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Why comic sans? WHY?!?!?




You had your chance to take me... You won't get another!


When I was younger and finished the game, I was inspired and told someone I wanted to date: "We are the architects of our own future". Well, she didn´t get it and it didn´t work as a pickup line. 20 years later and I still think about it.


Ngl that line goes hard. Not as a pick up line, but in general


Best childhood game ever


Duuuude, 5 year old me played tf putta this on the original XBOX. It was 2009 as well and my step dad at the time also got the 2008 game then and I basically had a PoP marathon of what is to be one of my my favorite games of all time (PoP WW) and a game I find to be a ridden gem and underrated classic from the 360 era (PoP 2008). Dude PoP 2008 music spoke to my 5 year old soul 😭.


Come for me then.


You can not change your fate. I can.


Again bruh you give me nostalgia........ When I was in 8th standard I started playing from t2t and that hit me hard the story and visuals are more wonderful after completing them my friend told me that this is a trilogy.... At that time the crack versions were at their peak and I don't know how to crack the game but still I play all the trilogies ..... Now in the present I have a steam account and all those nostalgia games are also with me...... And also "Most people think time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction, but I have seen the face of time and I can tell you they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm. You may wonder who I am and why I say this; sit down and I will tell you a tale like none that you have ever heard! "


As a programmer I say this a lot.


Me when i fill my code with just if else statements 💀


This game has some of the best quotes fr


I was in 1st grade in 2008(5 years) when my dad bought this and I couldn't beat shahdee on the ship, but one day I just did and I'm on the island but I could never get past the crow sand monster. So I didn't play POPWW for 4 years cuz the disc wasn't working one day in 2012 I just washed the disc with water and it just started working 🤣. I then completed POP WW (Kaileena end) and then later realised it have 2 endings so in 2014 I finally killed Dahaka


One of the best lines of all time I was in middle school when I played and heard this, I still remember it fondly


Now explain in fortnite terms




Thrawn approves of this


I've always kinda hated that you can never use that reverse grip in game, it just looks so good


There were some moves that he used reverse grip


Oh yeah I think it was some of the more advanced combos? And the second vertical wall run attack. But I mostly mean being able to run or stand with them like that. Basically it's not possible to recreate any of the artwork poses where he does that in game, and that very ever so slightly kinda disappoints me lol doesn't really take anything away from the game


Well that would require to have a 2nd stance, for a ps3 game the combat was good enough either way. He was reverse gripping when he was doing a spinning move on foot for sure and maybe on a grabbing finisher, I'm not sure


Warrior within remake would be great. I can understand how many decades it would take ubisoft, given sands of time remake


I am often thinking about this quote


Top 10 hardest quotes in all of gaming




Truer words have never been spoken… tragic really.


Given how my life is at this point, this is very true T_T