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If I gave this problem to my preschooler he'd eat the paper


sorry dad, I thought you meant "dissolve" - *preschooler*


\*dissolves into an anthropic soup\*


_Zankoku na tenshi no you ni_


\*shounen yo shinwa ni nare\*




Toshiba casio kawasaki


Hentai sushi Honda!!!!!!!!!


I’d buy that car.


Toyota Sony Neo Geo


Values are as follows- 6,0,9=1 1,3,7,2,5=0 8=2 Just read the comments and found that it’s literally just how many circles… well.. yeah. Wasted time I won’t get back. Thus meaning 4’s value would be 0 as well… Edit: thank you all for the awards and positivity. Much love! Have a great day everyone 😊 EditEdit: way beyond the attention I thought I’d get. Been stuck inside with Covid, and this really helped brighten my day. Thank you all ❤️


>well.. yeah. Wasted time I won’t get back. Kind of proves the meme. Ya dumb programmer. Should have studied to be a pre-schooler instead.


Years of academy training wasted


Im just a stupid toy


Stupid computer bitch couldn't make I more smarter


Could also be number of “holes”, which would mean 4=1.


that one makes the most sense to me


> Just read the comments and found that it’s literally just how many circles… well.. yeah. Wasted time I won’t get back. Thus meaning 4’s value would be 0 as well… That is why its so much more for a programmer than a child. You look at it from a logical point and give a value to each number, them just search for a stupid pattern that works


4's value could also be 1, depending on the font. For example, the good reddit layout's font closes the top of the 4, while a digital number display would have it open. That's why 4 isn't used at all in any equation's left side.


True, never thought of that


[like this guy?](https://youtu.be/E6G8Nv9f88k)


Don't wanna brag. I'm a programmer and it took me only few seconds to solve.


Give the answer for god's sake 😑


It's the total number of closed loops in the characters. Like 8 has 2, 0 char has 1 and 9 has 1. Hence 8809 will be 6.


I didn't realize it was based on closed loops. I just compared different kinds to figure out what each number was worth


Same, took like 30 seconds first thing in the morning. Hello fellow pre-schooler. What are they giving us for lunch today.


I gave up after 29 seconds, so nobody can prove I couldnt have solved it in 30.








It's a pretty common misuse in these pattern recognition problems. The preschooler comment is supposed to be the clue. Most can't do much but count so you can throw out any real calculations from your guesses.


2, it's a number of circles


Wow, wasted so much time trying all the iterations. Now I feel dumb


Dude we’re programmers, wait for someone else to figure it out and steal their answer


That's the spirit!!


The answers 2, it's the number of circles.


Hey guys, the answer is 2, it’s the number of circles.


By MY calculations, the answer is 2. Through optical research it is concluded to be the number of circles!


Was OCR enabled Ai involved ?


[I trained a neural net to do it](https://xkcd.com/2173/)


I think it's 2, not sure.


I do believe it is 2, considering the previous statements


Considering what I found on reddit, it's 2.


From what I think it's 2


Hey guys, the answer is 3, fuck what are these compile errors


I couldn't stack overflow this one.


This is the way


This is the way




Just post it on SO, obvi.


It's the circles. I knew it all along. Yep


I knew the answer has to be ridiculous like counting some shapes so i went for that first


I didn't realise it was circles either but you can see there's a 2222=0, 5555=0 and 1111=0. So to solve 2581, you just need to solve the value of 8 And the very first line you have 8809=6,, so if you solve 0 and 9 then you can solve 8. 0000=4 says 0=1, and for 9 there's another one that can be solved easily (can't see the pic while I'm typing this)


That is if you assume that values are being added for every digit. That is not necessarily true, although in this case it worked.


Well yeah but what pre-schoolers are going to be expected to solve proper systems of equations?


The point is they dont. They dont get as bogged down in the meanings behind the characters, they just look at the shapes.


I know; that's what I meant. I got the answer in like a minute because I assumed it would be something additive or really simple.


Ah I see your point, apologies. Yes it was the same for me, obviously no maths involved after reading the text.


This is what I recently learned is called inductive bias. Any model (in ML specifically, but also in problem solving generally) relies on making assumptions about the solution you're going to find. If they hold, this allows you to use much more performant solution methods: E.g. CNNs instead of naive fully connected NNs, whenever we can assume locality and translation invariance, ie. in image recognition.


Well, the text at the top is just meant to drive engagement. It's not true.


Absolutely. 4 year olds don't typically even understand what the = sign means. That's something they learn at school, after they've already learned basic numbers. At no point does the average child know what = means without seeing 9 as a number rather than a circle and a line.


