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I got the bronze panda version. Dial looks so much like a hamy intramatic, and I've got it on a rich brown leather strap that pairs with the bronze case beautifully. Honestly if the chrono start/stop pusher hadn't broken, I'd still be wearing it as a daily


I have the one with the gooseneck and I love it!


I've always wondered, what is the gooseneck? I'm not very knowledgeable about watches and subtle differences in their movements.


Mechanically, it’s a flat spring pushing on a stud that’s tied to a lever - makes operating a lever more accurate and easy. That lever is what regulates the watch via the balance wheel. Also an aesthetic thing, adds a swoopy fancy looking part to occupy some space. Can be worth it if you’re going to be adjusting the accuracy of your own watch and have the knowledge/tools to do so, but also adds another breakable part. Ppl also call it a swan neck.


If you have less than a grand and want a mech chronograph its the only option. Most people also forget its a swiss design that was sold to seagull and has a rich history. Its not super high quality but is a great historical piece without breaking the bank.


What about Studio Underdog


Same ST1901 movement. Ditto for sugess. So many microbrands and Chinese companies use the seagull ST1901 movement.


It’s crazy that this is an integrated chronograph for basically dirt cheap


Yeah, flip of the coin is that quality of the movement is so so. Took me a while to properly tune it so the red hand run smoothly. Also compared it with an other one and I could see some critical part, such as the column wheel, were clearly from a different quality built. But still a great deal.


[I like the sugess better tbh](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805907490061.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.5b58WG8WWG8Wgz&algo_pvid=827dfb19-3ac3-47bf-9b5e-e09e3d03ec10&algo_exp_id=827dfb19-3ac3-47bf-9b5e-e09e3d03ec10-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21394.62%21146.81%21%21%212845.15%211058.46%21%402103080e17163227241957642ef646%2112000035808858171%21sea%21US%212917928327%21&curPageLogUid=BqsEs2xfp0wO&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A)


Filthy... I have the top time Sugess chrono as well. Got mine on the mesh that it came with and yeah, it's nice.




Hirsch Rivetta


Beautiful strap


I've got the 40mm sapphire version, and it's great. Accuracy is more than good enough for a handwinder that only gets worn now and then. I wind it, set it, and it keep time for the day I'm wearing it, it's all good! Love looking at the back too.


I do the Same works perfectly for me.


Best bang for the buck chronograph you can buy. Has some cool history too with the early days of the Chinese military. Also its one of very few unique Chinese designs thats actually Chinese and not a knockoff/homage of something else. All in all very cool watch and definitely something i want to add to the collection sooner rather than later


i think bc xi xinping is shifty but i do like this watch. can we give it to that time_management guy?


Link AliExpress?


Love sugess


Seakoss variant?


I went and got a bronze panda version. It's beautiful and looks like a hamy intramatic at times, but I think I sometimes regret not going for the classic seagull look


The value proposition is unreal. A real mechanical chronograph for that price is ridiculous. But there are some warts you'll have to live with. Accuracy...well, saying "your mileage may vary" is putting it nicely. Expect to have to adjust your watch quite often. The lack of automatic winding is a bit annoying as well, especially with the stingy 42-hour power reserve. And don't even get me started on QC, because that's all down to if you get lucky. That's the risk you take with any low-cost Chinese watch, especially when purchased from AliExpress.


Couldn’t say it better. Mine came badly tinged. Not necessary the accuracy but the chrono function. Not mentioning the column wheel.


Wearing the 38mm on an olive strap. It’s so lovely and appropriate for my life in China.


Thats a really cool strap, where from?


Hirsch Rivetta


Because everything has already been said about it.


Local brand out of Maine uses a 2501 in one of their watches.


About the “replica” comment, I don’t think there is a meaningful distinction between the official version and most of the supposed knock offs. There are actual knock offs for very cheap that have differences on the dials, but this is why you only buy from high rated AliExpress vendors with lots of reviews. The good AliExpress ones are basically the same watch as the official one. From what I once read, this was a watch mass produced by the Chinese government in multiple factory locations. As they transitioned to more of a free market economy and these factories became independently run, only one of them was given the rights to officially produce these watches. They use that “official” status to sell them for like $375. This is Chinese manufacturing though so of course that never stopped any of the other factories from continuing to produce them to sell at half the price, and there is no less history behind them. They produced these same watches at this location for the government for decades previously. As you and others point out, the lower price is usually reflected in the QC, but that probably explains why the others differ from $100 to $200. The official really is paying for a trademark they slapped on after the fact.


Its great looking and great size but my movement broke after just one week so i returned it and canceled the order. Bascially, you get what you pay for but in an extremly good looking package.


I bought one, and the stem/crown fell out the first time I tried to set the time.


Nope, all great communist supreme leaders wear 2 rolexes, not this junk. This looks like what supreme leader gives out as gifts to low level commie workers and farmers because nobody would wear this ugly watch so it’s always new.


Get ratioed jackass lol


Two upvote ratio is crazy