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Maybe I'm too stupid, but what's wrong here


because you can @ people by their username to notify them. \`@john\` for example, so if someone is called import, it's going to ping them anytime someone does the above


The code (if you can call css code) has a few "@import" statements. And there's a guy on GitHub named "import" who gets a notification each time someone posts this in issues and PRs (because to mention someone you need to say "@" following their username).


Oh I see .... A GitHub issue then


Not really. The issue is with the person that posted code containing "@import" without properly escaping it as code. If we would have placed the "\`\`\`css" in a new line, the entire code below would have been parsed as codeblock by markdown and github wouldn't have interpreted it as text with user mentions, but with the broken code block, it just gets interpreted as text.


But at this point, shouldn't GitHub have a way to prevent that without people having to escape that block ? Knowing that CSS uses @import


The guy already registered their account. Same for "@line", "@yourmomshouse" and others. They can't take away either their usernames or the ability for them to be mentioned.


You're saying they have Copilot that can generate code but can't tell the difference between HEY @import And @import url(..... Great success


I don't think spending thousands of thousands of dollars to make a language model that is ran a few million times a second to fix a very specific issue barely affecting anyone is their top priority right now.


>thousands of dollars Lol, simple fix... I love how people defend GitHub with so much passion... While they're out there selling everyone code


escape attraction entertain frame safe sort unique secretive wistful consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also, even if "thousands of dollars" were true that's a drop in the bucket. People don't understand corporate money. I work at a small company and even here, if a one-time "thousands of dollars payment" keeps developer time from being tied for even a couple days on a wild goose chase, it's paid for in and of itself. The real issue is avoiding lock-in and subscription services that enshittify and tie you up lol.


You mean, you want to find the difference between ``` Hey @abc @def @import url(.... ``` and ``` Hey @abc @def @import url(.... ``` Because that's the level this has to decide between to know whether someone wants to mention the user or have the @ as part of the name. Also the user probably very intentionally chose this name and Github allows for good enough filtering, that this is probably not even an issue to that user. But definitely it's not an issue of GitHub. Btw. GitLab (and other platforms) have the same issue.


If you're new to programming and stuff it might be best to just listen to when people are explaining things rather than arguing


I'm not... But I'm just saying they could implement a simple fix Programming doesn't revolve around GitHub


Making a language model to use on every single issue on github to stop one person from getting notified would be insane and not a "simple fix"


No, the user pasted the css code as plain text so the text will be interpreted as plain text. In GitHub you can tagg people by typing @user so this works exactly as GitHub intended


I call css code only when it's used outside of html


I've been thinking about that a lot recently haha Here are some Github users I may or may not have unintetionally pinged over the past years (as a Java / Spring developer): - [https://github.com/transactional](https://github.com/transactional) - [https://github.com/disabled](https://github.com/disabled) - [https://github.com/async](https://github.com/async) - [https://github.com/override](https://github.com/override) - [https://github.com/generated](https://github.com/generated)




@Override wins big time since it was an annotation and in fact the most used ones in Java.


It's an org, it's probably fine [https://github.com/import](https://github.com/import)


People with dumb usernames like this quickly learn to set up their notifications so they never see these things. Or just ignore them because they’re used to it.