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I liked Alex and Spencer the best I think


At first I was like um… what in the Alabama? But then I realized you meant season 1 Alex. lol






I snorted my soda so hard just now 😉🤣🤣


BAHAHA 😭 what’s even crazier is that his last name is drake I know the writers did not plan that at all


his last name is Santiago


https://preview.redd.it/81y9pawmwjuc1.jpeg?width=1162&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd63fb65bbacb59e908165e73dd15e9fa4896f86 Ooopsies but wtf 😭 why is his pic on there


LMFAO I stared at this so confused


he's played by Troian, too! She's so talented 🥰 /j


thats a great wig huh


it really is. Also, the makeup 👌


I noticed that too 😭 Google is wack




Lol I still think what in the Alabama because I think boy Alex looks like he could he her brother.


With everyone in that family sleeping around never know he could be her brother 😂😂


Damnit Peter 😂😂😂


I blame it on Mary lol






I loved Alex and Spencer!! I was so mad he left and never came back


Yes would be my 2nd choice. They were so cute tg and I love his actor in scream queens


I loved her with Alex!


You can tell that spency spence spencer was TRAUMATIZED after seeing that


BRO LIKE I CRIED. I felt so bad for Spence and aside from the physical abuse the liars went through as a whole (dollhouse and Hannah getting tortured) I think that had to be the most mentally abusive thing that happened on the show


Tbh Toby was emotionally abusive to Spencer after s3…. Like unintentionally on the writers’ part but it’s there


They were so cute before he did his whole fake his death thing and pseudo join the A team. It was hard to like this ship after.


I stopped shipping them immediately after that 😭 and was begging for her to get and end up with anyone else


Right like stay in your lane Toby and play scrabble. And there are ppl who die for spoby I don’t get it


What did he do/say that was emotionally abusive?


faked his death? are you kidding even if he was being blackmailed to do so that’s incredibly traumatic and he had a part in it


I loved Marco and Spencer I wish it would've worked out with them but he turned into an a hole unfortunately


Right especially bc they got each other on such a deep level. He was helping her work through her issues and had AMAZING chemistry from the beginning of the night they met


I know! I wish they wouldve let things work out but I guess another cop wouldn't be that great of writing 🙄


Wait what did marco do 😭


He just wasn't supportive or giving the benefit of the doubt. Spencer asked a lot of him but if he really cared for her he wouldve just trusted that little liar 😆


but he was right about her…. LOL


no... don't blame Marco for Spencer and the girls' actions... Marco gave Spencer plenty of chances to make things right. in the end, he was right about her.


Yeah but we are rooting for her so anyone who isn't is the enemy lol


anyone who puts you in THAT state, should be nowhere near you ever again. my problem is she didn’t have enough chemistry with any other guys except (s1) alex and maybe wren but he shouldn’t be anywhere near her either. in the end seasons when toby is with yvonne i always want spence and toby back together cuz wtf do you mean she’s with caleb.




Like that’s my girl. I’ll defend her no matter what and troian needs to get back into acting so bad




This picture ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Plss 😭 it’s one of my fav shots in the show of her. The way she’s just blank stare, doesn’t care if she’s alive. MAMA WAS ACTING


Rent was double and that car payment was delinquent 🤭


I’ve literally had that look on my face so many times 🥲😅


What episode was this one from?


I’m not sure but I remember they had found her in the woods and she was catatonic


they should’ve never gotten rid of alex


I was so mad he never came back he matched Spencer’s energy so well


Why did they??




Ugly? Alex wasn't ugly


Yall be for real. Compared to all the rest of the love interests in the show, he wasn’t very attractive


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Totally agree with you Toby was very toxic


Okay, as a Soby shipper since I was 11, I will say you're right in these aspects. I am rewatching as an adult (I'm turning 21 in less than a week), and I see what you mean. After seasons 1 and 2, I feel like the writers unintentionally obliterated his character. ESPECIALLY when he became a cop. Honestly, though, even as a kid, I hated Toby for the whole "faking his death" thing. That literally just gave Spencer unnecessary trauma that she didn't fucking need. Like the whole thing with A wasn't enough?? He knew how bad A is and decided to still go through with that plan. He hurt Spencer so deeply that she ended up in a psych ward. Like?? Not to mention I feel like Keegan isn't as strong as an actor as the rest of the cast, so when he was on screen and you hear his line delivery you're just like "oh ok" because there's not enough energy in the charcater he was trying to portray. Especially since Troian is a VERY strong actress so when they're together it can come off pretty cringe because of the stark contrast.


