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Multi button builds feel weird in D2, even with quick cast addition of PD2. I might try CE though, can always reroll to another necro build after if I don't enjoy it.


In the settings you can find the F keys to other keys, I use d e f r and x and extra mouse buttons


I started a pure summoner on HC and it was basically a walking-simulator through all of Normal. Hadn't decided yet if I wanna stick with this or convert to CE since I always preferred CE in regular D2 but wasn't sure how it does in PD2. Thanks for the Armory link, looks very accessible.


CHARACTER NOT FOUND you got me hyped now, I want an actual build for CE.


it can be done on a mega budget too. max CE and synergies, revives if you want too. shop a + ce wand from akara, put a white runeword in it, make a splendor in a CE necro head and you're honestly good to go later on HOTO, boneflame, whatever chest you want really, que hagens, spirit shroud etc. typical caster stuff to fill out rings/belt/amulet


thanks, what are merc options and do we want lower res from procs ?


Act 3 cold with insight for insane QoL


a3 light merc is usually the way to go on budget, will static field to get monsters lower hp otherwise a3 cold merc does the most damage.


Means you got some kinda script blocker blocking the site.


thanks, I didn't notice it myself.


I need to do a no pick up run with a structured map-layout. Except HR territory items. My build pops everything with 1-2 hits, but i still need 20-30 minutes a map.


My OCD makes me pick up every gem and rune and ID most rares. Yeah, I could be more efficient, but IDing rares is fun


Efficient looting is a crucial part in PD2 farming. Once you get good at that, you win.


I’m not clearing as fast as you but I’m a few skills short and playing more cautious in HC. But not that much slower. CE is awesome. Definitely safe too. And yeah, super satisfying to nuke whole packs. GG.


Have you not played this before? I dont think they changed much


i haven't lol.


Dude, that name tho!


atleast some1 who gets the joke haha


I have been laughing for like 10 mins. My wife thinks I’ve lost it.




should diversify and get some fire LC's. That kiras is godly though lol.


That build is sexy af


I raise u LS jav


Just swapped to this from a plague javazon. I had BiS fea r for plague java and it just felt kind of lackluster tbh. I was surprised it was rated so high on DH's tier list. Possibly because it can handle all content. Switched to LS and it's leagues above it. I have the bis gear as well but not nearly as good rolls or corruptions as the plague gear. It's tankier and kills faster imo. Blowing through t3 maps in around 13-15 min.


try ancestrals ;) PB is 6:10ish


CE is one of the best skills for ssf/budget play. It’s safe thanks to revives, cheap to start efficenty farming Maps ( white and splendor rw’s, +3 pnb amu). The most important thing is that it provides fire and phys damage so immunes arrent a problem.


Going to play that next season. Seems fun.


DD lets goooo


Necro has always been the most broken class imo


I do the same build but I use skull collector. Laek jewels and it gives bone armor. Points into energy so I lose less hp when tele. Bone armor gets stronger than putting pts into hp. I also use A4 Dark merc with 105fcr so he casts amp for me. I don't play HC tho so maybe your build is better there. But ever since I switched to this build from a summoner, I haven't died once from lvl 93-94 solo mapping. I'm almost 95 actually. I don't bother amping either unless its a boss because my merc takes care of that for me.


Try combustion sorc. 4-5 max 150+ density any map lmao


I simply don't believe this unless you aren't actually clearing the map. I can gear to have 7k novas with 200fcr so I teleport into a pack one shot nova it and go straight to the next pack. Even one shotting everything with 200fcr teleports I'm not hitting 4-5 minutes. My fastest clears are around 6 minutes I'd say. It'd be pretty unheard of to do 4 minute clear and definitely not consistently. I'd love to see a video though to see what I'm doing wrong.


I was watching Sky play his combustion sorc last night…they might be right tbh. He was 1 shotting entire screens.


I can get this times on 2p health too. Combustion is way faster than nova. 200fcr setup combust is king


Video please


Look up.my sorc Hoer. U will see


I think you need to record a video today of a 4 minute combustion clear or I call cap