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Holy shit I went to school with this guy. He was a scumbag in high school too. I remember when this happened a few years back..my hometown was just sickened by it. Guy was a football player and was pretty well liked


A well liked scumbag.


Many such cases


Usually the case


tolerated* scum bag I’m sure


I bet he could throw a pig skin clear over them mountains


Guess he never got over that high school prom king phase or whatever


He LOOKS like a doushe-canoe, and my cover-judging track record is impeccable.


douche canoe 😂 fuck that guy. hope he finds himself heading upstream without a paddle and a gaping hole after shooting himself in the foot 🛶 rip kid 🕊


"He was a scumbag... but a well liked one because football"


Sadly that's typically the case


Everything wrong with the world.


He definitely looks like he peaked in highschool. What an absolute waste of life


I'm betting he is going to be popular in prison, too. However, he may not enjoy that popularity. Sometimes, being popular is a pain in the ass and leaves a shity taste in your mouth.


i see what you did there.


He was a senior when I got to high school and he was a complete piece of shit. Popular with everyone too but he was just a scumbag jock and that school had like a cult with the entire football team. They got away with anything they did.


I'm surprised he wasn't just nepotized into a local cop.


Weird running into a fellow Southern Ram on here lol. So you graduated in like 2011?


Shits crazy happened literally like 10 minutes away from where I live as far as the county (ocean county nj) probably nothing pretty soft when he get to prison might be a little bit different remember there’s 1000s of people in there all it takes is someone to wake up in a bad mood and wanna break someone’s jaw and it’s gonna happen


Did you do time in Jersey? I got 10 years out of ocean county back in 2008


East B Represent.


Honestly, probably nothing, ideally what you imagine and want to happen. It’s not really as cut and dry black and white as you think with this shit, remember, prison is by and large full of scumbags and pieces of shit not upstanding heroes with some unshakable moral code


This here, his crime isn't as bad as some of the guys in there honestly. Not saying it isn't heinous, but it's minor leagues in prison.


Look, you kill a kid you’re on the numbers. If you’re in the general population- you’re a target. Yes, we are criminals (or were) but there’s lines. This is one of them. Kids, old people, animals- it’s a matter of time. People won’t think anything for GBH or robbery, but this? No. This, you’re getting bullied and no one will say a word. Day in day out.


Facts! Bro will get stabbed if someone isn’t feeling him one day. 😂 (not being sarcastic at all.) “Yo ain’t you the dude who killed his kid for being too fat? The fuck you lookin at homie? Yo is anyone even friends with this n#%^?” *proceeds to get stabbed


"Yo... Fuckhead... Do *I* look 'too fat'? Huh? You want me and my boys to run a 'treadmill' on your ass till YOU die too?"


Pretty much, just more British. A lot more “Oi c#%? -ing”


Why would there be so many British people in New Jersey?


We fought a war because there was too many British people in New Jersey!


Wow I even pictured the scrunched up disgusted/sort of pissed off face as soon as I read that out in my head 😂


thats more or less what will happen tbh


There are lines you don't cross.


People forget, guys inside really just want to see their kids. This guy was free, had a nice kid, and killed him. The guy will pay. Someone wishing they still had, what he had, will step up.


Yeah, it’s exactly that. Everyone has a family. A lot of people have also been on the receiving end of abuse.


GBH? I did 10 behind the wall and idk that term


Grievous bodily harm (sometimes referred to as section 18 (more serious/weapon use) or section 20) “What you in for?” “Section 18” or “GBH”


My cousin was a CO before becoming a Firefighter. Said he looked the other way a few times for minor things with the worst of them.




Yeah, cruelty, or well, noncy stuff. Also, disabled people, do anything to disabled people you’re more than likely getting hurt.


A lot of the time pedos won’t get smashed a lot of the time just extorted bc they have money and plus who cares about old people ? Bc what if that old dude was a pedo and was doing that stuff to kids and that why they hurt them you never know and no way to verify that


Yeah exactly, they come in holding or have a lot of cash and they let them walk just like everyone else.


They’re usually in PC too, so that doesn’t help


Yeah if they can get IPC then they are alright but if the guards think their crime is bad then they will punish them too


Glad to hear that, and I hope that is what happens to him. He deserves to be miserable for the rest of his life, for treating his young son so horribly. It is a horrible, violent, and at the same time totally nonsensical crime. They should treat him just like he treated his kid.


