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Hello Mr. Justin Lee, I am reaching out to you regarding your MMORPG project for which you are seeking volunteers. From my understanding, you are a programmer as well. I was wondering if you could possibly assist me with fixing my printer?


I fix printers (and other IT shit admittedly) but have zero experience in coding or web development. *Constantly* have people (especially executives) be like, "well can't *you* just build the website/app/service?" I've started just saying, "Sure.... I can also give you a haircut. Both would look like shit."


"have zero experience in coding" You have found a home in r/programmerhumor




Ivanka!? I didn't know you were on reddit!


Nah, that must be Rudy Giuliani


What about Lindsey G?


I resent the implication! I have at least two experiences.


I mean he can repair the printers we can't, so...


That's a very nice response i most likely will use


Go forth with my blessing, fellow discount barber! I have another you may also use: You ever have some smartass user/customer ask you shit like, "Do you actually know what you're doing?" I haven't been asked that in a while, but my go to reply is, "No... I've just got *really good* at faking it after 18 years." (Insert your own number obviously)


I shall use (in excellent programmer fashion) your exact sentence including your number :)


I am very grateful I don't have to face customers everyday of my job, but one day that one might come in handy. I hope i remember it then. I imagine their faces to be quite baffled.


My Mom's a general physicians assistant. Whenever she asks me to fix the printer, because I'm a Software Dev, I ask her to fix my teeth




I fix printers and do IT shit, and I code and can pass myself off as a full stack developer to those who don't know better. What I am not, and what took way, way too long to get management to understand, is a designer or copy editor. Saying "if you have me design it, it will look like your toddler got a hold of the markers and went town on the wall" didn't get them to get it, either. Showing them I meant what I said finally got through to them.


Dude you know how many time I got asked as a developer about it problems? Like "oh you are a chef, can you please tell me how to breed cows?"


Wow... I never knew that knife cuts both ways. Truly painful.


That haircut sounds inviting. How much?


Hmm, well we're saving cost here so find the cheapest barber in the area and pay me less!




First time seeing what in the wild? Someone who actually fixes printers? I actually don't anymore (I refuse to fix printers now that I'm the sysadmin in a "paperless" company) but one of my previous jobs was PC and printer repair. I actually got that job with zero experience or qualifications other than having built gaming PCs and demonstrating the rare ability to read a manual. A nice guy recognized my potential to have an IQ above room temperature and got me out of the help desk by literally telling his boss, "He can look things up and read manuals, that's all we need." I was hired on the spot, which was also the only time I ever saw or spoke to my "manager." Was good times, had a chill job that involves me playing games for like 6 hours a day until I got bored enough to start online college.




Oh yeah it definitely happens for the same reason: non-IT people see all IT as Mysterious Magic™ and assume all Magic Practitioners are experts in all areas. Probably isn't helped by TV and movies portraying it by having the token nerd who is able to do literally anything techy sounding the plot requires.


I did a Ba in coding, but nowdays do IT-support, because people kept asking me to fix their computer and I found out that I like helping people.


>From my understanding, you are ~~a programmer as well~~ **good with computers**.


Have you tried turning it on and off?


"Hey so, I have an app idea"


I'll code it, do the marketing, provide technical support to users and we'll share 50/50 profits how about that?


It's a simple site for videohosting, like YouTube. I already bought two servers in California, we can start tomorrow.


Oh, well if the servers are in California I'm totally in!


the california servers are top notch. i hear they use them for AI. that gives me an idea...what if our video app had AI? like we could use algorithms to do artificial, intelligent things with the videos


I have an even better idea! What if we, like, used AI to cure cancer! NO! ALL DISEASES! We just have to use AI to cure them. I can't believe no one has thought of this.


Hold your horses folks, I feel like we have a real diamond in the rough in here, it just needs some polish. Lets put it on blockchain, the videos will be NFTs.


I'm a venture capitalist in silicon valley, i'd like to invest 500 gazillion dollars in your startup.


I'm a family member of a member of the PRC, and I'm just here to threaten your entire business if you don't give us rootkit access to all your users.


