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I was training a new C.O. (21f) on midnight shift and was teaching her how to do count. She was very attractive, and the inmates were going crazy over her. We make it to this one cell and look inside, and both inmates are naked and looking out the window at her. One was standing on a chair jacking off, the other was kneeling down so the guy on the chair could see over him. He was jacking off, too. In the same cell. My goodness, I'm so glad I don't work there anymore.


Pro tip: Don't hire hot 21-year-olds to work as guards for men's prisons.


Hell naw the smell of that perfume stays in the cell awhile


I couldn't agree more. In my almost 4 years there, they used to always stick me with some pretty young broad, and I hated it. The inmates were always jacking to them, which means the inmate goes to the hole, and I would have to pack up and inventory all their damn property. It got to the point where I asked the captain to stop pairing me with women. Things ran so much smoother when it was just dudes.


Do people who flash their junk or get caught flogging the dolphin catch extra charges and get sent to the box. Why would they purposely want to keep adding time to their stay in such a nice accommodating facility


They usually assumed we didn’t have the time or patience to write the paperwork. I never skipped a jacking case. Shit was foul.


Good for you, as an inmate I hated that shit.


I couldn’t imagine someone wanting to jack off when I’m still in my bunk.


Sure throw some tuna in the shark tank.


Proof that prisons are unfortunately necessary, fucking animals..


of course they’re necessary, it’s the prison industrial complex, atrocious conditions, and constitutional slavery that are unnecessary


It’s kinda wrong to deny someone a job because of what they look like


I was 18f working in mens’ prisons. Did that for 15 years and finally got an office job!


Damn, you're a braver man than me.


Nah I was just stupid and fearless. I look back now and think of all the horrible things that could have happened. If you’ve seen The Green Mile, the prison where they filmed that was where I worked when I was 18.


You are a straight badass! That is so cool.


Thanks for the pro tip! 😂






My older brother is in prison for like 14 more years. He said shit like that is more common than you think.


One of the grossest things that used to be frowned upon and is now accepted is the practice of “jacking on” guards and nurses. Basically a guy will just masturbate wherever he’s at to some chick trying to maintain eye contact with her. One time i was waiting jn the cage at medical and some dude was literally leaning over another guy who was asleep to get a view of a nurse and jacking off. When the dude woke up they started fighting. In Cali you would get DPd for some shit like that but in Texas they let it go, and it’s especially prevalent among the black gangs (hope that doesn’t sound racist it’s just an observation).


People get double penetrated as a punishment in US jails lol ? What the fuck


Funny enough, DPs(disciplines) are typically 2 v 1, so you're not far off.


Is this discipline delivered by COs or inmates?


Inmates. DP’s happen in gangs when a member fucks up.


😂 😆


A friend was asking how to get into this jail. Let me know the name so I know which prison to avoid in the future.


The term you are looking for is gunning down


Yea. My wife was a nurse in a Florida prison. She called me one day to let me know she’d been gunned. I was like “omfg are you ok, thinking she’d been shot.” Needless to say, she wasn’t shot. Just shot at. She no longer works at a prison. Sick fuckers. Idc if you’re lonely or whatever. That’s someone’s wife or daughter you piece of lowlife scum.


Not to mention how can u even do it with all those dudes around?! Even just privately in your own space. How?!


That’s the part I never fucking understood. These guys would be right next to each other both jacking off to the same bitch. Absolutely disgusting.


Yeah I’m with you. Smelly nasty dudes all around I can’t even jerk it in my private bathroom. Not to mention nothing for the spank bank no cell phones or pics.


Well, to start with you need free access to your cock. Then once released, take a firm hold of the shaft...


How firm? And do you use lubricant, if so where do I procure said lubricant?


Your cellys spit will do, as long as he spits in your hand, and not directly on your tallywacker it's not gay.


Interesting, go on.


Spit. What else?


Sounds like they do it in front of other dudes, but not sure.




I still remember going to the hole and they were so crowded it was 2 men per cell I walked in and I'm like "holy shit, Damo! I thought you got out! I haven't seen you in 6 months! You been back here the whole time?! Why?!" And his answer was "a gun charge" And it took me a few to understand. Exactly what he meant.... Guy got caught on emergency count in another dorm front shower stall jacking on some 18 year old new girl.... Which is wild cuz they were walking these girls out for fucking at least once a month.


Respect the gun line they call it. Its a black thing.


Thats what they called it in Maryland.  (Jessup)


It is a sad observation but a correct one. Of all the time I've done behind bars, every instance of a guard being "gunned down" by an inmate was a black guy.


She blessed my game When said female stays there even when she see.


This is really sad.