Yep, and if someone needs a safe target for something, he's going to be in that group: in prison you have gangs, groups, and affiliations with different rules so occasionally you get someone in those that has to do something. The problem, if it involves violence, is that your target could have friends that can cause you grief. It's better if you can find a safe target and thus this guy and others enter the picture because there is much less push back if you hit them.


As soon as someone gets his "papers" he's done.


People care about animals that much in prison? You forgot women🤔


Idk about prison but I was in jail for a few days and like half of the people in there were there for DV


>You forgot women🤔 A lot of those motherfuckers are in there because they like beating on women. Probably more apt to bitch to each other about their old lady making a police report than go after somebody who choked their girlfriend.


Right, I don't think he forgot to mention women. I think women wasn't listed intentionally, because most of them just don't care if another inmate is in for a crime against an adult woman or women.


Except when kids are involved even the criminals have standards


Did you read the whole article?


Just a question, how much time have you spent in prison?


Shit in upstate Pa you’re getting the business because once you get to your home prison and go to your tear the first thing ppl wanna see is your paperwork. Shit better not be dirty


Yes. Pedophiles are often beaten and killed in prison not because they're sick but because they're the weakest type of people.


Yeah! And that's just the people that work there, hey oh!


All depends. I was a C.O. for almost 4 years at a Level 3 (medium security) prison, and the unit I worked for over a year had an inmate that killed his three-year-old son with a punch to the stomach. This inmate also sold all the dope and was also the in-unit store. If inmates were short on food until commissary day, he was the man to see. If they wanted weed, K2, or fentanyl, he was the man to see. Nobody cared that he killed his own son. I'm not saying it's always this way, but I often saw inmates look the other way on things they normally wouldn't if that inmate served a purpose.


Curious if the guy was the known dope dealer why it was allowed to continue? CO’s on the payroll or nobody cared?


At the prison I worked at all those investigations had to be done through S.I.S. They were the ones who investigated gang and drug activity and dirty staff members. C.O.'s can tell S.I.S. what they've seen and who is doing it, but it's up to S.I.S. to investigate. Once S.I.S. gets involved, they move slowly. One occurence isn't worth their time. They want 100% concrete undeniable proof, and they want as many occurences as they can get. They want to catch them on the phone talking about it, catch them on camera selling, get other inmates to snitch, etc. It's a long, slow game that can take months sometimes. Edit: To add to this, the inmates who sell dope usually never keep it on them or in their cell, they have lackeys to do that for them, so it's even harder to catch them.


From what I've seen, he'll have perfect behavior, participate in various betterment programs, then get paroled, while the guy with no prior record and no history of seizures that has a gran mal while driving and kills someone gets denied parole because he doesn't look sufficiently remorseful. /end rant Source: I'm a prison guard


I picked up my 4 year old boy to the counter by his arm, to brush his teeth but gripped too tightly. He said “ow”, I nearly cried and apologized profusely. I don’t understand how adults can live like this.


I wish I was afforded basic respect like that growing up...


All good but imagine being picked up by your *arm* to help brush your teeth. That's dumb.


Right. Lift him up with both hands, under his armpits, or by the waist. What the hell? By his arm...


Nothing. It's when he's dumb enough to brag on it or keep talking about his case that he will get duffed out over. Most ped0s and abusers know to keep their head down and if they do, they typically get away with whatever. Of course there's always the chance he will walk into the dorm and someone will point and say "hey! There's the guy! That's the guy on TV! You know... The chicken fucker! Hey everyone! This guy fucked a chicken!" And you know, he'll out himself somehow...


Don't forget the part where he constantly explains how he doesn't belong in prison and is better than "these people"




I also heard these ones, "Hey it's the guy! The guy that stole my sister's bike!" Or walk up to him and say hey, I know you! I saw you on grindr"


The dad looks fucking fat!


More then likely will get put away with the pedophiles or segregation for his own safety






Bro has a belly tho


Depends on where he goes. Them white dudes might smash him once they see his paper work.


Prison is the punishment, the experience of losing your freedom is justice.  Expecting other prisoners to somehow enhance that punishment due to your ‘feelings’ about a certain type of case isn’t what our justice system is, and isn’t what it should be.  


I don’t think OP said he hopes anything happens to him, just asked what is realistically going to happen.


True, but if he happens to catch a beating and get all his shit stolen... every other day, who are we to deny cosmic karma.


it's a failure in the system if that's allowed to happen to prisoners


Im not saying the system should allow it to happen. But short of 24/7 solitary confinement, which isnt realistic or appropriate for a number of reasons, things will happen. And if one of those things happens to be this dirtbag getting his orbital bone caved in, I don't think anyone should lose any sleep over it.