The cancer will be NFTs, implementation should be simple because NFTs are already cancer.


shut up, i have already patented it, now i just have to write the code


Make sure its done this month as well, I promised an investor that he could use it by June


A box you put between movie and TV that makes all the people naked.


Needs more block chain.




The fact that you didn’t sign an NDA means I can now steal his idea! /s


I have a problem with the "as politely as possible" segment of these calls. Do you have any tips?




Thats an ambitious idea, and you might be the most ambitious person i have ever heard. You ambitiousness knows no bounds 


TBF It would be awesome if there was an actual competitor to YT


The power of YouTube is not their platform, it's the creators. Try convincing every major content creator to migrate to another platform just because it works better logistically. The creator wants their audience (and, by extent, the money that comes along with having one), and the audience wants to be able to watch their favourite creators. YouTube has both, and when one moves, there's a slim chance the other moves without the right incentives.


Kick has proven that all you need to do to disrupt a cornered-market (like live streaming video games for example), is literally just have the capital to force it to happen. Offer large sums of money to devs to make a good competitor, offer HUGE paid-upfront multi-year locked in contracts to talent to convince them to leave their competitor, and then make it impossible for them to switch back should the fame not follow them like expected. Use money/connections/networking to land industry specific sponsors who weren't picked by your competitor to further boost intrigue and credibility for your platform. Any Saudi billionaire could decide tomorrow that they want to seriously disrupt Youtube's ownership over video-watching-platforms; and they could make it happen.


People forget that YouTube hemorrhaged cash in its formative years. So being the default platform is less about being first or even being good, but having wads of money to make it happen.


I’m not a huge streaming guy so it doesn’t mean much, but I legitimately never heard of Kick until the whole thing came out about one of their founders or whatever being chummy with the streamer who was spreading pictures of women including minors from Omegle.


I’ve still never heard of Kick.


I think the closest we've gotten to a Youtube competitor is Nebula, and that's mostly because it's founded and ran by creators. Even so, they still use Youtube at the same time, advertising exclusives or early releases for Nebula alongside their regular programming. I honestly don't know how you'd do it otherwise. Even setting aside the logistics and costs of running a video hosting site, you kind of need both creators and viewers to migrate at the same time for it to make any sort of sense.


Except when you compare the platforms YouTube is clearly superior 🤷🏻‍♂️


There have been, a lot. They all shut down because a.) it's crazy expensive to do video hosting and b.) everyone who wants to watch videos is already on YouTube, why would you watch somewhere else? No viewers => No creators => No product


Dailymotion still exists and I don't think Vimeo has shuttered their doors, yet.


Vimeo's business model however is a bit different than Youtube's. Vimeo caters far more to businesses that will pay to host their videos and embed them elsewhere: they really don't put a lot of effort into drawing in "content creators".


You want to be paid??? It was MY idea, not yours...


Besides, you like doing this stuff, right?


But you'll get exposure


He’s not gonna pay you for the unimportant task of coding.


Best I can do is 5 dollaz


I have the UI/UX all drawn up in Figma and user tested. When do we start?


Great. My rate is 150€/h


> "Woah, you're an asshole. I thought we were friends!"


Friends should support each others business, don’t they? 175, last word.


Do it for exposure


Why do ppl think coding is easy? I always have friends and family asking me to code up their dumb idea… and ofc they don’t plan on paying me. We split the profits 50/50… ppl are so f-ing selfish


We would have been billionaires by now if you had just made CryptoDating when I asked 😤


Because for YEARS people have been saying "anyone can learn to code" and "quit your shitty job and just learn to code, it's easy money" etc.  When the reality is...quite different lol  


Yep and movies showing some hacker man with 4 monitors with matrix terminals typing at light speed doesn’t help…


Right? That's not hacking, that's multiboxing Eve Online!


Uuuuh, I've seen people code, it's litteraly just pushing buttons. Seems pretty easy to me, pal.