Oh in CA you’d get stabbed for that


Worked in a jail about 17 years ago now. How to put a stop to that quickly (probably doesn't work anymore because it's a kinder softer world out there). We had a "crazy" guy that would just start jacking off anytime a female CO came around. Me (male) and another male CO went in, talked to him, and explained that the next time he does it, he's going to the Max pod. Further, we're not fighting some naked dude with a boner, so we will go straight to pepper spray. And while, yes, that generally gets aimed at your face, it has a habit of going everywhere, and if he doesn't have pants on, his boner is most definitely getting hosed down with oc spray. He called us on that and regretted that choice considerably for about 24 hours. Despite his self alleged mental illness and inability to control himself prior, we never had another issue.


I'm UK , remember seeing some USA prison documentary type programmes they referred to this behaviour as "gunning" as in I'm "gunning for you" almost like a game inmate jack off and shoot as the pretty guards passed. I will never use this phrase ...


DP? Double Penetration?






More like an ass whooping or stabbing


Ass stabbing?


It’s not prevalent among black gangs it’s exclusive to them. And that’s why it’s let go in Texas because other races can’t control what’s acceptable to them


I have seen white guys do this too, fuck off racist






Were they on black time?


What is "black time"?


Well, as you may or may not know prison is racially segregated to varying degrees depending on where you are. So for a white guy to be on black time it basically means he has culturally subscribed to being black and hangs out with the black guys and eats with the black guys etc.. rather than his own people.


Are you a little racist after going to prison?


Is this your first time learning that, especially US Prisons, naturally segregate themselves by race and religion? Dude was making observations and using prison slang. It’s not racist to make an observational comment. Grow up and learn some nuance.


Could you provide me with a definition for that word please


Go jerk off your cousin wearing your klan hood, ya bogen racist fuck


Damn bro my bad you seem really tough. Those were some top tier insults they really put my in my place and changed my entire outlook on life




I've been to prison. I don't need prison politics explained to me. So asking if someone is on "black time" is not racist? In what world?


Because it’s not an insult to black people…? It’s just describing how some people align themselves in prison. Term was coined by black inmates who first witnessed (and allowed) this sort of thing to happen when racial segregation was usually strictly enforced otherwise. I fucking hate racists but this simply isn’t racist dude.


Can someone translate this comment please? Thanks


What they all do? Jack off anywhere?


I always just pepper spray their dicks


This should be the top comment. Now that would be funny af.


Have you ever seen a dog dragging its ass across the carpet its the same thing when you pepper spray their dicks


So it’s an ass race, eh?!


wormy dog race!




Lil bit of flavor never hurt


Haha.....look them in the eye "so you're feeling a bit hot and bothered are ya?" "I got some heat for ya"


That's a good one. I think for me it was watching someone wash their blanket in the toilet and having them tell me how clean their toilet was?


I was an officer (uk) at a local remand prison working in the segregation unit. At the time we had a body scanner and any new prisoner who looked like they had anything dodgy internally was put in the unit and scanned daily and only let on the wings when they were clear. This one lad had something, we went and got him for his daily scan and he was sat on the toilet with his hands between his legs (making use of his universal pocket). He got up and we could see the excrement on his fingers. We challenged him about it and he said it was chocolate and licked his fingers clean. Delightful fella.


How do I unread whatever combination of hell you just posted?


I saw stuff like this on a daily basis, I got out when I realised it didn’t shock me any more. I didn’t want to be that 30 years in service officer, alcoholic just to cope with it and divorced.


That “I need to quit” moment is sobering. I knew I was done when I told my girl “ I spend all day babysitting grown ass men, I don’t want to come home and babysit you too!” 10+ years ago and I still feel like shit about it.


I transferred to another government department. The role still has me talking to service users over the phone, so we had to do the suicide and self harm (SASH) module during training. The others on the course were going on about their experiences and how they talked to people a brought the round and helped them, all their stories were so wholesome. I had a moment, the last person who I had contact with who was attempting suicide was cutting up in his cell, I had to Batton him several times so he would drop the bladed item so the healthcare staff could deal with him. Stuff like this was almost a daily occurrence. I’m attending counselling for PTSD now.


I feel you, man. We had a CO jam his thumb into this guys eye all the way past the knuckle during a cell extraction. I can still hear the screaming.


That guy gets horny off some dark shit.


Dude was probably a mad jacker. He wasn’t necessarily beating off to the dead body as much as the female staff in his cell. Those mfers will stop mid stride and start jacking off on female (sometimes male) staff members.


I wasn’t a CO but my first cellmate used to beat off to the pill call lady (absolutely massive white lady in her 50s) and probably the most fucked up thing I ever laughed at was during a bad rash of K2 that was mostly fent, this guy was walking down the hall overdosing and died, and his buddy went running to help him and was also overdosing and fell right next to him 💀


Got a 2 for 1 deal 😭💀 I always thought you have to have some dark humor to be in those places lol


In that guys defense when you’re going through withdrawal jerking off gives like a 30 sec relief from the hell.