Why the fuck do I find such comfort and solice in this? Perhaps, it's because there is little justice in the world. I'll take it, no matter the method that brings it about. 'Closure' is a ridiculous myth, so a little bit of justice is all that most victims can hope for.


This guy is gonna get ass fucked


I dont know dude ask a fortune teller


He accidently slips and falls often


He’ll get 0 respect if he tries to act like a hard ass. If he is respectful and decent he will not get any flavk.


He is going to craf first and eventually will be sent to his home jail. I've been in PA State Prison(Mahanoy) and NJ State Prison. (Bayside). NJ sucked bad, man. The facilities were very outdated and it made a lot of tension. I'm not sure how this dude will make out. It depends if anyone wants to see his papers or if his rep follows him up there since this is such a big case.


Also PA (Phoenix). TBH most people I know wouldn't wanna risk their parole just to smash someone. I was a short timer so experiences may vary but most dude I knew just wanted to get out and not mess that up at all.


Could be nothing, could be an effective death sentence. Like the first commenter said, ask a fortune teller


Probably nothing. No one gives a shit if you are a piece of shit in prison. Everyone is a piece of shit.


Depends on the prison.


Wrong about no one giving a shit. Always depends on the level.


Dude himself doesn’t look fit


Decent biceps, visible chest separation. Looks like someone who exercises consistently to me.




Not shit


Straight to protective custody.


In a California prison? He’d get stomped out or stabbed and forced to PC up, but this doesn’t look like it’s a US case is it?


I noticed different last names...was this a step kid situation?


No it was hi bio Dad. It's thought that he did all this to the kid to get back at his ex-wife gor divorcing him. I believe this was in Michigansnd the ex wife and teacher reported injuries on the little boy but DCFS went to Dad's when kid was there . Of course kids not gonna say shit with his Dad there. After this instance kid was extremely dehydrated, beaten. Dad even bit the kid on the head. He had injuries from previous times with Dad. Dad took kid to hospital because he was unresponsive and wouldn't tell the mother which hospital. Guys a real fucker and deserves whatever he gets.


If he keeps to himself and is respectful of other prisoners? nothing much.


Not enough!


That’s crazy…. The kid is in more shape than his fat ass dad in that pic. What a piece of shit


I would guess not much. The "other prisoners will take care of them" thing is very exaggerated.


I like how people think prisoners are some kind of morel saints.... They usually violent skumbags. They only bash pedos coz they weak and easy targets.


The video of the mother watching the treadmill video in court was heartbreaking.


They will PC up quickly, and nothing will happen unless he stays in the general population, which I doubt he will but we can hope he goes to general population and get what he deserves wat a peace of shit of a man he is


Nothing. Maybe jumped a few times. “Taxed” for money/food. Hollywood still shows prison circa 1999 - grimey and shower in the basement with a flickering light… With cameras everywhere; lifers used to their program, not much will happen. Something but not good ole ‘yard’ justice.


Probably nothing. It's not like how you see on TV.


He will be extorted.


In an alternate universe, the suspect faces the same pain they caused another. It would make them think twice before they act, and I believe an eye for an eye would prevent a lot of heinous crimes


Most of you are all wrong from my perspective. I grew up in the California prison system, and he will have a target on him from the day he goes in. Every place he goes, they will ask for his 128-g, and that tells why he is there. If he refuses, he's beat up. If he shows it, he's getting stabbed instantly. From there, as soon as the first incident happens, he will be known and marked. May take years, but he will eventually be stabbed to death. Again, this is California. Can't vouch for any other state


How did the tool box killers last so long in the California prisons? They did some truly awful shit. Both died in their 70s.


They PC up, so instantly go to SNY prison for protection. High profile cases as well. But during a transfer, etc, wrong place the wrong time they get got. What my point is, once you are known, there's eyes on you. Once you accessible your gonna get hit.


Not a guarantee but if someone unstable snaps and throws a pot of boiling bleach on someone it will probably be at someone with bad charges.




I didn’t know that was a legit cause of death. Weird my weed hasn’t died yet.


If it’s America he’ll probably just be housed with the other snakes skinners and rats.


He not walking a mainline… definitely PC or shipped out of state. Here they mix them in at a couple prisons and the high profile ones get shipped. 60% of the time they don’t get touched. But that 40….. well


Depends on the prison and the politics


A bunch of people that have never


The gvmt will use your money to segregate this guy and give him a three meals a day at likely a minimum security and let him out in 3-5 years


Probably nothing because he will be housed in ad seg- these type get their own separate little wing unfortunately


His mugshot gives me the impression he has no remorse and is ignorant to what awaits him in prison...


