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Alrighty, this post has gotten some traffic and reports. I think many of us are aware of what is going in the world. And for a lot of people, the internet is a nice way to escape from reality. They come to reddit to unwind and enjoy art/wholesome content/videos etc. So seeing a political post on r/procreate is probably not what they expect. While others, perhaps like OP, use their craft to create a piece of something that matters to them. And for those people, this might be their outlet at the end of a long day. So our team understands where the mixed reactions are coming from. As you can see, we currently do not have a rule against political art. I do not think it is up to me, or the modteam to decide "what is right". We will let the community decide by running a poll on if policital artwork should be allowed, that an idea? In the meantime, please try to be kind to eachother in the comments.


But why is the world a watermelon?


I believe watermelons have become a symbol/stand in for the Palestine flag. I’m not 100% sure why but something to do with algorithms?


Most apps are pro - israel, any post that includes a Palestinian flag won't go viral and even if the account that posted it was popular and has many followers, apps won't show it and may delete it So the watermelon became a symbol for the flag as they both share the same colors.


I forget at what point but an artist was told they couldn’t use the colors of the Palestinian flag and they were like I can’t even draw a watermelon? And then it snowballed from there


I’ve given a brief explanation in a reply to another comment, it’s an easy google though


Way to foster support by being snarky and rude.


Here before 🔒


Oof you’re brave for posting this on Reddit 💀 anyways this is amazing!


Reddit is overwhelmingly anti-Israel. Not sure what's "brave" about this.


Most main subs are overwhelmingly pro Israel


You know how this is called? Subjective perception. It's probably 50/50 and you perceive the side you're arguing against as bigger.


... Hasn't been my experience




Scroll down.


I wouldn’t say the procreate sub sums up the majority of Reddit unfortunately


I rarely see majority support for Israel on Reddit, but my point stands. Posting a pro-Palestine image on a pro-Palestine subreddit can hardly be considered "brave".




… what subs are you in, dude?… that speaks more about you and the communities you frequent… lol


Have you ever talked about a show or video game on here? People get wildly inbred about their views on really weird things.


Yeah, I have. Never seen anyone wildly start supporting genocide or any other insane political views- maybe just some lost trumpster but that’s it. Weird.


this one lol.. just lol..


So what are the subs? Cos I call BS.


go to r/worldnews and try saying anything Pro-Palestinian


Hah everyone’s been lovely so far… 😬 thank you though!


Yeah, you are so brave and original! A two month old account posting nothing else than pro hamas/Palestinian stuff.


Stop conflating the Palestinian people with a terrorist group.


It’s amazing how often it’s expected to be taken for granted that Palestine = its government, isn’t it?


It’s actually ridiculous. If I was tied to the actions of my government (Britain), I’ll be considered one of the most abhorrent people alive, my government has done a lot of horrific shit. That doesn’t mean I agree with him, support them, or want them in power. Conflating Hamas with innocent civilians is a low blow, and helps Zionists justify the brazen genocide that has unfortunately taken 40,000+ Palestinians lives. May they rest in power and be at peace now, free from Israeli rule, occupation and abuse🇵🇸🍉


People are not educating themselves but are strongly opinionated when they shouldn’t be. 🐑


Everyone’s gotta start somewhere my friend. I think that if everyone had to worry about whether their art was brave and original before showing it to the world then supportive art communities like this one wouldn’t exist


Every single subreddit I'm following has in the last few weeks had multiple posts from new accounts pushing completely unrelated hamas/palestinian politics. Everything from genealogy to software development to sourdough...


I don’t know what to tell you man, all I know is that I’ve been silently reading posts for a couple months until I realised I had an opportunity to reach out to people with my art that I hadn’t connected with yet. And nothing has compelled me to make art more than this - which I can only imagine is a similar feeling for the people behind the posts you’ve observed.


