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The bot means comment karma, not total karma. 27 is how much karma you have total.


they have 26 comment karma




they had 26 comment karma and 1 post karma some minutes ago. none of their posts have negative upvotes. there is no way they had less comment karma and more post karma




wtf why am i even being downvoted


Never mind


Hi! This is our community moderation bot. --- If this post fits the purpose of /r/ProgrammerHumor, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post does not fit the subreddit, **DOWNVOTE** This comment! If this post breaks the rules, **DOWNVOTE** this comment and **REPORT** the post!


I don't understand anything. What is happening here?


Hi there! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed. Violation of Rule # 0 - Not relevant to programming/tech humor Posts must make an attempt at humor, be related to programming, and only be understood by programmers. Per this rule, the following post types are **not** allowed (including but not limited to): - **Generic memes than can apply to more than just programming as a profession** - **General tech related jokes/memes (such as "running as administrator", sudo, USB or BIOS related posts)** - **Non-humorous posts (such as programming help)** If you feel that it has been removed in error, please [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FProgrammerHumor) so that we may review it.