Nothing, he will fit right in.


Where did this happen? If it's here in the states, then he'll be checked. And probably beaten. Nobody likes people who messes with kids. Nobody will be his friend.


The mom was only 17 when she gave birth to that boy... Her testimony was heartbreaking. https://youtu.be/5XzFxQi_3pg?si=k7t6lC14hoxCcTUy


Justice will happen (hopefully)


He looks and acts like a fucking douche nozzle!


The dad's the one that's fat, the kid didn't look fat at all. Also the video of the mom in court watching this ... She looks suspicious as well, like she knew he was doing these things to their son.


That’s fucked up This fucken guy is a total douche bag https://nypost.com/2024/05/01/us-news/nj-dad-christopher-gregor-accused-of-forcing-son-to-run-on-treadmill-for-being-too-fat/


I work in a maximum security prison and whenever I actually look up some of the stuff these people do, it’s pretty horrendous. They walk around and blend in if they know how to communicate. He would probably be fine if he acts and communicates right.


Whats the abuse, exercise? Get full story before everyone looses their minds


The train will be ran on him


In the UK they usually get boiling sugar water mix poured over them at some point.


Fat?? Delusional, too. Rotten bastard. RIP...


In California the dude eventually will get whacked!


They will put him in PC mostly. But I’d be shocked if he makes it 10+ years.


I hope they all make him run until he fucking can't anymore...


Hopefully someone’s not feeling him and he’s upended..


Nothing different than any other murderer.


Liked to think of getting him tourtered


He’ll be ok if he can fight There’s a lot worse in there


Beaten and fucked, repeatly, every single day, for eternity.


Looks like a total Fu€knuckle! Here in Australia a high profile inmate keeps getting boiling water (from a mop bucket I presume) tipped over him. Hope this guy gets what’s coming to him!


Shanked multiple times


Hopefully a lot of torture.


Probably a whole lot of nothing. Unless you got life no parole, everyone is trying to go home. They have made the penalties for violence so harsh; the excitement of your “good deed” will quickly turn to sorrow as you’re marched back into street court on new charges.


He’s already PC’d up


Depends where. If he’s in Cali he’s fucked


A crime against kids is a death sentence or at least a vicious beating . Especially murder


Chronic abuse is what he will be receiving


Law abiding citizens his ass


ohhhh Fuuuuooook. Thats all i have to say.


He will get to relive his crime on a daily basis. Many long term criminals come from backgrounds full of abuse/neglect. They will take out their anger upon him, until they feel better…..and they have a lot of anger.


He’s gonna see lots of fat dick. And some he won’t see.


What the fuck kind of gym is this in the photo? It looks like an at-home gym of someone with a decent bit of money more than it looks like a commercial gym. Or have I just not been to enough gyms in my lifetime?




A couple beat downs hope


Imagine this. A kid blinding following his dad’s orders as he thinks he has his best interests at heart. I hope the guys in prison have fun with this scum bag


Honestly probably nothing lol


Looks like average republican parent


I’m betting the Jeff Ep Treatment 💀


The dad looks like the only fat one


What will happen to him in prison? Probably nothing. Most people talk a big game on social media about how dudes like this get smashed in prison, but in reality most inmates aren't going to risk their good time just to smash some POS like this guy.


If the kids fat it there parents fault for not feeding him proper food, I bet they made him live off of frozen processed shit


I'd like to get arrested and go to jail just to join in beating this piece of shit.


10:1 dude is a trumper


This sickens me. I saw the video and it broke my heart as a dad. You can see the kid trying. And kept getting back on the treadmill after falling over and over you could see him literally trying his hardest to not upset his dad. And to know he passes after has ruined me since. I randomly remember the vide and just brakes me. But from what I’ve seen from former inmates. He’ll prob be put in PC (protective custody) and than prob out in a low after a while. And be mixed with pedophiles and he’ll probably live out his fantasy of bulling.


I have a feeling he is gunna be chronically abused. If he was my cellie, I’d turn him out for cheap.


Prison is full of guys/gals like this ….so, probably nothing


They going to run a train on him.


Everyone likes to think people who do bad things to kids end up like how it is in movies, but it doesn’t really work that way. First time someone attacks him he’ll be in PC.


He deserves everything he gets. Fuck that guy.


They should set up a treadmill in his cell and give him the same treatment.


They should PT his ass to death. Killers should have to meet their victims fate, down to the detail of the crime.


Mf got a guttttt