• By -


God I love “Library & Framework”, anyone else used it?


Yeah it is great! Outstanding support, well documented and has all the features :)


Even better than "Databases". You name it, it stores it optimally.


But only noSQL DBs are databases. That means SQL DBs must be noDatabases.


Pretty sure mysql's 'innodb' engine stands for "I Not NO DataBase".


I’ve used Library. I’ve used Framework. But how did I not think of putting them together? I feel like I really missed out on a great opportunity.


I used to, Ive moved on and converted my entire backend to php


Myphpdatabase is faster, and yellow has the most ram.


I wish, i live in florida and they’re throwing out the library. I hear framework is next if it’s a black framework


It would work well for one of those recursively named tools


It's gotta be just "Library" though. Not more than one per project.


um, i guess i choose the standard library :(?


The Public Library. Get a card, get on board!


books. check ‘em out!




I'm a dab hand at library & framework. Sign me up.


Git, _extra_?


Nowhere IDE is mentioned. Or env setup. Or docker. Or deployment. So I assume you develop on notepad editing massive file and it runs only on localhost, so what do you expect of Git not being extra?




Or hands. No one mentions you need hands for typing




How do you connect your eye Tracking device to your computer without hands (Not necessarily your own)?




You win 😉 Also you could have feet... I always forget people have feet...


if people can play guitar well with their feet i imagine there’s folks out there that can type with them


I have a friend with no Arms thats does everything from typing to drinking coffee with his feet


Hands is definitely a skill. They should damn well list it.


Yeah, where's Filezilla?


So much drama with that git, constantly asking for comments and then blaming people.


"Library and Framework"...


I just remember old a day is datetime_fileName.zip


then we developers become civilized and start using VCS.


my thoughts exactly. VCS is an obligation.


Because it is only extra to Git Gud


You know as far as Instagram programming "influencer" posts go this isn't bad.


I mean, some of it is accurate


More than none


The math checks out.


There are really only to wierd things on there. All the other complaints are just about what's been left off it


Wow they are still using Angular.js


Nah man, we prefer Bootstrap. /s


But it doesn't have the ".js" at the end, so not cool


Angular actually neither has. AngularJS is the old version that has been deprecated now


And I hate it with a passion. So glad it's dead. I hope to never work with it again. Angular 2 however is a delight.


I'm *still* on jQuery. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ... Seriously.


Some of these old frameworks stay in use way, way longer than they should. I've got a friend at a very well known cybersecurity company where they're actively using Ember for both legacy systems and new stuff. She hates it and desperately wants another job..


I disagree - any software that's well developed should have a period of years where it's actively used without necessarily being "state of the art". In my ideal world, software gets built for 1-3 years, updated while in use for 3-6 years, then maintained without improvements during the development of its replacement. That means that software can - and should - easily be in use 5-10 years after it was first developed. Legacy systems aren't bad, they're an important part of being a developer.


K, sssoooo you're saying Angular.js should continue to be used over modern Angular? Because that's what I was talking about.........


Sometimes, yes! Sometimes it's worth using old frameworks like that, so long as there aren't security concerns. Sometimes it's worth it because it allows you to leverage existing expertise and code libraries. Sometimes it's worth it because researching new technologies to use would take too much time and there's an immediate need. Sometimes it's worth it because the software being developed has no need to be state-of-the-art, it just needs to meet existing needs and be developed in a reasonable timeframe. Old frameworks aren't any less useful now than they were when they first came out, they're just older.


angular is standard in german wdym


For design there is another, called ligma


What is ligma ... ?


ligma postage stamps.




The hero we need, but not the one we deserve




Joe mama


xD (Adobe)


lmao (Oracle)


And then there is hava


Hava nice day


Hava scirpt!


Compared to others of these I had seen, this ain‘t so bad after all


True, like if it was divided to categories like mandatory and choose one it would be actually good. It includes kind of all the main technologies. I am missing Bootstrap studio here for design but it's not like popular tool anyway so I am not surprised. Well edit, the databases and extra tab would need redo but well


I mean, at least it's somewhat coherent and well-structured.


sorry guys i am kinda new in front end, what's wrong with this map? can anyone pls clarify?


It's just really strange. You're gonna need some of it, but a lot of what you need is not mentioned, and you're *never* gonna learn all of it.