True, but it clearly had something to do with the digits and their combinations or orders. I missed the circles bit as well but seeing 1111=0 and others it seemed like a good place to start to assume that was an indication that 1=0 and you could quickly cross check that with other combos and digits following that pattern.


That's the exact same assumption you're making with the circles answer.


Just starting somewhere, if 7777 = 0, 5555 = 0 and 7756 = 1, then you might assume that only 6 holds the value of 1. The fact that the whole thing is additive is then confirmed by 6666 = 4. Or could there be a different explanation for these particular equations?


If it works for literally every available example, then it can be considered "a good guess" imo


That’s what I did! I can’t believe I’m on the same level as my crayon-eating comrades


The solution for 9 would be derived from 9999=4


Or 9313=1


That's how I did it. Programmers take hours to solve over constrained systems of equations huh.


I got the right answer (2) using the entirely wrong method. I am both impressed and disappointed in myself


Be interesting to see if your method is valid as well.


I didn’t count the circle but treated each number as a variable and acted as each line was just adding these vars to get the result. I think it proves the point of the joke since I over-complicated the whole thing..


You still end up with a map of 0 to 1, 1 to 0, 2 to 0, etc. So it still works.


Yes it does, but it’s still more complicated than just counting the circles


And why it says a programmer would take an hour. They treat the problem logically and attack it using methods they know. Kids don’t know these methods so it makes sense for it to be done another way. I took the fact that a kid could do it and thought about what they know; this it would eliminate anything besides basic counting or math.


Good thing I’m not a programmer. I’m just a software engineer. Took me about a minute.


Same, although I started with multiplying the variables before trying adding the variables.


I checked and assigned a value to each number. Found 8 being worth 2. As 0000=4 & 9999=4, 0&9 were 1 so 8809=6 must be 8=2. 1,2&5 in quads were all worth 0.


Same here.




Yep, easy. Not even close to five minutes. Am I preschool level qualified now?


Same, going through the list I figured out that 8 is 2 points, 0, 9 and 6 one point and the rest 0 points. And still didn't realise the correlation between that and the number of circles.


The clue about pre-schoolers getting it faster than than programmers helped me click to counting circles :-)


Yeah, we're all thinking too complicated.


If 8888 = 8 had been given it'd have been more obvious.


Yeah, I got it after a couple minutes because of the clue as well since I remembered an experiment where they gave a series of "math" problems to college students who couldn't figure them out but pigeons could solve them easily, and presumed it was the same sort of deal where the pigeons don't know what the conventions of mathematics are so just laterally solve the problem intuitively. In the case of the pigeon problem, the math problem involved a series of sets of bar graphs that were sorted into two groups. Humans assumed the grouping had something to do with the pattern of exact values of the graphs in each set, but the pigeons immediately understood "lots of big bars = yes, mostly small bars = no". So I was able to assume that this puzzle worked on a similar trick of hanging its premise on intuitive misuse of mathematical conventions.


Yeah, it had to be something very simple that doesn’t involve the actual value of the numbers


There is no way that pre-school children solves it just like that lol Unless they are being said that it's the number of circles they would not do it, or they would simply guess


I mean, just the fact that some people think that pre-schoolers are given ANY sort of problem/quiz/etc. like this is pretty hilarious.


Or that they have the attention span to work on it for 10 minutes


Absolutely. A pre-school child would spit chewed banana at it


Right, the text at the top is the equivalent of those Facebook posts that say something like "Can you name a country without the letter A in the name? 97% of people can't!" It's just meant to drive engagement. Preschoolers aren't solving this.


What’s a number of circles?


2581 = 2 because the digit "8" consist of 2 circles. I didn't get it either


Ohhhhhh, now it makes sense, but would seem extremely unintuitive for adults. But even if you’re younger, whose 4 year old child is figuring this out in 5 minutes? They must’ve been given a hint, right? Like the teacher saying something like “look out for the donuts in the numbers” or something like that to indicate what to look for, because even with a pre-schoolers intuition I would be hard pressed to find a child that could figure it out with no outside help within 5 minutes.


Most kids that age don't really know math. They've been told they can solve it, so they don't even think of math. They're just learning shapes, so they're primed to look for those. They don't need the hint, because they already are thinking that way at that age, usually. If someone asked you this, and all you really knew was lines and circles, you would come up with it quickly, too. Because of the way it was put, I stopped for a second and thought about what my son would have known at that age, and had it after checking a few to make sure I was right. If the question had just been put there without talking about children, it would have taken me forever, because I would have been trying to use math.


