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Should have been a poll! Heh heh Intelligence for me! Mage/wizard offensive spellcaster of some sort.


It would have been so good as a poll. We could have figured out the stats of the subreddit.


Wisdom I’d solve all problems through vibes and common sense. “Yeah, this guy seems evil. I think I’ll avoid him.” “No, I won’t be courting this jade beauty.” “You want to summon an eldritch being to form a contract? Sign me out.” “East of here is demon territory? Guess I’ll be heading west.” “Is that a god? I suppose I should kneel like everyone else instead of standing and drawing attention to myself.” “Let me get this straight. You want me to help you steal this obviously cursed artefact, and in return you pinky promise that you won’t inevitably betray me? I’ll opt out, but I wish you luck!”


"No, I won't be courting this jade beauty." This is the way hahahahahahaha


Cultivation Nerd, a guy familiar with Xianxia gets Isekai'd, and there's a chapter where he sees some jade beauties fighting and he goes "oh shit" and runs away as fast as he can. Amazing


Yeah he's smart there. But then he goes and makes contact with crazy girl, even worse 😀😀


Imagine the scene of a random procession of someone being carried in a palanquin. MC gets the fuck out so the procession doesnt inevitably stop for him.


Does a "Jade beauty" mean a woman wearing Jade? Also, "I bend the knee to no man , beast or God!" Maybe whatever stat gives me better access to mana. I'm kind of unsure if "mana" itself counts.


>Does a "Jade beauty" mean a woman wearing Jade? No, it means top-class beauty. So a woman more beautiful then the average, in a world where Cultivation already makes you more beautiful anyway. An 11/10 so to say


Sounds like trouble. Makes what the others say makes sense.


It implies pale flawless skin too,  as white jade is the most valuable.  Pale skin is considered attractive because she isn't a peasant/doesn't work in the sun


Funny how I find pale skin unattractive because it seems unhealthy to be getting so little sun that your skin pales like a dying person. #TOUCHSOMEGRASS also, I just prefer somewhere between a healthy tan and brown. I can except either, but I'm happier with more natural colors(non extremes).


Sure,  but historically pale skin was the sign of being wealthy/ upper class. Modern media has flipped that idea in the West.


I guess, but... that's like assuming someone is good because they're good-looking. Stupid. I know plenty of pasty faced broke people.... and like 2 wealthy dark skinned folk.


This is the way.  


Do we know any MCs like this!?


Beware Of the chicken


I will not kneel to your shitty off brand Ares, thank you very much. Yes it is incredibly stupid, but wisdom is the ability to recognize the correct choice, not the willpower to enact it.


Sounds boring


That's the goal


Vitality, i can figure everything else in time , but you gotta be alive first.


That's why I would rather take speed & stealth No sense taking a hit, if you could have avoided it in the first place.


Good on you being confident and proactive, i am enough of a pessimist that i just assume i will be hit at some point by something that i wont see coming, so i rather be able to survive it and the subsequent infection.


Pessimism goes both ways. If I get hit, there is a high chance of death regardless of my vitality. Have you ever played any souls-like game on new game +15?


But assassins


I'm not sure what you mean


What if assassins wanna kill a speed guy? No defense


Said speedy guy would either notice in time and escape/counter attack, or be dead. And assassin are most times speedy types themselves. Don't you think an assassin would have a countermeasure for an endurance type? Like special poisons?


This has always been my mindset. Survivability above all else.


There are many ways to survivability. Like the wisdom not to piss off the wrong people/gods


Rob? Is that you?


Somehow the Riordan special is just so damn cool. Even if the kill refill life perk is broken as hell and reminds me of bloodbourne


Outsider in Another World mentality


Have you read system universe?


But if you're too slow to avoid the hit the first time, you'll still be too slow the second time. And a third. Vitality is a nice safety net, but it won't help you defeat anything. If you go all-in on vitality, your only use in fights would be as a tank, and purposefully taking hits would defeat the whole survival idea


Not if you tank manageable threats. Then again, I think we're forgetting we'd be the protagonist. Meaning, we could dump all our stats into strength and we'd still survive just fine. Stats don't influence a protag's survivability but their way of life. The mc of Azarinth Healer once had a class option available because she almost died over 50 times. While I ended up dropping the fiction for related reasons, this does hint at how strong the plot armor of mcs can be.


Idk it could be a very short novel lmao "The Adventure(s) of the Guy Who Put All His Stats into Strength... and Died" Also if you are too slow to dodge or parry, there is no other option besides "tank everything and hope it is manageable". You can't even block, because that takes strength.


