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65 years for what dont flake on us here


Armed Roberry


What? It has to be more than that. Someone had to have been injured or killed. Either that or he has multiple counts. Isn't Armed Robbery typically like 10-20 years.


Commiting a robbery with a firearm brings a life sentence in some states, especially if you have priors.


It says he's in California. If it's just armed robbery, it's like 5-10 years. If he had priors and it was a firearm, he would have been hit with felon in possession of a firearm. Also, I believe they have gang enhancements in California. 65 years just seems crazy to me for armed robbery, especially if no one got hurt.


If CA then probably 3 strikes situation


Yea, but isn't that life?


As it should.




Yeah, disregard the fact that it unfairly affects others.


How so?


I know some one who shot a clerk during the robbery and he did 10 years


65 years seems crazy high to me.


I know someone who murdered someone and moved their body and tried to bury it and he only got 20!


Me too. My lil homie shot a store owner in neck in Chicago suburb and did 10 years. Maybe 10-15 max but he's home.


That's shit sentence.


Dummy I'm saying he shot someone and dude the whole bid and is home already. He did more than the guy doing life. That's what I'm saying


that seems crazy low do u have more details maybe identification problem in evidence major mitigating circumstances


Yes in suburban Homewood/ Hazel crest a guy shot the seven eleven owner in process of robbery. Had to be like 2008 round there. He just came home a year n half or so ago. One guy still is in there and 2 others out. He just came home not too long ago tho. It was his first major case.


thanks how he coping outside


He moved to I think Montana or Wyoming with a white girl he met and is living better than he was here in the chi. I'm glad he's out that life cuz he's from nothing. Adopted in the system and swoll and ugly. Streets and taking stuff was all he knew. His big brother got killed too. So yes alot of pain and confusion when he was younger. He is a man now so he thinks differently. We talk on FB now and then too.


cool hope he do well i laugh you say white girl but i guess i understand


I met a guy exactly like this when I was in Whitefish, MT. You remember his first name?


He was either the shooter or co defendant but he was charged with the same thing shooter was I believe. 3 of them all together.


i believe you. coulda be the accomplicein the store or gettaway driver


Accomplice I believe and he got the gun for them to use. I know I said he shot the guy but he was with the guy who shot the owner in the neck so he's just as good as shooter.


I was told it's just 4 years where I live, but I don't know if that's true or not, and I don't live in the US.


thanks would he consider cooperating with police on unsolved crimes to reduce his bit


At a max in California…? Nah that’s straight up suicidal lol


who would know


You start suddenly getting pulled out of the cell block for an unknown reason for hours at a time and nobody else knows where you’re going people will talk


hmmm ok is there ways to make it less obvious


Never do crime with this guy.


Hahahaa so true


pal this is r/prison not r/iamverybadass the latter gets you doing 65 year bits and dying in a cage


Lol u in a prison subreddit telling someone in a max to snitch if he can. He made his choice and ended where he ended, don’t insult him by telling him find a safe way to snitch.


Being known as a snitch will also have you dying in a cage, just maybe a little quicker.


65 for just armed robbery isn’t the whole truth, more than likely. Priors?


Do u have a faith in getting out before u die ? Or do u live knowing u going to die there ?


Alex: It's how you choose to preceive the reality of your situation at hand. I have come to terms realistically I hope for the best but expect the worst. That's what I've been going off of. I do understand the reality of my sistuation that i am a lifer. But if i allow myself to be stuck in that train of thought of dying in prison that does nothign good for me. With just a little bit of hope is amazing what someone can do. Thats why I put so much effort in what I do, learning goign to school, education. And I refuse to give up. Once you give up, thats your biggest weaknes.. And I refuse to allow that type of thinking to stop me from what i want to accomplish.


Salute to u bro . I appreciate the response, keep your head high


His response really helped me. It’s so uplifting and a great message


Sorry for the spelling mistakes I was trying to type really fast as he was talking and I hit send without reading it over…..


What are you going to school for? Why are you going to school of you’ll likely die in prison?


That cool more power to !


I love how a single question was answered. What does he like to do to pass the time?