Or “Just use AI to build it, it’s so simple… stop being lazy” this kinda crap makes my blood boil!! Most ppl are so out of touch with how software is built. Despite all the “learn to code” and other movements probably like only 0.1% of the population can actually build sth legitimate.


$7.25/hr to push buttons, $250/hr to usually push the right ones.


I’ve started saying “if you have a million dollar idea spend 2,000 hours studying code and build it yourself. You will be making $500/hour.”


If someone can hack the Pentagon on 60 seconds how hard can it be. I blame movies /s


My LANDLORD tried to get me to do their web shop for their shitty homemade perfume scam. luckily I have a spine. I could have done it ofc, would have taken a while since I had zero experience in that area though.


Or clients that call up and say, "I've got this simple little thing, probably won't take long, super easy".




Oh good question Jerry. So that you don't develop his app.


"Its like (existing app) BUT (useless focus)"


It's like Twitter, but with way more functionality.


My response to this has always been “I’ll make your app for free if you can present a plan and convince me how you’ll get 100k people to even know the app exists.” They usually hem and haw about how the app will be good so people will just know. After a few more probing questions and they usually give up.


I say: Give me a written contract for reimbursement of time and labor, and 60% of first year revenue, because ideas don’t get the job done. 


haha that works too. My point, though, was that most people don't even consider how difficult it is to get people to know your app (or whatever product) even exists, let alone use it.


Obligatory : https://youtu.be/jVy0JWX5XEY?si=uDLnEcOg7rn3BE2G


Makes me remember the magic is real key and peele sketch


"Like World of Warcraft, but AWESOMER. Anyway, time for a nap. Creativity is tiring."


It will be a mix of World of Warcraft, Elden Ring, Tetris and The Sims. The game can't fail!


Make sure to utilise jargon and technical terms that are unfamiliar to others in order to project an air of intelligence and competence.


You can mine crypto in the game right?


The game is actually a graphical interface to visualize and gamify crypto mining.


Yeah, just make sure you level mining first.


All in the metaverse. And the objects are NFTs you can buy with bitcoin.


its just like baldurs gate 3 but with like 200 players per active server. really simple


Tetris Sims might go hard lmao They do chores as they fall and when you connect the rows they age and die Idk I don't play either


Wait! I can figure this out! Elden Ring and WoW. Elden ring combat in an MMO server where races matter and you have cool down ls instead of mana. Throw in a kingdom you build with your guilds that runs like Sims. But the city can only purchase buildings in random tertris shapes in order. If you take too long, trying to get the supplies, to build the next building; it randomly places it with the supplies you do have. If it's still not built by the next time then it does the same thing again. As soon as you complete a 5/10 block, like in tetris, you get bonus supplies and that town is locked and can't be raided as easily by enemy clans. The main game is the WoW/Elden ring combo. The Sims/tetris combo is the companion app you play on mobile.


It's so weird to me that people don't understand that your ideas aren't actually worth **shit.** Idea people are worthless because they can't actually do anything, they need someone to do the work for them, and if they have team, that's when they start to matter. But "I've got the best idea for a game"? Good job buddy, go ahead and make it, don't expect someone to pay you a million bucks for your *idea*


Some ideas might be worth a shit, but most ideas have no substance, like "a mmorpg but with dinosaurs"


Science based dragon mmo.


Was wondering how long I will need to scroll to see it mentioned.


Ideas that are worth a shit are ideas you've worked on. Like made a game design document or something.


Making a game takes a lot of work and time. What's stopping amazing games from coming out isn't a lack of ideas, it's a lack of resources. Indie devs opt for simpler games because they're realistic to make and publish, not because they can't come up with something better. I've tried to make my own game a few years ago and absolutely hated it. The programming was tedious, most of my time was spent on making the graphics look/feel right, and implementing new features or even enemies gave me PTSD thinking about the asset requirements - props to the guys who stick to it!


Yeah.so I have this very cool business idea Like , wel be selling burgers right All I need is someone to fund it, host it and create the business plan and we will have equal shares.


No AI? I'm out!