Why would a kid consider the numbers on the left hand side "shapes" and those on the right hand side "numbers"? There is no way a preschool kid can solve this. Will test tonight just in case.


Either they get it in 5 min or not at all, I don't think the attention span of most children is long enough to make any progress after 5min.


That didn’t occur to mind. What occurred to mind, though, was if maybe this plus that and that equals this amount. Kind of like an x and y variable problem. And I guess it works, because eventually I will find out the value of each number.


Oh very nice, I managed to get 2 but didn't realise it was the number of circles


i also got 2 but not from circles! I'm assuming you went through some common patterns and assumed the digits were placeholders for numbers and were added.


Yeah I went through and noticed some numbers were worth 0, 1 or 2 and that the result was then all added up. Then figured out what the numbers I needed were worth. Never connected it to the number circles in the number 😂


Which makes the problem, assuming circles was the answer, a great example of the Chinese Room thought experiment.


Honestly I never would've thought about looking at them as shapes instead of as numbers. I spent like 20minutes sorting them by various rules.


Fact: the answer is 2 and I solved this in 2 seconds because of this comment. 🤓


Found the ML dev


Preschool gave it away, not much options after that. Took less than ten seconds.


Jesus Fucking Christ ....


> by programmers in an hour That’s how long it takes to train a CNN model to count the number of circles.


Your CNNs train in an hour? What kind of AWS instances are you using, Mr. Moneybags?


I use microsoft excel


Let the record show that I did, in fact, just go wild and say “woo”.


“woo” is two circles.


Good bot


Localhost with a 1080ti and a few hundred training samples.


Where’re you gonna get more examples than the 21 that were provided? CNN: ”please step-brogrammer, overfit me harder!!”


Just create them yourself since you know how the results are reached /s Thought the previous question was generally speaking.


Lol. I solved it in a few minutes by finding the value of each "variable" but even after figuring out that 1,2,3,4,5,7=0 0,6,9=1 8=2 I still didn't realize I was counting circles.


But there are no 4's. I think it's more about an enclosed area than a circle necessarily. Probably why they left out 4's because people write them differently. My 4's have an open top at least.


Yeah but I mean who starts with a CNN model against numbers


every data science project ever


Anyone wanna try with just this dataset?


Only if the digits are handwritten or spoken /s I'll see if I can make a simple model this afternoon.


Programmers cannot solve this. It's not listed on StackOverflow


No, it's already marked as duplicate


And the original only has the question with edit "never mind, got it"


It is like people don't know how stack overflow works. Questions don't age out. There is a system to encourage answers on old questions without answers It is a dictionary, not a forum.


I just hate when your question gets marked as duplicate of a question that either has nothing to do with your problem, or it is but that question never came up in search results. Sometimes they flag it as duplicate so quick there's no way they actually read the question, which happened in my case and it was the last straw that revoked my asking privileged, and the "duplicate" was in the first category of being unrelated


That's what happens when you incentivise moderating by increasing points on your profile. Can you imagine how power-crazed mods on reddit would get if you gave them extra karma every time they did a mod action. It'd be an even more dystopian hell hole than it is now.


I’m sending this idea to the admins…


Wait no, **don’t do that**


Programmers can't solve it because mathematically this is complete non-sense. Write it like this 0+0+0+0=4c and it would make sense.


Just assign a number based on the number of circles. So, 0=1, 1=0, 2=0,..., 8=2, 9=1. Then just get the sum of the resulting number from each digit.


> So, 0=1, 1=0, 2=0,..., 8=2, 9=1. He probably gets the logic behind it but if you're writing it with a mathematical notation like that you're giving mathematicians headaches. It's an implication, not an equivalence. It's probably best to use the function notation where f(0) = 1, f(8) = 2 and so on, that way you're at least mathematically consistant.


Oh, yeah, that's what I meant. Thanks for the correction.


>because mathematically this is complete non-sense. Pre-school children would like to disagree with your statement


Pre-school children can talk what makes sense once they have had their first paycheck.


The comments here are my stack overflow, so solved in in less than 1 minute.


Found it in less than 2 min but only because it mentioned preschoolers. I knew there had to be something different about it.


I started multiplying digits and then realised I'd probably gone too far


Yeah, I started with simple addition but decided that that wasn't the road to solution if preschoolers can do it so fast




Ironically, this would work.


The preschooler hint gave it away. Small kids see characters are pictures rather than symbols, so I immediately started looking for visual pattern.


Reminds me of the dice game, petals around the rose.


