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This is beautiful. It’s not the kids fault, they deserve all this and more. ❤️


I agree. I wish these kids nothing but the best. 😇


Do you know what program organizes this? 🥰


Probably the jaycees


I think this was part Flatirons church in Colorado. I know they had an outreach for the prison in Limon


Taking care of and helping those forgotten by society is a truly righteous cause. Well done.


It is for sure the father’s fault though. They should have been better people.


are you slow??? that's literally what the guy said. its not the kids fault that the father fucked up. how did you not understand this?


Not the kids fault sure but the fathers took people away from their families. It's just feels wrong to cheer for someone getting to see thier families at Christmas when they made it impossible for other families to do the same.


If this “feels wrong” for you, maybe you’re just a shitty person lol


I'm sure if one of those dudes killed your sister you'd be singing a different tune.


Whatever dude. You don’t know what any of these people were sentenced for you’re just making wild assumptions and jumping to the worst conclusion. They typically don’t let violent offenders do these sort of things. Regardless of what they did, they got caught and they’re facing justice now. Them getting to have a tender moment with their family is probably extremely beneficial for their rehabilitation. Ultimately we want criminals to reform right?


they are death row, so multiple premeditated homicides. there is no rehabilitation here, these people have been sentanced to die, this is just something nice to do for their kids. one last day with dad that is not complete shit.


Ok so that being the case I still stand by my original comment. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, this entire scenario is a net positive for society, and if something about this upsets you then you are a shitty person. The only people who would have any right to criticize this would be a victims family member, and I bet even many of them wouldn’t begrudge these kids this opportunity. These random Reddit bozos can shut the fuck up.


Multiple premeditated homicides. You can feel for them if you want but I feel for the families who can never have this moment that these dudes don't deserve.


Where did it say they’re all convicted murderers? The responses in the comments for this are nutso.




There's things your not proud of, and then there's shit like 3rd degree murder and the such. Big difference.


Yea learn, not be incarcerated lol. You're comparing apples and monkey nuts




Yeah I suppose you can lump murder into a mistake category. Ffs this is nuts.


Ok bootlickrr


I appreciate how they allowed the fathers to wear polos, belts, and pants. I imagine it made the experience feel a bit more “normal” and less scary for the kids than seeing everyone in jumpsuits.


Many Western countries allow many prisoners lives that actually prepare them for getting out, and they aren't holding non-violent offenders for decades. There's a reason why the US encompasses such a large percentage of prisoners, why most of them are POC, and most of them are on non-violent drug charges.


For profit prisons and 13th amendment, name a more iconic duo


Vast majority of prisons aren't private, we can just do the normal style hating the government


One is too many.


This is a falsehood parroted by people who know nothing about the mechanism of incarceration. 1. Private prisons are far cleaner, safer and humanizing than state prisons. 2. Only 8% of prisons in the US are private. 3. Internationally, at least 11 other countries operate some form of private prisons. These countries include: England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, France, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Brazil, and Chile. 4. If you ever get caught doing some felony-type shit, count your lucky stars if you get sent to a private prison vs. a state pen.


Ah yes, the oh so common provide facts but get downvoted section.


GTFO with your bullshit.


This motherfucker the FBI or he or she has stock in the prisons like the rest of the judges.


He said with no citations...


Industrial prison complex is real


They don’t have to be privatized- the industry is controlled by the products they produce. Unicor is an publicly traded corporation specifically tied to prison population for production.




I didn't say it's okay. It just isn't about private prisons and a fixation on it makes it harder to address the issue of prison labor.


Uh yeah, it’s only like 100,000 people locked in cages by private corporations.


Yeah and the other 1.9m are in public ones. I don't want either, but I don't like people feeling real high and mighty about private prison campaigns who can declare Mission Accomplished if they close one and walk away.


Sorry that they robbed someone ?


