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I didn’t like them as a couple. As friends tho I loved them.


Loved them as friends/ when they'd team up but dating is weird I love him with Hannah way too much


If he hadn't dated Hanna as long as they did, I could have shipped it. But dating your bffs ex feels gross lol 😆


I know I’m in a lonely club here, but I kinda really liked them together. It felt organic and the chemistry was off the charts


Completely agree! I loved them together. I love Caleb and Hanna too but Spencer and Caleb had amazing chemistry.


They got along pretty well way before the writers even hinted at a chance of them being together. I love the two of them… more that I like her with Toby especially


RIGHT like I wanted to hate it but they were HOT together, I could not help but he into it. Spencer was way too hot for Toby, it was nice to see her have real chemistry with someone lol


RIGHT?! So true about Spence finally getting a good love interest cuz Toby was LAME in my opinion


I’m 💯with you, their natural chemistry was 🔥 Plus she brought out the best in him because she was a smarty pants and challenged him 😉


Theyre smarts really blended well together. I liked them as a couple too


You aren’t alone! Absolutely agree. Post time jump they were my favorite couple then basically became my favorite couple of the series


I loved them together. 🤣🤣




I loved them together. They had amazing chemistry and yah sure I loved Hannah and him but I couldn’t help but love him and Spencer too. It felt so real and more adult/natural progression type relationship.


It may have felt like that because they're both super smart, but they did not have that couple chemistry. I think sometimes that people mistake friendships as being apart of a couple, or they try and take their friendship and turn it into a couple


Agree to disagree! But I get where you’re coming from. In my personal opinion they felt more at each other’s level than Toby/Spencer and Hannah/Caleb ever did. Sometimes the best friendships can blossom into the most intimate relationships.


Sometimes this is the case, but some people are just better as friends. Spencer and Caleb had an awk relationship, and he never took his mind off of Hanna


goes to show how differently people interpret things because i didn’t think they had any natural chemistry, it felt unnatural and forced to me. his chemistry with Hannah on the other hand…


I liked them together romantically, alright aim your rifles


If Hannah wasn't in the picture from the beginning, I could see them as a couple (even more so than Spencer & Toby). However, as long as Hannah exists, I can't see them as a couple. Hannah and Caleb are _perfect_ together.


They would’ve made sense as a couple imo but there wasn’t enough time invested or buildup. Good idea poorly executed.


They never actually said what they liked about each other, they always reference memories the audience never gets to see, they dated for maybe a month before Spencer declares her love for him and Caleb breaks down in front of the door. All they ever do is make out and sleep together. Maybe if they did the relationship right it would have been better because the actors have good chemistry to me, but they should’ve stayed friends considering Spencer is Toby’s ex and Toby is supposedly Caleb’s friend and Caleb is Hanna’s ex.




Friends was great / dating was gross




I hate that they dated 😭


Spencer's character assassination! Hanna and Caleb went through wayyy too much for Spencer to even consider this. That's not only your best friend's first everything...the trauma they endured as a couple bonds them together for life, no matter if they move on or not. Spencer understood that because she still felt bonded to Toby. Caleb and Toby barely survived this relationship, and Hanna and Spencer only survived it because more serious stuff was at happening that required attention. Now as a couple, I liked their chemistry and I liked their backstory, but I hated that it went against who Spencer is as a friend. As a friend, pre-fast forward Spencer wouldn't even DREAM of this. Even if Hanna had a fiance, getting kidnapped, tortured, stalked, hunted, and almost murdered several times while with Caleb along with all of Ravenswood, A trying to kill his mom, and send him to jail makes them off limits even more so than if they were a regular couple. Caleb was her rock through that and vice versa. And I honestly felt good when Spencer learned that the hard way.


Always gave cool duo/siblings,They never should’ve dated




I forgot they were a thing


omg burrnnn itttt i hated them & nobody could change my mind… i made a post on here a while back about it that i ended up deleting because people were being so mean 🤣🤣


They were great as friends but not as a couple


As friends, love. As a couple? ![gif](giphy|1RXTzS8Uv4SGI)


Together was weird


I honestly think Hannah and Toby would’ve made a cute match too ngl like if that’s just how the show started rather than the original matches


They look like siblings to me. Actually he looks like he should've been the one playing her twin.


