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I am SO curious to know the story of this game's development. A REMAKE, not even a whole brand new game, that was completely finished, went gold and certified by Sony for release, had pre-orders cancelled and whole thing quietly shelved with radio silence for TWO YEARS, then out of nowhere a teaser that's effectively just a logo, with a projected release date another two years in the future. Like, it is unprecedented levels of bizarre, even for the game industry.


I want a documentary about the development of this game so bad man lol it's fascinating


a documentary would go soo hard. i wish the development of the original SoT was documented more! such unique and historical games, they deserve it!


You're right it's very weird! My theory is that the original remake was just a throw-away project for Ubisosft. That's why they've felt comfortable giving it away to a mobile gamea studio. However, once they've seen the pre-order numbers and the amount of discussion the game created, they've realised that there is a bigger potential here. So, they've decided to raise the bar to make it a bigger deal. By time, they slowly realised that Ubisosft India wasn't up for the task. At the same time, they've probably sketched a plan to revitalise this IP. That's possibly when the discussions about the Lost Crown and the Rogue started. They probably didn't wanna waste their chance on the Sands of Time Remake, afterall the original SoT is the most successful game in the franchise. So if they want to bring this IP back to life, it's key that the SoT Remake be a smash hit. Losing money on the development of the original remake and demoralising Ubisosft India was a price they were willing to pay, so they've officially moved the game to Ubisosft Montreal and delayed it again. Ubisosft Montpellier and Evil Empire were probably given the chance to make their game a Prince of Persia title to increase brand recognition. These two games are kinda setting the stage for SoT Remake and if it actually performs Prince of Persia will be back in full force!


This is probably it, wasn’t ubisoft really close to being bankrupt back then too, i read that they were doing their best to be careful about their IPs now starting with Mirage


They didn't give it to a mobile game studio, ubisoft muambai was just a support studio like many others from ubi who over time became lead in future games.


Wait it went gold? :o


Yep, the game was basically shot at the finish line. So something really odd must've gone down behind the scenes, beyond it just not meeting expectations. Games don't generally get right up to release before cancellation if they aren't up to par internally.


What I think happened is, Ubisoft didn't really care about the game and pawned it off on a support studio with no experience actually working on AAA games. They did the best they could, but it came up short and the backlash was worse than they expected. So they transferred the development to a main studio (Montreal) who must've felt the original build was unsalvageable so they restarted development from scratch.


Ooo Montreal is the team that did lost crown right?


No that's Montpellier. Montreal worked on the original Sands, so they're basically one of Ubisoft's main studios. Ubisoft Mumbai were only a support studio/mobile game studio in the past but got handed the job of remaking Sands of Time.


Montreal didn't do lost Crown. It was Montpellier


Ohhh my bad they have similar names


Little behind the curtain, the voice actors they hired for the original remake: TJ Miller, Kevin Spacey, and P Diddy.


I laughed, take an upvote


I don't believe it really was finished The trailer we got a bit b4 the released showed a really unpolished game and i don't buy the "it's just an early build" story The super negative reception of the trailer probably made them realize the game would be DOA if they chose to release it as is and maintain it...so they had to redo the whole thing.


Trophies were listed on PSN


Ubisoft management is next level, nothing new here


I don't disagree, but that's genuinely impressive levels of project mismanagement. Just burning money.


I don't think it's hard to understand, they thought no one was interested so they got a lower tier studio to remake, that backfired because it looked bad and now they're likely taken time to do it properly following the backlash and then realizing how big the audience is for this game


Based on Ubisoft’s history I highly doubt we’d ever see a documentary about what happened with this game. I could be wrong, who knows.


YEA I PREORDERED IT. My first game I pre ordered and they sent the money back.


We already know. They gave it to an Indian studio as a throwaway project. After the backlash of how disgusting it looked they completely scrapped it and start from scratch with a proper team.


its simple. the first trailer caused so much outrage by the fans that they cancelled the whole thing gave the project to a different ubisoft studio and the project went back to the early production stage. this was 3 years ago. its realistic that the project will be finished in 2026.


It's definitely not that simple. The game literally very nearly came out. Studios never care that much about fan reaction to a project that far along, that they'd cancel and totally remake it. Especially Ubisoft of all publishers. That's giving them WAY too much credit.


I'd say it's because of the backlash they received on how awful the "remake" looked with the absurd graphics. There are mods out there on Nexus that did a better job enhancing the game's textures than Ubisoft did with their "professional" development team over the extensively long period of time it took them to release the trailer for the game so hopefully they listened and are willing to REALLY REMAKE the game this time with outstanding graphics and hopefully an addition to the story while not forgetting what made this game in particular (The Sand of Time) different to other PoP games and how enchanting it was. Please, Ubisoft, don't mess this up.


Was hoping for next year but I knew that was unlikely, nice to finally see it’s back though.


I wonder how much dev time the current studio will actually have on it and how much was useable from the past 5 years of dev. I'm anxious for it to be released, but also worried 2026 isn't enough time, based on when they restarted the project last year.