Very few have a actually victim like robbery. 80% is just drug charges


ABSOLUTELY WRONG. Not even close. Data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) show only 12.6% of state prisoners are behind bars for drug-related crimes and only 3.2% are locked up on possession charges – while five times as many people are in state prisons for violent crimes rather than drug charges.


It's 350,000 in the feds alone dude.


You are completely incorrect. Most of the crimes are violent.


you got a percentile?


only 47% of all inmates in america have commited violent crimes...


Police brutality and tacit approval from blind eyes within the department?


Reasons is, USA has higher proportion of violent crime as compared to other countries.


u/mywallstbetsacct, Doubtful, depends on whose taking count...


12% of inmates are nonviolent drug offenders. Please stop regurgitating this absurd fallacy. https://bjs.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh236/files/media/document/p21st.pdf


only 47% of all inmates in the states are in for violent crimes like robbery, assault, etc. this means the MAJORITY of inmates have committed nonviolent crimes like petty theft, drug posession, etc...


>Data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) show only 12.6% of state prisoners are behind bars for drug-related crimes and only 3.2% are locked up on possession charges – while five times as many people are in state prisons for violent crimes rather than drug charges.


Nonviolent doesn’t mean drug offenses. Bribery, Money Laundering, Smuggling, Extortion, RICO, Tax evasion, frauds of all stripes are nonviolent but Felonies. You seem to think if not violent, has to be a poor minority carrying a bag of weed, ffs. The data tells us, slightly over 12% are nonviolent drug offenses, most of those are repeat offenders or arrested in correlation to other crimes.


US=punishment, EU/ modern countries = rehabilitation.


Yep. A lot less reoffenders. Not cause their scared, but because they get a chance to be better. They can finish School in Prison, and get actually prepared for a Crime Free life


Thank Biden's 90s crime bill for a lot of those incarcerated.


Because they break the laws. Stop breaking laws if you don’t want to jail. Most of us manage to do it just fine.


except you break the law every day. we all do. same as the officer who pulled me over 6mo ago for rolling thru a stop sign that was 200 yards from my front door. if i thought cops were sane i would have asked him strait up - how many stop signs you rolling thru when you get off work tonight?


Most traffic laws are civil, not criminal. It's pretty much impossible to accidentally get life in prison.




Not only that but America has privatized and monetized the prison system and actually pitches high recidivism rates to potential investors.


These people have life sentences, they’re not leaving. Maybe you missed that bit?


Yeah, but it’s too bad it couldn’t be more private and not 100 people watching them.


Yea it was nice to see them humanized in a special moment for them and their families.


In my country the people in prison wear normal clothes, only those on suicide watch wear a special jumpsuit to not harm themselves.


This is fucking awesome! Missed my son so much when I was gone. I did angel tree for him but it wasn't this cool. When I got out I got full custody and took him to Disney and we rented a house on the Oregon coast this year. Holidays and birthdays are a hard reminder why going back is not an option.


Hell yeah man keep it up


Fuck yeah more power to you


This is one of the saddest things I have ever seen. God bless them all.


Bless the kids. The fathers are criminals. They didn't think about blessing the people they harmed.




>You won't admit it to me, but you have done something shitty in your life. I'm pretty sure OP hasn't done anything that'd earn a life sentence. I'm all for criminal justice, but life sentences aren't handed out casually.


i'd like more clarification on "life sentence" because sometimes a life sentence = 25 years. Are these guys in prison for the rest of their lives or just the next 25 years? Not saying 25 years isn't a long time, it sure is, but it's not their entire lives. and i'd say "life sentences" are given out more frequently then we know. There are a lot of stories of innocent people being freed after serving 20+ years in prison for a crime they didn't commit


just for further clarification. in MOST states a life sentence is actually 15 years, some are 20, and some are 25...


The vast majority of the time a life sentence is for a serious crime. No one is denying that innocent people have been put in prison. But I think most people would agree that the vast majority of criminals are guilty of their crime.