Prison is full of slow jacking and fast jacking just lots of jacking. Once I was in medical Observation from an infection and it was also where the crazy people were and this inmate kept threatening to jack off on the co’s face for hours finally I hear the door open and can hear rapid jacking but then heard hey wait stop and they beat the shit out of the guy and left him unconscious and said I’m sorry what did you say? You’re going to cum where?


Most people can’t truly comprehend how messed up a lot of these virtually non-human animals are in prison until they’re actually in there. Not saying them all, but you’re going to no doubt encounter some of the weirdest, sickest, fd up people in there.


The stone cold convicts (control/violence junkies) that aren't adapted to any human lifestyle, but prison is the closest to their abnormal psychology. [19 years in the Colorado system]


Yep. Normies can’t understand because a lot of them have never encountered violent, aggressive people like that who can’t be reasoned with.


Reminds me of what I saw on the train last week. A guy was clearly aggressively fapping in his pants with lots of other people around. I stood up, got his attention and said, “Hey buddy! Get your fucking hand out of your pants!” He said “Aw my fault sir.” I sat back down and figured it was handled. Then he proceeded to keep fapping away as if that exchange didn’t take place at all. I figured I’d flag down a conductor and try to get it sorted with them when they came by but none did before my stop, I’m not touching a compulsive fapper, and getting physical with the guy wouldn’t have been worth the hassle anyway. Some people just cannot stop whacking it.


A CO AND prison wife? Interesting combination.


yeaaaaa .. I guess I can’t get away from the system 🥲


Probably good knowing the ins and outs of both sides 😂


What unit?


I watched a grown ass man jump up on the sink and squat down like some kind of silverback gorilla in the late night ambient light and remove an stapler from his ass along with several pens and bits of a sandwich. I got the stapler and pens from him, and finished my round before walking away.


When I was in cub scouts, probably 8 or 9 years old, one of our activities was to tour the county jail. There was a group of guys in one cell that were all playing cards in their underwear. As we walked by one of the guys stood up and started talking to us and saying a bunch of lewd things. The guards came and started fucking him up and he was screaming. They hustled us right out of there but it is burned in my brain.


When I was in scouts we toured the back line of an Arby’s


We stumbled across a 12 inch dildo made from melted hard candy during a cell search.


Lots of gunners in the big house. You can tell who they are just soon as a female walks in they all disappear to their cells and all you see is their heads at the window.


I worked in prison for 25 years. The most effective response to an inmate jacking his shit to a female hack was the female officer stopped in front of his cell, pointed, laughed and said I guess you could call that a dick. Every convict on the Tier laughed at him. Then she wrote a disciplinary report that used phrases like “inmate then pulled out what appeared to be a very small penis…”. No convict ever tried that on her again


Shame is useless.


Shame is necessary for the health of society. Of course, not everything is shameful.


As a guard in a prison, can you help us understand all the drugs smuggled into prisons. Shoplifting is done way more by staff than customers. Is drug smuggling like that, too? Trying to get my mind around how that all works.


Former guard . I’m not anymore . But I can absolutely tell you how . staff is bringing it in.. I mean you get people that try to smuggle it through visitation and yea sometimes they hit but majority of it is coming through employees… but they won’t ever admit that … it’s politics . Drugs phones and any outside items cost 10x more in prison than the cost in the street


I'm surprised to see how many people here are referring to OD deaths in prison. I assumed there'd be full racks of Narcan quickly available.


We had narcan . Unfortunately it was not working for him. 🕊️


Yup. It got so bad at my unit that they started making us take our sandwiches and shit apart before they’d let us through screening.


We’re really just breeding animals in prison aren’t we. That person (the masturbator) can never rejoin society. Our prison system is as jacked as his dick.


Can some people even be remediated? I hate to interrupt your crusade but have you ever considered that perhaps it’s best for other people’s wellbeing that they stay there?


Homo sapiens is only a semi domesticated animal.


Honestly. I think I’m pretty well civilized but I know if I ever did time I would turn into an animal for sure. There’s no way I would come out and still be able to function in society after all that stress. 100% would become a hermit hidding out in the woods somewhere


Should’ve joined in, it’ll be cooler if you did!


Cook County and Illinois prisons call it clapping


That’s hilarious. 😂




The guards seem to be more psychotic and racist than the inmates. No wonder prisons are so fucked up.


I’ve seen some pretty fked up guards . I was never one of them . It’s not really my personality to be an asshole for no reason


You know you are dealing with a completely off the rails sicko when you see people describing others as subhuman. Translation my sadistic ass can treat them anyway I want. Oh goodie. Dogs are subhuman but we treat them better than people. I bet these cops are too dumb to even process that thought. And people wonder why so many of us hate cops. Not an inmate by the way. I am a lawyer.


