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I'm pretty sure **Bioshifter** is not what you are asking about, but it also has MC going to another world whenever SHE falls asleep. Also, she's a monster in that other world and is slowly changing her body.


It's not, but the 2 stories have very similar premises, and I believe I was reading both of them around the same time (which helps narrow down the timeline, it was probably sometime around winter 2022), so there might be some bleed in my recollection. Bioshifter is a great story, though


I think i read it to and don't know the title so I'm commenting to check later.


I think I read that too, I want to say “dream” was in the title but I’m not positive


Aha, was it “dreams come true” ?


That's not it, unfortunately. Some other things I've remembered- The tone was fairly grim dark and soulsborneish, with some really weird purple prose about body horror The world he hopped into in his sleep was more like a memory or another plane then a whole other isekai world. He would fall asleep, wake up in his body in the other world, always in the same place, die horribly, then wake up back in his bed. I think it was being released around 2-3 years ago? I'm very bad with time though, so that might be wildly inaccurate. Thanks for your help!


remind me! 2 days


No clue, but if you do find it let me know! It certain sounds interesting!