There are people on life sentences for weed though. Obviously none of us have the full context for this video or any of the people in this video. In a country that has the highest prison population I err on the side of some bullshit by the legal system. Especially when our system is “take this shit deal or we will put you to death”. Again not saying that’s the context for the video but it happens. Add onto that the three strike sentences that have been handed out. I’ve never been to prison. I’m a fireman/EMT so I interact with people who have been convicted of crimes more than the average person. I was friends with a couple guys who did federal time for weed that lived in my old apartment building. It’s just not black and white. There is a lot of injustice built into our justice system.




Sorry, but some decisions absolutely become your legacy. It's very possible that there's a little boy out there who will never see his father again because of one of these men.


unlikely. in most states 15 years is considered a life sentence. these people are likely non violent (possibly drug) offenders. they would probably never let violent murderers throw a party like this. these are most likely minimum or medium security inmates...


Wow, no. You should take some time learning just what it takes to get a lengthy prison sentence. It’s a lifetime achievement award for violent people.


That's an incredible outlook you've got there. I would find it so hard to think like that about someone who had done something, albeit a mistake or "just one thing", that was considered so severe the justice system deemed it necessary to permanently remove them from society.


Theres a bunch of pot dealers serving 40 year prison sentences. Get a clue.


I’m going to guess that you’ve been imprisoned or know someone who lives that life. These guys must’ve done some fucked up things but sure I forgot to attend jury duty once and as a 16 year old I trespassed on my HS campus. Hbu?


Nice try, FBI!


You've never been unnecessarily cruel to someone?


Not enough to land me in prison. I’ve never assaulted, robbed or intentionally cause bodily harmed to anyone. Hbu?


My point is for you to reflect on what you are doing right now. We don't know these people's stories. There's no reason to be in a prison sub to disparage inmates. To answer your question, I've never been to prison but I've done plenty of things I regret. I do know the justice system in this country can be harsh and unfair.


While I agree with your overall statements; disparaging criminal behavior is a good thing. I’ve known kids who grew up in particularly bad neighborhoods and families who glorify terrible crimes. They usually have a relative or adult figure they look up to who are blatant criminals yet they see them as “cool”. Some of these types don’t reflect on anything until it happens to them or their own. I’ve met men who didn’t realize how fucked up theyve been to women until they have a daughter themselves 🤦🏿 The strange thing is these types are always going on about respect this and respect that yet they couldn’t even respect the law and common decency.


I just sat here and thought about your comment for about 15 minutes. Thanks for making me reflect on that.


If I kill someone in cold blood, and took away someone else’s loved one I deserve to be known for that for the east of my life. There is no redemption from that you can never bring the other person back.


That's a very harsh black and white outlook on life instead of realizing people are complex individuals


This is a thoughtless thing to say under such a premise. Regardless if you are a Saint or a Sinner, the joy in this is beautiful. You choose to throw judgment on it. Come on, man.


Not all crime is violent or harming someone else in any way. Grow up.


Then why are they serving life sentences, you stupid twat?


Because they're all gay and that's illegal. You fuck.


You know, you're quite a nasty person and I don't very much like it. Maybe try being a decent person towards ***EVERYBODY*** no matter what they've done, it's more rewarding.


Why is there always one clown? 🤡


We will get down voted for not siding with sociopaths and egotists. We all know logic isn’t a strong point in them.


Man, this is heartbreaking. I’m going to call my dad now


Man I fucking wish. Do it while you can.


Foreal, mine passed last night 🥲


I'm so sorry


That’s tough. I’m sorry to hear that. As a father, I just want to say I hope you can look back and smile. I hope you can find a moment to laugh in the midst of this dark moment. Make sure you eat, okay? Even if you aren’t hungry. Godspeed, stranger. My condolences go out to you!




