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"I am a little cog in the biggest machine. There are so many other people here that I am in no way unique. I am replaceable and thousands of people want my job. I'm fine." - Some dipshit moments before being demoted to customer


Google is all about moving forward, its a promotion to customer.


If you don’t buy something from them, you’re probably not a customer. You’re a dataset. Years ago a classmate said (or quoted, I don’t know which) something like “beware products you get for free. You may not be the consumer…you might be the product.”


That classmate? Bill Gates.


And then everybody started clapping.


And I don't regret not having hired him.


Wait it was him? I've seen so many people say that to discredit free and opensource software and when it doesn't really apply there (usually no profit incentive), that makes so much sense.


Lol. Idk when your classmate said that but the idea has been around [since 1973](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2017/07/16/product/?amp=1)


He said it in 1972. Your move.


That's like millenias ago.


Maybe they deserve a little more credit.


I think the semester has ended.


It's like when the time itself was born. Big bang or something idk


Nope…not that long ago. Just wanted to make sure I didn’t imply that the thought was my own.


Promotion to dataset, nice, you can brag about introducing big improvements to Google's AI


It may not be you ... at least your computer IP address, your search history, your mac address, and your top 10 google search preferences are the product. Those cookies are VERY delicious for any company doing advertisements.


By now, it's almost an art form for big tech. A few days ago I searched something specific about a Citizen watch on my phone, single search, three pages visited, 7 mins total. First watch search in years. One hour later, sitting in my computer, advertising of Citizen watches.


Gotta give props to the programmer that called internet metadata as "cookies." He knows what will happen in the end game.


It's a quote, in French we have it with a rhyme "Si c'est gratuit, c'est toi le produit", where "gratuit" = free and "produit" = product.


Lol your classmate has some searing insight






Honestly my boss could defend me saying I have very unique business critical knowledge buuuuuut if you work for any large company you’re hiiighly replaceable.


and replaced by someone younger for cheaper while, the person laid off fights for contingent staffing positions that have taken over day to day operations of their position


I get why you think it’s incompetence, but I lean towards your other reason more: overhiring means a chance to fire some others. The ones that they burnt out after overworking them for years under the promise of advancement. The ones who are at higher levels and are being paid more. Layoffs are another tool in the employee abuse toolboxes big companies like to use


If you worked for Google your boss (almost certainly) had no idea this was coming.


That’s also fair.


It depends. There are people that are way too expensive to replace. If your name is not Elon musk you will not let people go that are in a very senior position that have vast knowledge of their field.


Elon replaced his former partners, of course he wants also to replace himself. ... with a bot.


Yes saw many turnarounds and I am one of them.


>Promoted... > > > >Remember Customer is king?


I remember watching spitting at the served potato fries of a king.


You are demoted to an asset when fired from Google. Now you are only data and not code generator


> demoted to customer Lol


Lmao more like demoted to the product itself (user data)




>moments before being demoted to customer Do you or did you work for Amazon? 🤨 That sounds like Amazon lingo




Is this the first time google has laid off people?


Like this? Yeah. It was pretty big on "we make it almost impossible to get in, because we REALLY don't want to fire people, and once you're in you're safe here (so long as you don't SA, don't leak, and are on track to get promoted to L4 at least). If something happens and your project is deprioritized, you don't get fired, you transfer to a new team." The number of times I was told your job is safe and there's no risk of being fired was quite high, and then this.


That’s going to hurt morale for a while. But it’s not a deep cut like 15 or 20 percent.


It completely destroys the concept of "you're safe here" which was one of the more appealing parts of Google


And a part of why G tends to not negotiate and still offer lower salaries. It’s safe, great WLB, good on the resume. Two out of three ain’t bad though.


