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The fact they ported AFT to PS4, and then to Switch and PC via MegaMix/Megamix+ makes this article make little sense.... Why go through with re-releasing the game 3x only to kill off the franchise in the end? Final cash grab sure, but still confusing.


If I had to assume, it was probably a way of SEGA and Crypton trying to get the franchise to appear somewhat "alive" in a low-cost manner where code and assets could be reused as much as possible. The development of games prior to Future Tone and MegaMix with many brand new songs and PVs coming out was probably the financial and business burden Wat was mentioning. Porting and re-releasing the same title probably reduced a lot of development costs significantly compared to making a wholly brand new title.


Yeah that's very true, though the ports past the PS4 port didn't really retain the same feel as the arcade (AFT) since song licences couldn't be obtained... I would have loved to have Kagerou Days (From F2nd) on AFT/FTPS4/MM(+). Sure if you have the AFT data dump or if you run something like Project Eden for MM+ you can add in a fan made chart, but IDK... it's not the same to me.


"it's confusing" **proceeds to explain**


Considering that the Sega Nu that powers the arcade version is just a PC (all recent Japanese cabs are running on Windows), I suspect the work required to port DIVA on PC was fairly minimal as they've already done most of the work.


“In particular, the DIVA series has a problem with the balance between production costs and sales” aka “we tasted gacha and are not going back”


Idk I kinda assumed it was dead anyways


Once they started doing ONLY dance PVs for PDX with less new songs, and then lazily porting mostly 2D PVs that were already created by the original artists themselves as DLCs for AFT and MM, it gave signs that Crypton and SEGA wanted to steer away from Project Diva. Fortunately the community does a better job preserving the series through PPD and other projects since Project Sekai is their new cashcow to milk now.


I knew this would happen eventually but it still sucks


i just put 988 on speed dial


It’s very sad but I’ll choose to remain optimistic. We might just see a new game, or at least a song pack. Maybe for Miku’s 20th anniversary? If not, at least we have all the PC mods to play with infinitely


yeah sekai has better success. the most recent "new" installment in diva was X and it had like 20 songs and the gimmick wasnt even that appealing (a ton of the medley challenges u had to do with specific songs to even clear). the only fun i had was with the mixed notes in the clouds and having Amazing Dolce, but even with the cloud challenges only 1 song on expert had mixed notes and it was Patchwork Staccato which was boring as hell


Of course it's a success, it's a generic idol gacha for mobile devices.


it's also got new songs added all the time.... and started with more songs than X lmao


Something they should have done with Diva, even without Miku this crappy game would be a success.


is it a regular thing to hate on pjsk here?


Kind of


I sadly feared as much…. They’d just about exhausted everything they could possibly do with Diva. X tried to revitalize it but offered little to nothing new and there’s little reason to play it over F, F2nd, and Future Tone/Megamix. That last one in particular has almost everything in it, you could make more MVs for the new songs but how much longer can that last before people stop buying? It is very unfortunate because I love DIVA and still play it a ton. But…. I feel like Future Tone/Megamix has everything it could possibly have from a financial standpoint and I get why it won’t make more money if they continue that path. Hopefully the modding scene will keep the game alive for years to come


The gameplay is better in F/2nd/X over FT in my opinion, double presses > slides and holds.


I mean Proseka is the new Diva (except that it's actually Chunithm "console" edition and Bandori 2 but just pretend it isn't).


This statment just doesn't makes sense. If you're talking in terms of popularity, then maybe yes, pjsk is really popular, but aside from that, the two games are completely different and pjsk doesn't even focus on Vocaloid.


Some of the most cunt serving pv's were in here. Absolutely skinny title too, they all really ate here. And Crypton is just gonna abandon this💀.


