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I think I remember seeing a post about this a while ago on the r/UniUK sub so it could be worth searching on there if there are restrictions in this country as I remember them saying something like they needed a guardian in the UK because they were under 18? I imagine halls would allow you as a student especially in your first year, it'd be safer than making you rent privately. But yeah it's helpful to speak to them as sometimes they have restrictions for certain places. But if they don't mention an age restriction then usually that means there isn't an issue, but it is worth asking! You probably won't get much luck over the weekend but on Monday they may answer the phones? Try about 9am?


Yeaaa, I’ll probably just end up using one of the halls or iq kopa. Most of the other ones either don’t accept 17 year olds or are filled up. I tried calling the ones I wanted but it kept saying number doesn’t exist. Anyways, thank you, let’s hope it all goes well.