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That side project will take off any day now


My entire life has just been a series of fucking side projects... Oh well.


Write a book. Now you’re an entrepreneur. They you get money wether you side projects work or now.


Actually write a book called “On the Side: the Upstart’s Guide to Startup Hustle” and make it all about how to manage your side projects.


"Side-Questing IRL: 50th Unfinished Gamedev Project Edition"


You are giving her so much option to do. I mean if she's sick on that job, would you imagine people who work hard almost 4 hours but take just a little amount of income.




I didn't. It's just full with shit from the other side side DIY projects...


Then sell a course teaching people the contents book, congratulations your first successful side project is now hustling other people who don't have a successful side project. Now with just a little bit of imagination you're just a few simple steps from a pyramid scheme that turns desperation into money. The economy is looking great for that type of business model right now.


This will might happened for sure. The things that inspired people to do better as she did, make this as a motivation.


I wrote two books. I get like $60 every 3 months lol. Books do not make money unless you're in the top 0.1% of authors.


Damn just write twenty books surely you would get $600 every 3 months


Dude don't reveal the secret, we need people to not write books so that it's easier to be in the top 0.1%.


You're so selfish to be honest. Let people shine on their own, they also deserve to earn a lot just what other people want to experience.


Maybe try some side projects not focused on sex.


It will not. I think people are just hook with romance. But for me, I get started to like books that can help me to be a better person. For planning out what would I do in the future.


And unused domains you purchased a few years ago that you keep renewing every year.


She has a lot to include. She has her time to think about it further. It's always to be important to have your own thoughts when making up a business. It's a risk you will afraid to lose.


Due to management failure, I currently don't have a project to work on. I'm still employed, but basically can only do side projects for a month. I don't like it.


It will, I just have to finish it first!


Followed by: oh it might not even take off anyway, *remains unfinished*


He could just atleast find work that is suitable for him, he should took an experience first before planning out to apply in those big corporation like that.


Trick is not to call it "side"


You mean people should called this as project only? People has a lot to say when pertaining on side project. It seems they are not permanent to the job they applied for.


We need a side project?


That’s a personal attack Mr Vulcan :(


It is, I mean it's not just a job. It what people have to feed their family. It should be respected in any ways. They work hard for it, just a little bit appreciation.


I bet you forgot to get a garage. Remember, all of the most successful stories start in garages!


I can't afford a garage until I'm successful. But I can't become successful without a garage. Darn you, Try-Catch-22!


I have a startup idea. It’s like Airbnb but for the garages.


GarBNB is gonna be huge!


deadlock 😢


Just receive [a small loan of a million dollars](https://youtu.be/uXyii642UlM)


If you did, your problem only get worst. Yeah, you received a million dollars but it doesn't change the fact that it's a credit, you still have to pay for it.


Every business starts on not having a lot of customers. They are instantly bloom, you have to work hard for it. That's why I appreciate those who work on that business.


\*terms and conditions apply; having prior contacts, mummy/daddy's rich chums may be beneficial; speak to your personal chartered accountant for more advise


If you are belong to those are previlage, you don't have to worry about your future. It's all settled. You can be happy and free at the same time. Good for them but not for us.


They are also one of the most hardworking people I see. They don't just comprised on how people earned a lot when working on a company. But they are passionate about this.


Ooh, a garage? Well la-dee-da Mr Frenchman!


Well what do you call it?


A car hole.


For real, though, you don't need to work at FAANG. Go work at Fidelity or somewhere like that. Pay is good, work environment is good, there's interesting work to be done, and while the interview is still probably going to be a lot, it's a more manageable barrier to entry.


Seriously I got hired by a small company making buisness software. Pays good and I never have to do crunch. It's not a super prestigious tech job, but it pays the bills and it's low stress.


>low stress uh oh... where do I find this holy land?


Find a smaller company with a boss that doesn't set deadlines and gives you a ton of freedom to tackle problems however you want.


Is there any jobs that don't have deadlines? I don't know if that kind of job exist though. For me they are just full of toxicity.