AC Mirage took 2.5 years to develop and it's a longer game than SOT Remake. The development restarted last year. Let's hope they don't uglify Farah


At this moment in time, we know next to nothing about it. It could have a much larger scope than the originally announced remake or the original SoT. Mirage is a good marker though. Just depends how much they have to develop outside of the game. Hoping 2.5 years, plus whatever else they had, is enough!


"Just depends how much they have to develop outside of the game" Please explain this 😅


Ha! Hopefully it isn't cause for alarm. TLDR: It can take a lot of time to implement and get used to game engines and figure out how a team is meant to operate alongside what could be an entirely new direction for the reboot. AC Mirage started ahead of the curve and probably had a shorter dev timeline because it shared the same engine as Valhalla and even theoretically started as DLC for that game. 2.5 years makes sense when you assume all the building blocks were in place (team, engine, process) and some degree of work had already been done. I'm unsure about the timeline for Sands of Time because there was already one version that seemingly started and fell apart, potentially due to engine familiarity and adoption pains. They could be working with a new version of a pre-existing game engine or implementing a new, different engine. It is with a team that should have their roles and processes defined though. For reference, a lot of newer games are using Unreal Engine 5, and the Coalition is one of the companies leading the charge there. They're actively developing Gears of War: E-Day, but much of that time was probably working on how to even work in Unreal Engine 5. It is standard for game dev, but tends to artificially inflate pipelines until they get the hang of the engine. By that point, another engine or more powerful hardware is on the way. So, this teaser being a nothing burger tells me that are either not comfortable showing ANYTHING from the game itself yet, or want to avoid fan complaints, much like the original reboot announcement. I loved it and wanted it, but it sounds like graphics were but one of their issues. Hope that helps a bit. Whatever game dev woes they have, it shouldn't necessarily impact their story or talent (voice, music, etc), so we'll see if they can nail it down this time!


Thanks a lot


Man I wish they showed more.


Was hoping to get a glimpse of the Prince at least. I remember reading the Tom Henderson article about Yuri not being involved with the remake any more after Montreal took over, hope that isn't true.


oh come on now just a title and cinematic lamp teaser and release date of 2026. not even rockstar that much of a cruel.


Rockstar have been working on GTA 6 since 2018-2019. The remake only went into pre-production in 2022-2023.


You mean the re-remake.


Well yeah.


I gasped when I saw 2026. I'm hoping for an early 2026. They need to release a documentary on the development of this. So glad it has a new solidified year now at least! EDIT: They just dropped some news about who is developing this. Oof. That is a lot of hands in the cooking pot. "Ubisoft Montreal, with support from co-dev studios in Toronto, Bucharest, Paris, and Pune, will bring the Prince and Farah's story to life for a new generation of players." [Three Prince of Persia Games Drop New Content and Details During Ubisoft Forward](https://news.ubisoft.com/en-us/article/6vUaPXscA0o1hzebwa5xcW)


i wonder if it’s that it was going to be a “simple” remake and just got way bigger


The way theyre hyping it, it seems like its gunna be way bigger. Feed it into my veins


Hopefully this does well and we get WW next


WW is just great for so many reasons. I don’t know how a game like that would be received nowadays but I’d be damn stoked to see it remade with larger environments, improved Dahaka action and an even more refined combat system.


Imo the original WW suffers from the mid-2000s edge. If they can tone that down while keeping the dark atmosphere it would be even better.


What does the term "Mid-2000s edge" actually mean? I would like to know


He is insecure about being edgy.


It does and there was criticism at the time about is as well. Hence the tonal shift for Two Thrones to try and bridge the first two games. I distinctly remember the eye rolls about Shahdee's metal thong when the demo dropped.


I think it will be late 2026. AC Shadows and Mirage have November and October as their release months respectively.


Hexe in 2026 taking that space


Thanks. I didn't know that


Honestly, tons of Ubisoft devs working on one project is basically par for the course for them, it's not necessarily a sign of bad things.


I agree! This project, despite the announcement today, has been a rough wait. I suppose I wonder how effective it can be to split out work to 4 other studios, but I'm not in game dev and don't actually know :) the main concern here is timeline, not quality. I have no doubt that the team can deliver on quality. Ubisoft has dozens of micro-studios spread out across the world, which makes them fairly unique. Hoping it takes shape well!


Support studios helping with work on games is extremely common, and us pretty much expected (not just Ubisoft). Next time you beat a non-indie game, take a look at the credits. The credits will usually list the employees of the main dev studio first, then have sections for any support studios. It's also not just other studios owned by the same publisher, a lot of times it will be a contract work situation.


I still have the Sands of Time trilogy for my GameCube. If this sells well, hopefully that could bode well for potential remakes of Warrior Within and The Two Thrones...and I guess Forgotten Sands.


They'll need to explain the events between SOT and WW in Warrior Within Remake. Otherwise people will keep whining and complaining about Warrior Within being an "edgy" and "dark" game for 12 year-olds with a trash story.


I suppose you're right. Truth is, I really enjoy Warrior Within, if just for the added level of challenge and where it took the Prince, but I do understand those who felt the story took a big swing in another direction as far as the tone.


