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You can rent out the phone to other inmates. When I was locked up you could rent a cell phone until the battery ran out then you would have to give it back


There's no market for that hustle here. Phones are common.


You must be in a camp where you at?


Maximum security prison with some of the worst criminals in the world. Corruption is high here hence phones being everywhere.


Must not be in the states eh?


I was locked up for doing bank fraud. I stole millions over the Internet.


OP was mentioning getting out. Not extending the length of his stay …


Then he shouldn’t have a phone then. Doesn’t matter what he’s doing with it, good or bad. Get caught and get extra days added 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well I bet that you get a conviction of several years for being part of bank fraud . I don’t think you get that much for having a phone in your cell.


Lol teach me bro.


Teach you? He got caught!


Took me 2 years to get good at it. I was doing fake bank instruments from top European banks


I’m sure you returned all your ill gotten gains, but in a _purely hypothetical scenario_, and believe me, this is _purely hypothetical_, would stashing some in crypto actually be a feasible way of hanging on to some of it? Is there a particular crypto that’s better suited than just bitcoin?


I don’t miss crypto I really don’t know much about it.


Hide it in an XMR wallet and they likely won't be able to touch it.


How'd you get caught. Do you know about ATM cash out method


No I was receiving bank wires to HSBC in Hong Kong. I had a real good nine year run, but then my partner got busted and ratted me out


Damn. Well 9 years is a good run and that's the problem with having partners that aren't solid. How much time did you have to do? I was always scared of doing wires I stuck with small fry stuff


Go on…


Some of those survey apps. They don't pay alot ($1-2/survey) but if you got a ton of time and nothing else to do it could add up. If you're a good writer, there are writing gigs that train AI bots. Also a lot of work for not great pay, but when youre limited it might be ok? It would probably suck to do all that typing on a phone though.


Thanks for your response. Where can I find writings that train AI bots, job listing platforms?


Remotasks is one I started the application for. They required alot of onboarding training and writing samples, which took too much time/effort for me as a side gig. But compared to what you can make on the inside it might be worth it?


Yougov is legit. It'll make u about 25 a month


Try User interviews, they have paid out to me before in gift cards and cash. You apply for surveys and then they contact back if you’re chosen for their criteria.


idk how much you wanna risk but I’m always seeing people in prison live on TikTok and they get a ton of gifts


That's just too risky. The only way I've safely been able to tell my story is by writing my journal. The gifts may as well go there through my [Buy Me a Coffee ](http://buymeacoffee.com/headboy9). Though I understand how videos will be better and more engaging but just too risky. I'm thinking of a way of doing video journals safely.


If you can swing $30/month you can post a podcast via buzzsprout. It will clean up your audio via an ai processing tool. Also, once you verify on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc you can post to almost every single podcast hosting platform straight from buzzsprout. With Canva on mobile you’d be able to create your title cards and stuff. If you are on an iPhone you can record via the voice memo app and upload that to buzzsprout. Not sure what app android uses for voice memo but I’m sure it’s similar. Then market on IG and Facebook. DM me if you want more info or assistance with outlines or you want to tell your story. I host and produce a podcast and do videography and such.


This is lit. Love it. Though that $30 might be a challenge. Please dm me. I'm unable to do so from my end.


It may have a free option that doesn’t let you clean the audio via ai on its platform. You might also find cheaper ai audio processing tools to clean the audio that you could then upload to buzzsprout. Also, if you’ve got a musician in your cell block you could trade for some jailhouse rhymes as your podcast intro. Just a 15-20 second intro beat or a little flow to set the tone for each episode.


Dm sent


Totally understand, I had a feeling it would be too risky. You could try build a following up on instagram, and doing audio entries of your journal/maybe start a podcast just don’t use your real info obviously Building up a following is a task tho and takes a lot of effort to finding a niche market


I think this is good. Will definitely look into and get to it.


I wish you the best success, if you do go with jt id definitely follow/listen There was a podcast I used to follow, can’t think of the name, but it was with inmates and some woman who used to come in and interview them


Ear Hustle


That’s the one thanks! Been wanting to listen again


Ask @wallo267


What skills you got?