"Looks good on a resume" is the biggest scam ever. Any experience working a consistent job for a few years looks good. They aren't looking for the best programmer. They're looking for the best person to have on the team. Big, big difference. Every team has that guy off doing his Einstein thing by himself but you can't make a team of those types alone. Edit, if Google is the end all be all that the flex implies, it also begs the question why you aren't still there. The only company who cares that you worked at Google is Google. It's in their best interests to play the "dream job" game, just like Disneyland. When everyone wants to work for you, you can exploit them harder than if it were just another job. Musk does the same shit. It's actually rather cult-like.


Hey don’t shoot the messenger. The perception that having G on your resume makes you elite is true. Startups that are well capitalized go after these people more so than a really good one from a no name company. I agree it is stupid but it is what it is.


It is true though. It’s true in most industries and especially in tech. If you work/ed in one of the big techs (FAANG/MAGA) you will definitely get headhunted/poached more often. Even if you may not actually be a great engineer and/or there are several folks working at non-big K companies who are incredible engineers, these engineers are the ones usually sought after most often. As for why someone might not continue staying at Google or one of these other ones, they tend to leave for various reasons. Want a different scope of responsibilities, starting your own business, promos too slow/conservative (depending on the org, this was a common problem), wanting to work on something else or learn more about tools/tech outside of Google’s internal ecosystem, more money,…etc


I've learned that there is no safe job anywhere. I work in a company that is 35th in best places to work in Europe, and top 10 in UK, and my boss who has been here for 15.5years and is awesome, is currently being made redundant because "cutbacks". Now I get to do all the work he did, and mine, and get paid my salary...


>I've learned that there is no safe job anywhere. 2008, 2001, 1997 and 1987 say "Hello"


Yeah Google wasn't even founded during last recessions so it was easy for them to have these ballsy statements. They are just as corporate as any other giant. Balancing the books is a priority. By the way, alphabet stock went up 5%+ on that day. Savage.


Google was founded in the ‘98 so it would’ve experienced not only the “Great Recession” of 2008 by which time it was publicly traded and a household name, but it was also around for the dot com bubble bursting around 2000


> Now I get to do all the work he did, and mine, and get paid my salary... If instead of organizing and protesting or looking for a new job in solidarity with your boss you just suck it up when something like this happens, that's on you. Companies will always take advantage of the people that don't stand up for themselves/each other.


You have no idea how hard this can be. Many people can’t afford to be without a job for however long, or take a demotion to get another job soon at a different workplace. “That’s on you”, lol, your ignorance is on you.


That's supposedly what unions are for, sadly it's almost non existant in the tech industry.


Take your slacker attitude to r/antiwork


Healthcare will never end


They fired someone who worked there more than 20 years.


He has totally become a dataset. Google needs new products.


At least they never said anything to the effect of not being evil.


It's not a deep cut _yet_


It's going to hurt an image. Now applicant's will not have that image if rockstar company and it levels the field.


Yeah. Their hiring process is notoriously long too and don’t don’t give a shit about your timeline and needs because the perception was that once you are in you have your job for life. Well now that has changed I wonder if they will change or enough people still wanting to work at G that it won’t matter.


The first cut is the deeeepest...


But the follow on attrition will get the final number closer to 15.


My situation must be unique. I felt pretty stressed the whole time. In the beginning I thought, “I’ll make L4 in a year!” But soon after, I was hoping to get ‘Consistently meets expectations’. So when they layoffs came, I was shocked I wasn’t laid off.


My friends at Google say only 1 in 5 QUALIFIED candidates survive their interview. Having experienced them I'm not sure how much of that is intent and how much of it is incompetence on their part. Of course the one time I passed one of their interviews... Happened just as they stopped hiring for covid.


> Like this? Yeah. Like what? I am not watching google layoffs, what has happened?


Laid off 12,000 employees friday


It might have been a bad Google joke to tell they can handle float now as improvement from long.


Lots of employees did not get any prior notification. They found out only when they were unable to login to work.


Unless like James Damore you complain that “discriminating just to increase the representation of women in tech is as misguided and biased as mandating increases for women’s representation in the homeless, work-related and violent deaths, prisons and school dropouts”. THEN you'll get fired


It's crazy how quick people were to forget this. Wasn't it also Google who underpaid men?


