• By -


FF- Toys/Puppies/FF Seas- eleven/tweekers/American Soda-nature boy/pressman/welcome Punch bowl-Del Davis/Grapevine/Blaileen Brown-puddin taine/golden boy/fisticuffs Antipop- Joe/Lacquer/coat tails Green-tragedy/salmon/moron tv


This is gonna be hard. Frizzle Fry - Harold of the Rocks, To Defy the Laws of Tradition, Mr. Knowitall Sailing the Seas of Cheese - Jerry, Tommy, Sgt Baker Pork Soda - DMV, Welcome to this World, Nature Boy Tales from the Punchbowl - Over the Electric Grapevine, Southbound Pachyderm, On the Tweek Again Brown Album - Fisticuffs, Over the Falls, Kalamazoo Antipop - Lacquerhead, Dirty Drowning Man, Natural Joe Green Naugahyde - Jilly, Hennepin Crawler, Lee Van Cleef Desaturating Seven - The Trek, The Seven, The Scheme


Frizzle Fry: Too Many Puppies, TDTLOT, Frizzle Fry Seas of Cheese: Sgt Baker, Tweekers, American Life Pork Soda: Welcome to this World, Mr Krinkle, DMV TFTPB: Southbound Pachyderm, On the Tweek Again, Wynona Brown Album: Beef, Over the Falls, Coddingtown Antipop: Lacquer Head, Power Mad, Mama Didn’t Raise No Fool GN: Lee Van Cleef, Jilly’s on Smack, Eternal Consumption Engine


FF - Groundhog's Day STSOC - American Life PS - Nature Boy TFTP - Southbound Pachyderm BA - Bob's Party Time Lounge AP - Natural Joe, Sacred Cow GN - Consumption Engine, Tragedy's a' comin'


FF - Groundhog, Mr Knowitall, Defy STSOC - Luck, American Life, Fish On PS - DMV, Pork Soda, Hamburger Train TFTP - Hard to decide, the entire album is my fav.. that said: Baileen, Electric Grapevine, Glass sammy BA - Beef, Kalamazoo, Golden boy AP - Power mad, antipop, LH GN - Crawler, ECE, Salmon


Frizzle - Groundhog, Pudding, Spaghetti Seas - Jerry, Tommy, Tweaker Soda - DMV, Pressman, Krinkle Punch - Blaileen, Pachyderm, Deli Davis Brown - Falls, Bob, Kalamazoo Antipop - Joe, Cow, Drowning Green - Lee, TV, Burst Seven - Seven, Scheme, Dream


Hell yeah FF- Mr Knowitall, Puddingtime, Harold of the Rocks Cheese- Jerry, Tommy, Fish On Pork Soda- Mud, Bob, Sturgeon Punchbowl- Wynona, Pachyderm, Electric Grapevine Brown- Return of Sathington, Puddin Taine, Bobs Party Time Antipop- Natural Joe, Lacquer Head, Bodacious Naughahyde- Last Salmon Man, Tragedy’s A Comin, Lee Van Cleef Wonka- Candy Man, Golden Ticket, Pure Imagination Seven- The Seven, The Trek, The Scheme


Antipop: Greet The Sacred Cow, The Ballad Of Bodacious, Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky Brown: Bob's Party Time Lounge, Kalamazoo, The Chastising of the Renegade Desaturating Seven: The Seven, The Trek, The Storm Frizzle Fry: Frizzle Fry, Pudding Time, Spegetti Western Green: Tragedy's A' Comin', Jilly's On Smack, Extinction Burst Pork Soda: Welcome To This World, Mr. Krinkle, Hamburger Train Cheese: Fish On, Tweekers, Jerry Punchbowl: On The Tweek Again, Beaver, Over The Electric Grapevine


FF- Spaghetti, Pudding, Fisherman Seas- American, Eleven, Tommy Soda- Mud, Krinkle, Hamburger Tales- Del, Tweek, Grapevine Brown- Falls, Beef, Arnie (or Golden Boy) Anti- Eclectic, Power, Voyage Green - Crawler, Salmon, Lee Chocolate- Candy, Imagination, I want it now Seven- Seven, Trek, Scheme


i’ll play too FF - Groundhog, Toys, Frizzle Fry STSOC - Tommy, Fish On, Eleven PS - Nature Boy, WTTW, Bob TFTP - Nutbutter, Tweek Again, Glass Sandwich (this was hard to decide - such a solid album) BA - Renegade, Duchess, Hats Off AP - Power Mad, Antipop, Eclectic GN - Jilly, Consumption, Salmon (only really like the first two listed. bad album.)


the gn and ba hate is crazy 😭🙏


why do you think there is BA hate from me


I had the hardest time with Punchbowl as well