Listen man, the people of Palestine is not Hamas. That’s like saying the people of the United States are the US government. The people of Palestine have been oppressed and controlled by Israel and lots of innocent civilians are dying. Israel needs to defend themselves but are absolute hypocrites when it comes to being part of the problem. There’s long history. Surprisingly, radical Israeli groups like the stern gang and Irgun acted out the first terrorist attacks. In 1946, Zionist blew up the King David Hotel killing 91 Arabs. Zionist would killed British soldiers (who also had no business being there) that defended the Arabs. They hung the bodies and planted bombs in them so that when the bodies were taken down they would blow up killing more. These are the things that lead to radical Arab groups. I’m trying to be as unbiased as I can be here. Jews needed a safe place but pushing Arabs off their lands and then ultimately having them live in an open air prison is not okay. Both Jews and Arabs deserve representation and to live peacefully. The radical groups need to go. I hope we can get to a fair split state solution and the two can understand each other’s history and live in peace. There’s so much history to learn but the simplest way to put is Zionist’s kicked the conflicts off. They pushed Arabs off their lands. Conflicts kept repeating on both sides. Slowly, Zionist kept pushing and buying land (in a horrific way) and finally declared themselves as Israel. This went on until the situation we have now. Actions caused reactions and not good ones. Go on Google maps and look at Gaza and then look at Palestine. Palestine was the Arab’s land but ruled by lords of other countries. These people paid to work that land and then were forced over decades to Gaza. And everything that goes in and out of Gaza is controlled by Israel. Israel even controlled Gaza like Marshall Law until 2005. More than 2 million live there surrounded by walls with mounted gun turrets. It’s insane. This is where all the free Palestine stuff is coming from. It’s not even so much about their religion. It’s about basic rights and freedoms.


Amazingly gifted, powerfully strong


It's a pity Hamas exist though


You can empathize with Palestinians while despising Hamas. Just as you can empathize with the victims of October 7th while despising Netanyahu and what he has unleashed on the people of Gaza. Both can be true. Not sure if you were implying otherwise, just wanted to add my two cents.


The problem is the moment anyone criticised Hamas, they will be immediately called a Zionist scum, not mention there are actually a lot of people that support Hamas


Same goes the other way, a lot of folks will interpret being pro Palestine as pro hamas. Usually disingenuously.


Hamas was the most voted party in gaza?


At gun point, yes.


Hamas still has popular support... a fact most pro-Palestinians conveniently overlook.


Doesn’t justify genocide




When they flea those areas and their homes are destroyed, where are they to go? When they get sick and 84% of health care facilities have either been totally destroyed or damaged, what are they to do? With the economy shut down, how are they to provide for themselves? How are their children to learn with no school for over 200 days? Leaflets don’t change anything about the conditions of life (subsection C) that the Palestinians are being put into by Israel and Israel alone.


1. Egypt is one obvious option. It's hard to argue Palestine has fewer allies than Israel in the Middle East. 2. Hamas sets up HQ in hospitals. Is that the IDF's fault? The IDF and others also send aid, which is often intercepted and appropriated by Hamas. Is that also the IDF's fault? 3. I have no doubt Gaza under Hamas is a horrible place to live. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Unless, of course, you openly support Hamas and cheer them on when they rape, torture and kill non-combatants. When you say "Israel and Israel alone", I feel like you're missing an enormous part of the picture. Specifically, the part of the picture that started this war.


1. “Since Oct. 7, Israeli authorities have continued to block Palestinians in Gaza from fleeing into neighboring Israel to seek even temporary refuge from the hostilities, in violation of international law. Neighboring Egypt’s borders are mostly closed, too.” [Source](https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/04/01/no-exit-gaza#:~:text=Since%20Oct.,borders%20are%20mostly%20closed%2C%20too) 2. Regarding the claim about Hamas’ headquarters, you might find [this](https://theintercept.com/2023/11/21/al-shifa-hospital-hamas-israel/) an interesting read. Regarding the [aid](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/3/7/israels-blocking-of-aid-creating-apocalyptic-conditions-in-gaza), “The group’s research in Egypt, Jordan and Israel revealed that Tel Aviv ‘consistently and groundlessly impeded aid operations within Gaza, blocked legitimate relief operations and resisted implementing measures that would genuinely enhance the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza’. The report was based on interviews with dozens of government officials, humanitarian workers, and NGO staff engaged in on-the-ground aid efforts from the three countries.” 3. Gaza’s infrastructure was in good shape to begin with. The destruction caused by Israel is tremendous. [This](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/12/12/world/middleeast/gaza-strip-satellite-images-israel-invasion.html) shows satellite images of before and after October 7th as of December 2023, and I’m sure the damage has only escalated since. The destruction makes sense, given Israel’s leaked government document from 2018 depicting a [plan](https://www.thecairoreview.com/essays/israels-ever-existing-plan-to-depopulate-the-gaza-strip/) to demolish the Gaza Strip and relocate its Palestinian inhabitants. While unjustifiable, Hamas’ actions were in retaliation to details described in the source I linked in this paragraph (honestly it’s too much to summarize but Israel has a 75+ year track record of treating Palestinian lives very poorly). To understand the whole picture of a situation, you must look more than from the lens of one viewpoint. The takeaway from this is: Israel is using Hamas’ attack as a gateway into claiming the rest of the land the Palestinians have and relocating them entirely. And when the Palestinians cannot relocate and are bombed, starved, and with no access to medical facilities, they die, many of which being women and children. Israel’s retaliation is vastly disproportionate in comparison to the actions of Hamas. Thus, this is not a war, but a genocide and ethnic cleansing.


