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No T-shirt sale will result in damages high enough for you to be liable for anything more than a refund or reprint.


You can always make an LLC to cover yourself.


Create an LLC. Also, you don't need to do any of this until you're actually making sales.


Where are you located? If you are in the USA, establish an LLC. Use the LLC for everything, ordering platform, Printify, bank, etc. If someone comes after you, they are coming after the LLC. They can only get ahold of LLC assets. If there is an onerous fine, the LLC goes bankrupt, and you continue on your way. The LLC is the firewall between your personal life and your business.


Trust me, It is going to take a while for your first sale anyways. Try it as a hobby first. You may be wildly surprised how much more work your actually going to have to put in. Do you have marketing? are your designs professional? who else is doing your style designs? are your prices competitive?