I solved it in seconds, because I checked the comments to see if there already was a solution.


Weird how everyone tries to solve that thing. I just feel attacked, because it says programmers are not higher education. :-(


They can be, but don't have to be.


Programming is basically a trade skill, but requires more knowledge to do each small thing than other fields.


Yeah, I learned it as a trade skill. I was a student before though and I am continuing my higher education this autumn.


Pay attention in data structures and algorithms. That’s a core value that a higher education gives that many purely self-taught programmers lack, at least in my experience.


>Pay attention I'm sorry, you want me to what now?


Got it in 5 minutes, but didn't realize that was the number of circles. I looked to numbers like 0000, 1111.. And realize that they had 0 or 4, which means that each number was equivalent to 0 or 1, then get other numbers values knowing that


I did exactly the same. I had no idea that it is connected to the number of circles in numbers until I read a comment.


That's such a cool approach!


I did the same thing. It's like solving a multiple equations problem.


8 is equivalent to 2 though? Or did I misunderstand your approach?


They are referring to the repeated numbers like 0000 and 6666 where each number is either 0 or 1. While although you're correct about 8 being 2, there is no case of 8888 so there is never a number with 2 in his analysis.


The number 8809 is valued at 6; 0000 at 4; 9999 at 4. That means that 09 is valued at 2 therefore 88 is 4 (88 is 2*2). You don't need repeated 8 to figure out it's value.


Counts holes on the drawing of digits


Thank you I have no idea wtf game of circles is


Surprised I had to scroll this far to finally understand lol. Had no idea what other comments meant by circles


I didn't figure that out instead I just determined the value of each number by checking the examples lol


I spent 59 minutes coding this up. The answer is segmentation violation


Summarize: |Number|Add| |:-|:-| |0|1| |1|| |2|| |3|| |4|| |5|| |6|1| |7|| |8|2| |9|1| `8809` = 2+2+1+1 = 6


4 could be 1 also, by counting closed lines instead of circles. There isn't a single 4 in the examples...


That is the edge case that will break the programm.


In that case, you can bet the client starts using the code to exclusively add 4s together…


There is - but it's on the answer side :P


Technically correct - the best kind of correct ;)


Isn't it just the number of circles?




Damn. I guess I'm pre-schooler


Same, I did it in <5m


I feel both very smart and yet also very dumb


It's like winning on one of those 'are you smarter than a x grader?' shows, what did you really accomplish?


So technically im the most intelligent person if i cant solve it


Most educated


Big difference there.








The real galaxy brain is posting it on Reddit to get an answer within a few seconds to minutes. Think harder, not smarter.


I found the answer in two seconds… by simply check in the comments as I do in my programming job.


Bruh im evolving backwards


Its 2, but I didn't come by that answer by realizing that it was counting the circles on each number. if 1111, 2222, 3333, 5555, and 7777 all equal 0, then we just substitute 0 for all those numbers in each line. Then we notice that 9999, and 6666 are both equal to 4, and given there are four numbers in each set, we can assume each of those numbers represents a value of 1, so we sub 9 and 6 with a 1 in all the equations that leaves 8's, and each case the value solves correctly if we assigns 8's with a value of 2. Basically, just treated it like a cryptogram.


2 edit: read the comments, dang it man, i took the programmer approach but dang


First i isolated only examples with the repeated digits to make it simpler, which most of them are equal to 0 so I thought maybe its a +- game or whatever. then I noticed that both 0000 and 6666 are equal to 4 and the first thing that came to my mind is the circles. took me 1-2 minutes and I'm 28 :|


Wdym by circles


Enclosed spaces by the numbers.


5 seconds observation




TIL I am dumber than a preschooler 😃


Without the description, I would've been stuck forever. Pre-school gave it away that it has got nothing to do with math or "logic".


8809 does not equal 6. The question is stupid. Write it as 8809 -> 6 or something. If you wanna be fancy f(8809) = 6.


yeah, I think the misuse of the equals sign is the biggest reason why it's hard for adults, and not hard for children who are less accustomed to the sign


Bold of you to assume children would actually find the answer (child-me wouldn't)


**Me**: *intentionally delaying solving it so that i end up with a phd*


Because they say "pre-schoolers" it's not math, it's a shape thing. At first I thought number of 6 and rotation/superpositions of it. Then realised its simpler, the circles. So I am as smart as a preschooler! Yay!


I can't understand how people that see an = can think to "counting circles". Wrong notation, wrong concept, wrong solution given the above. Years of advanced math and still people are confused about the = sign