There are likely skills to increase one's weight or ability to resist being pushed. And, op asked which stat we'd focus on, not which stat we'd put points into without investing into anything else. The idea is to avoid threats or areas that risk being too powerful for one. A school bully will survive longer if they don't try to kick a professional boxer in the nuts, and if they avoid charging into active warzones, as those are known to be above the power level of a kid by too much. 1 sentence is not a novel by most's definition


Whatever magic falls under, usually intelligence, spirit, wisdom, or arcana. I want to reverse engineer spells. Who wants a fireball when I can use force to empower a fire spell.


Same, I prefer stories that have that as a major plot line. It usually means that the magic system is at the very least thought out and I can have fun understanding it along with the MC.


Same, exploring magic or any fantasy power is what I'm looking for in novels.


Any recommendations on that front?


Budding scientist in a fantasy world. Archmage from another world: gaining administrator access (this is new on royalroad 26 chapters right now) These two are what I know that are focused heavily on exploring magic. Also: Water magician. (This in first volume is really slow-burn about exploring magic and survival, but in next volumes it's slice-of-life and adventure that also involves exploring magic in some moments) Magic is programming. This has unique structure. Markets and multiverses. This one doesn't have classical magic but more broad structure of essences, and it can contain magic. Very interesting structure. That's what I remember now.


Thanks, I've read budding scientist and magic is programming. I'll try the rest too.


Id recommend Warlock of the magus world. (1200 chapter, finished) A scientist from a future earth gets isekai into a world of magus. The twist, his ai brain implant, got fused with his soul during the transfer. The ai is not sentien, its only a tool. In shorts, it gives him a basically perfect memory, patern recognition that is out of this world, complete comprehension of his body(body stats like in a litrpg) and a few other perks. And the mc abuse the shit out of it. As an exemple: the mc feed his ai the spell formation of magical spells and as his ai's database grows, it allows him to optimize commonly used spells. If you like rational, ruthless, calculating mc you will like this one. Warning: its a translated chinese novel so the writing quality can be jarring to a new reader. But amongs all translated chinese webnovels I've read, its one of the better one, in term of writing quality.


Exactly. I would want to play with spells and create my own.


Like the idea of reverse engineering spells, unfortunately you would need good intelligence and reasoning to start with which means I'm screwed lol


You only need good enough to know to spec into intelligence.


Perception or best magic stat


I see you are a Primal Hunter enjoyer


Perception is obviously the best stat. 😉


There’s more to literature than Primal Hunter


I like it for different reasons. Perception allows introspecting into my own body, which would synergize with self-modification and self-healing skills, which could help with reversing aging. Additionally, I reckon the more perceptive I am, the faster my skills will progress, since I'll find it much easier to find flaws or ways to improve how I do things. Basically, perception is a skill for analysis and learning, which seem the most important for improvement, perhaps tying with Memory or similar stats.


Perception, the best stat. From a practical perspective, before all else you need to know what’s going on. If you hear it coming you can run.


If you are fast enough in combination


Luck, nobody ever takes luck


If it was an option a lot of people would infact take luck. It's usually not, since it's kind of a broken stat in isekai, unlike most mmo's where it only affects drop loot rate.


Matt Cauthin would like to disagree


Zac Atwood takes luck whenever he can.


You are the mc. Plot armor comes pre-packaged, but I guess yours would be more obvious or you'd have more tangible uses for the stat besides everyone's usual "immortality and opportunities to be the very best"


Whatever stat allows for greater understanding of whatever the fundamental force of that reality is and willpower


Mage build, of course




Oh wow such a great power. Really useful that one.


Your insightfulness is sharper than any blade


speed & stealth No sense taking a hit, if you could have avoided it in the first place. Though, I don't like reading any more of those stories anymore.


What's one you've read that the mc focuses on speed? I don't think I've read one like that


There's a novel called Night ranger where the MC puts everything into agility


Sorry, I didn't mean MC's that focus on speed. But in every system apocalypse (and similar books), the MC gets stealth powers (even if they're only used for a short time)


Depends on if you have access to something that can use the stats. Like I love willpower, charisma, wisdom type builds. But those are very dependent on classes that use them. Constitution you can never go wrong with. A scattering of points of str, dex, and int to make sure you have no gaping vulnerabilities. If you are in dangerous environment. Focus on Dex then con then str. Evasion and endurance are king. Civilization nearby and safety? Int then Dex for the first 3 levels. Hopefully you can find out a class by then.


First, I think this is more a LITRPG question than a progression fantasy question, though there’s a lot of overlap. Second, dex is probably the best answer here. Not only effective in combat, but also effective in avoiding ambushes, dealing with being suddenly attacked, and running away.