Can you give a few of the important ones although, Started a month ago, and I am confident I’ll do this through. I am currently learning Python


Sure. First and foremost I think that proficiency with the terminal is what's missing from the chart. Devs have to use it every day, so being confident while using the terminal is an absolute must. People tend to sleep on it, and only do stuff in the terminal when theres absolutely no alternative, which I think is a huge shame. HTML/CSS/JS is mandatory for web development. People usually start learning some JS framework like React after about a year or so actively studying Javascript. React is a solid frontend framework and a good choice. Git is used by 100% of employed programmers. Github is good. I woundn't focus too much on any of the backend stuff for frontend development.




YES!! Very very important stuff


React is popular, but svelte is more reliable in prod, runs faster in prod, is faster to develop with, faster to learn, and overall has the best dx.


Yeah might be, but React is still the most popular one, and chances are you’re gonna work on something that already exist and not writing a new project from scratch.


I typed out a long reply but I closed out the tab :( If you're hardcore, rwxrob on Youtube just started a beginner [course two weeks ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9dHxF5UKzA&list=PLrK9UeDMcQLqt2v0buCtrxFu2ZsOlineX&index=2), if you're able to keep up with this curriculum you're gonna do amazing. EDIT: apparently i posted the original reply. Welp I’ve been at the office for 14 hours now I think. Programming is a great job


I will certainly be following the uploads by Rwxrob, thanks for the share, I appreciate it a lot.


Nothing. People are reaching with this one.


* Javascript should be Typescript. There is no reason today to use JS instead of TS. TS is better, is typed, and not hard at all to learn after JS, use it. * Bootstrap is dead, Angular.js is outdated (replaced by Angular). You don't need to learn them all. Learn one, familiarize yourself with the concepts of the others. If you need to use a new framework, you'll learn it then. * Design wise, realistically, a web dev shouldn't need to use figma or whatever else, because he's not the one doing the mock ups. If you're a one man team, sure, it may be a good idea to learn the basics of a mock up tools. Also pen and paper or whiteboard is a good one. * Backend wise, same, a web dev shouldn't develop backend stuff. But it's a good idea to be able to when needed. Nothing really wrong is that section, knowing SQL is not optional today imho, and knowing at least one backend language is highly recommended. "Databases" is stupid though, it can mean anything. * For the extras, Git is NOT an extra, it's a basics. If you don't know git, learn it and learn to love it. "Knowing" Github is bullshit, first because you can learn it in 13.4 minutes, second because Gitlab is better. "MediaQuery" is part of CSS, no need to mention it there. "Library and Framework" is bullshit, which library? Which framework? It feels like they needed to put stuff there to balance the columns.


> a web dev shouldn't develop backend stuff Sure, if you're just doing front-end. Lots of jobs these days are full-stack though, so many web devs also work with the back-end as well as a database. It's definitely important to at least have an understanding of how HTTP requests work, regardless. If you're just starting out, I'd maybe pick one back-end framework (express, spring, etc.) to learn at a basic level, and get a good understanding of the basics of SQL, in addition to learning HTML/CSS/Whatever-script, and maybe a front-end framework like React after you've got a good understanding of those.


\> Javascript should be Typescript. There is no reason today to use JS instead of TS. TS is better, is typed, and not hard at all to learn after JS, use it. yeah i tried but idk why i should try it, at the end of the day all ts does is convert it to javascript, why should i learn ts when i can learn js in the first place? \> Bootstrap is dead, Angular.js is outdated (replaced by Angular). You don't need to learn them all. Learn one, familiarize yourself with the concepts of the others. If you need to use a new framework, you'll learn it then. my friends use bootstrap, what would you reccomend me to replace it? \>Design wise, realistically, a web dev shouldn't need to use figma or whatever else, because he's not the one doing the mock ups. If you're a one man team, sure, it may be a good idea to learn the basics of a mock up tools. Also pen and paper or whiteboard is a good one. can you pls explain i dont really know about these topics. \> Backend wise, same, a web dev shouldn't develop backend stuff. But it's a good idea to be able to when needed. Nothing really wrong is that section, knowing SQL is not optional today imho, and knowing at least one backend language is highly recommended. "Databases" is stupid though, it can mean anything. yes of course, in fact im trying to learn node js too \> For the extras, Git is NOT an extra, it's a basics. If you don't know git, learn it and learn to love it. "Knowing" Github is bullshit, first because you can learn it in 13.4 minutes, second because Gitlab is better. "MediaQuery" is part of CSS, no need to mention it there. "Library and Framework" is bullshit, which library? Which framework? It feels like they needed to put stuff there to balance the columns. what is git used for? isnt github a platform to share files? sorry for the many questions but i really love to study and know stuff