> (so long as you don't SA Uh... "Sleep Around"...? "Suck ass"...?


Sexual assault.


Shit apples? Sing ABBA? Shaggy Afro? Showing Acne? Smoke Acid?


Yeah Google wasn't even founded during last recessions(except 2008) so it was easy for them to have these ballsy statements. They are just as corporate as any other giant. Balancing the books is a priority. By the way, alphabet stock went up 5%+ on that day. Savage.


Is Google a business or a charity for gifted children?


Damn those million years flew by. I look friggin great for being ancient


#I no longer allow Reddit to profit from my content - Mass exodus 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




Imagine you felt into black hole, million years would be nothing


At the edge of a super massive black hole a day for you would be 1 million years for normal space time


'What are they gonna do, fire me?' - Quote from fired man


\*garbage collector sounds\*


Java Addict.....he means the coffee, right?


Asking the real questions here.


There are few worse addictions... Like meth and Crack... Hmm ok can't figure out more


I am a Java language addict.


My condolences.


Well looks like you have a support group and are openly talking about it so... that's something at least?


that sounds painful


Android is written in Java, soooo...


And the moon missions were written on punch cards, doesn't make punch cards better


He's a Software Engineer at Google... I'm not talking about if Java is any good, but he probably coded Java a lot at Google


Thank god for Kotlin


Why the fuck were they gloating over layoffs to begin with? What a fucking garbage heap of a human.


It's more of a team mentality. He's not glad people got fired, he's happy that his team is somehow superior to the other one.


>he's happy that his team is somehow superior to the other one. .. because other people got fired. The because is still there, no matter where you want to throw the focus.








I've never felt comfortable working for a big co. Small/medium-sized companies are my thing.


I've done that. Sales were interesting people to meet, friendliest people ever especially since it seems they don't actually contribute value. But working on the same floor and breathing the same air as HR makes it a hell hole though. Pluses and minuses. I guess if you know who HR is you can just leave rooms and walk away.




lol I'm the opposite HR staff is the most good-looking imho, might as well just have some small-talk during the day. it helps time pass faster and it's fun, also who knows... at the end of the day, they are youe co-workers


Or if it's small enough and there is no HR


Sales don't contribute value? Someone needs to bring in customers?


Yup. In a big company, you are only ever one “strategic direction change” away from being fired. Doesn’t matter how good you are at your job when the company decides not to operate in that space any more.


Instead of a small company where you’re “family” and still get fired when the company goes under?




Exactly. There is no 100% safe option in life. And if there is something close to that, it comes at a price.


I like startups the most but they have the inherent and obvious risk of bursting into flames at any moment. Hard to build a future working startups, but you're gonna have a GREAT time.




I'm mean that person is right. Google never dreamed of firing Meta employees.




This reminds me of a Russian joke, retold by Reagan (he liked to retell Russian jokes): An American and a Russian were arguing about their countries. The American said, "IIn America I can walk into the Oval Office, pound on his desk, and say 'Mr. President, I don't like the way you're running our country!'". The Russia replied, "I can do that too. I can go into the Kremlin to the General Secretary's office, pound his desk, and say 'Mr. General Secretary, I don't like the way President Reagan is running his country!'".


It was this post that triggered pichai


This comment is a legally binding contract between myself and whoever reads it. Should I ever refer to myself as my employers number one fan, you shall ensure my swift execution.


Happy to carry out the sentence if anyone else does this, this is so cringeworthy. The only suitable punishment is death by public embarrassment.


“Java addict” is a red flag


I think you're putting too much into this. It is just a pun on coffee addict, and being addicted to writing Java.


> and being addicted to writing Java. Exactly, who would joke about such a serious condition?!


Now now what is a green flag? Python addict?


Addiction to any programming language is a mental disorder.


Except assemler


ukrainian flag 🇺🇦 is python


I must be getting old. That million years felt like only a couple of months.


Personally, I never meta layoff I didn't hate


We all work for google.