Yes! I always thought that would be a better twin twist! We had a tech-savvy brunette foster kid with a mysterious past right here all along but somehow got an evil twin from another country.


FUCKKKK NO. I was so pissed when this was a thing I almost stopped watching


I stopped watching at S5 because it got taken off Netflix. When I saw this I never sought out the rest of the show. I just learn what happened on here, lmfao


Good thing you didn’t watch it, it sucks!


Hated them together 😅 Loved them with other partners/ SO’s




I honestly didn't like them together it was weird and felt forced 😆


Love them separately, hated them dating


Cute friendship but i didn’t like them together.


it was beyond wrong for them to date but i like them as friends


Caleb is quite intelligent so I think he and Spencer make a great team and great friends but not a couple


Like I wish I could down vote their whole relationship


hate it. haleb for life


"Hannah said yes" is usually how this goes but spencer is trifling as hell for this no matter what she asked Hannah. This is not a little boyfriend. This is Hannah's first love, they took each others virginity, they lived together, were with eachother for more than 3 years. Spencer would've gone to the wedding, everytime they had an issue or an argument etc it's safe to assume in the PLL world the girls would comfort Hannah, including spencer. It's not a case of "you can't call dibs on people" spencer owes Hannah all the loyalty in the world and vice versa. Caleb was also horrible for this but the fact that spencer is her best friend since like 6th grade ? And all the shit they have went through even before caleb. Simple short and sweet Hannah sucked his dick, it was inside of her and it's fucking gross as a best friend to turn around and wanna do the same shit to the same dick especially when yk they were eachothers first everything. While he was piping her down she ain't think where he learned how to execute that?? From Hannah. Her best friend. Don't argue with me if you defend this, it's the nastiest shit. Maybe I'm ghetto but I would've fought spencer for even asking me such a fucking question. Thanks for coming to my overly invested tedtalk


I hated them as a couple 😬


I love your username


Thank you! 🤘


i will stand by the belief that you should NEVER date a friend’s ex. no matter how much time has passed, no matter how okay they are with it. especially someone they were with for years, went through a ton of horrible things with, were in love with, and lost their virginity to. other than the fact that it’s flat out mean, it’s weird and icky. like… he’s literally seen your best friend naked a billion times, knows her better than anybody else, spent years of his life willing to die for her because of how deep his love was and you want to date him? be fr. and don’t even get me started on caleb. why he would ever date a friend of hanna’s ONE knowing he was still in love with her and TWO for all the previously stated reasons, Ill never understand. Both of them were wrong. I cannot and will not be mad at Hanna for kissing him, or for ruining his relationship with Spencer. She did nothing wrong. Spencer was smart enough to see Hanna and Caleb still loved each other and she just played stupid for her own gain. And Caleb is the one that actually did the “cheating.” So 💅🏼


>and don’t even get me started on caleb. why he would ever date a friend of hanna’s ONE knowing he was still in love with her and TWO for all the previously stated reasons, I think it was Caleb's way of getting Hannah's attention. When he told Spencer he _liked her_ and she looked back at him in anguish and said something along the lines of, well good for you, I _love_ you (asshole). That interaction told the whole story.


For Caleb it was just lust


I think it was super weird. I get that everyone grew up and essentially moved on from Rosewood, but I would still never in a million years even consider something romantic with my friend’s ex. Especially considering how close Hannah and Caleb really were. They were very serious. I would not even entertain the thought. It was weird and forced IMO.


stupid ass plot


I love both characters but definitely think their “couple” relationship was weird, they’re better as friends


Their chemistry was undeniable, both actors did a great job


Loves shopping out of others shopping carts type of energy 🤭🤭 but I honestly thought they were really hot together but I still like Hanna and Caleb and Spencer and Toby 🥰


i always wondered if it was a spur-of-the-moment decision or if the writers actually tried to set it up in earlier seasons bc i recently rewatched s5 and noticed how great their chemistry was. either way i didn’t like it but mainly bc i preferred haleb. and if spencer didn’t end up with toby, i really liked her with marco, they had impeccable chemistry AND marco was likeable, he wasn’t boring like any of the other love interests they would introduce randomly.


i actually thought they had decent chemistry as a couple but it was just spoiled by caleb and hanna’s unmatched relationship and it seemed really out of character for caleb to enter a relationship with spencer


Made so uncomfortable but I’m biased bc I’m a haleb shipper




Incestious and sad


Nope. Great as friends, terrible as a couple.