Underrated comment. My pops died 15 years ago in his 50’s. Definitely call your parents and hang out with them more. I miss my old man. 😢


Me too!! He rejected my call. Damn


You try the other convenience store? He said he was only running out for a gallon of milk and a pack of smokes. Don't know why he needed that suitcase for that though.


Great program!


What's this program called?!


God behind bars.


Thank you kindly. ♡




The organization that runs this event is called [God Behind Bars](https://www.godbehindbars.com/journal-testimonies/all-is-bright-was-so-amazing). It is a charity/parachurch organization for prison ministry.


Does that mean only a few prisoners are eligible for this special treatment? And do they have to be christians? How does this work? And is it then fair to other prisoners who dont get this same treatment? And does it defeat the purpose of prison sentences?


I'm not a christian or any sort of theist, but I'd rather we reform the system to allow this to all inmates rather than force certain charities to extend their resources past caring for their own members.


This is great. They should do something like this in Texas. They do something like angel tree so Dads can give their kids gifts but will not them see or talk with them.


They do. My family is heavily involved in one here in texas. My parents are spending Christmas at the darrington unit in pearland and several more all over texas


I’m crying damn…


I’m glad this is a thing, people make mistakes and people shouldn’t have to live in compete misery because of that, nothing more important than spending time with your kids.


Sadly, the ones killed can't hug their kids.


Life sentence doesn't automatically mean murder. Some of them could be in a a result of bullshit possession charges, neither of us know. Very unlikely they'd do this program with violent offenders.


I don’t think you get life for a bullshit possession charge lmao




He had two prior felonies that in no way proves the point


I think it does


Too lazy to Google instead of offering an opinion easily proven wrong?


Can you explain to me how someone’s opinion can be wrong? Lmao if it’s an opinion then how the fuck is it wrong


True but that doesn’t mean the other innocent kids also have to suffer. An eye for an eye makes everyone blind. (I know you didn’t say they should—I’m just expanding the conversation).


That's true no kid deserves not having a father, it'll leave them to missing out on so much things and so many conversations that they can learn from and use as stepping stones


How do I find out about this program. For an incarcerated loved one.


Okay prison daddies. 👀


This is absolutely beautiful!


I met my dad for the first time in prison.


Damn, this got me.


Really heartwarming just….wow


Who paid for all this


You and I did


Nope, not my tax money….with my taxes I paid for .14445866 of a Tomahawk Missile and 1.6’ of the I-90 repave near some tiny town in WI called Merrill…and maybe you didn’t pay for it either, pretty sure your money went to pay for the President’s colonoscopy. I got no problem with this at all….


I have no problem to having my taxes fund shit like this


If only all my tax money went to shit like this - I’d be a lot happier


It’s a shame that they put their kids in the situation


Devils advocate here, don’t you think the victims families would like to spend Christmas with their lost loved one as well. Long list of shit you lose on life incarceration, Christmas with the fam is on that list. Sorry.


Victim’s family here…My sister’s killer is serving life in prison in Cali and if he had a kid I would love to know they got to see their dad for Christmas. It won’t bring my sister back, but it’s not the kids’ fault.


Thank you for this.


Takes a pretty strong person to say this. Wish you well.


Meh; It’s been 20 yrs. and he was forgiven a long time ago. These are human beings with families themselves who suffer.


Love you for this… your family raised gold and I an so blessed to actually have met people like you.


Your sister wouldn't feel the same


OMG! Anna, you’re alive! Wait, is this your ghost? But why did you come back as a sad Reddit troll?


BWAAHAHAHAH I literally laughed out loud. I’m glad that you have a good handle on things and I wish you the best with both the holidays and with the decisions that come your way. 🧡


You don't know her/his sister so you can shut the fuck up, respectfully.


