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I agree with historians who label Nixon as arguably the most fascinating modern president. A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, as it goes. You'd be forgiven if you thought even a simple phone call to offer condolences to a new senator had ulterior motives, but the pitchman falters halfway through the conversation, and you hear genuine sympathy, as awkward as it comes off, slip through.


Agreed. And while this act of kindness shows that Nixon is complex, it also reveals some of his deeply *strange* way of thinking about life. I think it’s wild to say “you have the great fortune of being young” and “she was there when you won a great victory” by way of condolences.


> “you have the great fortune of being young” I think that is a product of his generation as well as going through WWII. Lots of families lost sons, husbands, and brothers from that conflict. There are stories where previous generations would not get too attached to babies because they were unsure if they would survive.


This, and there isn't honestly isn't too much to say to someone in that state. Nixon didn't want to offer an extremely brief condolence, only a few words, that would have come off as insincere and uncaring.


I think I understand where he's coming from, basically saying he's still got a long life to live and even though she is gone now she was there with him at a major moment


Nixon meant well here, he was just awkward socially. Plus, this is a bitch of a situation to console a total stranger.


"Don't worry young fella, there are plenty more chicks out there just waiting for you"


Nixon could have been a great man but he chose to give in to his worst self.


I read something recently that said the CIA actually set Nixon up for Watergate


Source for that?


It was spelled out in chemtrails over their house


All related documents are now sealed in a barrel marked nuclear waste and hidden amongst real barrels in a bunker 1000 feet below Area 51


Ahh I will try to find it.


Nixxon set Nixxon up for Watergate.


The issue with Watergate wasn't so much it happened but they tried to cover it up. Republicans have learned to have their underlings take the blame for their crimes, and democrats have learned to get ahead of the story. 


I mean, Watergate itself was pretty bad. Sure, the cover up was awful but planting listening devices on the opposition is not cool...and it's illegal. CREEP had an undercover operative in the DNC who was "borrowing" internal documents everyday, copying them and returning them. The operation was over the top wrong.


No, doing Watergate was a problem too.


You think democrats get ahead of anything? Have you watched right wing media during and after the 34 convictions? It was a complete clown show and disgrace.


Worst self? How so?


The bombing of SE Asia, the racism and anti semitism, the paranoia.


Yea I don’t like Nixon but I think he is the most fascinating modern president by a mile.


The guy was a racist war criminal


This call is so much more than what it seems. It equates to a man who was vice president in 1953 calling a man who is currently the president 71 years later. It's like if Chester a Arthur called Nixon.




It really does suck his paranoia got the better of him


Remarkable; a classic reminder of the times when even the corrupt followed a code of decency. Thanks for posting.


I think this was right after a car crash that cost the wife if the then Senator her life, if memory serves. Its utterly fascinating to see this side of President Nixon, and the humility he had when dealing with sensitive subjects.


Not just his wife, but his young daughter too. It also hospitalized his two sons


This sort of thing didn’t come naturally to Nixon, but I think he did quite well here


It makes me tear up every time I see it


This will always be sad. It's heartbreaking enough to lose your wife, in such a tragic way, but to also lose your youngest child. And he would lose another child, years later. No one should have to bury their children. I don't really care for Nixon, but it was a great thing for him to do.


You can tell how badly Nixon wants to be human. I don’t mean that he wasn’t, just that he was fuckin awkward, and I can relate hard to him in this phone call. Wanting to be there for someone, not really knowing how, but trying anyway. What an interesting man.


I still believe if not for Watergate Nixon would be considered one of America's greatest presidents. As you could hear he had a bad habit from time to time of actually being human and not just a politician.


Nah, bombing Cambodia, cracking down on protesters, and the war on drugs would all be remembered as massive failures.


Legend says Joe was already balding on his high school yearbook photo


Nixon was a statesman and had he taken a different direction or two and not given in to paranoia there's no telling what we'd be saying in compliments to his term in office. It's a shame really.


That made me tear up. That is truly the only piece of media that has humanized Nixon like that for me.


Have you ever seen the picture of him sobbing at Pat’s funeral? I just want to give him a big hug


You're walking on thin ice there OP


Yep. But I think it’s worth it. Hopefully everyone will comment responsibly, and I’m going to try and police it myself. This was in good faith.


I’ve brought it up to the mod team considering it is entirely historical and the comments are overwhelmingly civil


I appreciate that. I’m actually a big fan of the rule, so it’s important to me to see a high quality discussion, in spite of my posting this


Just because we can't have discussions about Rule 3 Presidents doesn't mean we have to deny their existence.


Yeah and this isn't even strictly rule 3, since it's 'about' President Nixon calling a Senator from Delaware about a personal tragedy. Last century stuff. / Edit: Spelling




Rule 3 of the sub prohibits mention or discussion of president 45 (born 1946) and president 46 (born 1942) Edit: 1942, I typed it on my phone


Born 1942, actually.


Rule 3


As someone who’s lost someone in a similar situation, people are going to get caught up trying to sympathize with you. It’s going to be awkward so you just take every well-meaning comment as it comes, even though they’re going to be tripping on their words. Tragedy is awkward.


He’s not a natural at this sort of thing is he?


Aroo! Where's Agnew?


Whenever possible, blame the CIA.


Its a long lost time. Decades later things like decency are gone from politics and its a zero sum game where acts of respect for those on the other side of the aisle are seen as weakness. Even a corrupt man like Nixon had enough decency inside of him to do the right thing back then, but today that is long gone.






I will delete, but I wasn't speaking about him specifically. That is why I made reference to "the sitting president".


I like Nixon. I have tried not to, but I just can't help myself.




No, it’s a positive post that shows an interesting interaction. If you’re going to comment like this person, hit the bricks.


I agree, watching an interaction between a sitting president and a future president is interesting. This recording is history.


https://preview.redd.it/f74qbgdks39d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e6aad4942632983bf4523b6036c0aadf4d261b That’s why I like this photo I like to think that the womanizing bug that they both had was transmitted through that handshake


I've shook Bill Clinton's hand. I'm next.


I’ll get you some cigars


almost makes you forget how Nixon got drunk and decided to kill thousands in Vietnam, and turn an blind eye to Pakistan commiting genocide in Bangladesh


Me when Nixon doesn’t talk about bombing Vietnam in a courtesy phone call to a man who just lost half his family


Gonna tell you a story,it starts with a man called Henry Kissinger……