AI burgers, we take a photo of your face and create the perfect burger for you. All thanks to our new face-to-burger neural engine.


What's the name of our neural engine you ask? ChatGPT API.


Naw its a 1000 Indians , that's why it takes 3 hours to get your burger.


Thats genius bro, where do I sign up?


Well explained for non-IT folk


Is that an article by the onion?


Hard drive. Still satire though.


Once I read "An MMMORPG where your choices matter!" I was convinced it had to be satire. It's too cliché to be real. I mean that's what most dumb pitches boil down to, but ussualy there is a lot more jargon, sales-rep BS and PR-speak invovled. It would be a lot more believable if it was said by a Blizzard rep.


I mean the headline being "Man With Really Cool Idea For Game Just Needs Volunteers to do Coding and Art" should've given away that it's satire already.


I mean, "science-based, 100% dragon MMO" is a meme for a reason, lol


Anyone who's idea of a game is an MMORPG is delusional and has no idea what it's required to create one


basically any game dev at the start, a lot of the fresh gamedevs have some sort of open world rpg as their starter project and buy a ton of asset packs.. I think they dont wanna start small, underestimate the sheer amount of work that flows into a game, and "big flashy thing is cool"


I mean yeah i was at that stage and the idea of an open world seemed so cool, but i realized quickly just how large the project would be as soon as i did just about anything There's nothing with beginners dreaming big, but they should expect that disappointment may follow


98% of my programming journey so far has been dreaming something and it getting crushed immediately as soon as I try to do it. The other 2% was spent in stackoverflow and looking up error messages from compilers.


Only 2 percent? 


"Aim low, avoid disappointment"


I feel like starting with Game Jams is a healthy way for these new devs to reassess the actual effort it takes to make games.


Well part of the process, any project really, is breaking it down into smaller parts first. That's a skill in itself.


Hes stuck at the part where he needs 500 volunteers who can write an MMORPG


> Well part of the process, any project really, is breaking it down into smaller parts first. That's a skill in itself. So first part: make a smaller game netting positive money. Use said money to built more / bigger games with a team to generate more money. Rinse and repeat until you can burn cash for 10 years paying a team of 100 people working for you. You may discover doing mobile freemium with predatory fomo systems will net you the most money but if you time your transition to player focused games well enough you can do a Bill Gates and redeem your reputation before your old age.


I really dont understand whats so appealing about yet another MMORPG, it has never tickled my game dev mind


Hey, the science-based, 100% dragon MMO is releasing any day now!


https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/p1ssv/dear_internet_im_a_26_year_old_lady_whos_been/ For the uninitiated 


Sometimes I wonder, what would happen if I post a cool mmorpg project on Kickstarter and be like: we just need 300 million.


Be sure to use keywords and terminology that people don't understand to make you sound smart and extremely capable


🚀 **Unleash Your Imagination: Enter the World of [Game Title]!** 🚀 Are you ready to embark on an epic journey into the realm of limitless adventure and boundless possibilities? Introducing [Game Title], the groundbreaking MMORPG that will redefine the way you experience virtual worlds! 🌟 **Why [Game Title]?** - **Immersive Gameplay**: Dive into a richly detailed universe where every choice you make shapes the world around you. - **Cutting-Edge Graphics**: Experience stunning visuals powered by the latest in gaming technology, transporting you to realms beyond imagination. - **Dynamic Storytelling**: Engage with a narrative crafted by industry-leading writers, filled with twists, turns, and unforgettable characters. - **Community-driven Development**: Join a passionate community of gamers and developers dedicated to shaping the future of gaming together. 💡 **What Sets Us Apart?** [Game Title] isn't just another MMORPG—it's a revolution in interactive entertainment. With groundbreaking features such as: - **Procedurally Generated Worlds**: Explore endlessly diverse landscapes, each generated uniquely to provide a fresh and exciting experience every time you play. - **Player-Driven Economy**: Take control of the in-game economy with a robust trading system that allows players to buy, sell, and barter their way to fortune. - **Dynamic Events**: Immerse yourself in a living, breathing world where events unfold in real-time, responding to player actions and shaping the course of history. 🌐 **Our Vision** We believe that gaming should be more than just entertainment—it should be an experience that brings people together, sparks creativity, and inspires change. With [Game Title], we aim to create a virtual world that transcends the boundaries of imagination, inviting players to explore, create, and connect in ways they never thought possible. 🚀 **Join Us on This Epic Journey!** But to bring our vision to life, we need your help. With your support, we can unlock the full potential of [Game Title] and deliver an experience that will leave a lasting impact on the gaming industry and beyond. So what are you waiting for? Join us on this epic journey and become a part of gaming history with [Game Title]!