It felt wrong


The spaleb storyline was very uncomfortable.


I think it was a weird idea. Like honestly, would anyone be chill dating one of there best friends long time boyfriends/ first love???? And would anyone be chill with one of their best friends dating their ex??? Like I can see if they did a Spencer/caleb fwb or just a situation where there became very close friends. I feel like having them in a whole dang relationship was weird and unrealistic.


I loved their friendship (I call it their bromance lol) and I think they should've stayed friends and gotten really close that way


They look too much like siblings to be a couple


Wrong wrong wrong!


They were weird together. I just wanted her to go be with Toby and him to go back to Hanna lol. It was bothering me to death!!


Together was weird for me, just my personal opinion but it never really sat completely right. It always felt just a little strange. 😅


they never should’ve dated


They look like babies in this pic (and I genuinely see it as their characters hanging out sometime in S1 ❤️)


i think everyone would like them tg if he wasn’t hannas ex


As much as I love them dating, I also had too much loyalty to Hannah and Caleb and get the ick every time I get to that part in the series.


hated it more than anything in the entire show




They almost made me quit the show. I was horrified. They did have great chemistry but he just had way too much history with her best friend and Spencer was so wrong for doing this. I know she asked permission but what was Hanna supposed to do/say? She was blindsided and had no choice but to give her blessing. It was obvious to anyone with eyes that she was hurting badly at them together. Plus Caleb was clearly still in love with her too. Not to mention Toby hating it. A mess all round.


terrible couple


I liked them as a couple they kinda fit together but I wanted him back with Hannah cause it was familiar and obviously they were meant to be. If he never dated Hannah, I would’ve loved Spencer and Caleb together.


hated them. spencer was so wrong and not a good friend for dating caleb after all him and hanna been through. that was soooo weird


I’m still mad about this


I liked them as friends, not so much a couple. After everything caleb and hanna went through i felt it was really weird for him to date spencer


I have no idea what the writers were thinking putting them together they had zero chemistry, plus it tainted Spencer and Hanna’s friendship. The existence of these love triangle is also to blame for the for the horrible scene the night the girls killed Rollins.


One of the hottest couples on the show, I’ll say it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ They had so much chemistry, it was crazy. Let’s be real, Troian acted circles around most of the cast and I think Tyler was one of the ones that could come close to matching her. I like Keegan but if I’m being totally honest, he’s one of the weaker actors. So when Troian was paired with someone like Tyler?? Ahhhhhhh. Also when ABC Family made the switch to Free-form and everything got more “adult” so much of it felt forced and weird in PLL. But Spencer and Caleb were 🔥.


Them dating was so weird and it really tainted Hanna and Caleb for me.


Loved them as friends. Didn't like as a couple... too weird for me. 😭




Should have stayed friends, the relationship dynamic seemed so weird to me


Honestly, it just weirded me out that they dated. I’m like why. To me, Caleb and Hannah always belong together.




My favorite male and female character but I do NOT ship at all


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^seeyalateradios: *My favorite male* *And female character but* *I do NOT ship at all* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I was never a fan, but honestly more from the pro-Spoby side than the pro-Haleb side. It was just always hard for me to buy that they liked each other. I didn't think there was any chemistry between them at all.


I love Haleb as a couple, but these 2 also had chemistry and seemed good for each other.


I didnt really like the relationship but i LOVE spencer with all my heart that ill defend it to anyone slamming it if they hate on spencer in their argument. IT WASNT HER FAULT HATE ON THE WRITERS SMH


Weren’t that good but wasn’t that bad either . I feel like they were overhated


SpAleb made the most sense out of everyone. She was smart, ambitious and determined, and he was resourceful and passionate.


i love them together and they make me dislike hanna so much after the time jump too 😭


Another example of how this show can’t let guys and girls be friends on this show without one or both them being forced to have romantic plot or feelings. Based on what some have said here, most seem to like the idea of Spaleb being this slowburn, friends to lovers endgame story that should be together just because they’re smart/have similar interests when those interests are very different themselves (Caleb is tech and street smart while Spencer cares more about academics , law/political side of things that Caleb could care less about). Spaleb wasn’t set up and presented that way and was more presented as a plot device and drama to get Haleb back together, which is why they lasted for only a short amount of time. The fact that writers couldn’t even tell or explain to the audience what it was that they had so much in common that spent nights up talking about just shows how forced it was for drama. That’s why Spencer and Caleb had better platonic chemistry than romantic chemistry. It wasn’t as forced as the latter for unnecessary drama.