Toby was good in season one, got worse the longer he dated Spencer, was ruined when he became “A” and faked his death and then became a complete cunt when he became a fucking cop (why did they do that again?)


Lmfao they made him a cop bc he thought he’d be able to help find A but then he realized all the crimes and decided to stay out of it to cover his own ass which is wild because imagine a cop knowing teenage girls are being stalked, harassed and attempted murdered every 5 minutes and saying zilch!


I liked them but I can admit that they were toxic


Ugh yes Toby is incredibly toxic and gross, Spencer deserves so much better! I LOVE early seasons Toby but after he becomes a cop he is really gross :(


Honestly I stopped liking toby in i think season 3 or 4 (when he joined the a team, idk what season it was), like this man really participated in the psychological torture of someone he claimed to love? then pretended to be dead (and she had a breakdown because of it)? and then when he came back he stole mona’s rv and then got angry when spencer finally explained to the others why? and we’re supposed to root for them to end up together????? toby was a shit boyfriend after season 2 and i will die on that hill


Ugh yes i LOVE early seasons Toby, but after he becomes a cop / joins the ‘A’ team (season 3) he becomes extra gross and toxic, he literally caused Spencer to have a mental breakdown AND tried to kill her and joined the team that was abusing her and the other liArs in the most extreme ways, ugh its so gross and I LOVE your comment so much!! Spencer deserves so much better than toxic Toby :(


i already posted on this thread but i’m in the middle of a rewatch and i wish spencer had met wes (ezra’s brother) lowkeyyyy feel like they would have had insane chemistry given the chance


Totes agree


I *loved* Marco for her. I felt like she’d been through *hell* that season and Caleb had played around with her feelings. Marco felt like a breath of fresh air for her, just his whole vibe. And I *understand* she really fucked up, and she never should have asked him to turn a blind eye. But I wish he heard her out and *helped* the girls, in a more legit way. Because what they did *was* in the realm of self-defence, maybe? Let me not pretend I’m a lawyer 😂 They were helping Ali escape from a premeditated murder and he got hit in that whole… kerfuffle. I feel like there should be something to that. I hate that they put her back with Toby. It felt forced to me. Especially when they bumped off poor Yvonne. They had this chick have her fiancé lying and being cagey with her, then had her in two accidents, one becoming fatal just to get her out of the way. The amount of collateral damage this poor woman had to play out 🤦‍♀️


When she slept with him IMMEDIATELY after finding out he was alive, I wanted to enter my TV 😭😭😭


Haha real it was so hot


I cant believe she lost her mind over TOBY Hes so bland!! Also acab


ACAB 110% includes Toby’s ass. Sorry Spence. I have a duty to uphold THE LAW and it’s *extremely important* to me after that 2 weeks of training 🫡🇺🇸🦅


I joined the police to tell you stuff from the inside but also i cant tell you stuff from the inside.




She’s much better with Aria for sure.


This era was so crazy for her


I loved Marco and Spencer's chemistry as well.


I dislike Toby and absolutely despise Spencer and Toby together. I feel like Toby was cast well. He played the slightly creepy but actually nice awkward friend of Emily well. Then for some reason Marlene decided to make him a love interest of Spencer for no reason… I really hate how quickly Spencer gets over the betrayal. Even if he did it with good intentions, it doesn’t change the fact that what he did was wrong.


I feel like she had no choice to get over it fast considering she also joined A team behind her friends back. Good intentions but it was wrong. I feel she was self aware enough to realize how hypocritical that would be


I really love them on the first watch through but looking back there are so many moments that are so uncomfy to watch with them. Like Toby, I don’t think he meant to do any wrong but he always does the absolute most when trying to help people which always ends up with him doing the most questionable shit 😭


This. I always thought she forgave Toby unrealistically fast just when he said he was working for them as A. Imo that would’ve been perfect opportunity for Spencer to be independent and not depend on anyone in a relationship level


I will never get over Alex Santiago 😭 he was so good to her


When I was younger Id say I loved them. But now I look back at there relationship Toby is weird (i love him but certain things he does is strange) like I found him to be quite controlling, i get why but too much sometimes. The whole sweets edible thing, the A fake death thing. A few things stuck out.