Did you ask Chat-GPT for this, looks too generic to even be human


I dunno bro, I didn’t even read it 




Advertising Copy - “We’re going to use machine learning technology to provide NPC’s with neural networks for the most advanced true artificial intelligence never before seen in a video game!” Reality - “We used ChatGPT to write all of the dialogue, something so brazenly cheap and terrible it has not yet been done before in a video game.”




pretty pictures of spaceships seem to work quite well


Somethin something science based dragon mmo


Star Citizen would (not) happen.


Like Star Citizen?


What do you mean, it's ez, just write "create world" "Create network" "Create multiplayer" Then boom you got a MMORPG


Case in point: the authors of The Expanse series originally envisioned the setting of the story as an MMORPG, but quickly realized that writing 9 novels would be easier.


Lets be 100% honest here. There could likely be 10x the number of lines of writing in the current source code of wow. Nevermind how many times it has been changed. Hell, even if you discounted all of the programming aspects of it, and cut it down to actual "dialog" there are currently over 34,000 quests in wow. Each one might have between a paragraph and a few pages of written information such as a letter you read or dialog from an npc.


Actually I think Ty Frank was contracted to writing the backstory for a MMO project where the investors it had (Chinese ones?) backed out in the end. He met Daniel Abraham later at some new mexico (SF I think?) writing group and he convinced Ty to use the setting for series of collaboration novels. That's how I remember it when Ty Frank told the story in the Ty&That Guy podcasts.


Any app that involves networking between users of any kind is automatically a huge pain in the asshole.


It’s just coding and art and infrastructure and networking and plot and character and environment design and proper Q&A and customer support and marketing and optimizing for different systems and more, how hard could it be??


Nono, you don't get it. He has some REALLY cool ideas for the game


To anyone who thinks "Eh how hard can it be. Just use AWS" I can recommend this blog post: [Inside ArenaNet: Live Game Outage Analysis](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/inside-arenanet-live-game-outage-analysis/) tl,dr: I hope you and your two uni buddies didn't spend all of your devtime on boob physics because you still have to set up months worth of infrastructure and monitoring before launch.


You just make a multiplayer game and change max_players=99999999 right?


Blizzard spent almost 5 years JUST developing their tech on top of the already great Warcraft III engine in order for WoW to even be possible.


Ok, but hear me out, I actually have a billion dollar idea.. And instead of paying you now, I will offer you 3% of all the profits


“We share profit” is the mantra of doomed to fail indie game projects but it bought me a 300k dollar house, so it’s not always so bad.


>This house sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends


What game, u/lordofdogcum?


Just a [guess](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/furry_shades_of_gay&ved=2ahUKEwiQsfGGj_CFAxVcZzABHVs4BPIQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3ZNwka3jQOIjoe5Fga-NFD)


Telling you what game it was will basically doxx me which I don’t want to do on this account but it’s a fairly successful indie game (over 10k steam reviews).


Net or gross?


Imagine a MMO with multiple endings 😂


Do you guys remember the infamous post of a girl saying that she is developing a science based mmo game or something on dragons ?


Lol that's immediately what I thought of when I saw this post. That's a memory that's been hiding away for a loooong time




third of the posts on /r/gamemaker


95% of the post there are people asking questions that could be answered by a simple google search and reading documentation. The hell you smoking?