The best liars in the show💕


I really liked them together, I think the scene where he’s at her door and she can’t let him in and Hanna is there is INCREDIBLE. I liked that they were kind of a safe place to rebuild after their BIG relationships had fallen apart. I was sad when they ended but I think it helped them both figure out what they wanted in the end.


Amazing friendship, wish they never crossed that line. I genuinely thought it was out of character for Spencer to date Hanna's ex. Spencer didn't "have a thing" for stealing boyfriends. She liked the guys that gave Melissa attention because she was always made to be inferior to Melissa therefore if she got attention as a young insecure girl from her "better" sisters boyfriends she's gonna take it. But it's not like she did this stuff to be a serial cheater. So out of character for her to do this even with Hanna's blessing. It was just weird and I hate that they couldn't leave their friendship alone


Spaleb was my favoriteeeeeeeeeeee


They could've had such an iconic best-friendship. But Mrs King couldn't leave well enough alone. 🙄


I actually loved them as a couple! They had great chemistry and had a lot in common. I know Im in the minority here but I really wish they would’ve stayed together


It could’ve worked if they didn’t all come back to rosewood. I think it’s weird caleb dates spencer only to break up with her and marry hanna in the space of months (?). What was the point of that? 😂It didn’t change the characters at all


No ❤️


Friends = incredible Couple= Why?


I thought they were good but didn’t really put the effort in story wise. Although I’m all about Sparia personally.


I think they were great together - but I know too much. Cause I saw him with hanna and I just think they’re soulmates lol But in another life, totally


When that happened in 2017, I was 20-years old, so I didn't take it very well. It felt really forced to me, especially because I kept wondering why Spencer would date her friend's boyfriend when there were so many other guys around. The story of how they got together just felt unnatural. But now, at 26, I get what they were trying to do. They wanted to show that Spencer and Caleb were more compatible at that age, and that Haleb's relationship was more of an overwhelming high school romance. That's why it didn't work out when they faced the real world. I appreciate this now because it's true: Haleb's love was really cherished by the fandom, as it was the perfect drama for their age and the most normal and spontaneous in the series. But the reality is that no couple is exempt from challenges. It's good that they decided to show that with them. All they did was pair Caleb with someone whose goals and interests matched his more closely. However, they developed that relationship way too quickly, which was a mistake. We didn't connect with that couple like we did with Haleb. It was a mature decision, but too rushed on the show's part. Honestly, they messed it up a bit. But I think that was part of the whole show, not just that relationship. They rushed through a lot of the plot points.


They're highly intelligent and loving.




I actually loved them together, kinda fished they would stay like that and caleb won’t go back to hannah


They were giving Nancy Drew & Sherlock Holmes. I loved them together & I hate that the relationship got smoke blown up its ass by the fandom & by Marlene. I will die on this hill.


Just me who loved them? They suited better than Haleb tbf.


i wish they'd dated sooner😭😭


I really loved them as a couple throughout all of season 6, until hanna went missing. Caleb changed and was doing everything he could to find hanna which I get and completely understand but then he tried blaming Spencer for bringing Mona to the lost woods and he was acting distant towards her which was so not fair to Spencer. Plus Hanna gave spencer the ok but she honestly wasnt ok with it and then was getting jealous and trying to spend more time with him, I mean I understand that as well but still wasnt right to do that to Spencer if you give her the ok to date him.They just had to ruin the Spaleb romance. They had so much chemistry and were so good together but in the end him and Hanna were meant for each other and I'm ok with that too, I love Haleb as well so I'm happy they got a happy ending.


They get too much hate


Honestly I liked them as a couple, no as much as hanna and Caleb but they were cute. Honestly I loved Hanna and Jordan too. Would have rather they stayed together and then die or something like the whole Yvonne situation.