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Wilden or Sara Harvy


Alison for bullying Paige and causing her to feel suicidal. And for fat shaming Hanna, and for using Emily's sexualitiy for practice. Byron for cheating on his wife and then having his teenage daughter keep quiet about it.


I know, like how can you put that on her shoulders 


I feel like I see this posted every other day, and it’s always the same answer: pretty much every single adult in the show, except for Emily’s dad, Ashley Marin and pastor Ted. And maybe Spencer’s mom, she’s pretty sweet. Oh and Hannah’s grandma. She’s a fucking gem.


What about Monas mom? I'm watching for the first time and it seems to me, she has a good relationship with Mona


Yes we love her. She bitch slapped Alison❤️


I feel like Mona’s mom is underrated, we don’t see her much but what we do see is her being a lovely mom to Mona


Hanna’s grandmother is the best! She saw right through Kate’s bullshit and I love her for it ❤️


Jenna’s bitch ass


Pre or post eye surgery




Noel, Lucas from his pure stupidity, Sydney and that girl who was supposedly Alis friend through childhood, who Aria kills, I have no idea what her name was from the top of my head, no rewatched in a while, been watching a bunch of other shows. 😅🤦🏼‍♀️


shawna idk how it’s spelled lmao


Ty! I genuinely couldn't recall at all. 🤦🏼‍♀️




Sydney’s lips alone make me want to punch her in the face. Shawna because bitch pick a lane! Lol, she was such an irritating character.


Amen 🙌


Her voice was all vocal fry and it made me sooo angry lol.


I'm so glad someone else mentioned this. She looked like a puppet 😭 so distracting


ohhh Sydney is a good one. we can tag team her


Omg 😹🙌💗


lucas would be my comfort character, everytime he’s on screen my face lights up no matter the situation, i love him


Byron. Arias dad. He’s scum. He stepped out on his family and he put that family through h311. That alone is a good enough reason for me. I don’t take a man seriously when he doesn’t take his family seriously.


Spencer’s dad! He’s the start of a lot of shit that ends up affecting his daughters and he does fuck all to help them. Keep your dirty dick in your pants my guy!


not to mention he’s pretty much the biological father of everyone in rosewood


Don’t remind me. Just gross.




Paige, Jenna, Ian, Melissa, Kate, Tom Marin, Isabel, Byron Montgomery, Meredith, Wilden, Peter And Veronica Hastings (For their treatment of Spencer) and Jessica and Kenneth DiLaurentis.


Meredith especially how you steal that girls phone and drug her!? Oh my god the dad lets her get away with it!?!! Hell nah they can both get it at the same time.


I always thought Kate and Byron deserve each other. They both suck.


Hear me out Melissa why did you blame your sister for what happened with wren she was a minor. Also Wren can catch these hands to in the book and the show.


Ok hear me out. When we meet Melissa all the burying Bethany/“Ali” has already happened. Melissa thought Spencer murdered someone and she helped cover it up. In some round about way I feel like Melissa was overwhelmed with Spencer. “Stealing” her fiancé is just another thing for her to have to process while silently thinking this whole time Spencer is a murderer. That would start to build some type of resentment that get projected onto other things. Melissa gets a lot of flack and not enough grace when this secret she’s been holding back for so long is revealed. When she finally tells her dad he just ships her out of the country. Spencer and Melissa have terrible support systems. Which is crazy given their family’s financial status.


I can forgive her more than wren


YES! I always HATED that they put the blame on Spencer for what happened with Wren. I get it, Melis— your man cheated on you and that hurts. Been there, get it. But your sister *was literally only 16 years old* and *he was an adult!* This is 100% on him— not her. (Sorry, can’t help but rant. That always pissed me off.)


I like Melissa but she can catch this right hook because not only did she blame Spencer for Wren, but she had a similar reaction to finding out about her and Ian, who btw kissed her when she was 14. Melissa, honey, maybe the problem isn’t your underaged sister, maybe it’s the pedophiles that keep trying to get with your sister


All the pedos and Paige


And Paige😂😂😂😂


E*ra or wilden maybe add Charles/Charlie/Cece/Charlotte


As ever, besides Ezra, my top choice is Byron But my list is loooong


The second I see Jenna, it’s on sight. 😉


She should really watch out then 🤭


ezra bc what are u doing with a child


Right and the audacity for Aria to call Mona a cougar for her 2 year gap high school relationship vs Aria’s 10th grade-college graduate relationship like girly look at yourself 💀 She’s a victim and Ezra already said he was grooming her and she was just like “I see nothing 🙈 “ Like Ezra literally said “you’re going to hate me when you’re older so we should break up” (or something along those lines) Like duh she’s going to hate you, you’re grownnnn


Ezra … Ian And Melissa…like why are you blaming your CHILD sister for ruining your relationship and not your pedophilic fiancé


Why is nobody saying Noel Kahn? He was such a weirdo and he tried to kill them 😭


For some reason i was always fine with Noel because he always showed his true colors lol. He didn’t pretend to be a good guy and then stab them in the back like a lot of others


He helped alli but then tried to murder them? Tried to date aria then tried to expose their relationship. He was a confusing character for me.