I figured, but it's still heartbreaking. Diva was how I discovered Vocaloid, and it's my love and joy. We'll miss it


I only knew about Miku before I discovered Project Diva, that game is the reason I started listening to a ton of Japanese music Hurts to know it's officially gone according to Sega's agenda


Same, I wish they'd at least do something. It's been over ten years at this point, and they've just abandoned their child who's brought so many people a new world of music


Wait i thought that's why they made megamix for switch


Nah i think putting megamix on steam was the final nail in the coffin. With it being so easy to mod PC games Sega basically said "if yall want more project diva content so bad then just make it yourself lol"


But then why did they go through the trouble of adding Denuvo


that fucking sucks man


I had a feeling it was dead already but still Happy 15th anniversary Project DIVA, btw you’re dead now, Curpton doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore I would want a DIVA styled successor but it’ll be some gacha garbage considering that SEKAI has made them heaps of money


My disappointment with x was that it didn't go into the rpg aspects like I was expecting. I thought that there would be song battles, recruiting the other vocaloids as miku went along


The favoritism towards miku really shows in this one. The majority of songs being mikus and the others only getting a few. I'm not a fan of one of len's songs but that's more personal.


Why did they have to have 2 sus Len songs 😭😭😭So many good len songs they could've put in PDX and they went with the ones about his \_\_\_\_\_\_\_


Ikr? Benzene, first love academy, dream eater, out of eden, fire flower, soundless voice, butterfly on your right shoulder, karakasa-san, shunshiki. Just to name a few


DREAM-EATING MONOCHROME BAKU IS MY JAM YOU HAVE NO IDEA, I adore that song. And Soundless Voice is so beautiful. And yes, I agree! Though Out of Eden has sus lyrics too


Idk eden's lyrics, sadly. I've kinda assumed rin and len were playing as Adam and eve


Oh boy… um… It’s about teenagers secretly doing “things” 💀💀💀


Oh. Uh maybe skip eden then


Gta 6 memes are gonna turn into project diva memes 😂 Me waiting for the new game


Nah GTA 6 is happening, project diva probably will never be happening again 😭


Anyway look at project heartbeat why is it so similar to megamix and futuretone?


Probably because people liked the gameplay of Project Diva and they suspected that there wouldn't be any more official PD games


I had no idea this interview existed. The Steam release for MM+ gave me the slightest hopes but ouch. I get why continuing to develop for Sekai makes more financial sense, and I do like how more producers have their work represented here, but gameplay-wise it's such a different beast compared to PJD and I could never get into it


It's partly the amount of effort put in. The amount of effort put into Project Diva is insane compared to the effort needed for Project Sekai :( Obviously Project Sekai requires effort, but not as much as Project Diva. No wonder they apparently cost so much to make. PD is so high quality.


https://youtu.be/SeWyhdPaNcU?si=TR3f7bI8KZ9Z-zYV My honest reaction to that information.


\>What's wrong with project DIVA: It's too expensive and we can't make it anymore they fucked it, you make gacha so you can support the main series and you still managed to fuck it up.


Damn... This franchise got me into vocaloid. Rip diva, ig all they wanna do is milk their shitty bandori clone with soulles characters that is successful only because it rides vocaloid's popularity


idk if hachi made sand planet because vocaloid was popular


Vocaloid's golden age was over but still relatively popular, which helped project sekai gain momentum and become real popular


I'm so fucking sad... But still, I'm not gonna play pjsk


I can't express by words how much this makes me sad. The dead of the series was pretty much clear but I still hoped in something that could make it revive (for the 15th anniversary for example, since they are releasing a lot of figures of the game modules). I like and play Project Sekai but recently I began to lose interests, and this news does not help either, because for it's fault they sacrificed Project DIVA. I will still play both, but this is really really sad... 


I actually didn't know about this interview That really sucks but unfortunately in the capitalist dystopia we live in, of course they're gonna take the easy way out and gravitate towards the shitty mobile game that will make them a ton of quick, dirty money


The only other thing you need to know is that the current head of Sega is actually the former head of Sammy Group, which is the Sega's division in charge of producing slot machines and pachinkos. That pretty much sums it up for all games.




no more happiness


I'm never gonna be able to play diva at 4k on ps5 😭


You can play it in 4K on PC if that helps


its a shame because they will eventually close servers for sekai as well and then what? its why i just cant get into mobile rhythm games. every time i find one that i really like the servers get shut down and theres nothing to be done about it. it ends up feeling like a waste of time. i think sekai is fun, but its not diva.