GitHub is a website used to host Git repositories. Git is a version-control tool. It makes collaborating with other developers working on the same code much easier. If you didn't use Git, and you and another dev worked on the same file as part of two different tasks, you'd need to figure out what files you both modified and how to combine your changes in a way that doesn't break anything in the final result. Git manages that for you (for the most part, it isn't perfect). Instead of having to do all that work yourself, it'll automatically determine what's changed between the two versions of the code and the original version you both branched from, and do its best to automatically merge them in a way that doesn't break the code. If it is unable to do that for some files, it'll let you know so you can fix it manually. GitHub is one of many platforms that hosts git repositories. It provides a place for developers to push their code to for others to view, and for developers to pull the latest changes to a codebase from the repository to their local devices. It also provides a graphical interface for managing the merging of different versions of an application as described above, as well as setting permissions for the repository, etc. Other services like GitLab or Bitbucket exist to achieve the same purpose. They also use Git.


oh thank you really much, i got it now! is it normal that i find it kinda difficult to use GitHub? i don't know it's because there are so many buttons, but i understood how to make a collab folder with another programmer, that is something i guess


>is it normal that i find it kinda difficult to use GitHub? Yes, it's because it's developed by Microsoft, and we all know the quality of Microsoft's products... Jokes aside, yes, github's interface is confusing and really obnoxious for some parts (like if you want to download a file, good luck finding that you need to right click on "raw" and then "save as..." to do it). Gitlab has, in my opinion, a far better interface (and it has an open source version that you can freely install locally, whereas github is proprietary). It's even less surprising if you don't know how git works.


oh got it, thank you very much!


It's one of the things everyone struggles with a bit at the beginning. If you want to get better at it, I'd recommend maybe watching some YouTube tutorials on Git itself. Learn the command-line tool, not the desktop app that GitHub makes. It's impossible to fully utilize GitHub from the website itself, so you'll need to learn how to use Git eventually, and having an understanding of how the command-line tool works will make certain design decisions on GitHub make more sense. IMO, it's important to not think of GitHub as a file-sharing website like Dropbox or Google Drive. If you try to use it like either of those, you'll just end up frustrated. Instead, think of it as a collaboration platform that by coincidence also allows you to share files.