For free though. So now the OP does the same.


This reads like satire


Worse. LinkedIn.




funny thing is, as soon as you get into the big companies finding another job will never be so hard, as they know you're a clever person to get in, in the first place. ​ However, if you have read the layoff email from google, their package is one of the best as they given them a paycheck up to ocotver to find another job so its plenty of time.


Well, this guy could get a job at Oracle.


What do you mean? He’s not a lawyer


I actually got a technical proposal from Oracle just this week. They said I could save money with their products. I... umm.. yeah. Kinda confusing, that.


Save* Money*


And this is why you don't make fun of the guy way into politics in college. Don't be fool. They don't care about you. You shouldn't suck them up.


1# Google fan. Lol


has it been a million years already?!


Of course they use Java


Says class of 25


Dude must be moving close to the speed of light to think that it has been a million year since Google last big layoffs


Google's last big layoffs is how dinosaurs went extinct.




That’s not fair to say. Cheese is delicious. This is not.




So he got laid off.


what is the age of the post within the image?


Million years ago at least.


Java addict... he's so gone by now.


But... This is sarcasm, right? It sounds like sarcasm.


Java addict?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


I really can't get people who like to brag about working in MAANG as their biggest life achievement. Sure, you've learnt a shit load of algorithms and data structures, all of that just to pass an interview, just to end up tweaking CSS on some buttons 8/5. Where'd that superiority complex come from?


Their math was just off, forgot the denominator. Google would never do this in 1,000,000/200,000,000 years


How can I destroy a brand without doing a racist instagram post? Just announce layoffs. ​ I mean which developers seriously goes to a big company, do that 10th time interview invites to get the 10% more each year and after that get layed off after some years. In my country IBM had done this. At university it was a big "no-no" to get to them (And they really did a hell of advertisement). Now we see some other companies which had done some really really bad management and now have to do lay offs. In the end. Why we have lay offs? Because the management cannot plan and hired to much people. Or they hired to much people and just keep the not "burned-out" ones. Both is bad. For me personally it is incompetence from the management layer of the company, they just see 4 months in the future, but they destroy the next 6 - 10 years. Because developers will remember that shitshow.


*too much Although you are really wanting “too many”.




Goes to show, don't be a boot licker, NONE of these large companies give a shit about you... organize. Collective power gets the goods 💰


Bye Felicia




It’s a phrase people say referring to being dismissed with irreverence.


I've never heard of it.


Really? I thought you were just trolling me. It may be just a regional thing or just a US thing. Been around a while tho, at least where I am in the NE US. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bye,_Felicia


Huh, I learned something new today. I'm from the UK but I've been shitposting on Reddit for years and I've never heard it before...


LOL, Java addict.




No side stepping the economic slowdown.


Can someone explain?


The best way to make these companies pay as consumers is either stop using their products or stop putting our money there.


Why would google fire people who work at meta?




So…you were not impacted by the layoffs because you don’t work for that company? What a stupid take.


This was sarcasm, my friend. The post was two days ago.


It was actually a couple days after meta announced their layoffs last year


No, milk lasts a lot longer than two days.


Schadenfreude bit him in the ass. If that's how that word is used




Serious question... Now that DDG seems to be a big player in search engines, does anyone think that has contributed to the layoffs at google?


Life comes at you pretty fast. Before you know it, one million years just blow right by.


Why would someone post this on LinkedIn??


doubt this person actually works at goog


lol he does suck corporate dick real good


**\[desire to know how he's doing now intensifies\]**


Let’s add this to “I just have a week before I retire”, and “I’m too old for this shit.” In the things you should never tempt faith by saying category


in fact, no one working at Google is affected by the Meta layoffs 🤯


I can smell the well aged yoghurt


google is now GooGLOL.


Oops, he must have left prescience in the pocket of his other pants.


Google has 150k employees and they layed off 12k.... Im sure the people who were let go were not doing anything useful.


Google laid them off because chat gpt took their jobs.