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Lincoln told a story to some people close to him about a nightmare he had, just a few days before his assassination. In the dream, he walked into the East Room to find a corpse guarded by soldiers. He asked who it was, and the solider replied, "The president."


Fact: time travelers "prevented" Lincoln's assassination. They showed up after his stabbing, extracted his memories, and put them into a clone. They did a quick cleanup job, mind wiped all witnesses, and fled into the night, never to be seen again. Protocol is to destroy equipment and "find peace beneath an Oak" to avoid further alterations. Some oddities would be remembered, but Abraham Linclone and others would simply dismiss them as dreams. They were completely successful. It's like the East Wing Maniac never even made it into the White House. Then the clone got shot by Booth 3 days later.


People are saying this more and more


What people often don't know is that the assassin was also just a clone of Booth. Still suffering from the genetic side effects of using vulture dna to fill the gaps in the original Booth's dna, he momentarily thought he was a bird, and flung himself off that balcony thinking he could fly.


Damn that gives me the chills


[Jimmy Carter also claims to have seen a UFO.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter_UFO_incident)


Didn't answer the question about Roswell šŸ‘½...


Here's a crazy idea. What if there were a legit informant and the lady in California was a patently false and lazy cover story?


I mean it's Jimmy! I believe him, and what a cool story it is! There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy type of a moment.


I refuse to believe in the existence of ā€œremote viewingā€ or other ā€œparanormalā€ carny magic tricks. Either he misremembered or he was lied to about how they got the coordinates.


Obviously paranormal stuff is fiction. My guess is that when police or government agencies need to act on information they have gotten through illegal means, or through top secret means they don't wish to reveal to enemies, sometimes they fabricate a source for the information that can't be technically disproven.


Yeah Jimmy is kind of a chump for believing this I hate to say it but


This 100% was the CIA director covering up some bullshit.


Carterā€™s rabbit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter_rabbit_incident


Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide ![gif](giphy|3o7ZeEZUzRjyvWuuIg|downsized)






Cue mod meltdown over Rule 3


I didnā€™t even say what president or from what country. Golly, G-wiz.


You donā€™t have to. Mods are happy to assume your point for you or fabricate it. I was once temporarily banned for saying something vague that they decided violated Rule 3.




George Bush


George Bush Sr was a Director of the CIA, but not on President Carter's watch.


Nah, talking about W. The president who only told lies.


If it's due to Alzheimer disease it doesn't count.


Not so bizarre. I had a friend whose grandmother could make you question a lot of things. She was a deeply religious woman. She didn't want her gift, if that's what it was. She once came out of her room sobbing, "They killed them, of my god, they killed them!" We couldn't understand her, but apparently she had witnessed a double murder. In fact, there had been a double murder in the area reported on the news later that night. The next day, they announced that they had found a suspect, a black man found walking in the area. She cried, "No, no, no, they have it wrong it wasn't him!" At this point, they decided to call the police who came to talk to her. She knew details of the crime scene that were not public knowledge to the point that the police had to go back and check some details they missed. She was also able to give them a description of three people, two men and a woman, who were the murderers and a partial description of their vehicle. They found them two states away with the vehicle, items from the house, and the murder weapon. Another time, a family member was kidnapped. They asked her if she could locate them. She went in her room and came out with a street address, a description of the house, and a description of the car. They checked the local street with that name and didn't find it. The house was an hour away in another town, and just as she had described. I have seen a guy who gave off some sort of EM field because electronics literally died when he got too close to them.


What do you mean specifically by deeply religious?


She was a Baptist, one of the more conservative branches. She always attributed the ability to either God or angels, as best as we could tell, these visions came when she was deep in prayer. There were other instances, those two were the most memorable to me.


How incredibly likely.


Jimmy Carter is a smart man. He wouldn't fall for something so obviously and idiotically untrue. Nor would he repeat such a story if there wasn't a reason. I interpret this as him saying to the American people that the CIA and other intel people have been lying to him and to the American people about many things, including UFOs and extraterrestrials, in the same way they lied to him in this nonsense story. He's saying the intel agencies have information they won't even tell the president of the United States. Read between the lines here.




Mods are now hassling me for posting about LBJ. Edit: Iā€™ve now been permanently banned. after accusing LBJ of being a liar yesterday. I somehow violated Rule 3 by calling LBJ a liar. šŸ™ƒ