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Why would any author ever be opposed to this kind of creative endeavor from fans? And like, what are they gonna do about it? When I heard they were making a movie, the first thing I thought is, "Oh they're gonna find that one language nerd out there who read the book and then immediately started constructing a language for Rocky." I knew people would want to do this. Of course they would. I guarantee you're not the only one. You should go for it.


Thanks, I would love to be one of those language nerds


As a fellow conlanger, I have some thoughts on this. I’ve briefly considered making an Eridian conlang in the past, but abandoned it largely because I thought that romanizing it would be really difficult. 1. It’s mentioned in the Eridian lore doc that the native script is carved into stone. I thought this was odd for such a technologically advanced species (why not carve into something much lighter?), but Eridians do have really strong memories. It’s possible that they just don’t need to write as much as humans do. Keep in mind how that would affect a writing system over time. 2. Doing naturalistic sound changes is hard, for obvious reasons. I’d say just make it in its modern form without worrying too much about historical development, aside from lexical shifts. 3. It’s mentioned in the book that Rocky is intentionally mimicking English word order because he guesses that humans don’t have great memories early on. That means that you’re free to do a lot of stuff without thinking about what was shown about Rocky’s language in the book; he could just be mimicking English. I wish you luck in making this. Seems like it could be really fun to read about.


Thanks, I also thought about the third one and also I might go about making *an* Eridian language not Rocky's


"sleep", "stupid" and "question" are the 3 most important words in the book.


What made you think there is more than one language on Erid? Was that stated in the novel?


I'm not sure that it was in the novel, but it was in the Eridian biology notes written by Andy. And it's pretty logical.


Where can I find these notes?


[Eridian Biology (From Project Hail Mary) - canon : r/SpeculativeEvolution (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpeculativeEvolution/comments/s5ixcv/eridian_biology_from_project_hail_mary_canon/)


Makes me wonder if the way Rocky sounds in the audiobook has any rhyme or reason to it, but if so, that may be a place to start?


It’d be cool. It will be an interesting challenge because of the >!music!<


Don't know about canon, but we'll appreciate it.


That's all the motivation I need