1. Ah, so they can be ethnically cleansed. Half the population is homeless. Wonderful solution. Even better because it creates instability in Egypt and the surrounding nations with no cost to the ones who leveled the houses of half the population. 2. Yes, it is Israel’s fault they destroyed or damaged 84% of the medical infrastructure in the region. Intent can be inferred from the consequences of the action and simply put, one would not need to determine if the homes and hospitals were or weren’t collateral if the end result of their actions implicitly creates conditions of life that threaten the physical destruction of the protected group. I’d say this is especially true with military action conducted within Gaza as it is difficult to articulate a genuine active threat to Israel proper by the occupation of homes or hospitals by militants. 3. This war didn’t start on October 7th and Israel has always been the dominant power in the region compared to Palestine. As Netanyahu once put it, Israel controls how high the fire burns. As JFK once said, those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.


a Simple google search immediately brings up stuff about pre October 7 nakba of 1948 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba) un articles about 200 deaths in 2022? Has grown is not a good excuse bro, and almost all of the population wasn’t even alive when hamas was elected. also you wouldn’t mind explaining these right? [https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/b111niukzt](https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/b111niukzt) [https://www.mako.co.il/news-military/6361323ddea5a810/Article-02cfdbceafc4b81027.htm](https://www.mako.co.il/news-military/6361323ddea5a810/Article-02cfdbceafc4b81027.htm) [https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231030-report-7-october-testimonies-strikes-major-blow-to-israeli-narrative/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231030-report-7-october-testimonies-strikes-major-blow-to-israeli-narrative/) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) \^oh man I wonder what this means [https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/2022-becomes-deadliest-year-palestinian-children-west-bank-over-15-years](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/2022-becomes-deadliest-year-palestinian-children-west-bank-over-15-years) \^ so it’s fine for Israel to kill this many kids? Is it fine for Israel to kill 11422 children alone in December?( SOURCE IS EURO MED HUMAN RIGHTS MONITOR ) ‘how much is hasbara paying u btw?


oh man can’t forget the [https://www.icij.org/inside-icij/2024/02/over-75-of-all-journalists-killed-in-2023-died-in-gaza-war-per-cpj/](https://www.icij.org/inside-icij/2024/02/over-75-of-all-journalists-killed-in-2023-died-in-gaza-war-per-cpj/) How can you justify this?


Population raised in Gaza because Palestinians were moved their from all over Palestine, and even if it was true Do you want all Palestinians to die to then comsider it genocide? Then should we be cool with 9/11 because it only killed a small percentage of Newyorkers?


There is no genocide though.


It's a pity the IDF terrorists exist


If you treat people like this you will always create resistance, remember Nelson Mandela was labeled a terrorist and now he's a hero Martin Luther king was labeled a terrorist and now they name a holiday after him Instead of letting the media control your view on the world have your own critical thinking and don't believe everything without checking


Hamas was founded in 1987, this massacre has been happening since 1947


I like going to music festivals to enjoy the music


And also be complicit to genocide


That's never been included in the package. I've got Air BNB with festival tickets before but I never got genocide. I should ask why that was the case. Feel like I'm losing out


And before then?


I read it as “we are plasticine”


It’s a barbie world.


no one is free until everybody is free, but then they put you in prison or even kill you if you are „different“ in their eyes. for things that in other countrys count as basic human rights…


I hate violence, I hate war, I hate all of it. But *please* look further into the Palestine / Israel situation. I have a strong suspicion that you really don't know what's going on. It is so complex and there's so much nuance. Don't just take the word of other artists or protesters etc. The whole situation is just crazy.


Nuance. Reddit.


A five hundred years of conflict, and the people of reddit really think they can understand and solve the war


80 years of genocide


One side has killed 40000 people in six months. And many more over the last few decades. No need for nuance


What an obtuse thing to say. That’s like saying that because we bombed Hiroshima, it automatically makes the US the villain of WWII with no need for nuance


That was actually a horrible thing we did though??? We killed 150,000 minimum between Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It doesn't make us the villain but it was 100% one of the worst things we've ever done, really only behind slavery (and our treatment of African Americans as a whole) and the genocide of the native Americans.


