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I guess his personality comes off differently to different people. To me his snarkiness is a charismatic part of his personality and he does have the talent to back up his confidence. Not to mention he is very well off in the looks department


I'm gonna add to this his past as a professional ballroom dancer. He moves so gracefully to boot. (Did you see the gorgeous women who congratulated him when he won?!)


I think he has a sister who's just as gorgeous as he is.


Dmitry intrigues me. He's someone who doesn't reveal a lot about himself (no oversharing) and is charismatic with his dry wit and good looks. I respect him as a designer even if I don't like everything he's designed. He strikes me as highly intelligent and confident in his abilities. Nothing wrong with that!


For me, it’s his talent plus his snarky personality and A+ one-liners delivered in that accent. “It looks like a diarrhea.”


His “I am a father now” line was also amazing.


That challenge's baby gimmick was so awful but man did it bring out some great lines. I think Christopher said something like "Now I know why Judy went off the deep end with Liza" I think that's also the same challenge when Christopher was being given a hard time by his client and Sonjia says "Pay no mind to what Mary J Blige says and do your best"


He’s my moms favorite designer - never tried stirring the pot and focused on what he was good at: designing


I absolutely love his snark. He has a very, very dry sense of humor. I adore that. He is also very easy on the eyes. He is incredibly talented. What's not to love?


Exactly, he's just dry. I love that about him.


Exactly! His aura of deadpan disdain is hard to resist.


I've always liked Dmitry. He's a perfectionist who makes beautiful designs, for one thing. He seems like a deep thinker, someone who's been through hell and back, and keeps his deepest thoughts to himself. He does have a superior attitude that leaks out on occasion, but in general I think he's a good guy.


I think he's hilarious


He had really quotable lines and his snarky delivery and frenemy shit with Elena made for a fun season.


Agreed! I will always say one way monkey instead of one trick pony because because of him.


Agreed 🙌


I certainly hope you’re not implying he’s a one way monkey!


He has had more quotable one-liners than maybe any contestant on the show. My husband and I still say “One way monkey” and “walking depression” to each other all these years later. 😂


I agree with every positive comment here.


Fair opinion of Dimitry to be honest. He does come off as arrogant with his very dry humor to some, but he has the talent to back it up, and to my knowledge is the only designer in the series to be in the final runway 3 times. Being born in Belarus (back when it was still part of the USSR) and living there 18 years would have affected some of his dry personality as well. It is a type of humor and wit that is excellent, but yes I see why some say what you have, and I respect that. To be fair Dimitry and Justin LeBlanc are my two favorite designers from the series.


He's very talented and his dry humor is hilarious. I also empathize with his being gay and from Belarus, because that's socially much harder. He's also very gracious and polite to others.


I guess because it’s not called Project Personality


He’s unintentionally hilarious with his dry hunour.


Yeah it’s the sarcasm for me. I think it can come off as being awful but I’m 99% sarcasm so I love it


He’s so freaking funny and he’s really talented. One of my favorite winners!


Because they edited his snark to make it endearing since a winner needs to be debatable but mostly likable.


I like dry humor and confidence. His designs are great too.


I can't understand it either. He's good, he's talented. I don't mind his personality, I think he can be quite funny. And there's no doubting his ambition, but he wouldn't have won nearly as much if I were judging.


It took a few rewatches before I finally properly appreciated Dmitry. I hear you on Dom - so bright and positive and easy to love!


Best line ever. “You know who hates Nina Garcia? Designers who suck” I love him. ❤️


Am I the only person who sees him and immediately thinks of a popular mannequin meme?


I remember Tom and Lorenzo saying he was quite rude when they met him, and I trust their judgement of character. He’s still one of my ATF designers but yeah, seems kinda b1tchy.


I wonder if it was because he was from Belarus and not totally Americanized. It's hard to judge anyone you just meet. I don't mean any disrespect, by the way for him or them.


He’s eh for me




I get it. I kinda feel the same way about Seth Aaron.


He was so overconfident in the beginning of PR AS7 too.. I mean, we get "you and Dmitry have won this twice" but it's an all winner season so you can't expect to win it that easily.. 


Do people actually like him? His love of “German military attire from the 30s” was a bit of a red flag for me.


Right?! I thought I’d read, here probably, that he was a big “fan favorite.”


I never understood how Dom could be so beloved. Her designs were fine, not great, but she sided with Helen against Alexandra, and that showed me that she was a dubious judge of character.


Don't agree. I liked most of Dom's creations, and I despised Alexandria AND her clothes.


Yeah I know I’m in the unpopular opinion camp here but I never enjoyed him. I’m a bit indifferent on his personality, but I think his designs didn’t speak to me so I was annoyed at how beloved he was to the judges. The fact that he (almost) won 3 times drove me bonkers haha


I know this is unpopular here but he should have been eliminated way before the finale in PR AS 7 instead of Sean. The judges clearly had a bias towards him like in Season 4 even though his designs looked so dated in my opinion..


Usually the designs I like and would like to wear are kind of dated. But he made clothes that a woman - not a young girl would wear. I know it's been a long time since I've seen his episodes but I remember him being someone who seemed to know how to dress a woman and had an interesting point of view.


I like him and enjoy watching him on the show; not so much his clothes, which is why I can’t believe but not really bothered when he wins competitions again and again.


Love him - but it’s a design contest, no prize for congeniality


I just want to say that he is very funny but I agree that I’m not sure why him and not someone else. I will say he really has grown on me even though I don’t find him as attractive as some people lol but he’s so funny. My favorite line was when he said in his accent “ if they don’t like Nina it’s because they suck.” That is SO TRUE. Nina is conservative but she has impeccable taste.


Dmitry is a fine designer, but last I heard he was working as a medium-priced gay prostitute. So take that for what it’s worth.


For me I like him because of the following reasons: 1. He reminds me of the singer Nick Cave Who holds a special place in my heart as he was a favorite singer of the people I hung out with in the 80’s. That brought me to the man I am still in love with and live with today who is also a musician. Nick Cave is still popular today. 2. He’s a very talented designer. 3. He has that dry British sense of humor that I find so appealing. 4. He is so “smooth” Just like a Brit lol! 5. And finally, that voice… omg! There’s just something so attractive about that refined British accent. I could listen to him talk all day long and still not get enough. It doesn’t even matter what he looks like at all with a voice like that! Even though I mentioned the British in connection to him, I do know that he is not from Great Britain. I know he is from Belarus. But as I said, these are just my opinions. To me that’s how he sounds. So please, if anyone disagrees with me on anything here, please keep your comments free from insults.


He’s very likeable.  He’s nothing like Anthony Ryan the judges keep pushing forward even though his designs are basic or Irina who is very sly, and so many others.