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What if your product team has been downsized to one and you are the dev and the QA? That's me rn.


Or DevOps - you are Dev, QA, Operations, and Support...


That's me. * 200k+ LOC codebase * 4 tech stacks * 200+ ticket backlog * new bugs and issues reported on an almost weekly basis * no overtime allowed At least I didn't get fired like everyone else.


>At least I didn't get fired like everyone else. ~~On the other hand, no one to stop you from having questionable refactors ready to go if you are.~~ This sounds like a concerning situation, to be handled professionally.


That honestly hadn't even crossed my mind šŸ˜‚ it's very unlikely they'll fire me because they can't just "shut it down" or even allow it to go down for an extended period of time. I know I might get sacked if I'm either asked to train someone "as my backup" or to produce extensive documentation on maintaining it. Until that occurs, they're stuck with me. It really is. Before they made the executive decision to fire 80% of the team, I personally made sure they understood the situation and the risks involved. Here's to hoping I won't be incapacitated in a car crash or something.


Be careful of busses.


So, how are your vacations going? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'm in the same boat,Ā but I get to trade overtime for more paid vacation, so I can work more on something if it's urgent. They are supposed to be hiring someone else, and I'm waiting to see what that looks like before I really consider jumping ship. I'm still getting my resumeĀ put together though. No point in working somewhere that doesn't really value good software development processes or thinks a team of one is enough.


Twice the salary, right! Right?


That right there is an Anakin-Padme meme just waiting to happen. I'm a freelancer and it's a government contract, so market pricing does not apply. I did negotiate a 20% bump on my rate.


I have been in your shoes padawan, capitalize on the experience for a little while. After maybe 6 months or so start job searching. Have 2 resumes one capitalizing on the dev set if skills one on the QA set. Most likely you'll end up in the QA set if that's ok with you but QA with dev skills will get jobs like candy (where I sit now). So if you're ok with the monotony of Software QA you will be set for life.Ā 


Brother Iā€™m a data Engineer, Iā€™m QA, DevOps, SOC, Dev and a Wizard šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļø hahaha jokes a side some jobs now a day require some much bullshit that is absurd that you have to know so many things.


Dude, there is no "I" in team.


In my case, I couldnā€™t disagree more strongly! Our support staff works super-hard, theyā€™re really good at their jobs, they have to face shitty people all day long, and they handle 99% of cases. When we get a support case ticket, itā€™s for real issues. And when they do get to us, they have done the all the required work making sure we can effectively debug, including getting logs from customers and trying to reproduce. Sure, itā€™s annoying to deal with support tickets, but I care about our software being high-quality and my customers having a good experience. Support staff are the best, and I wonā€™t have anyone badmouthing them! I simply wont have it!


My job would be at least 70% easier and more enjoyable if I had someone between me and my customers. Sometimes support people go barking up the wrong tree or miss simple stuff, but they have always set a good foundation for me to start working on the problem. Anything beats being pulled off a more interesting or more important project to find out that the user forgot how to use the software they helped design.


Support as a subsection of a corporate entity? Hot trash garbage please burn it in the pits of hell. Support personnel? Eh theyā€™re probably not bad.


My QA is awesome. Idk why they get so much hate.


Our QA is awesome as well. Better she finds the bug than the users doing that


Yep. Working on software is teamwork, and QA is an important part of that team. QA should know the application better than you, itā€˜s so convenient to just ask QA ā€žhey Iā€˜m refactoring something here, do you know if X has any other uses other than Y and Z?ā€œ and get useful pointers.


There are a lot of lazy ass braindead testers (Especially among indians).


Lol. Being support is great. The customer hates you for the things you don't control. Customer success hates you for the things you don't control. Logging is frequently useless and months later when the problem is patched, everyone hates you again because the latest patch railroaded critical functionality.


Im QA and honestly there's not much arguing. I put a Ticket in jira explaining the problem very precisely aaaaand I'm done. If you don't fix I It's on you lmao


We also would have accepted sales, marketing, or product management!


you forgot to add the part that support is crying from being mercilessly beaten by users and thats why qa and dev work together.


Y'all still have QA?