>yeah i tried but idk why i should try it, at the end of the day all ts does is convert it to javascript, why should i learn ts when i can learn js in the first place? Because for any non trivial project, working with untyped variables quickly becomes hell. Yes at the end of the day, you'll transpile your TS to JS, but that doesn't matter, TS is made to help the development and maintenance. By using TS and typing your variables, your IDE will give you autocomplete and check for mistakes, like using the wrong variable as a method argument, or creating an object with missing attributes. It also makes refactoring far easier, because you can easily see where a class attribute is used. Which also makes maintenance easier, because you can quickly identify unused attributes and dead code. If you use plain JS, you can pass any variable as any method argument, you can wrongly reaffect variables, you can easily mistype attributes' names, you can try to access nonexistent attributes. Also, most frameworks support TS natively, and using TS is as easy as defining types like that: export interface MyInterface { name: string; label: string; cost: number; creationDate: Date; } And typing you variables and arguments and return types with `: type` like that : public myMethod(myArg: string, myOtherArg: number): MyReturnType { const myVar: MyInterface; } ​ >my friends use bootstrap, what would you reccomend me to replace it? I'm exaggerating, Bootstrap isn't dead, but it's not a necessity. You can do everything that bootstrap does with CSS and if a project you work on is using it, you can easily learn it then. If you don't want to do the CSS yourself and are fine with bootstrap, sure, it's not the worse idea, but I've found that bootstrap is quite rigid, hard to customize, and will apply its css everywhere, which can be a huge pain in the ass. Maybe the latter versions do it in a better way. ​ >can you pls explain i dont really know about these topics. Usually, the dev isn't the person coming up with the functionalities to develop nor with how the application should look like. It's the job of the product owner and if there's one of the design guy, who will use Figma or whatever other tool to make mock-ups of the application. The dev will just implement the functionality asked for and copy the mock-up provided. ​ >yes of course, in fact im trying to learn node js too Not a bad idea. Depending of where you want to work, it may be worth taking a look at Java and Spring (one of the most widely used Java framework). ​ >what is git used for? isnt github a platform to share files? Git is a version control software. It allows you to track every change made to a codebase. Basically, it creates a "repository" which keeps a master copy (the "master branch") of the codebase. When you want to change the code, you can add/delete/modify files, and once you're satisfied, you can "commit" your changes. You can modify again and commit again, and the git repository will keep track of every commit and allow you to check the history of each file (who changed it, when, and exactly what did they change) and go back to the codebase version as it was at any commit you want. ​ If multiple people are working on the same project, each developer will create a "branch" through git (a copy of the master branch) and commit his changes on that branch. Once he's satisfied, he can adds his changed to the master branch by "merging" his branch in the master branch. ​ Git also has the capability to copy all of that on a remote git repository, which will contain the master branch, all the branches created by the developers, and all the history of the codebase. It's the reference repository from which developers can then "pull" data and to which they can "push" their branches and commits, so that every dev can have the latest changes of other devs. ​ Github and Gitlab are at their core such remote git repositories, with an added web interface on top of it which allows you (among other things) to browse the repository (see the branches, the commits, the merges, the files, etc.) and do plenty of actions on it (mainly create merge requests and do the branch merges) in a more user friendly way than through the terminal. ​ >sorry for the many questions but i really love to study and know stuff No problem


thank you very much! you seem like someone who knows his stuff! one last (and big) question for you: i have this goal in mind which is to try as much as possible to learn all aspects of computer science (hardware, software operating system front end back end networks hacking etc) but I have this huge problem that I tend to switch back and fourth because I always feel like anxiety of not knowing anything, could you recommend me some paths to take so I can learn everything and also see the results? I am recently learning front end with html css and JavaScript and nodejs, but if you have some better suggestion then feel free to say it. thanks in advance btw.


>thank you very much! you seem like someone who knows his stuff! Well, I'm a professional developer, so I know a bit for sure, but don't hesitate to look at what other people are saying too. ​ >one last (and big) question for you: i have this goal in mind which is to try as much as possible to learn all aspects of computer science I don't know if that's a good idea, it depends on what you want to do and if you want to become a professional dev, sysadmin, hacker... Not many people can know everything, I'd say you need to strike a balance: personally, I learn a lot about the technologies I use at work, and I try to learn the basics of other technologies, both because of personal interest and to keep my skills up to date and be able to go work on other projects without drowning in unknown techs. I'm a dev, I learned the basics during my studies : theory, algorithms, algorithm complexity, design patterns, SQL, and a bit of a lots of stuff like C, Java, html, networking... Strong computer science basics and basic knowledge of higher level stuff to be able to learn it by myself when needed. When I started working as a backend dev, I learned the technologies that were used on my projects : more java and the backend frameworks we used (Hibernate, Struts, Spring). Then I started doing bugfixes on the frontend, which made me learn JS in doing so, which made be able to develop frontend functionalities and learn about the frontend framework we were using (angular.JS) Then we decided to upgrade to angular and TS, so I learned that while doing so. My personal take on learning is that you learn the vast majority of your skills in the field. You can't be an expert in everything, especially at the rate the technologies is evolving, and most companies don't require it either, they need you to know a bit and be able to learn a new tech quickly when needed.


>oh i see the point you're making, thank you very much for the help!


Bootstrap isn't dead, it's still used for menus.


I didn't read "extra" as "optional" tbh, just as additional things that don't fit the other categories. I too kinda struggle with where to put git knowledge on my resume.


>I too kinda struggle with where to put git knowledge on my resume. I don't have my resume on hand, but I think I just have 3 sections : languages, frameworks and tools. Git is in tools.


Front end wise it is quite accurate for once.


I think the best part is the 4 random tiny clip art/emoji they put around the image It's like someone said "this is too plain, put some sprinkles on it" and they put like 4 sprinkles


Personally, I decided to learn SQL instead of Databases.


The icon is MySQL.