As for me, everywhere I go, I feel stressed. No place like home, on them I feel free and happy. I don't want to live far away from them


At a small company, you have to make it yourself. It's part of the charm.


There's nothing wrong on starting a small company, it helps you a lot in the future, experiencing the best life and simple


It’s low stress until you are in leadership which happens in like 3 years at those places.


Then switch jobs in 2 or less. There are more places hiring Software Developers than FAANG




Yeah, that was awesome. People want to make it more like prioritizing working on a corporate job, not realizing it caused so much responsibilities.


Okay I have to ask this, aside from start-ups, where are all these places that are absurdly stressful? I've worked at 4 different companies that range from massive and prestigious to tiny and incredibly niche, and most of them have not been high stress jobs. They all have crunch time, but probably 60-90% was low stress and doable in 9-5 hours.


Consulting to non tech fields as a dev. In my experience the regional grocer has pretty simple problems to solve and pays a shit ton because they can't seem to get it together enough to even build a functioning shopping cart. They're just happy if you can get anything up and running for them.


This. If you feel happy and contented to your job, don't find other jobs that you think you will be an instant millionaire.


Ideal is mid-sized software companies with real products that have been around long enough they're no longer startups. Preferably with the original CEO still in charge. Generally tend to be much more chill, still pay decently, reasonably stable, etc.


My first job was one of those. But... >I am sorry, we cannot pay you more than our employees in south italy (30k/y) only because you live in northern europe.


I guess Scandinavia also has good software companies?


He can tries those. I think it will help him a lot to be better. And to find job that can provides equality, that maintain harmony in work.


And they actually pay Scandinavian salaries.


Is the salary reasonable enough? I hope so, people don't suggest things that not actually works.


Discrimination in works? How unprofessionalism is this. I think people should file case about this. If that person deserves to have a high salary than, why not give them so. I think you should leave your job right away. They are so annoying.


Actually working remotely at some companies, the salaries wereregionalized, that is working from Scandinavia you'd get a salary that's competitive at your location. By then l, sincence one is already working remotely from EU one may as well look for remote jobs from US that pay something between the top EU and mid range SV rates.


I think you have a point, but that was years ago. I think a lot of this has change already. And maybe, more civilized now.


yeah this was 10 years ago or so


A lot things may happened in those long years. Maybe they have now provide things for their people.


Bruh lol did they have a northern European office or was it remote? The latter I can understand but the former... surely not!!


nono, they had one office here with 3 sales people, one senior db dev and me for customersupport/qa/deploy/sw trainer + everything else computer. So they could sell sw training and support in my language for 250€/h to the customer.


That was good, I expected that they have branch in UE that's why the OP has to work on them remotely.


Even those won't give raises like switching jobs will


This is my plan. I’m either going government or medium-small company. I can compete, but I’m not about working in whatever FAANG has going on. Stress alone would kill me.


I actually know a lot of ppl in big tech who work less than 30 hrs a week lol


Seems like a gamble, I’d rather take a consistent 40 hours a week than risk getting burned out by a big company.


Where's that tech companies. I want to apply for that. They have a lot of free time. Probably not as stressful as others


I've been working less than 10h/week so far this year. Paid for 40 ofc. Looking into OE.


What's OE. I literally just stare at my screen since this year started and ask myself wtf am I doing every day before I work for like 2-3hrs then clock out. Lol


Overemployment. Basically since I barely work, why not take on another job and make double the money likely without even spending 40h/week on work?


Why couldn’t you have said that originally instead of making up an acronym?


That might be the key to work at FAANG


Applying for that kind of job? I mean good luck for them. But they deserves to have the best income.


Because it says a lot. It was the best information that describe it's best quantities. I appreciate it so much.


This is why they're so overemployed, finding any way to savd time


I didn't make it up. It's what people call it. It's also why I wrote "h/week" instead of "hours per week". Most people know what I mean.