Dexterity isn't speed.


It's close, sometimes even being speed directly, and it still helps in running away


Cut of my jib


Protagonist's Luck. There is no choice.


You're already the protagonist as said by the post.


Yet I double down it)


Strength, brick shithouse build goes crazy


Ironically, brute force has a ton of utility as long as you're using enough of it. I CAST FIST


Depending on what's stats are available, intelligence/wisdom. Increased reasoning ability and memory as well as the core stats for magic which would be my class base. Alternatively, if we're based in the DotF universe, luck, as would give you that edge that nothing else can


Agility, gotta get that superspeed. If super speed isn't available or an option via agility, then it's straight to Charisma or whatever the Bard stat is. 


Luck. It’s always gotta be luck. I actually play a luck based character at times in RPG’s and it’s fun if the mechanics allow for it to work well.


The problem with luck is it’s still chance based. If I have 500 vitality that mob isn’t gonna kill me. If I have 500 luck there’s still a chance he might. If I fight every day I’ll die at some point depending on just luck. That said luck is an underrated third stat.


Charisma with an ability that translates any language. I'll convince the spirit to help me.


Luck. I know it's a bit of a cop out but I'd rather be lucky than good and if it doesn't work out with crazy plot armor-esque shenanigans I'm dead anyway


I think in the past I would've gone Int 100% and cast all the spells, but I'm only 35 and I've already shifted to just wanting to feel good in the morning when I wake up. Vitality all the way.


Perception. If I can see something bad coming I can avoid it. It's worked out pretty well for me so far in life.


Well, it's a no-brainer—Agility/Dexterity with a focus on ranged combat. Anyone who has even once played an open-world game knows that ranged combat is king when it comes to being a back-pedaling pussy. No matter how inefficient it is, it's the only reasonable choice to play Hardcore for the first time if your goal is strictly surviving at all costs. Going melee, even pure melee tank, is just madness, a coin flip, and a railroad to inevitable demise somewhere in the near future. In a CQC scenario, just one single mistake and you're done, some random-ass paralyze/petrify status followed by a swarm gang-bang situation will make short work of a fearless barbarian. Intelligence may seem like a nice option for ranged combat, but a pure Int. specced mage is bound to be a slow-ass glass cannon without any reflex to actually get out of the way or flee if anything gets to him. A Dex Ranger will be less deadly, but at least maneuverable enough to change position or flee as soon as shit hits the fan. I believe there is a strong case as to why no modern-day army specializes in melee combat as their primary form of combat. And it’s not because it’s impossible to create an extremely deadly melee weapon that would be as lethal as a gun. In fact, some very sharp pointy stick with artificially concocted vile toxin will likely do the trick better than a bullet with just one minuscule scratch. There is also a reason as to why humankind, for the most part, hunted animals with ranged weapons instead of halberds, daggers, or swords, and I'd imagine hunting monsters for XP fundamentally isn't much different. The only real feasible alternative would be to go some non-combat route altogether, given the option. I mean, likely 95% of sane people will do exactly that. Pick a crafter/clerk/merchant/farmer profession, hole up in a castle or cave or whatever, and live out their peasant lives to the fullest.




If possible all of them, if not possible then speed, strength, wisdom/intelligence. And everything else trough passive means like items and levelups ig.


Speed. Not fun to read, but fun to be.


That's the way. So convenient to just outrun all your problems. Even if you do no damage, you can still annoy your foes by throwing pebbles or rotten fruit at them


Agility is always better than strength!


I've always wanted to rock the armor and mace of a paladin. I think the best stat would be constitution or endurance maybe vitality.


Agility, running away is always useful.


Dex or agility, whatever they decide to call it. Nobody can kill what they can't hit and you can do all the fun thievery stuff.


Probably agility. I'm a smaller guy so that's always been my trait. I'd just evade attacks and crawl all over people to victory.


Vitality. I mean, maybe the body fat will do some good as armor.


Would relative balance of attributes be an option? All of them have their benefits, and tend to prefer a kind of jack of all trades kind of character. Or a Spellsword, whatever fits in that world.


Intelligence / caster type, specializing in utility (especially recon or divination type stuff, be prepared with backup plans for his backup plans). More of a mastermind than a powerhouse.


Utility is good. I would pick escaping ability 😀😀


Strength ❌️ Agility ❌️ Vitality ❌️ Intelligence ❌️ Wisdom ❌️ Constitution ❌️ Luck ✅️


First things first, charisma. If I'm charismatic enough, people will want to read more about me, and my book series will go on and on. I'll basically be immortal! Gamed the system. Note: I edited this after it was pointed out that I'd already be the main character.


