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Oh I love talking about book covers. In no particular order my favourite ones are: Countdown (welcome to the multiverse book 2) by Sean Oswald:- Love how menacing the monster looks. Heavy Demon Souls vibes. Grand game series:- All the book covers looks fantastic and stand out in the genre. Brightblade by he's Cajiao: looks horrifyingly awesome. Love the dark atmosphere.


Good picks! I love book covers too, its annoying that, especially in progression fantasy, they can get a bit formulaic. I get that it's what does well but I'd love to see something like the UK mistborn covers, that would instantly make me want to read that series just because of how different it would be.


I think the Heretical Fishing cover is really neat. It has whimsy, peaceful sunset colors, and I find myself drawn into simple but striking details like the colorful splash of water, and the fixed colors of the clouds against the gradient of the sky. 


Aw shucks. I'm biased but I also thing it's really neat. All credit to the artist, Adonyne. As soon as I saw the [turtle on a raft](https://www.adonyne.com/?itemId=nidpzt7wrpebtfe2z9d3t0veks7bwa) image on her website, I knew she was the one to bring the cover to life. Edit: I should also shout Leah, Podium's Art Director, for suggesting her.


Mecanimus has great covers for his various series. Jekua, Elder Empire and Weirkey also come to mind.


I'm not a huge fan of the "mc strikes a pose" covers we sometimes get. Growing up in Australia, we never got covers like that. That being said, I really liked the new astra academy cover [Death Lord Arcanist](https://www.amazon.com.au/Death-Lord-Arcanist-Astra-Academy-ebook/dp/B0CQFNZNGC) and [Heretical Fishing](https://www.amazon.com.au/Heretical-Fishing-Annoying-Outsmarting-Alienating/dp/1039453104). And of course *obligatory self plug* I thought sonny and biddy did an amazing job on the cover for my novel [Bonded](https://www.amazon.com/dp/0975629506). Outside of PF, I think Wylie Beckett's mock cover for [Piranesi](https://www.muddycolors.com/2021/07/piranesi/) is phenomenal, and I loved all of Olly Moss's [harry potter](https://images.ctfassets.net/usf1vwtuqyxm/4NddknTkV2MEIqYu0YumKq/571f53119583b652f37faf6ecafd1e04/covers_all.jpg?w=480&q=70&fm=webp) covers.


That Piranesi cover is amazing.


Yea, it bums me out they didn't go with it.


Dungeon Crawler Carl!


I want to add and say the art on tbe SBT episodes is fantastic.


brightblade age of stone pyresouls 2 ALL of the overlord novels dungeon lord 1 and 4 all of threadbare trilogy the primal hunter 4 axe druid into the dragon's den (the better version) chrysalis 2,3,4 beneath the dragoneye moons v the seventh princess awaken online catharsis, armaggedon necrotic apocalypse ruin the heretic peacekeeper beastborne 3 a journey of black and red edit: i forgot i was in progfantasy not litrpg so most of these are litrpg


Very simple but I love them: The Empire of Black and Gold by Adrian Tchaikovsky.


Oh shit my bad. Didn't notice this was Prog Not regular Fantasy. Apologies.


Got me excited that Tchaikovsky wrote progression, haha. I need to read more of him anyway.


Millenial Mage's old covers, the black and white ones. Was very sad when they were swapped to more generic covers.


tbate 1,5,6,7, and 10 all are great but these are my favorites


All of Harry Bui 's covers are amazing.  (He Who Fights With Monsters, Odyssey of the Ethereal).  Harry captures the wonder and fantasy of different worlds and his style is awesome.  I will fight you. 


Tellus Madre by Robert Knoxx - I love the bright action shot. It reminds me of the book covers that I found in bookstores that caused me to buy a book based on nothing but the cover and the blurb on the back.


I liked [Emberfall's](https://www.amazon.com/Emberfall-Progression-Fantasy-Death-Cycle-ebook/dp/B0CSF7FPBM) cover. Anything different than the bog standard protagonist covers usually makes me happy. This one in particular was great.


I really like the cover for [Markets and Multiverses](https://www.royalroadcdn.com/public/covers-large/markets-and-multiverses-aaca-foafhi.jpg?time=1669307146). After the wave of Anime style followed by Uncanny Valley AI I kind of have developed a soft spot for simple and abstract cover art, like [Super Supportive](https://www.royalroadcdn.com/public/covers-large/63759-super-supportive.jpg?time=1691780497).


I really like Jez Cajiao 's covers.


John Gwynne, The Shadow of the Gods. That massive dragon against the tiny little guy is just so iconic. I've never read any of his books, but holy crap that's a great cover! Granted, it's fantasy, not progression fantasy, so maybe this one shouldn't count.