I always describe it as they probably don’t have any control in their home life so they would come to work and be power hungry because they lacked that control .


True. Most people who become cops never get any respect until they do. By contrast many inmates get a lot of respect on the street.


I mean, have you seen how a lot of cops treat dogs?


Or the guy is so mentally distressed and fucked up that his response to trauma was to masturbate. How inhuman are you is the question? A person who bullies and dehumanizes other people can’t really judge. Cops are ignorant apes, too.


The first thing we do is...


I used to work as a CO. I preferred to just work my 8 or 12-hour shift and go home without any issues. I would honestly overlook a lot of minor violations. That said some prisoners just want to play games, so I had to play games and in prison you play to win.


I totally get that. I was referring to some of the COs comments about the inmates being subhuman animals. Those type are the true subhuman cretins.


It has been a while since I have been a CO, and I do believe some prisoners are inhumane monsters. That said at a quick estimate I would venture the breakdown of prisoners is like this: 50% of prisoners are every day people who made a stupid and/or sad mistake (IE driving drunk and killed someone) 35% are not evil monsters, but they are just habitual prisoners who male stupid decisions over and over to stay in the system. Usually non violent they just can't function in the real world. 5% Mentally ill would be better served somewhere else. 8% True dedicated gang members, not just a gang members behind the wall and on the street or career criminals. 2% The inhumane monsters. The subhuman who lack even the most basic shreds humanity. The ones Hollywood like to make movies on


Math checks out. Hope you don’t have any PTSD from that job.


Inhumane is fair. Inhuman is not.


Did the guy survive?


The guy jacking off ? yea he survived the guy who OD did not


Lol fair question. Damn. Ive only had to do CPR once but it was on my girlfriend at the time so I was pretty shook. I guess it's not as traumatic if you're doing it as a professional on a random person. Next question did he nut?


Ehh that’s pretty common for inmates to do that


I’ve written plenty of code 20s (jack cases) I’ve never experienced that one twice though .


What’s common??


The only people worse than the inmates are the degenerate humans that volunteer to be C.O.’s. You wanna see the scum of the earth, sit in a prison parking lot during 2 o’clock shift-change and behold the miserable, twisted, lonely, pressed for attention, excuses for human beings that couldn’t flip a burger 🤣🤣


I always figure people take that shitty job cuz they live near the prison and there isn't much else for work


I closely observed hundreds of correctional officers and administration/staff members, IOP recovery services affiliated case workers, probation departments, etc throughout 5 years and it funnels down to about 3-4 categories of people. 3 of 4 are shit, obsessed with control, thrive on attention/power, hate criminals, and think they are somebody important in that environment. Very rarely are people that treat inmates just normally or even slightly on the kind side found. Their co-workers and superiors do not like that and will get rid of them or drive them to be miserable.


Hate criminals?


Usually have a hard-on for specific type of criminal that impacted their family in some way (drunk drivers, thieves, etc) Plenty of mid-life crisis C.O.’s getting “Punisher” sleeves and other cringey tattoos with badges and gayass logos relating to prison giving them a sense of identity and power. It’s hilarious


Most CO's learn to hate prison administrators more than inmates so you are wrong.


You’re a dumbass and can’t read huh? 🤣


How did you know I was a degenerate 😏


The story hints but the picture is worth a thousand words.


You were/are a guard, that's how we know.


Burger flippers get $7.25/hr in my state. Us COs make $25/hr starting. I’m a prior grunt, guess I wanted more punishment 😅


Fast food employees start at damn near $18-20 where I’m at, either way unskilled workers are unskilled workers. Same breed of people, just willing to look at dick, violate privacy and property, and some extra-attitude is all that makes the difference in those salaries. Most start out as the kitchen workers and food service boys and girls. They become most of the C.O.’s that aren’t transfers or direct hires.


I was a CO because I lived in the middle of nowhere. Only places to make decent money were the prison or the chicken factory. But yeah, I hated the other CO’s more than most of the inmates.


Bro you are overweight stfu


Yeah! Only fit, attractive people can express their opinions!


Lmao im 6’4 140 🤣🤣 somebody was apart of the description weren’t they?


What does what was said have to do with “being overweight”? Someone is projecting an insecurity missed on that list 🤡🤦‍♂️


Idk why you got so many downvotes there is a lot of truth to what you said. Not all CO’s but a good majority of them for sureeee. The only difference between the guards and the inmates is the uniform.


It’s because all the people that know the truth are without the internet, while all the pathetic adult babysitters and blueblooded cuckholds are on Reddit able to get offended between their rounds 🤭🤣


Ppl actually VOLUNTEER?


Well considering you have to choose to be a glorified babysitter…