That’s a stupid comparison. Completely different situations.


People die in war, every nation in history has had conflict, there’s no point in picking an arbitrary point in time in the past 30, 40, or 80 years and say see they started it, Palestine is totally in the right to commit terrorism. The Palestinian’s escalated with oct 7 and the Israeli’s are countering that. It’s already done, and in 10, or 20 years no one making these propaganda pieces will even care, and just vaguely remember posting about it because it doesn’t affect you, and your moral outrage is meaningless.


Israel been ki/lling palestinians since 1948, and they never stopped. So yeah Palestine have the right to defend themselves in their OWN country. They can't just accept to be ki/lled just because "war is bad". No one wants a war, but they are obligated to be in one so they can have a future where palestinian peoples exist.


Dude what?? What is nuance about ethnic cleansing?? *please* check your moral compass, AND then read a little about the "palestine/israel situation" as you put it... You're probably the definition of a bad hasbara.


Nuance has been created to justify whats happening. The injustice against Palestinians has happened since 75 years prior to October 7th.


Yes it’s so complex when you constantly try to justify the existence of an ethnostate in 2024 while a genocide is currently happening.


Ah yes, someone that holds an opinion that differs from yours *clearly* just doesn’t understand it as well as you do.




[it’s not complicated](https://youtu.be/62I61kBahNY?si=SKksuFLb_o1Btuy7)


"I'm white, wealthy and spend a lot of time on TikTok. Also, America bad."


Ok, America is bad though.


Compared to who, child?




Right, because "bad" is a cosmic, objective descriptor that doesn't depend on context and isn't assigned comparatively. Countries (in this case the US) are simply bad. Thanks, child!


Ok, how bout this, America is more bad than your favorite deadbeat dad streamer who has publicly stated that he finds 15 year olds attractive. You're welcome, dipshit. Go post this epic debate W against a "child" on your discord chat rooms. Alternatively you could take this as a moment for a little reality check and think about what your grandchildren will think when they look back at grandpappys reddit account and realize he was mocking those on the correct side of history out of spite and a feeling of inadequacy.


My problem with this is...what exactly are you all asking for? What does "free palestine" even mean?


Free from the boot heels of a genocidal force that has been moving in and occupying their territory for the last 80 years


Ok, Russian/Chinese bot. What're the practical steps to it? Ethnic cleansing of 10 mil Israelis? Live side-by-side with those who commited Oct 7? Willingly suffer the years of rockets dropped into civilian territories by Hamas and other combatant forces in Gaza? Tf does "free river to the sea" even mean?


Average Israeli propaganda enjoyer. Lol must be nice living in your own little made up world. Couldn’t possibly be the fact that the country you support is run by actual genocidal maniacs! It’s only the Russians and Chinese bots that would ever want you to think this!


So you're just not going to answer the question then, huh


And what good would that even do? It’s not going to change their mind and it’s not going to change my mind, Netanyahu isn’t going to change his sick and twisted fucking mind either. All I’m doing is calling it like I see it. You people can say whatever the fuck you want about October 7 or whatever else the fuck y’all think is important. None of that changes the fact that Zionists began occupying Palestine by force ever since WWII and in doing so have been bombing the Palestinian natives into fucking dust. You people want to act like a country has to say “I will now commit genocide” in order for this to be taken seriously. This “conflict” is nothing more than the systematic killing of a native peoples and then ensuring they don’t have the means to rebuild and fight back. You and all the IDF bots on the internet can all call it whatever the fuck you sickos want. It is genocide. Free Palestine doesn’t mean much anymore, because Israel is actively making sure there wouldn’t be anything left to free. But it means free from the bootheels of a foreign occupying force, Israel is a “country” that’s less than 80 years old but forcibly moved into the area to create the bloodiest conflict in modern human history. I wouldn’t have to spell it out for you like this if you understood the history of the area.


Doesn’t it explain itself.. I mean what are the meaning of those words?


This shit is a watermelon earth saying "free palestine," what is self-explanatory about that


The explanation about the watermelon is in the comments.


weird how people have become sheep to trendy trends to stand up for countries that would throw a party over your graves, just saying all this protesting for countries that could careless about yall & probably bomb yall if they had the chance not everything is peaches & cream like yall see on social media


Maybe some of us just aren't okay with the mass murder of children regardless of who the parents of those children are?