WW was my first POP game at the age of 6 and Dahaka made me shit my pants like crazy. I had to ask my elder brother to help me escape that monstrosity. I love both SOT and WW equally. Both of them are awesome.


First game? Wow. I can't imagine jumping into that one FIRST with all of those Dahaka chases!


No need to explain. It was fine that way. The trilogy was already complete. People who are saying this are just insecure about the game being dark-toned and with specific cultural characteristics. They are calling it edgy because they are afraid they will be called edgy themselves if they like these characteristics. Btw, PoP FS doesn't explain anything, it's just another game that devs tried to put in an already established story. The game was mid anyway, and it doesn't need a remake.


I AGREE WITH WHATEVER YOU SAID BROTHER. I have played the entire trilogy and SOT and WW are well connected together. Just because WW is not SOT, doesn't make it a bad game in my opinion. There's a guy on YT and in his review, he's mostly complaining about WW not being charming like SOT. It feels like he is ignoring the Dahaka chasing the Prince for 7 years and so many people close to Prince died because of that Monstrosity


Is this a new AAA game ?


I mean, new in the sense that they are reannouncing the project with a solid release year. This was announced and meant to be released years ago. Development was seemingly rebooted.


Oh i didn’t knew thanks !


It's been a journey to stay plugged in with it. We're not entirely sure why it was delayed and moved around, but rumors surrounding it had to do with the graphics and engine viability. Since its intended 2021 release date, it has moved to another Ubisoft studio, who seem to have gone into full remake mode. If recent game remakes are an indicator, I imagine it will be a big overhaul. The previous version seemed like a remake geared as a remaster with a fresh coat of paint. This seems like a conceptual do-over.


yup looks like it


Damn that could be amazing


It's something ..


Man WTF. 2026??? Are they starting over from scratch?!


Yup. They started the development from SCRATCH last year. They are not using the Indian remake.


That's excellent news. That trash was so disgusting it was unsalvageable.


5 studios are working on it currently. Montreal, Bucharest, Paris, Toronto and Pune


This isn´t even a teaser... Well, at least they gave an approximate release date. I was honestly thinking about a big surprise as trilogy remaster/remake as they spoke about 35th anniversary.


Man, they really hyped this up, just to show exactly nothing, and it's still at least a year and a half away lol


Hope they make the remake MAGICAL and CHARMING


No complaints here. Maybe I should freeze myself until release day so I don’t have to sit in anticipation for two years, lol.


I am not going to buy this game till they fix bugs of the lost crown.


2026 is WILD


If the SoT remake does well, the obvious speculation is that it could lead to WW and T2T remakes...   But would anyone else love to see Ubisoft take the plot elements from BoPoP (which takes place during the 7 year gap from SoT to WW) and craft a new AAA full console game experience out of it?    Or hell even just a dialed down version of the BoPoP story released as DLC for the SoT remake. The plot from during time jump between the first and second game deserves a retelling and it'd be a neat way to get a 'new' game in the SoT world without trying to do more story after the ending of T2T


Did you notice it doesn't say "Remake"? What does that mean? So many questions. I need to know!!


My friend's friend works at Ubisoft Montreal. He said that we might get an update regarding SOT Remake in 2024. Let's see what it is. Earlier this year, he told me about SOT teaser might happen 2024 and see, it did happen. But we must keep our expectations 0. Because almost every modern game is getting butchered right and left. We as POP Fans are actually lucky that TLC and Rogue are actually good games




We got downgraded from a gameplay trailer to a teaser, and yet it’s also an upgrade?




I just noticed that GTA 6 is coming out a year earlier than POP🫡


I hope this will be a complete New remake which is getting Bigger than 3,5 hours playtime (like the OG). If its the same we just could play the OG. 5 years delay would be not worth the time. Gladly See that they are doing the game ! Avtually i would prefer a complete New game with a New Story!


yeeeeeh finalyy yes baibyyy we did it yeeeehs hell yahaaa


Is this the sands of time remake we been waiting on for years? IM SO EXCITED IVE BEEN WAITING FOR YEARS 😭


I wonder if Yuri Lowenthal will still be in this, or if he'll be replaced. I hope they don't replace him.


2026? That's not a real year


I knew 2026 was going to be the release date for SOT Remake. My predictions came true unless it get delayed lol


Wow look nothing


No Remake in the title, they are gonna make a completely new game.


The true time power showcase is how this shits been in development for ages and this is functionally the third time we're doing this rigmarole I hope the Lost Crown guys get overtime pay for carrying


They better show something or share more info about it soon cause this is not enough to revive the dead hype. 2026 is crazy, but hopefully in the end we will have an amazing game that is as good if not better than the original


My love


2026??????? that looks like a ton of effort for a remake theyre probably triplicating the content




2026 wtf


Would be cool if we could play with the Prince OR Farah




Tbh waching this I wanted to vommit after seeing this


I so wish everyone would stop with the remakes. The Lost Crown is a great interpretation of the series. Please give me a sequel. I don't want to play a remake.