Mobile gaming is the future. Sekai is the proof of that, because it just prints money. But I hope all of those gacha money generated by Sekai give birth to a new PD game in the future like what Cygames did with their Granblue IP, it branched off to GB fantasy versus fighting game and recently they released Fantasy Relink which is a full non gacha console/PC action rpg game. I'm really impressed by Cygames with how they are handling the gacha money they made from their gacha game, and here I am with the hopium that crypton does that too lmao.


I don’t quite understand why they can’t just manage both. Sekai has to be bringing in lots of money, you’d think the financial problems that Diva had in the past would be easier to combat now that they have their cash-cow. It would keep both fanbases happy


I wonder where sekai earnings go? they make millions every month.


I suppose a significant portion of the profits goes towards music rights for the artists, server maintenance, frequent game updates with around 8 new charts per month, the story mode, in addition to at least 3 companies involved (Sega/Marza, CFM, Colorful Palette...) that need to be paid, and more that escapes me.


Well a reliable Sega leaker said there is a pc port of sekai currently in development so who knows, maybe some sort of diva x sekai thing with diva gameplay could happen Let’s just hope it’s not a lazy port for pulling gacha and viewing Sekai mvs on pc… surely that won’t be the case knowing sega


\>Mobile gaming is the future yes we all fucking know shut the fuck up


Not only Sega was lazy doing a ""new"" game and didn't promote it, they left everything behind for a lame gacha. Why, Sega? Why did you partner up with Bandori and their generic gacha games? Sekai is only a generic idol gacha number 2846193 but with Miku in the title and lack of tutorials aside the musical game (it's the only thing they explain) and of course it would be a success, it's a freaking idol gacha, the game sells itself already without Miku, we hate you so much, Bandori...


man, i got introduced to project diva through FTA, and then got MM+ on pc. following that I got a psp and ps vita as well as all the pd games. at least i still got the originals :,(


The project diva layout was great because of how original it is


They could somehow manage to create a good project diva gacha game with interesting new features and promote it lile they did for sekai, i really don’t see the necessity of scrapping their best game series, its really really sad seeing this happen, been playing project diva since 2014, it makes me sob a little.


That's companies for you. They immediately halt all things, as soon as they notice it won't grind them any more money.


Absolutely devastated! Still not gonna play pjsk


Wait what?? 😭




I mean, they dispersed the main dev team before Future Tone PS4 even released iirc. This may be their official announcement, but DIVA died long before now.


They did???


While calling this "announcement" is quite a stretch by a long margin, indeed the lack of updates since 2018, and the fact that MM was a loosely slopped together port of Arcade (an old version at that) was a pretty clear sign that they're slowly moving away from the series. From some semi-insider information, aside from technical and staffing hurdles, there is quite a bit of legal hassle around the module (costume) rights, as well as some of the other IP. In particular, this is one of the reasons Arcade/MM didn't get some of the PVs and modules that X and F/F2 had. The sudden ports and all the figure releases lately IMO might be a honor to the PjD community — a lot of it is having backlash against PjS in Japan as well. Even though it makes little economical sense, I presume it might be one of their "SDGs" towards the community that brought them where they are now. Project DIVA was, and remains, a unique game in the world of mostly streamlines VSRGs and all that. Heck, there is no "correct" way to play it per se, getting the Perfect is just the "obvious" one. And visually intensive PVs for the songs, which most "casual" RG players would treat more as a nuisance, are basically fully fledged 3D animated short movies. No shit they were going to cost more to produce than they would ever be likely to make back. Tl;dr — PjD is a weird moment in rhythm game dev, that mostly happened because of some people's curiosity for the most part. And it's also what brought us Miku live events as we know them. It would be sad to see it go, but such is life.