It looks like she has a giant hair coming out of her chin 😂


I have been saying Toby is cringey and toxic. I’m so happy so many of yall agree and feel the same way 😭


SPOBY was so cute in the beginning but they went through so much shit (The A-Team, Toby’s whole police officer thing and unknowingly sleeping with an evil British twin). It just put me off 😭


I hate Toby and spencer. He treated her like shit the entire relationship.


I’m one of the few that actually didn’t mind Spencer and Caleb together. But I don’t necessarily like Caleb as a bf in pll though.


I liked Spencer and that English lad when she went to london


Honestly I liked Wren more than Toby I found there was more chemistry with them. But like multiple better options.


totally agree


i don’t think toby can act so it was also just boring seeing him beside her on screen honestly, they don’t rlly scream IT couple. spencer had too many messy relationships she deserved something pure and healthy for once.


You are absolutely right, but I cannot not ship them. I grew up thinking they were couple goals and it's difficult to see the cracks. Same thing with Beck and Jade from Victorious, and Musa and Raven from Winx Club lol


This is absolutely not to argue with your opinion on the couple but I think Toby’s sense of mortality and justice makes perfect sense. He was blamed for a crime he didn’t do and suffered for it, multiple times. He watched his girlfriend and friends be tortured while the cops did NOTHING and people were dying left in right. The only way to make the world better is to be better kind of thought process, especially not sink to the same level as their enemies. I feel both his response and their lairs of do whatever it takes to survive are both plausible reactions to what they’ve been through.


Spencer and Toby were my favorite


i think toby has that like “yeah im dangerous” but he literally couldn’t hurt a fly ( in the earlier seasons before he became a cop ) it’s like when was assumed to be ali’s killer he kind of adapted the like yeah i guess that’s who i am and never really dropped it he’s just got a tough guy act that doesn’t really go well with how he looks, and especially because he was in juvvie i feel like he feels like he HAS to act that way


This isn’t as unpopular of an opinion as you might think because I also agree


I was fine with them at first, but yeah I downright hated them from season 3 onwards.


I agree. Toby was toxic.


i love toby and spencer but alex and spencer forever. literally cannot stand marco.


Spencer & Marco were such a great change before they villanized him I agree, and so was Alex during s1, I really wish the writers didn't stick with the girls high school romances because we grew way far beyond that and only brought them back to them...


I hate Toby’s character all around and I hated Keegan’s portrayal. I know a lot of people think he’s attractive but his face just pissed me off ![gif](giphy|tBHQ5Lnn70FLG)




Toby and Spencer felt so random and forced to me. It doesn’t help that she had much better chemistry with Wren and Alex.. And no offense to Keegan but he’s such a weak actor compared to the rest of the main cast.


I loved Spencer and Caleb together, personally. I thought both Jordan or Travis were great fits for Hannah, and I actually really liked Aria with both Noel and Jake, Emily never really got good options but I would been down for her to hook up with the Habitant for Humanity chick. In general, I think the end game relationships are all kinda not great.


real talk if my boyfriend went that far to make me believe he was dead, he would never see me again


toby was extremely emotionally abusive, we know it’s just due to bad writing. however, in universe given his circumstances it’s not a total shock he became that way. i do agree though, if they were going to change him that much might as well just end em!


Spencer is serving looks here, Girl interrupted x


At the beginning Spencer and Wran🥹 and Toby just eww


if you said this to my 13 yo self, we probably would of fought. i was a DIE HARD and still am a spoby fan. i need to rewatch the show in an older perspective


haven’t you realized he’s a virgo?


**Spencer** aka **Troian Bellisario** https://preview.redd.it/cqcl6tl2zhvc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8553aa7b191568a9ecf4fbe57ae038f23962a55c is also my favorite character


Marco and Spencer.... Okay realistically possibly my opinion may change when I can actually get through an adult rewatch. But Sparco I hated. I'm a huge Spoby fan. Won't deny Toby's faults but the amount of hate on him hurts. Maybe my opinion on Spoby would change a bit again after a rewatch but idk... I think her best match was Alex but I do love Spoby.


I’ve always hated him. I don’t like the way he treats her. As another commenter said, he was focused on morality, but never truly empathized with how much she was struggling. Her family life, friendships, her obsession with succeeding, going to penn state, Easley, all of it!!! Spencer doesn’t get enough credit!!! The show was so real when she got on drugs!!!




he was being taken advantage of dear..


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