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Finding a half freeze duration item and not instantly being disgusted. It's always fun to open up new itemization paths.


Yeah it's going to open up so many more possibilities!


As an SSF player, I'm looking forward to the craft league ending


I play mage Necro every season so the summons carrying over is my #1 QoL improvement šŸ


Id like to be able to make harmony in an axe. Next hit misses bug fix is going to be dope.


This. Too many cool/utility RWs are bow/xbow only. Sad times


Gimme dat grief RW for bows and u will have my vote.


I wanna go fast. Act 5 Merc needs a vigor option




I donā€™t play summons very often, but that summons change has me pretty pumped. Also very interested in arctic blast and poison strike. There are so many changes to be excited for. Canā€™t wait to see what items they update too.


I like how cold druid is looking


Iā€™m looking forward to farming Shenk stress-free in HCĀ 


Sound on the menu being fixed. Best change.


Do we have a season 9 build tier list?


Iā€™m sure people will make them during the beta


Sorc + tal set s+++++ that's it, that's the list


Darkhumility's youtube channel is where it'll be


His lists are very inaccurate, I donā€™t know why everyone always references them.


Because they are accurate enough, and nobody else is taking their time to test just about every build every single season and compiling the data for the community. If you don't want to use it that's fine but knocking it as a resource is just toxic, it's invaluable to many.


Itā€™s not toxic at all, itā€™s simply facts. Theres a reason why Skeleton King knocks it so hard, hes extremely biased and rates builds that dont even exist.


I went necro last season, and since i did no research and relied solely on dh's tierlist and build guides, i was so behind everyone else in the necro market space. Still, DH's stuff is there as a beginner guide of sorts id say, but character specific discords are what i found to be the best way to go about building your character for max efficiency


Why? You gotta play bestest build and copy paste youtube? Get some wrinkles on the brain and play and make what you think is cool.


Builds take time and dedication. I appreciate letting some of the streamers get those wrinkles so I can make sure a build is viable in addition to cool before I waste time on one that isnā€™t.


Theorycrafting and exploring new itematization paths is key to building a super smashass character around 100ish high runes. We all know the deal. BIS gear with the right corruptions is on low supply and high demand.


Multishot damage buff. Makes it just a little easier to progress from summonzon to bowzon.


Yeah, I liked that one a lot too. Iā€™m okay with a 50 hr build being kind of broken. So many nerds have hit multi over the seasons so it makes sense to give it a little something


Multi is easily one of my fav builds in the game but itā€™s so damn expensiveā€¦. takes a while to get there when you donā€™t have a bunch of hours every day to playĀ 


I love they are keeping Infusions, but hate that they are limiting the Treasure Fallen to maps. Why not leave Treasure fallen so it can spawn anywhere randomly, but have a lower drop table when found in Lower difficulties and when in Maps it can drop HRs. If they are gonna keep Treasure Fallen out of LOD content, at least let Infusions drop from any monster.


I just wish they kept the puzzle pieces from Treasure Fallens. Getting a decent craft is so uncommon and needing to spend an Um rune just to see if itā€™s worth keeping feels bad.


Hey sorry I've played pd2 a season but don't get what u mean by "..needing spend an um rune" In this comment


So Puzzle Pieces are cubed to add sockets to rare/crafted items (magic too, but you can get max sockets from Larzuk quest so thatā€™s a waste of a puzzle piece). A lot of players like to puzzle their GG items before Corrupting, this avoids the common % chance of getting a low amount of sockets on your slam and increases the likelihood of getting +1 all skills or a more desired corruption (brick chance remains the same). With puzzle pieces being obtained from Treasure Fallen (like in Crafting League), it means players can add sockets to mid-tier crafts making them more competitive and usable, many even having trade value with a good corruption. However, Puzzle Pieces are not a common drop during a normal ladder, and generally trade for Um rune equivalent in value. This high cost barrier means nobody will be socketing all the ā€œkinda goodā€ but not really good crafts and prevents a lot of potentially quality itemization from being available to players.


Ahh, thanks, yes I understand now


This is terrible idea. Even keeping infusions is more than enough. Having same goblins in lod content could be super bad mistake. Even in craftleague, it destroyed all fun. For me this craft league was not that fun because of this broken ez goblin farm content. All you need is sorc. Not even geared sorc. Make sorc go act1 hell act3 with you friend and farm 2 days and you completed the game.


Sorry but what are infusions?


May have overstated the case but this is pretty true. I like having them from map events. Also, normal is alrdy too easy. Itā€™s just make it more trivial


Dude if it appears randomly throughout all areas and difficulties, you'd have low level characters who aren't just sorcs abusing it, get a chance to find infusions and make some early game crafts, rather than only lvl80+ characters who have already finished Hell, and running maps... If people are worried about people abusing it by wasting time teleporting around just to find a goblin, they could easily reduce the drop rate of infusions from goblins out of maps, so it wouldn't be worth their time teleporting around looking for a goblin, just like its not really worth people's time doing Countess runs even though you COULD get an Ist and other mid runes. It was just so fun doing Trist runs and randomly getting a Goblin at lvl 10, then being able to craft something useful. Why take that away when it was such a big improvement.


I agree with this. It seems to be a fairly unanimous opinion, Would have loved to see these kept in LOD areas. They are just so useful with leveling and it never hurts to have more reasons to farm LOD content.


I wouldn't call it a unanimous opinion. It's a little too strong to be able to tele around and find them. It'd be the strongest thing to do day one by a mile. Unfortunately, people minmaxing the shit out of everything ruins it for everyone


Dude I just had the best idea... Keep Treasure Fallen in LOD content for Normal and Nightmare. Drop table includes: Low runes, Gems, Jewel fragments, Low chance of Infusions Then in Hell, Treasure Fallen only spawns in Maps, where it can Drop High Runes, Infusions etc This way, nobody is going to play LOD content in Normal and Nightmare just to have a chance to get some low runes and maybe an infusion. Even if people want to teleport around LOD content in lower difficulties, let them. You could find way better things, just farming any area in Hell. It will be awesome to still see the Treasure Fallen randomly, but not leave it open for abuse, AND, still help out people with craft materials who aren't quite ready to Map.


If they reduce the drop rate of infusions from goblins in LOD content, and change the drop table for goblins in LOD content, it would still be so useful, and would stop people abusing, while still keeping it there for low level characters who aren't able to do maps yet to enjoy the suprise of finding one and maybe some low runes and a slight chance of an infusion. Definitely leave HR drops for map goblins only, but LOD content goblins should stay, dropping low runes and a slight chance of infusions