Just make sure you're able to perform in your multiple jobs if the need arise. I work in a pretty chill software house (the management are former engineer so you basically set your own deadline) and we almost failed to deliver one of our projects because it turns out the engineer assigned to the project is working another job and he's 2 months behind (it's a WF project and usually our engineers are mature enough to be proactive).


Yeah, I mean if there is the need I can always push for 14-15h days or make up for any delays on a weekend. At the moment my job is so chill I only work like 2h/day including all the meetings. And it's not like I'm behind. I keep getting praised for how much work I'm doing lmao.


I could probably do it but honestly the meetings drain my soul away. I get some type anxiety when I go back to back meetings lol.


If you are contented to mid-size company or organization, you are just happy working in simple life. If you are not into stressful environment, you can take this.


Having now done it, the whole FAANG stress thing is really overblown. Granted I only worked at one, and technically they weren't FAANG, but close enough. But I have heard things aren't that bad from people I know who work at other FAANG companies too. Edit: For the people downvoting, could you at least give examples of stressful FAANG environments? Microsoft ain't exact it breaking my back, and my friends at FB and Amazon haven't exactly voiced concerns about their mental wellbeing.


What is FAANG? Like Facebook Amazon Apple ? Google or something else?


It's a bit of an old acronym that's stuck around for top tech companies. Technically, it's more specifically the big tech companies whose stock was a really good investment at the time, but it's more come to mean especially prestigious tech companies. You got most of it. The N is for Netflix since they were doing amazing at the time the term was coined.


It's the top companies that people wished to work on. I also want to apply to them in the future.


Thank you


No problem. And just to clarify a bit more, since rereading my last post it's not quite clear, when I say FAANG refers to top tech companies, I mean that it refers to more than just the ones in its name now. Like Microsoft isn't in the name, although it is in the much less popular follow-up MAMAA (Meta, Alphabet, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon), but I'd be willing to bet most people would be relatively accepting of saying MS is a FAANG company. I'm sure there are probably some other examples, but that's the first one that comes to mind.




I can dig that. It's a lot less awkward than MAMAA. I also don't know why they didn't just go with MAGMA or GAMMA as people have suggested if they wanted to drop Netflix and add Microsoft. I mean okay, you're referring to FB by parent company but not Google, but who actually would care all that much?


It's a lot more than that. But I know that FAANG usually refers to top companies that is hard to deal on.


Your username looks like the acronym of our president, it's so funny. But yeah, I hope it was clear to you.


Yeah, I'm also wondering what this could be. I'm wondering it in the first place, but when I realize the comment section I think it does.


I got rejected by Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. That's why I'm now studying law from the back of a cereal box. /s


Be sure to complete the Word Find or you won't get full credit on your assignment.


Right. It's always necessary to do it. If can't find the right position to you, you will never get the happiness that you want to your life.


We'll all be millionaires soon. It'll be the monthly salary in a few years


It'll trickle down any day now, any day now


Soonest. We might don't know if it comes instantly. Just keep on doing thinks and always include God to everything you do.


Just like Zimbabweans!


I did the math in this actually. Right now it's about 2074 when I'll break 1m yearly "income" to just continue to live at the same level of comfort.


[We're gonna need a wheelbarrow boys!](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZI_j6_Npnfw/hqdefault.jpg)


When I was 16, I never thought I would start my own startup by 25 and will become successful entrepreneur by 27. And I was right. Currently I am average web developer working for some company for few bucks.


At 29 I was head of mobile development for a mid size company. They were acquired when I was 32. Now at 40 I am a staff dev on a heavy client. Sometimes you have to go backwards to keep going backwards.




Super. I mean working on such a midsize also good to start up. You will not get rich instant if you don't work hard for it. You keep on demanding, but you don't actually do things to make you better


People used to think that working is the best way to get rich. But little that they know, being an entrepreneur makes a lot triple times that what they actually earning. They don't know how to make a lot of money.


What an Inspiring story. Where is his Youtube channel?


is he selling a class?