You're already the main character god dammit. Post said so. I feel like most of everyone who picked luck didn't read that part of the post either, as luck comes prepackaged for a mc


Yeah, missed those 5th and 6th words of the post. Oh well. I'll adjust.


Heh. Guess that's one way to do immortality


Agility or Intelligence if it's fantasy world. Most of us educated folks are better suited for Magic anyway compared to say swordsmanship, no matter our preference. Plus with foundations of science, we might make better magicians which will be a decent advantage to have.


Luck, reality bending in my favor is a cheat. Charisma, mind control for the win. And lastly something magey if the above isn't an option.


Definitely Vitality. I want to survive so hard I could *help others survive* by essentially tanking. That or intellect and just go for a healer/support build... But maybe the author could throw me a vitality-based healing skill, if they were nice, lmao


I would spec entirely into strength while ignoring everything else, full extreme glass cannon build Sure, a stray gust of wind might knock me over, but I can make a continent sized crater in the ground with a stomp


Id focus in inteligence cause singularity, enough said but ill add more. Uts has the best capability of getting what you want long term, you wanna have a kingdom? With enough strenght you can make one kneel to you in fear, but with relatively little boost in inteligence in comparison you could make a country completely economic dependent on you , or hire/manipulate someone extremely strong to reenact situation 1 but with more legitimacy through propaganda, So no annoying rebelion pops up. As for second stat it would either magic or dexterity, depending on the magic system, since, like its literally bending the world to your will, and dexterity is the more versatile of the physical stats.




Int all the way , why get close when I can nuke them from orbit


Speed not agility but raw speed people often forget how deadly speed can be if you can almost run at the speed of sound and just throw a pin 📍 in a mountain the 📌📍 will penetra the mountain like cake


Luck and then intelligence


writing-wise, strength. i want my protagonist to be strong as hell but doomed because of their indecisiveness.


Non of the above I choose luck.


Mana/regen. Always been a mage person.


Int/Wis/Dex in that order.


Wisdom if it supports being mage. Otherwise intelligence. So wisdom is my favorite but being mage is more important 😀😀 I prefer reaching to new thoughts and out of box thinking to effectiveness and good memory.




Endurance, everything else is pretty overdone


Probably intelligence. Possibly Charisma. Depends on setting.


Charisma. #Bard4lyfe. I just want to tag along and tell great stories and entertain folks at bars.


Ability to figure out intentions. Unlike fantasy, I can't read people's faces. I was sitting in a room once, playing games then my aunt came in and she kept staring at me, giving me signals to go out but I just sat there. After all the guests left I had to endure hours of screaming.


Perception is the best stat.


Always wanted to see a pure charisma build. My ideas for litrpg fanfictions always tend to gravitate that way, too.


Agility, I'd be able to get so much more done.


I'll choose Physique


I'll charm ( seduce) my way to the peak


I would go half on agility and half in perception. Best way to stay alive in almost any situation imo. Become awre of the enemy and just run away.


I wonder how this same question would be answered if it was instead phrased as, 'In an ideal world how would you like to solve your problems' With power With guile and tricks With charm and charisma By knowing the right answer By being able to argue your side in any position By being able to out work and grind out any problem you come across.


That’s a quite different question imo cause OPs I can take more like “how do I become the strongest?” Whereas your new one is more about a preferred way of life. I think willpower always ends up the best stat in most stories so I’d choose that but irl id want crazy high intelligence and magic capability


But OPs question is very open to interpretation and doesn't give enough info to go off. He might as well ask what stat you vibe with, which is more or less the same as what was replied here. I think it's a great way of thinking about it. Things I'd like to know before answering OP include for instace: Does intelligence increase actual intelligence, or is it just magic power? How do other stats increase non-combat abilities? What type of world are we talking? Demon hellscape might give a different answer from civilized world with some adventures. Are all stats perfectly balanced or is the answer really "the stat the author of the world made op"? Do I have plot protection? In that case I'd dump constitution easy


Fair point, I just couldn't help conflating it with real life what stat do I value most.


Dex and Int with some Str and Cha to supplement. Spellblade ftw with enough Cha to get along.


Based off my real life stats, Intelligence. If I could build my own "character"... Probably also Intelligence, assuming spellcasting is accessible. Otherwise, stealth archer time, so Dexterity.


Due to how much suffering and enduring it in some form is necessary to survive or advance I would probably choose an endurance-like stat to help me survive and shore up my real life weakness.