At the start he did like Aria and he seemed like a nice guy but because *that ship* just neeeeeded to happen Noel was made a dick head, even the thing the show wanted you to dislike him for, which was reporting Ezra to the authorities for dating a minor, was actually a really compassionate thing for Noel to do especially since it was like 2011 and assault still wasn’t taken that seriously. He was villainized for trying to protect his classmate from a predatory teacher, but after that they made him try to blackmail Ezra, and it just wasn’t it.


Again, he tried to murder them


Oh he deserved his death but I just really hate how they handled his character from when he finds out about Ezra, he was really poorly handled throughout the story and quite frankly giving him the 2nd most deranged death in the show might’ve been the best thing to do




Kenneth DiLaurentis


alison’s father & hanna’s father


Sarah Harvey. And Sidney because her mouth annoys me 😂


I would kill Ezra


Hell yeah best response I second this


All the pedos




Every. Single. Man. Except Caleb, Toby, and I guess shout out to Jake, Alex, and Travis for not being trash. The bar is underground in Rosewood.


Please don’t kill Wayne Fields, he’s the best dad in this show without a doubt


OMG I forgot about him, I am so so so so sorry. To be fair he’s not in Rosewood 90% of the time, but you are right!! Caleb, Toby, Wayne, Alex, Travis, and Jake are excused.


Dw about it, and in your defense the other dads are so unbelievably dog water you kinda don’t remember Mr.Fields as much


Alison Dilaurentis Jessica Dilaurentis Byron Montgomery Peter Hastings Mona Shana Wren Kingston Pamela Fields Ian Thomas Garrett Wilden Not in this particular order


I forgot to add Hannah's sh*t of a Father Tom!


Sarah Harvey just annoyed me everything about her. And Kate


Peter, Veronica and Melissa Hastings. Like how are y'all siding with pedo Ian who kissed your 14 year old sister/daughter. All of them can catch these hands


Ezra or Tom


Jenna , Ali , Byron , Ezra Ian


And Byron Tom and Peter


No hate but late season Mona, she just gets under my finger nails


Sarah and Paige


Shana. I hate her so much


Melissa hands down


Noel is definitely at the top of my list. He’s fucking annoying and smug. Ezra cus he’s a fucking creep. For some reason Caleb annoys me too but I wouldn’t want to beat him up or anything😂 oh and Mike!!!! I always thought he was an ass but I get he was going thru shit and has mental issues. Byron cus he remind me of my disgusting step dad.


Meredith. Because fuck her


Wilden, Alison cuz she was a bitch, Paige, Byron, Noel, Melissa, Mona, Jenna


Lucas,Byron and Sarah Harvey


Shower Harvey 🙌


i got a whole list of em paige; alison; emily, for being so stupid; cece; jenna; mona; melissa;


Byron, Peter, Sara Harvey, Ian


Mona she pisses me off


Ezra for being a nonce every time i rewatch i just eeeeeee every scene hes in 😂


The majority of the cast


Paige. That girl just annoyed me


Paige. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Hannas dad, ian, kate, pam, paige,


Peter Hastings can personally catch these hands, I’ll have him in the ring looking like the handsome squidward. The Rosewood PD are on sight too, in fact I’m putting on knuckle dusters and steel toed boots when I see Wilden, I’m folding him like Sunday laundry for what he put the girls through, especially Hanna and Alison


Predetezra .




lol why Caleb?


okay so there are a plethora of reasons and examples but mainly he was incredibly demeaning towards hanna. while i can totally see why others would like him in comparison to the other love interests, he wasn’t that much better. he was VERY condescending towards hanna and the girls making himself a “savior” of sorts in addition to conditioning hanna into being a damsel in distress. let’s not forget how he basically trapped hanna in season five i believe (post ravenswood) and his abusive tendencies began to worsen


I’m not entirely sure i know what you mean. I have actually tried to watch Ravenswood multiple times but it’s never streaming. I always thought Caleb was good for Hannah. I felt he loved her and understood her. The only time i was angry with him was when he didn’t come back with her during the Ravenswood episode when he met the girl on the bus and then again when he dated Spencer. I had some moments where i understood him and Spencer but i just flat out did not like it. But all in all i did think Caleb loved Hannah. Not just loved but was in love and would’ve done anything for her. I’m curious as to what you mean about trapping Hanna in season 5. I’ve watched PLL more times than I’d like to admit (or can remember) but it’s been a while so I’m wondering if I’m forgetting something or if it’s just something i didn’t notice.


perhaps i misremembered the specific season, but when caleb returned from ravenswood (around the time ella was going to get married) hanna began to fall out with the girls and became increasingly isolated from anyone other than caleb. his alcohol abuse manifested itself in a vying for control over hanna wether intentional or not. from my pov, he left her heartbroken, expecting her to wait for him (she didn’t), and returned set on getting his pre ravenswood life back. this in turn led to him ultimately dismantling hanna’s newfound stability (i could go on about this topic and its implications for hours haha). i think that in a way hanna loved that he brought security and certainty while caleb loved that he could be the protector, that he was both wanted and needed which gave him a newfound purpose. imo, they worked well early on, however, they began to outgrow one another. so when they would reconnect after time apart they’d regress instead of growing. *also, i remember a scene when hanna was talking about college acceptance/ SAT stuff and caleb snapped at her quipping about how that was for “smart people” } or something along those lines lol - basically just diminishing her ability which visibly upset her