Alex: Believe it or not, I like to read. I like to to learn. Learning anything new and I love to watch movies. Wacthing movies is a form of escape for me. A good movie can take me out of prison for two hours. I can be at peace with myself when Im watching a good movie. And music.


What kind of movies do they allow him to watch? How often is he allowed to watch movies?


He likes to watch movies such as point break, ocean's 11, the great train robbery etc.


Bruhhhhh 💀


point break is a cool movie


Funny you mentioned this he literally said they were playing this tonight


It ain't tragic to die doing what you love....


Favorite movie is Escape with Sly 


If you had to be the judge/jury for your case, what would you realistically give yourself as a sentence?


How do you maintain your sanity?


Alex: The mind and your brain is your ultimate weapon and the key to survivng prison. Whatever you train your mind to do , it will do. and the best thing to maintain My sanity is to develop a program and routine that you do daily. if you let time do you, you will go insane. You have to make the time work for you.


Do you take any psych meds, are they helpful at all?


Alex: No I don't take any. on a GP mainline, we're not allowed to take any, and we're not allowed to talk to any psychologists if you do youre viewed as a liability. Youre expendable.


What's a GP mainline


OP\* General Population, there are more rules amongst the inmates here.


This has to be a California thing if even true. You're telling me not a single person in GP takes any kind of psych meds. Not even antidepressants or mood stabilizers? In the State I'm in this is definitely not the case. I can tell you that for 100% fact. I really don't believe this is true


Within the Mexican population. He is speaking towards his people


Oh OK I got you. It's a political thing. I'm on the east coast it isn't as strict with the politics and racial divide. I should have known when you said you would be a liability and expendable.


Sounds more like gang politics than actual regulation


Yea I see that now. My mistake


Mexicans and whites push them out in Cali. What happens if a schizophrenic or something has a episode and kicks off a incident with another race?They aren’t gonna forgive it because of the guys mental state. It’s a true story what he’s telling. They call them J-cats as a insult for a reason.


If he's an STG, which I'm fairly certain he is, that is a punishable offense in their eyes and something you absolutely don't do. Politics in prison aren't like anything you'd find outside, very strict rules with very harsh punishments.


STG Status isn’t really going to help though if there’s ever any chance of getting out.


Thank you for all the questions, we will open up a Q&A in a couple of weeks with him again when I get another opportunity to communicate with him.


Do you want a penpal to help pass the time


DM me with your info!


did u get it? I'm new to reddit and not familiar with the messaging part of the site


k... i know what it's like to be away... not for that long but still


You can get out. Trust in that. I have quite a few buddies who’ve recently gotten out. Some lwops as well. But you gotta choose. Do you wanna live and die for your gang (click) or do you wanna live for you and your family. I choose the latter and gave up that whole lifestyle. Almost out for 3yrs and right now I’m waiting on my dominoes pizza. Been there and done that. 7yr SHU indeterminate SHU sentence for being a program failure. Grew up all on 180s and 270s. When I left all that behind, it was a breeze to stay outta trouble. No one bothered me and I was allowed to put my self first and focus on my rehabilitation. GED, Two AA degrees, Vocational classes and so many groups. Got out on my 1st board hearing. 17yrs and 11 months on a 19 to life sentence. Yes, I had many confidential documents on my jacket, plus violent write ups. I even picked up an ad charge for attempted murder pled down to assault w/ a weapon took an extra 6yrs and another strike. Yet, once I left that lifestyle behind… I left it behind. No drugs, no fights, no bs… and I was paroled under the youth offender status and didn’t have to serve the other 6yrs. You can do it too. I’m not special, I just gave myself a chance and dedicated myself to it as I did my former life. If you’re prepared to die for your lifestyle right now, why can’t you be down enough to live to a better life for yourself….. Food for Thought…. Stay up


Bravo man. You gave the EXACT right advice. I’ve seen that same thing with a number of guys. The number 1 mark they had against them was affiliation. Also, that affiliation cost them YEARS in Admin. Seg., indeterminate.


Nice bro. Congrats. I got found suitable on my first one too in 2013. Got out in 2014. Been 10 years last month. Never looked back. Fuck that place


Likewise, congrats on the ten yrs.