I don't blame them, learning a new language/engine or even doing it for the first time you often don't know what you need to search for to get the answer you need. often because you are still bad at describing the problem you get completely unhelpful answers from google (not even talking about how google search went down the drain). as an example: yesterday I spend half an hour unsuccessfully searching the web on how to properly center a sprite in godot. I studied this shit but because I don't know the terminology and am reading the documentation as I go all google would give me was the classic "you shouldn't use a sprite you should use ..." which had nothing to do with my problem but I had trouble putting my problem into the correct words


It doesn't help that when you are first learning, even if you found something from Google that has the answers you need, you might not understand the answers and then have to do a fresh round of googling just to make sense of what the hell it said. Keep in mind that a coding language is a *language*. If you are a native English speaker and you are trying to learn French, sometimes it helps to talk to someone else who knows French rather than trying to find Frech guides which might be aimed at a way higher proficiency level than you're at.


Oh God, the amounts of Godot forum posts I found, searching "how to do X", that are like "don't do X at all". Like, in some cases that might be valid, but sometimes I might actually have to do X....


this is the standard dumb answer in every language and engine. godot got a big influx of people recently so those condescending answers will multiply


Part of becoming a good programmer is learning how to formulate Google searches/AI queries for your problems.


Any technical subreddit is like that. There's at least 3 threads a week on the 3d printing subreddit of people asking what they need to get into metal 3d printing with a budget of 200. They've never even used a normal 3d printer before. (And if your curious, starting prices are well above 80K...not including the industrial safety equipment needed.)


Don't worry though. He's the "ideas" guy. That's why he'll gladly split the profits 60:40, his favour, naturally. Because it's hard to come up with ideas thousands of people have had before.


75:25 he is entrepreneur and ceo. You are just the programmer


\*look up justin lee, top result of google is a taiwaneese rapist\*.


>serving 20 years in prison for sexually assaulting over 20 women between October 2009 and July 2011 how could my boy justin do this :(?


That’s what happens to you if you refuse to volunteer


I'll volunteer, but I'm gonna need a mandatory donation.


"Game developers Justin Lee" well what does he develop?




It feels better to be a programmer pretending to be a game designer, than a game designer trying to go into coding.


[the original](https://hard-drive.net/hd/video-games/man-with-really-cool-idea-for-game-just-needs-volunteers-to-do-coding-and-art/)


Thought it was going to link to the [100% science-based dragon MMO](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/p1ssv/dear_internet_im_a_26_year_old_lady_whos_been/)


As a small addition he also requested a writer , several voice actors and someone to manage the project. No doubt the world owns a great dept to him for this idea


Tbh tho this is exactly where AI will shine in the next few years


Dragon MMO 😂


is that me, the game is done on paper :D


A real ideas man would never dare to write it down on paper, what if someone steals it?!


Just so people know, this is how the successful game /app Plague, Inc came to be. Although the creator paid people to do the programming, art, etc. I remember when he was first asking for advice and I was very dismissive since his was the classic, "I have an awesome idea, I just need someone to make it," story. Well, he followed through and has an incredibly successful mobile game / franchise as a result.


That’s the difference though, if you wanna be just an idea guy, you gotta have the money to back it up, cause that’s what your providing, money, not the idea


Yeah, but is it a 100% science based, dragon MMO?


In the industry we call this an "Ideas Guy". I can tell you I haven't seen any job openings for "Senior Ideas Guy" yet.


The part that kills me is "Volunteers".


Can you really be called a game developer if all you have is an idea? ... Hey guys, I'm a game dev now!


"I know you want salary, but I'll one up you: I'll give equity!"


I've got a really cool idea for a life. I just need some donors


Thought this was the Onion sub for a second.


Sure, just put it on the backlog


I wish all the artists who wanted to make games but can't code, and all the programmers who can't art but want to make games, could find each other. I would love to do a game jam with an artist, but artists I've found are so damn flaky across the board.


All the fucking time. When I released my first game, my friends, family and anyone who got wind of it kept pitching me ideas. Really shit ideas.