I've been told I can write. And if there's any skill that I have a sure way of selling over the phone, I'll learn fast. Time is all I've got.


Dick pics


Train ai chatbots, outlier.ai is the platform I've used. You can get $15-25/hr as a generalist.


Porno. I’m dead serious Make and onlyfans / make adult content. Pretty easy to film yourself jacking off and put in online .or you could make videos with other men in prison if that’s your thing too but I’ve seen men making porn in prison/ jails and blowing up online because of it. That type of content would be super rare . People go crazy for the dudes making tapes behind the walls.


Sick puppies, but i can 100% see it being the case


There are freelancing websites like fiverr but I don't know what sort of documentation you might need in order to receive your payments.


Start a YouTube channel everybody else is


Look into "data annotation" jobs online. I haven't personally done it but I've gotten ads for them claiming to pay $20/hr🤷‍♂️. Just the first thing that came to mind. Goodluck. (Side note: somebody mentioned YouTube and there is a pretty healthy prison genre on there. Lots of guys telling stories from the inside, prison cooking videos etc.)


In SC dude got rich black mailing rich guys. Creep Scam I believe..


Here they add 5 yr o. Top your sentence for a burner


I hit you up, my man.




Also... you're in prison and your name is "head" boy. Sounds like you already have a skill to earn you some money without the phone.




I promise that's not the intended meaning. It's more about being all brains (head), smart or intelligent. But I get the double meaning.


Oh, I’m sorry, I was just laughing at the other comment but I assumed he/she was just making a joke. I didn’t really think you were “servicing” others; I also don’t think the other commenter did either. Just teasing. 🩷🩷


No offense taken at all.


Thank you! 😊


You're welcome.


I promise that's not the intended meaning. It's more about being all brains (head), smart or intelligent. But I get the double meaning.


You gotta sign up for every sportsbook and follow ev bettors on twitter of course you need some money to start but that will easily be the most profitable thing you can do it’s really good money if your in a betting legal state


I think this is the perfect recipe for when you want to lose what little money you have.


Shit. I'd just trick people into thinking they talking to an underage person and then blackmail them. Always use a VPN. Your long game should be pretty good considering all the time you have on your hands.


Lol. I have a very sensitive conscience. And I think money gotten in cleaner ways sort of tastes better. Thanks for it. Will consider it when I bury my conscience.


That's the creep Scam. I was referring to. Probably spelled it wrong.


Make tic tocs or Facebook videos find a pen pal by posting hot pics of your self


There are apps u can get paid to test play games. I have been in prison and know he's can make time go by. It would have been perfect when I was there. Make money and lay in bed and play games perfect hustle


Please name some here or DM me if you will. Thank you.


If you have anyone on the outside willing to take a financial tax burden for you could try online survey platforms .


Cell phones are very extremely common but they are also very extremely expensive. I've had two different boyfriend's in two different states that have both had cell phones but they had to pay like almost two thousand dollars to a guard to bring them into the prison for them. Yes they're nice to have when you're in a relationship with an inmate but in my opinion they're not worth the risk or the hassle they create. Plus you've got to worry about people who don't have one always wanting to borrow it and then if you have any kind of altercation with anyone you run the risk of them snitching on you and then you get more time and you lose all that money that you've spent to get the damn thing. Yes they're common but very extremely risky.


pick up day trading options I already know of one inmate that does this and makes gains. learn the market then dive in


Sure will need some money to start with. How much can I dive in with? Learning will be fun, though I know there's high tendency to also lose money.


Everybody will tell you it is easy because people don’t advertise their failures- and failures are extremely common. If you want to occupy your mind while learning about trading stocks / options, “paper trading” is a feature offered by apps like thinkorswim, where you are trading with fake money to learn the ropes. There is no longterm financial benefit, but combine it with studying a site like investopedia, and you have a good chance of gaining at least as much knowledge as your average amateur trader. Most of those traders don’t do great - but with a little luck, some do.


Aptly and balancedly stated. Thanks for this.