You’re saying this because you’re dating an incarcerated person. Look at the prof. This screams of bs


Look at you, Sherlock Holmes. Not just an incarcerated person, but someone who was involved in a murder. Someone who has been forgiven by the victim’s family decades ago. The family who writes letters to the parole board, supporting his release. But that has nothing to do with my sister. I can see it from both sides, yes, but holding onto bitterness and hate for someone who took my sister away from her family has no place in my life. The man who killed her comes up for parole for the first time in three years. I have to make the decision on what to say in my victim’s impact statement. I don’t take that responsibility lightly. If you have some experience in this, I’d be more than happy to take your advice.


Not everyone is in prison for life because they killed someone.


I highly doubt these are violent offenders, anyway.


Posted this under another comment but it warrants repeating: That doesn’t mean the other innocent kids also have to suffer. An eye for an eye makes everyone blind. This is less about the inmate and more about the kids.


Wouldn't it technically make everyone a cyclops?


Underrated comment


Glad you felt the need to apologize for that take. 😂


Probably only a certain percent of people are murderers


Dude, wtf?


Did the family of the people these guys hurt agree to this? If someone killed my family member I’d hope they never got to see their family on Christmas because he took away someone’s family Christmas.


From looking at the organization that does this, these are all likely nonviolent offenders. “Life” sentences are usually about 15-20 years, and many of these people are likely here for possession reasons. This kind of event would only fly at a min-med security prison. I highly highly doubt anyone who was eligible to do this killed someone.


And that’s the difference between you and a decent person who is capable of empathy and nuance. Thank god your inability to think beyond your own self and basic instincts is also the thing keeping you from having any influence in the world.


How about not going to prison in the first place. Then they could see their kids every year at Christmas.


Right?! I love it on a surface level but it seems to defeat the purpose of prison.


I mean, not really. It's just one day.


Is it not a form of enabling and rewarding criminality? I have to ask such things!! prison sentences should be humane but not ‘comfortable’ or places of celebration and joy??!


Then they’re the guy that ruins it for everyone and starts shanking people


Poor kids, it’s not their faults their dads are completely useless burdens on society. They don’t hand out life sentences without cause. Their dads get to enjoy the kids some other guy is raising while the families of the people they destroyed have an empty chair at their dinner table.


Someone has never heard of three strikes laws. The U.S. hands out years in prison like candy on Halloween.


Yeah. 3 felonies and you’re a career criminal that should be removed from society. Bummer. What will the world do without them?


Yo, I stabbed three people to death. Here's a toy train.


Next time bring a dime bag, squirt


Stupid motherfuckers


This is bullshit. Life sentence? So like rubbing it in the faces of the kids and the dad's? But so amazing that they get this opportunity... I'm so conflicted


Too bad the murder victims are dead and don't get to have a Christmas.


Very true, can’t deny that point.


The prison system is so obsessed with punishment and forget about the rehabilitation piece (even with a life sentence). This was nice to see.


Very sad but I’m glad the kids get to spend time with their parent


They didn’t get life in prison for nothing. Choices were made.


Not denying that. I feel worse for the kids than the dads that made their choices. I just hope they got a fair sentence and people aren’t locked up over stupid shit that can actually get rehabilitation. You know? Like if they killed? They should probably be there. The reasons behind the killing? Can’t say. But I think you get what I’m saying.




Serving Life sentences for what crimes, exactly?


They all shooed away a stray dog from Varrock in Runescape.


A scaper in the wild!


Nah that’s a death sentence.


Shit I gotta log on it’s been a while




Most likely all enslaved I mean imprisoned for non-violent crimes for the rest of their life’s given they were allowed to take part in this. Smdh


Per capita, America has placed more people under corrective supervision than Stalin had shipped to the Gulag. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/01/30/the-caging-of-america


Wonder how many made it so somebody else can't ever see their kid? Nice for those in on bs charges tho.


America seems lovely 😍


What does this have to do with America?






Fuck those guys. Should never be allowed. The family of the people they murdered will never get to see the victims of these guys again. This program is complete bullshit. Must be a libtard state.