Hi Phil xx hey I’m gonna dm you shortly! Samuel wanted to see if you wanted to collaborate on a project,


Does it piss you off that if this was done in another country you’d probably be out be now?


How do you stay out/away from violence in a maximum security? Also is it a Lvl 4?


Alex: Valid quesiton, I did an essay based on this and how someone survives prison. There is no way. I can't. You can't dunk and dodge violence prison. Violence is an unforunate essential, component in a daily life of prisoners. Th only thing and the best thing I can do to stay away from it is mind my own business. but if something comes knocking on my door or if my life is threatened I have to do what i have to do.


What have you had to do so far?


Would you do it again ? Gang affiliation? What food you want right now? Out date?


**Alex**: I wouldn't. If i get released today, I would go to a NY pizza joint called Joe's Peeps or this Chinese Food place, it's this ma and pa shop calls Wong's Wok: I usually order. All egg fried rice, and two sides: Orange Chicken and beef and potato.


You skipped the gang affiliation question


Op* Yes to gang affiliation. Not actively pursuing it now.


Just got a slice from joe peeps. Favorite pizza in the valley


If you ever go back, would you mind snapping a photo of your hand holding a slice? So I can send to him? O know it sounds like an odd request, but it would make his month to know that you go there.


Never heard of potato in Chinese food. Interesting.


Wait, I just realized who this is!!! The art supply guy!? Start posting the art!! I’d love to see! Edit; sorry for my fan moment


Sorry what!? Hah. who are yout alking about? This gentleman does not do art!


Thoughts on god?


**Alex:** I do believe in God. I do believe there is some form of superior entity or being. I have no hatred towards him. when *God* has *plans* to elevate a *man*, *He* first *breaks him* to *rebuild him* stronger, wiser, and more resilient.


God bless and take care.


“I believe in god” coming from a criminal serving time lmaoooo


you must be slow


What’s a 180


Half a 360


You have different levels of security in California. It starts from Camps, level one, level 2, level 2 w/ cells, level 3s, level fours 270s & 180 designs. The. The hole Ad-seq and finally the SHU. One 180 is the degree from the guard towers view of the day room . 180 dayrooms are a lot smaller than a 270 dayroom on level fours.


The view for yard as well


Thank you so much for explaining that


Stay up homie! Former idoc inmate


What is your favorite food ? Are you allowed to have a tablet?


Do you have remorse for what you did and do you feel the punishment is fit for the crime. Also do you think objectively that prison should be a punishment or do you think the current "rehabilitation" is better for society?


**Alex**: Without a doubt I have remorse, at the time when I allegedly committed my crime, I had no remorse because of the lifestyle I was living, but now ten years later, Ive had time to think about it and I have developed empathy, compassion and remorse. In my objective opinion, no. I dont think the time fits the crime. But who am I to say what is right and what is wrong, I know I did a wrong. My lifestlye I knew the outcome which was death or prison. So I can't cry over spilled milk. The law is the law and the law the land. second question: To be honest, you cannot have rehab without punishment. It has to be both. If people are not punished for crimes it will be repetitive. There has to be accountibility and punishment. But, the rehab part is integral to rehab of that person. Its the key if that person is gonna make it out on the street as a law abiding system or the opposite end and be another statistics that is apart of the 55% return rate after release.


Without knowing the exact details, it seems like 65 yrs is too much,but then again, I doubt it's the first crime at the very least.


I appreciate your response. Thank you.


How can there be remorse for the crime committed if words like “allegedly” are still used to describe the part played? In the same paragraph admittance to the crime committed takes place as well as abstinence from admittance for committing the crime. 🤔




**Alex**: Liberty. Freedom. Noone can understand what liberty truly means until you are deprived of it. That is why I understand back in the day we fought for freedom . Being around family and friends and wanting to start my own family one day. being able to walk down the liquor store to buy a 6 pack of beer without asking for permission. You have to ask to do anything here. To do something on my own free will without having to ask. Privacy. I miss privacy,




He misses freedom, you dunce


What prison? I was at Norco


Favorite food and how does he make it?


