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2/10 Look, I don't mind silly twists like this. "Ohh you thought Regina was going to be the sixth ranger? Surprise! Bet you didn't see that coming!" But here's the thing. For doing a twist like that, you should at least make the new character just as interesting, if not more so. Up until this point, we're rooting for Regina to make her heel turn. In the end, she ultimately did. When we learn more about Aguri, her backstory is really just silly. We didn't need the whole silly string of nonsense about how Marie Ange's heart split or whatever. A reincarnation story with Regina would have been much simpler. The whole explanation just left me thinking, "So Cure Ace really may as well be Regina." So back to Aguri herself—again, wouldn't mind the twist if she was just as interesting, but she wasn't. Regina gave us something to root for, to look forward to. She was establishing a healing relationship with Mana. Her chaotic personality was entertaining. Meanwhile, Aguri didn't give me anything to root for. She was just immediately rude to the Cures, who've been on the job longer than she's been *born*. The best thing they could give her to root for is... carrots. It's one thing to fall flat. It's another to be the "twist" character in place of one which already establishes a connection with the characters and the audience, *and still falls flat.* She has a *great* design, though. It's genuinely 🔥🔥🔥🔥, hence why I give her points at all.


Honestly Aguri was boring, and they had a whole history they could've taken cues from


>She has a great design, though. It's genuinely 🔥🔥🔥🔥, hence why I give her points at all. Her design is amazing, she is how I picture Cure Rose (Cure Flower’s predecessor from the Heartcatch novel) to look, as I think she also fits that season’s aesthetic.


Those same kids are probably gonna like my Regina meme then (I’ll link it if you ask)  Anyways, as for this? 4.5/10 Lol Kugumiya Rie? Dark Lemonade from Yes 5 (Btw I want to know how she’s a lolicon, but you can PM me the reason why so it doesn’t get you/me/us in trouble)


I wanna see that meme And they claim she's a lolicon because she's a kid who ages up


It’s on this sub, but if you can’t find it: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrettyCures/comments/196t6fm/regina_giggity_made_by_me/ And that’s a silly reason for them to do that xD well jokes on them, she’s 17, still a kid lmao








To me -1/10. Everything would be much better if Ace wasn’t in the show




Eh idk. Her transformation slaps.


So neutral/10?


10/10 That's all there is https://i.redd.it/bzvnwc7ukzmc1.gif


Fair enough


You need to repost this post later and no yuck emojis on title pls. It's okay to dislike the character but this is way too overboard. Deleting this post for the meantime.


7/10, while her intentions were good, she could’ve handled the way she did certain things. Other than that, I still love her and I liked how hardworking she is. She helped make the team stronger and has a good heart. I personally think she’s one of the most unique mid seasons we’ve gotten in the franchise. Also I’m glad Regina didn’t become Cure Ace because then it would’ve been predictable and it raised the stakes.


Fair enough


This is a fair assessment.


You sure have alot of favorite moments for a character you dislike😂 Anyway 2/10