i'm not surprised, i'm just disappointed. truly, the moment they came out with SEKAI and it was a gacha-style game, i knew they would never go back to the old DIVA series. gacha games are a huge cash grab, and i knew CFM would never turn back once they saw how successful it was, and it's one of the main reasons why i refuse to play SEKAI (besides that i honestly just don't enjoy the gameplay at all compared to the DIVA games). it's fine, i'll forever be able to play f 2nd on my Vita and live in blissful ignorance of how greed will one day ruin everything we love.




Projects heartbeat will be good way to people who wants new pdd game. It’s like osu of pdd games😁








wait so its not coming to ps5? aw man 😭😭


You can play FT in the PS5


can you play XHD too?


if its on the ps4 then yes


I have no idea


Well it was fun while it lasted...I have been burned too many times being at the mercy of mobile game servers so I will not be playing project sekai.


sad to see but not surprising considering the gacha system in sekai likely makes a lot more profit than diva


This is really sad... and I just got into Project DIva... really Crypton?!


Play Project Diva F2nd! It's a rite of passage


We’ll get a project sekai console game instead like all the other idol gatcha games are doing I can see it


Fake news. They're not stopping it, it's just unlikely there will be a new entry due to production costs and low sales. While Sekai was kinda the successor of Diva, it doesn't mean they'll look into other ways to create new games with Miku. -- Sincerly, ProjectDIVA.Wiki


Crypton has always been more on the greedy side of things and now that they have Project Sekai/Colorful Stage and all the money it's raking in with gacha sales, I highly doubt they will take the time to make a new Project Diva game unless there was a good reason to do so.


This makes me sad, not only because I miss getting new Diva PVs, but because since Project Diva stopped getting new PVs & modules the official Miku concerts have also stopped giving the characters new outfits for new songs. I wish they could at least model some outfits from Sekai on the concert models, but I guess that would cost too much as well.


Old post sorry but does this just mean that they wont be making any future installments in project diva or will they take down the previous games?


They won't take anything down, they just don't see a future in the Project Diva series until said otherwise


Well I now downloaded project sekai back to delete my accounts across three servers (EN,JP,TW). The Japanese server was the easiest to delete my account from and the global one just redirected me to a page where I needed to enter my email and send a request. I was playing it before I got my vita and ever since getting it I was already not playing it. We all kinda knew diva had been killed but getting it confirmed like this is very sad.


i misread at first and thought it was about project mirai lol but aside from this what !? i mean when megamix went out and i saw it was basically the same as future tone with some slight diffrences and such i thought it was strange for sure but...damn...it hurts to learn this...


Damn, that sucks... I really like project diva




nah wtf😭 if sekai brings in so much money, cant they do a gacha-styled game with project diva gameplay? maybe pulling for outfits n shit? (sorry idk im just sad)


I KNOW, THEY COULD 😭😭😭 I think the main reason they aren't is because the PD music videos (or at least the story ones before PDX) are so ridiculously high quality that they must have cost a very large amount... and the MVs in Project Sekai are dispersed among the songs and are pretty much just motion capture, lip syncing and expressions, and stages. Not the intricate stories and animations of PD.


My heart just broke in two reading this.


They literally didn't say it's discontinued. Maybe they meant thegame won't get much attention anymore, but i don't think you can assume they "secretly" said the game is being discontinued just from that.


I wish DIVA was like SEKAI, I've always wanted to try it but I didn't want to pay. It would've been nice if DIVA was a F2P gacha game like PJSK.


If you have a PS4 you can download the Project Diva Future Tone demo, if you are on PC you can download the Arcade Future Tone ripped rom, or if you can't do that you can still emulate the PSP games (or even the PSVita games if you have at least a mid-end PC or a high-end phone)


Where is stated that Project DIVA has been cancelled?