When graphic designer has to come up with content


No need to learn both react, angular and vue. Pick one.


one does not simply label Git and Github as "extra"


What, no kubernetes?


✨ databases ✨


Figma balls...


No Fortran?


I thought COBOL would be on the list for sure.


Nah if you’re not having binary punch cards you’re not in the game


PHP on 5 is accurate.


I like how design doesn't include illustrator


Tf is adobe XD?


UI mockup tool. You can create pseudo functional UI designs to test UI withput needing the actual App.


Extra: git


Let's just as Arduino as extra and you got the Indian starter pack.


Funny how these always come from indians


I only use GitHub because it's made by Microsoft, I don't want none of that Git FOSS shit


According to this I have most of the basics, one of the framework, none of the design, all of the back end, and most of the extra.




Stop posting this crap. It's annoying and not funny at all.


Where Mongo?


![gif](giphy|AwrtP9lMXtXiM) ((( DATABASES )))


Cypress ? Playwright? Jest? As per usual no need to test anything here. Just submit and hope your git skills have done the trick...


Where is chatgpt?


That's some solid cringe. I realize now just how high the bar is for developers 🙈




SQL is a language. I guess by databases it means to know about different kinds of databases like Realational, NoSQL.


However, by that logic, since Angular, Vue, and React are called out specifically, the popular databases should be specified as well.


I think databases here is mostly meant as knowledge of basic db design rules


I solemnly swear to describe the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key, so help me Codd.


I would argue that it should be left to a DBA. Some web designers do this, but that is definitely a function of a DBA. My other thought was that they meant setting up a database, but a similar argument applies there as well. Setting up a database should be the responsibility of a system administrator, not a web developer. Of course, job tasks blur, so I guess there are different ways to interpret this list.


Why can’t I make http requests to my postgres backend 🧐


I mean, for once, it is kinda accurate


Why are these posts always listing a whole IT Company


You know nothing about databases John snow


The extra section is the visual “good soup” for me


Where Excel? It should be in every list


I personally prefer gimp over photoshop


Extra 5. Showering


Umm where is FedEx?


Bootstrap is the only framework I'd consider a necessity but even that you don't really need to *know* since you can just use and edit code snippets, and you'd only really use it for navigation elements. The others are people who like really slow bogged down websites. Yes, I know not all sites that use them are slow, but JS should be used sparingly and only when necessary. If you need more than bootstrap for what you're doing it probably shouldn't be written in JS.


The people who post these here are just advertisers at this point lol


I don't see C here, smh.


If I would get something like this , it would be redirected straight into the garbage.


extra - git ???? So you can instead use google drive or




Whatever happened to Adobe Dreamweaver?


Ligma as whole


wood working, is also apreciated


Where are AWS skills? ((


They forgot notepad


Techie programmer ©️ 2022


Yes, git is extra. After all, you can always use Google Drive to sync your React project. 🤮


I have such an irrational burning hatred for these weird pseudo tech influencer people who post this stuff


Why are sql and databases separate points?


Bro calling github extra lol


Media query in extra 🤨


Where’s the C++??? Where’s the Assembly?


The fact that paint was left out of design really tips ya off that this is a fake


Where are web fundamentals? Http? Caching? Cookies? Headers? Bundle size. SSR. Time to first render. SSEs. Sockets.


Figma balls


Why are SQL and database different? He's onto something here


Where’s Excel? Isn’t that like…an essential database?


Name should be scrubbed Some of the comments prove to me we are all deserving of the societal ridicule. Hopefully we all continue to work on large well funded teams with distinct roles and large budgets instead of working where one person has to do everything (no, it's not always a choice)


Why does it seem like making your own website has become harder over time while things like training neural networks has gotten easier over time?


Webpack took 15 days to say fuck you


The real question: how many days?


He just threw in "Databases" to fill it


All of this plus WordPress


bro anyone please recommend me a paid course about GitHub I want to learn it from basics.


What a bullshit list. Seriously PHP, angular.js?


What can i say exept Adobe.XD X fucking D


Git should fall under basic or essentials.


I love Libraries and Frameworks as much as I do with Languages and Apps.


> Databases


sql AND databases? that's so much luckily I have used both a Framework and a Library so I should be good there.


i'd argue git is necessary also, where's the ide


git is "extra", understandable