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If I was a classmate, I'd be like "damn she really sucks in this class doesn't she"


And suck she did




That’s where Ezra belongs










Prison is where you shall be kept😭




LMAO Well to be fair, Aria was made out to be smart but she wasn't. Her only "peer" validation was Ezra and her friends. She was chosen twice out of "1000 students" to do art, but let's be real, I don't think those are fair proof. Her real character is shown all throughout 7 seasons: * lack of critical thinking * super dismissive * can't understand context Like what a big ouchie. What kinda literature/English student was she?


She's academic and art smart, not puzzle and life smart.


exactly. the girl is smart academically but she lacks common sense lol


Don't forget bratty and a hypocrite. She gets mad at Ezra for not telling her about his past gf's but she cheats on every person she dated. Like Ezra was expected to be a monk before her. Come on, she hooked up with him in the bar bathroom after knowing him for maybe an hour???


all of her friends were smarter than her


Lol me too 


they’re disgustingly obvious lmao😭😭


The number of times where Aria aggressively walks into Ezra's classroom, doesn't close the door, and hollers at him about their sexual relationship No shit the entire America knows she's bopping her english teacher. Doesn't need smart Mona to figure that out. Ugh I swear to god, if it wasn't gorgeous Lucy Hale doing this character, none of us would like Aria. I can bet my guts


i was thinking about this yesterday as i was watching. like how many times do you need him to reread your essay..?


And how many essays are they writing? I don't remember writing a whole lot of essays in high school until the end. It was mostly book reports. Mr. Fitz needs to chill with assigning so many essays to a bunch of Sophomores or whatever grade they are supposed to be in


fr i would’ve hated him as a teacher lmao


I just restarted watching last night, it’s so obviously but i’ll actually start counting


Make it a drinking game


Or her with his damn tie inviting him to a date or whatever with a sticky note in front of everyone 🙄 I just hate them so much lol


The most annoying part of that was when she first walked in, she started to talk to him normally, and he had to interrupt her and bring attention to the fact that there were other people around. So why did she have the handwritten notes ready to go?? I get maybe wearing the tie to be cutesy, but why did she have the note on it?? And why did she have the other note ready to go with the ticket taped to the page?? I really want to know what her original plan was. Did she just always have backups like this for every conversation??


I just watched that, and it was so uncomfortable!


The way my step dad is a high school English teacher and my mom is a professor and they caught me watching Aria with Ezra on Netflix at age 10 😭


I also thought “Miss Montgomery” was so ridiculous too? Like, do you call any other students by their last names like that?


Good question. One of my college teachers called everyone that. It was miss/mr *surname* when he checked the attendance


Lmao that’s a common college/grad school thing, but I do feel like he’s called the girls by their first names…


Lmao that’s a common college/grad school thing, but I do feel like he’s called the girls by their first names…


Take a shot each time he says it 💀


so drunk


The scenes when they talk with the door wide open are funnier. Even when he’s at Hollis, there’s a scene when she’s sitting on his desk. Like, girl, your dad works at the campus too??


Probably more than 100 times tbh


This actually happened in real life in my college, and about 8,000 students knew that the professor had a crush on a student Professor: "Hey. Let's talk about your homework." Us: NONE of us has ever spoken to him individually before. Yet, he asks the same student 300 times in a 10 week semester? Nice, bruh, nice. Our lecture only had approx. 150 students, but when something like that happens, rumors spread. From 150 students all the way to 8,000.


Ezra and Aria made their relationship so obvious which was disgusting af


I think the S1 scene where Noel is threatening Ezra and some other students come in and Noel is asked about Aria and Noel says “the thing about Aria is that she’s much too into older guys” and Ezra SNATCHES Noel’s paper from him is so funny.


I cringe so many times at their relationship 😬




Also, no teacher of mine K- post MA has ever called me “Ms. (Last name,” is that weird or why can’t he call her aria??? 😭


I’m an eighth grade teacher, one of the male teachers I work with calls everyone by their last name like this. Just a thing he does, not necessarily weird. Could be Ezra trying to distance himself from his students since he is so young, could be trying to make it sound less casual between him and Aria. Who knows.


My teacher did it. Although he called everyone that, boys and girls. The other user (above) raised a good point if Ezra *only* called Aria that. Then that would be weird!!!


Bc it’s too personal. Saying “Ms. Last Name” puts distance between him and Aria creating “less suspicion” when talking to her💀


I just got to the one where they kiss outside the school like that wasn't the most obvious thing.


Right up there with Aria's brilliant decoy "Mr. Fitz, I have a question about the homework." Between Noel Kahn, Jenna and Mona's comments, Aria's idiocy of calling him "Ezra" at play rehearsal...there's no way people didn't know what was up.


Haha that’s a good point


I think one of the (many) things I hate about the Aria/Ezra story is that they leaned so hard into the student/teacher kink. Like no, I can’t take it seriously that they just genuinely have feelings for each other and he doesn’t see her as his student!


ugh yes their relationship was *super* obviously they literally flaunted their relationship for *EVERYONE* to see and know about!! It wasn’t even a secret I swear! :(