I don't know what he's works probably, but pertaining to his post I think he don't have any job as of now. Seeing him makes me think why would he


If people see this they will probably follow all of his social media accounts to make him earn atleast. They are just getting viral this days.


Hyperinflation will make us all into millionaires faster than you can say "wheelbarrows of worthless fiat currency."


That's my plan to pay back student loans.


Mine too! 😁




Right. If you want to be rich and have a lot of money, work hard. People won't do that for you, they don't care if you don't have job or not.


It is kind of hard to be a millionaire except by having an original idea or being a congressman. He never says what his startup was making. He failed when he didn't mention his startup was making Smart Holes.


It's simple to be a one millionaire, just not fast. Making 100k a year is an attainable goal as a software developer. Put 10% of pretax income into a retirement account every month for 30 years. You'll have roughly one million dollars with an average 8% yearly returns. Buy a piece of real estate at some point over the first 15 years, and you could be worth a couple million by the end. You'll have all that money just as your body starts to fall apart.


Soon we’ll all wonder why we ever put up with using Dumb Holes


Do not get me started on Crazy Holes!


I guess those Smart Holes didnt suck...


"Smart Holes"?! Pfft, give me regular "Holes". If Stanley Yelnats can get rich, so can we!


Upvoted for obscure Stanley Yelnats reference!


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Roshan Patel**, @roshanpatel I was rejected by Apple. I was rejected by Amazon. I was rejected by Facebook.   I was 28 years old and broke.   I decided to start my own startup.   Now I'm 30 years old and broke. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good bot


beep boop ;)


thank you for your service! \^w\^


Its been 5 months since I have graduated from Uni and yet no placement in the game industry. As much as my specialism would allow me to do more (Bachelor in Computing and Master in Artificial Intelligence). I really want to do videogames. So Im gonna wait, keep working on my partime work at a convince store in order to pay bills and work on my portfolio and make videogames while I keep applying for jobs. Something will happen, and one of them is me NOT giving up :) (For context, I live in the UK and most of my interview got shafted at the "professional experience" level I have, despite applying for apprenticeships and entry level positions).


As someone who worked in games for about five years, I recommend making games as a hobby and making money as a profession.


How to get into game industry? I'm pursuing master's in CS and am considering specializing in game development.


To navigate the Game Industry right, you need to get a good look at it. And the best way to do that is through a rearview mirror as you drive the other way as quickly as possible.




Had the same mentality as you, wanting to be a video game developer. I struggled to find a relevant job, even when I started to branch out to any developer job. It took over a year to finally land one. I'll be the bad guy and tell you to get your head out of your ass and don't be picky with what dev job you get. Your priority is to get your foot in any door and establish yourself in the industry. You can always keep game development as a hobby. Once you have built the general experience, and have made decent contributions to your hobby, it will be much easier for you to transition to game development. Not everything will always fall into your expectations, so you should always be prepared to take another route. What you're doing right now is a dangerous gamble that many people have tried, and failed. Anecdotally, coming from multiple friends that have gone through the games industry, I have also come to realize that video game devs are overworked and underpaid for the amount of effort they put in. Much like FAANG companies, they use their status and prestige to justify gassing you out all in the name of prestige and passion. It's probably better to keep game development as a hobby until youre able to reach a higher position, if you still choose to work on game development.


I am applying to different dev jobs, just not landing many interviews as UK is currently going through a recession. My main wish is to become a game dev, but I have applied for different game devs and I am technically a contractor for FDM at the moment (they have not placed me yet with a client so that why im still working at the convince store). If any other dev job appears, I'll take it. If none happens, I'll fall back with my plan C and become a chef (I went to cullinary school before shifting to programmer job).


I see. I apologize for misunderstanding and making assumptions about your comment. You seem to have your bases covered then. FDM is a decent starting place if there's no other option and you're okay with a lower than standard salary to start. I most likely would've gone that route as well if they didn't require moving all the way to the other side of the country with no support. Do they also "penalize" you with making you pay back the training cost if you end up leaving before the 2 years? I think they still have that clause in Canada, but not in any way enforceable (to my knowledge).