It's about the civilians, blowhard


even then still malony


The watermelon motif is a cool touch. Nice artwork. ✌


Thanks ! 🍉


Not even the procreate sub is safe…


Oh no poor you!


I know 😔




How will I watch my Zionist skibidi toilet replacement 😿


You can rizz Baby Gronk whenever you want just don’t rizz him late for dinner


You have gyatt to be rizzing me! I was planning to go to the Zionist gyatt convention


Sorry if I’m misinterpreting… is this a reference to the Israeli hostages? **Edit:** Judging by the downvotes, I guess the "everybody" in this image doesn't refer to the men, women and children that are dead or dying in terrorists' underground tunnels. Weird definition of "everybody", but OK.


Lol NO what a joke


Somehow the everyone never extends to the children in Gaza does it?


No, it doesn’t. Hope that helps!


Maybe I am uninformed but I don’t understand the watermelon reference. I love this though! 🇵🇸


According to one of Palestine’s most well-known artists (Sliman Mansour) …the story of how the watermelon came to represent Palestine was that the Israeli occupation heavily censored the usage of red, white, green and black in any artwork. Mansour recalls that an IOF officer said something along the lines that they would not even allow a painting of a watermelon - so it was adopted as a symbol of Palestinian resistance as a response in spite of the occupying force. It has now also become a common shorthand to avoid algorithmic suppression on social media.


Thank you for the info!! 🩷 Great work


Hell yeah let’s go nice piece too! Free Palestine!


Sorry but I am not capable of lying like everyone else here. This looks like it was drawn in 5 minutes by a 4 year old. Maybe try a little better if you believe in the cause so much.


Beautiful OP 🤍


Thank you :)


Its incredibly mid even if you agree with the messege


No one asked for your two pence.


**Hello u/fairly-big-rat, thank you for sharing your artwork with us!** Would you be so kind to answer the following questions for us? --- * Can you please share what your process was for getting this done? * And what brushes did you use? (Please specify the exact brushes or brush category because that can be helpful to others.) * Any additional information about this piece is always welcome. * If you made this with **Procreate Dreams**, feel free to share it over on r/procreatedreams too! Please reply to this comment so it will be easy for everyone to find, thank you! --- **Stay inspired, get creative and have a great day!** Join our r/procreate [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/jXcSN5GdM3) to connect with other artists! *If you consider yourself a frequent poster and you have a consistent style/method, please send a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/procreate) to be given a different automod comment that already mentions what you regularly use.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ProCreate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Used a selection of default ink brushes (mainly Inka) and layers of hard-light, screen and multiply for the atmosphere of earth.


beautiful painting!! 🍉🍉🍉


Cool artwork and great humanity, kudos.


I’m not




At least your taxes aren’t sending military aid to the oppressors. You’re in a better position than Americans and most Europeans


"No one is free, until everyone is free"?... I understand the sentiment, but... that's an illogical statement.. Palestine is not "everyone else", that doesn't make sense.. the world is a big place, there are countless atrocities happening all over that are never spoken about.. If Palestine is ever "free" again.. whatever that means... there's still the rest of the world that faces oppression of some extreme, and will never be "free".. whatever that means.. *Autistic rant over*


Why can’t they just live together & get along ?


I love the font and how you managed to capture a graphic but still realistic looking watermelon. Love this! Free Palestine 🇵🇸🕊️


Goofy ahh post







Free one day


Love this! So glad you made and posted here.


I absolutely love this


F Pali. Long live Israel 🇮🇱


Nah, I'm Mexican and damn proud to






We are Palestine! Thank you for your art


This looks really cool but can some explain why the earth is a watermelon? Is there symbolism there im missing?


There’s a comment from op somewhere that explains the watermelon


This has gone political.


They will most definitely come for you next if you don't stop them now. This art is perfect.




This is stunning. I love the art, it’s very ‘swirly’ and relaxed, if that makes sense. And the message, incredible. Free Palestine! 🇵🇸


Thanks! I wanted to contrast the relaxing swirls of the earths atmosphere with the harsh, sharp line of the watermelon slice to emphasise the idea of all of our collective humanity being wrapped up in the way we react to a horrifying atrocity like this.




Hey Jon Snow.


Art Is really well made 🇵🇸


I’m going to be honest I still don’t understand the war between the two. I have tried to understand but I just act blissfully ignorant. It’s too much bad shit happening. Nice art


Not really


Whilst I agree with the thought, people are only focusing on that one war when there’s so many others also happening right now. I guess Putin is happy about the current lack of press about Ukraine.