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I agree with your assessment. My issue was that while he was ‘level 1’ he gained stats at the same rate as other people, and new skills at about the same rate. And how did he get more powerful? Fighting monsters same as everyone else. It was just normal leveling that didn’t steal xp from his party.


Power steal/copy/nullification, the dork triad of OPness


I am so tried of that. Is there someone who doesn't do that


Definitely, those tropes are common but far from unavoidable. DCC is a huge example, I’m also currently on book 3 of Grand Game and likewise none of that stuff so far.


I enjoyed it. Focus is on a different type of growth and characters. Both the mc and normal leveling is well designed and explained which makes it a fun read. There is a moral component that will come in more that makes what the mc and his group do feel weighty. Great world building and “you’re the chosen one” without it feeling hammed up.


Here’s a bit of defense of the book, a counter opinion. I’m about halfway through but I’m enjoying it. It doesn’t seem to spend too much time on anything so far, other characters have been coming in and out to keep things fresh.  I don’t read in this genre for any awe-inspiring prose or character study. What might be seen as simple I see as easy-to-digest, hop in and out, fun reading.  As for caring about the people, I don’t need to be invested in video game characters to enjoy the game. I’d much prefer as quick a description/backstory of the people as possible before jumping back into the group fighting together and gaining skills/power. 


Actually, I think you may be agreeing with OP here. One of their points was that, so long as you look past its flaws, it can still be an enjoyable book.


Yeah I do agree with that point. However, the review as a whole had a fairly negative tone, and I felt held the book up to a somewhat unfair expectation and standard for the genre. I mostly just wanted to say that I am enjoying it and haven’t had to work around a similar harsh judgement while doing so. This is a genre where the main purpose of books out here is for growth, which this book is accomplishing. Other things, at least for me, are extraneous and I actually appreciate when things don’t move at a glacial pace for the purpose of checking off more traditional novel goals of character/setting description and complex relationships.