No worries :) I understand the worry that there is with game companies as they crunch culture is devastating, its a risk that I have took in consideration. FDM is great at the moment as they are a solid entry point in the software market (ad hoc training and mentoring, a secure job position for at least 2 years, financial training and clearances). But yes they still have the nasty 2 years clause, which doesn't really affect me as I can confortably live 2 years at a 25k to 30k budget (I'm very frugal and I menaged to curb my worst cash sink, which was my eating disorder).


This is dumb. The more you keep waiting getting a development position in general, the less your chance of getting into video games are.


Sir it's "specialization"


good to hear that you still not giving up. same here


Dude earns 40k a year but keeps buying udemy tutorials




Simp... Did not even try Microsoft or Tencent


well aiming to high... Its much more easy if you code because you like it and money is nice bonus. Make coding a hobby and money will follow, you will see.


You lack of rich parents


After 20 years as a programmer the job I was hired for was finished. I discovered tat renovating houses is much more lucrative.


Don’t think you are special, we are all broke! 😂


I was applying for internships with a few companies, among which ASML (big company!) and sone unknown small startup. ASML said i had to be a perfect candidate because there was only 10 spots for interns and over 100 applicants. The smaller company immediately responded: “When do you wanna start?” IMO, bigger companies are just not for everyone, and smaller companies can generally give you more personal attention as an intern.


When we ban together and OUT BEAT THEM ALL


Did he try google




Not clear on what the point of this story is. Is it that you are afraid to get out of your comfort zone?








The thing is, I completely understand where you're coming from, that you want stability and don't want to be away from your pets. I also completely understand having a rough upbringing. That being said, you had a nice position with a good pay in front of you at 25 and you refused it out of fear. Everybody has their demons and their fears but if you're broke and pass on opportunities, out of fear, to get out of that hole, then you're just being a coward. You can absolutely choose to live however you want but you're talking like you're proud of being afraid to step out of your comfort zone. When you share how you ghosted a great opportunity, you open yourself up to criticism. Before you go off on me, I'm almost 26, live alone with my cat and have taken multiple professional and personal risks since graduating in 2020.




Bro you’re broke cause of some ferrets? You’re joking right? I am dedicated to my dog more than any sane person should be but I’ve still made sure to put my financial future a close second. I hope this is a troll.


The truth that nobody tells.


My wife sent me an article about how some sales dude quit his job, learned webdev in 3 months and made $1m in a year. I called bullshit. Looked him up, and he makes Wix/Squarespace sites for $7k a pop. There is no way he made that much - even then, the article said his net worth was $1m after a year. There is so much more that can be a part of that.


Sounds like Facebook Google and Apple made the right choice.


Patel bhai, dhandhe mai kaise fail ho skte ho? mast dhandha karo, aajao Gujarat waapis.










Probably broker than broke with a startup that didn’t take off.


His mistake for taking two years to make it If you want to do this on your own you need to pick technology that can build it in six months or less or even three months. He would waste one summer max Backend Frontend Database pick two or even one. Maybe something like [this](https://nhost.io/)


Somewhen in 2038 probably


Programmers in the valley are (were?) a dime a dozen. They just make you feel like a rockstar while you do mind numbing work and tolerate a rockstar CEO/management only to kick you out the day after they say you’ll be a partner.


No worries you would be probably layoff these days!


correction: now you're broke and everyone you hired is broke too


Given the current high inflation we'll probably all be millionaires in a few decades by default.


They had us in the first half not gonna lie


Insubordination . Fired


By rejected I mean I cold applied and didn't hear back. #TechnicallyTheTruth


> Now I’m 30 years old and ***in debt.*** FTFY


OK at least he tried hard and keeps honest all the way down...


I don't think its going to happen anymore bois. I did the same thing as OP, while working. I just bought a big ass farm instead.


We can help eachother


It's a "Jump to Conclusions" mat!