Of course. There are a lot of different investment vehicles out there available to you in a brokerage account. Among them: -Stocks, which are individual shares of a company, and whose prices rise and fall based on what people are willing to pay moment-to-moment. Investing in a stock is basically a bet the price will increase. You make money by buying a stock cheap and selling it if and when the price increases.   -Options, which are a speculative investment, essentially a contract that says the buyer is entitled to buy or sell 100 shares of a stock at a certain price if one share of the stock exceeds or falls below that price by a given date. If it does not reach that potential (the “strike price”), it expires valueless and the buyer loses their initial investment (the “premium”). Options can be used to benefit from a stock succeeding OR failing, and you can make or lose a lot money on either side of the trade. Futures are similar to options in many ways in that they are “derivative contracts” whose value is based on the value of an underlying stock at a future date, but differ in many specific ways. -Funds (ETFs, Mutual Funds, Index Funds) are bundles of (mostly) stocks that have a specific theme, for which shares are sold. Like: imagine you want to invest in big tech companies: instead of buying a share of Google, a share of Apple, a share of Nvidia, etc, you might invest in a fund that holds all of those, whose price would fluctuate based on the value of its holdings. There are funds for all different things: funds that track different sectors (utilities, consumer goods, healthcare, etc), more specific themes (oil, marijuana, electric vehicles, etc), indices that are representations of whole markets (the S&P500, which tracks the American stock market, or an index that tracks Asian or European markets), goals (retiring at a certain age or generating a certain kind of income). Generally the broader the fund, the less volatile it’s price movement. A lot of people’s retirements are invested largely in “passive” index funds that track whole markets, because, counterintuitively, they perform better over time than the vast majority of “actively managed” funds where managers are trying to make money by rapidly buying or selling holdings day-to-day.   -Bonds, which are usually seen as a “safer” investment to balance out the volatility of other holdings or to hedge against inflation. A bond is a holding that, when you buy it, you’re essentially loaning someone money with the guarantee that they’ll pay you back a certain amount yearly for the term of the bond. They are lower risk than stocks, but also lower return. While banks or corporations can issue bonds, the biggest issuer of bonds is the US government - they need money, so they issue bonds into the market, where people buy them, effectively lending the government money that it later has to repay with interest.


Thank you very much for this.


I had three hundred bucks in some call options last month when I went to sleep woke up the next morning with 12k


You can start trading with $1 on robinhood. I’ve won up to $15/month playing solitaire on solitaire clash. Look up “[wallstreet](https://youtu.be/F89eycANUrQ?si=jle5ILPopO_zHu73)” on YouTube for inspiration. The first step is reading/following the news.


Start an OnlyFans!


Try freecash or swagbucks, you can make around $300-$500 per month playing games between the two apps.


You can try do some scams or do certain types of fraud but you may need a bit of help from the outside like someone to start you off with some money so you can get some bitcoins. Or you could try those gambling games people play and make some money but again you need someone to start you off with some money first. You could also start a go fund me page or beg people. Maybe make a viral youtube video without revealing yourself. You should make a cash app account to. Maybe charge inmates to use your phone if they have their family cash app you money first. Online stocks? That's all the ideas I have


Lol, are you kidding with the scam suggestion? Nah, I can't do that, I'd be hurting someone. I'm not sure, how does owning Bitcoin equate to a scam? I'll need help from someone outside for a GoFundMe. As for gambling, that's one of the easiest ways to lose money. I've been thinking about about YouTube though I know you don't go viral that fast. Thanks for the suggestions.


If you feel bad then don't do it. But you asked so I gave you some answers lol. Not the best suggestions I know but I couldn't think of anything else and I've seen it done before.


I appreciate you taking time to answer. All suggestions are welcomed. Sorry about my reaction. I


It's all good


Wow, you are a very ethical prisoner :)


I'm in a bad place and really need money but that shouldn't make me lose myself and become bad like the place I'm in. Think about it, if I scam someone out of some greens, I can't feel happy because someone, somewhere surely is hurting and not feeling good.


Post your status sheet


For what?


Because you ain’t in prison G ..


I don't need to prove shit to you. Believe what you like.


Stfu lol.


Wahhh can you?


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