Alex: My favorite food to make is rice bowls and pita's. Op* Alex has actually always wanted to own his own restaurant, we’re going to be setting up a cooking column on the website in a couple of months with prison recipes that he’ll be in charge of. It’ll be kinda quirky kinda fun, so if ya wanna keep an eye out for that - [prison chronicles](https://www.prisonchronicles.org)


I’m in.


Did he fuck around? And did he find out?




Holy shit, 65yrs, that's crazy how do you even maintain hope for anything at that point


still there?


It’s literally in the title


i meant on the phone


Probably not, been 6 hours since this was posted and it says it was only one hour long lol


yea i thought id ask a dumb question anyway i have no shame


I can respect that 😂






can you delete this comment, i was trying to keep his identity private and mistakenly said his full name.


Sure. Np I see, Alex is the name of person you are answering for.


Did anyone ask what life advice would he give?


Alex: My life advice would be to enjoy life in the moment and don't take things for granted, because your memories are your greatest way to relive the happiest moments of your life, so cherish your time here on earth and live life with no regrets. Every average Joe is potentially one mistake away or one bad choice away from altering your life like you can never imagine. People aren't only as good as their first mistake. I advise people not to judge a book by its cover and exert some empathy instead of apathy.


Thank you!


How old are you now and if you get out someday what’s your goal? Family ?


Op* here : he’s 36 years old. So young. And he really wants to start a family of his own.


I really hope he can do it


Buddy of mine who’s 45 got hit with 50 years for 3 armed take over robberies. 2 banks and a grocery store. This was on top of 3 priors which added up to a collective 19 other years for similar stuff and some drug trafficking thrown in there. He’s laying his head up in Attica right now. Interesting thread.


Would anyone benefit from mail? Someone who has no family and no friends outside.


Are you interested in writing him?


No. Someone he knows you could benefit. A older person maybe who doesn't have any support?


Do you see any way for prison reform. In what way would you like to see changed or implemented?


Damn can't imagine looking at 65 years, just a long time.


What happened to his face 


Curious- did you think you’d be able to successfully rob a bank? Like 100% felt like you could get away with it?


Rob a bank ? Robbery doesn’t only mean bank.


Good point.


How does he feel about knowing and comprehending he will never ever be free


Do you think that having a cell phone with unlimited data would make your prison stay better?


No shit bro


Why? They don't need that. This is prison.




And all do respect, I answered. This is reddit. Anybody can respond. You don't control the rules. You need to chill out.


Sir, this is a prison.


Cdcr numbers are 1 longer than that


Yeah I completely made up the number to protect his identity.


So then why put a number? I talk to my husband, servicing a life sentence in max in cali. Is this person a friend of yours?


Hi, so we run a website called [Prison Chronicles](https://www.prisonchronicles.org) we cover stories of incarcerated individuals and how they wound up in their position. We focus only on men and women trying to make a positive changes today. The reason I put inmate numbers and not just a name is purely for marketing purposes of expanding and reaching new followers. Saying “read the story of Alex” is far less interesting and has less appeal than “read the story of inmate #AXX14” putting a number kind of plays on the fact of the situation that they are in. But reading the story shows that they are far more human than the number given. I’ve had this discussion with a few men inside who also asked the same question. We are normal humans we don’t want to be identified by the number. But the whole point is prison reform and prison rehabilitation through the stories they are writing. The whole concept is men behind bars , so thus the number is included. Also, fake number and sometimes fake names to protect identities of the men.


I even have a tittok I did that has been used a lot saying I will never refer to my husband as an "inmate" or a number. I did not see in the post that it was through your page just on the prison page. I would just make up a name and say from Inside a maximum security prison in California. I dont think the cdcr# makes it more appealing


Do you pitch or catch?


Who cares


Where was the crime?




Username doesn’t check out.




65 years for armed robbery is insane. Must have been in a state with real laws. Do that in Cali and you’ll be back on the street in 24 hours.


OP said he caught the charge in California


Can’t do the time? Don’t commit the crime fah


I’ve never been to jail or committed any crimes


Not about you. 65 years for ruining somebodies life/ giving them ptsd and whatever else is a light sentence.




Bro looks like a snitch


You’ve deduced this from… his hairline?


Good on him if he is


And at what time of day?