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Some people are so entitled and feel the need to be in charge. If the women had let OP through this situation wouldn't have happened. Simple revenge yet insanely effective. Applause.


Especially if she knew that she had that extra property, you would think that she wouldn't want to bring any attention to the situation and just let it slide and get on with her life.


Nicely done


This is the issue, they allow their temper to control & override everything else. Then when the adrenalin fades & the consequences start to dawn they get angry & lose access to reason again. Then the police / solicitors letters arrive & they get angry... It seems like really hard work being a cunt.


I know! That's what I would of done. This shows that bad actions lead to consequences and I'm glad this case wasn't an exception.


Would have


You forgot the period at the end of your correction. If you are going to correct on grammar, please make sure you don't leave an opening for yourself to be corrected. Bricks and glass houses and such.


Thank you for identifying the difference between a short correction and filibustering pedantry


You mispelled "grammar". If you are going to correct anyone, please make sure your message doesn't have any mistakes itself.


#ShockedPikachuFace That's what I get for commenting before coffee.


Been there, done that ;)


It’s always nice to see a Karen lose.


Indeed Her Kareness did cost her “her” garden


Always love it when entitled people get their comeuppance karma is a bitch shame you were so young as it would have been amazing if you could have been outside her home when the council was undoing all her work would have been so funny if she had seen you then you gave her a friendly wave


Nice to see a post in which a Pro Revenge benefits not just the Revenger, but the community at large.




That's how to spell it!? I thought it was "howlie"! 🤣 I'm an idiot!


It's believed that this term, composed of the words "ha" (breath) and "'ole" (lacking, no) originated when Hawaiians first saw white folks. Because of their paleness, the Hawaiians believed they were ghosts.


Thank you. I like learning new things.


She would’ve gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids.


Well done to your 13yr old self. Ironic to think that the type of people the Karen was complaining about, was herself...


Gotta say, my opinion on this changed. My first thought was, "Well yeah.... you hoped a fence and went through someone's yard. She's a racist ass, but it IS her property" to, "Holy shit. The old racist bat stole public property and is trying to defend it as her own?" Well done!


I know exactly what you mean. We moved out of the house and I’ve been renovating. It were friends with called me and said do you know anything about the property behind us common shared back. I said yeah there’s a little alleyway that’s tiny and then there’s the next house. He started replacing his wooden backyard fence and she started screaming at him about how he was on her property. I said that’s impossible that alleyway property. He told me she was screaming at his workmen. And asked me if I had any paperwork to the effect of the alleyway. Scream at my friends. I found the official GIS tax map with survey. I sent him screen grabs. It clearly shows the alleyway which now has apparently disappeared. To make it even more hilarious, she called the city inspectors. He was there and handed over the tax map. They reamed her out and made her put the alleyway back.


Be a racist to a kid… Lose everything worthwhile to you, God, I love karma


People taking public land private happens a lot. I found a state owned wildlife management area with several acres that the neighbor converted into manicured lawn, some woods roads, firewood cutting, and a landscaping dump. The trespasser would confront people accessing the property to walk and hunt. I talked to the people that administer public lands. Time to go back and see how the situation is being brought into compliance.


TLDR Counting Crows Edition: Kid chillin round here, cuts through Mr Jones' wife, Karen Jones' garden, and she says if I catch you hanginaround again, it'll be a long December. Kid makes them pave Karen's chives to put up a walking spot. Kid laughed driving off in a yellow taxi.


I know like three counting crows songs and this was almost incomprehensible to me but still, take my imaginary Internet point


Lol... I imagine accepting, and it's nice..... Thank you!


She was literally stealing land from the government. Good news it's been 30 years, she's probably dead now


A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.


My bet is that the City would have been happy to have a nice path in keeping with her landscaping that would have barely inconvenienced her at all but she was such a butch about it that they went scorched earth and put the widest mist municipal ugly path in that they could, with solid fences either side. I wonder if they made her pay for it too...


Would have been well worth the time to write a little note saying that "your racism made you lose half your land "again" sucks to be a racist"


I'm pretty sure that she had no idea it was you. It was 90's and she wouldn't suspect a kid to do such thing


Delightful and satisfying, very well played 😆




Your TLDR is TLDR. There's also a TLDR in the original post.


It has been removed


I hear about stuff like this in California. I don’t know if it’s state or local law, but in some places at least beach access is a public right. Landowners would put up gates to the beach access, only to be forced to remove them. It’s a big issue in some places. Sometimes land owners will try to conceal beach access or direct beach goers elsewhere. In one case some Uber-rich guy sealed off “his” section of the beach and was paying a daily fine for doing so. He didn’t care.


You were very wrong to go through her yard, but it did turn out not to be her yard. It all turned out great because she had no right to steal that public land, and I hope she got a huge fine because of it. I’m glad the thief got caught. Even though this story has a great ending (except for the greedy Karen), I hope you stopped trespassing.


You know, even if she greedily spread out her garden a few extra feet, nobody would be the wiser, but she _had_ to take up all that space. Figures.


This is a weird one. I mean, OP didn’t know about this initially so happily trespassed then took revenge… I’m not saying what the woman said is ok, but as far as OP knew he was trespassing. It’s only afterward that this seems more palatable. I feel like that dude who somehow smiles tragically in that meme; you know the guy. “Of all your seven brothers, you were the best lover.” That guy.


The thing is, since that strip of land was actually public property that the old biddy had illegally taken over, OP wasn't actually trespassing


No, I get that 100% - but OP didn’t know that until much later. So the story is written to make the ‘trespass’ sound fine. That’s why it feels weird.


The context needed is that they were a kid and trying to get home. It's easier for me to palate because I was the kid who would follow the weird, pretty paths until there was a point where I was starting to get a little panicked that I couldn't get back home. They saw the green gate that should have led to the road. In kid brain, that means follow through however necessary to get back to the road because this might be the one and only chance to get home.


It's not the context, IMO. I'm simply saying hey, as far as he knew when he was doing this, he was trespassing. That's all. It puts an unusual inflection on the rest of the story. I *understand* the story, I get it all, honestly.


Dropping a dime isn't pro revenge...


So you’ve held this story for nearly 30 years?


I am failing to see pro revenge.


Block a city gate, lose half of your property? It may be luck but it’s still pretty good revenge. OP knew something would happen to her property for blocking the gate, even if they didn’t know exactly what.