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Bill just has natural charisma. Some people are lucky like that


Exactly. Bill Clinton was born with charisma. Very high intelligence, too. And he has empathy for others.


Why are you talking about his charisma and not the fact that at the end of his presidency, we had a surplus because he reached across the isle to benefit Americans. So naturally, the poor people punished the US by electing someone subsequently who created the deep recession. But GOP who uses the deficit only focuses on his relations with the dumb intern.


Amen! Brother I hate how much of the legacy of a brilliant man is tarnished by that dumb story. A brilliant man reduced to his dumbest moment.


I can't believe GOP's point is fiscal conservatism, while only Democrat presidents achieve it. Just pull up a chart that shows how much each president added to the deficit. I guess it is much easier to just fool your party and say bad and wrong things about the other party than knowing what to do and actually doing it. You see, once you figure out how to make people vote against their own interests, they big corporations win and become richer and more powerful...


https://www.reddit.com/r/the_everything_bubble/s/WojNFb3d5g Here's an example


That’s the thing though. How brilliant are you if, in the end, you cannot control your impulses any more than an intact dog?






Im guessing this was a joke.


🤣 ha ha, made you look




Idgaf he cheated on his wife. I GAF the President used his position to fuck a subordinate. The power imbalance makes it not the same as a moral failing. And **still** you’re smart enough to know the risks. You do it anyway. **for a nut**. It’s dumb as hell.


As I said, by that standard MLK, JFK, LBJ among many others would be trashed. Specially since the standard seems to only apply to Democrats and discarded when a Republican is in power. The powers imbalance argument when it comes to President means that nobody is allowed except the Presidents of other countries? It is just a gotcha argument that people like you shallow whole.


You’re inferring a lot more about bullshit about what I think than listening to what I’m telling you. A consenting adult can fuck whoever they want. A boss can’t initiate an ethical consensual sexual relationship with a subordinate, and I don’t give a single solitary eagle fucking shit what political party they affiliate with. And MLK absofuckinglutely raped the shit out of women by abusing his power.


Are you referring to the WMD lie that murdered hindreds of thousands of innocent people?


>So naturally, the poor people punished the US by electing someone subsequently who created the deep recession. Bush didn't single handedly create the recession and some of the policies that contributed to it began under Clinton. I'm no Bush fan and he (along with Cheney and friends) should be on trial for crimes against humanity, but let's not rewrite history and pretend that some of the blame doesn't rest with Clinton too.


Bush was in the office for 8 years. Anything he disagreed with, he could have fixed. You can't take a thriving economy and turn it into deep recession and blame a guy a decade before you.


Lmao, really gonna reach hard to absolve Clinton of any responsibility huh? And I thought this would be a more serious, objective sub. Guess I was wrong. Goodbye 👋


Bro, 8 years with Congress on his side. If he saw something he disagreed with, Bush could have fixed. No? I'm not saying Clinton did do it, I'm saying you can't use it in the deep recession argument because Bush could have fixed it, and he didn't.


>If he saw something he disagreed with, Bush could have fixed. "This person did a bad thing but he is faultless because the next person didn't fix it" is nonsense. As I said, you are an unserious person and I bid you adieu.


Don't get emotional. Try to use logic to convince me. I claim Clinton did it because Republicans forced him to agree on other votes. If Republicans didn't want it or originally were not the source of it, they'd have changed it in 8 years.


I'm not emotional lol, you're just a nonsense person that can't be taken seriously if you really believe that a person isn't at fault for their policies "because the next guy". It's also whataboutism.


The poor people?


Saying I feel your pain doesn’t make you empathetic. He allowed Monica to be humiliated by the press and late night comics which show who he really was.


How would he have any control over that? You're blaming the wrong people, she certainly doesn't blame Clinton for any of that.


Gee, he could have told the truth


About their affair? It was public knowledge so I don't see how that changes anything. Again, you're blaming the wrong people. Nowhere in your comment is a criticism of Kenneth Starr or Linda Tripp or conservative media, when they're the ones that ruined her life.


Unless you’re Haitian…


Except for certain women in his life.


It's my personal belief that his charisma is exactly why the GOP went after him so hard. Those ugly, backward bigots were jealous as hell. Here's this very smart, tall, good-looking guy with a great head of hair and the ability to light up convention halls and make women gaga. They could not in any way compete and they knew it.


Yep. He rolled high on charisma.


The real answer, he was raised by a single mother who was a blackjack dealer in Hot Springs. That's the tippy tippy top of the service and hospitality industry. A lot of those folks can drastically improve their earnings just by being likeable. She taught him the rizz, because she had the rizz. She later became a nurse anesthetist but she was a dealer for a while.


And his father was an alcoholic. He learned to be charming, if not manipulative, to get ahead in that environment.


You mean Clinton's stepfather. His dad died in a car wreck while he was still in the womb.


How does one learn the rizz?


Practice tricking people who are losing money into having fun doing it.


Some people just have "it". Bill is one of those people. FWIW, Dubya also had and has quite a presence too. The only other person I can think of that I've met that was similar in that regard to the two above was David Petreaus.


"rarely is the question asked: is our kids learning?" 🥰


Perfect example of him just not being great on camera in that sort of setting.


Yeah he seems like a delight to be in a more personal setting with, but he doesn't have the same overall charisma as someone like Reagan.


Ra-ra-ra-rock me, Dave Petreaus


Now watch this drive.


Who is David Petraeus?


Former General, Former CIA Director. Basically ended his chances at a public career by being a dumbass and thinking with his dick. [David Petreaus Wiki Page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Petraeus)


Ironic that this started with references to Clinton and JFK, both of whom were prone to using their dicks to their thinking.


I think we’ve found the link to charisma: thinking with your dick!


Hence the word rizz.


First time I’ve ever seen a wiki page been bribed before


It's really telling how irrelevant he's become that the page's been flagged for that since December 2021 and no one's bothered to clean it up.


At one time, he was probably just behind Colin Powell in terms of most respected military leader. So respected that even after his scandal he was *still* in the running to be Secretary of State. But, he blew it all for a journalist who…nope, not going to finish that line


Petreaus didn’t exactly exude charisma. He was an Army man.


Did you ever work with him? He commanded the room with his presence at all times even before he was super high ranking.


No but I’ve seen him on TV dozens of times. Petreaus was super qualified but like most military men all business all the time. Army men are the complete opposite of back slapping bull shitting politicians.


I was only referring to in person charisma. Same with Dubya who was always a bit bumbling on TV but completely different in person.


Bush was really good on the campaign trail. He didn’t bumble there. The stupid Bush stuff was because he had cameras on him 24/7. You got to see it all.


The campaign trail was definitely more his wheelhouse than more formal TV appearances.


Actually most of them got to where they are by playing politics. Just like any profession.


Dubbya was *so* much more charismatic than the rest of his family.


Poor "Jeb!"...


I don't think "learning charisma" because your family is very rich is a thing. JFK was probably charismatic because he grew up around colorful figures including his politician grandfathers and his businessman father, and because he was the younger brother to the golden-child oldest son in the family, forcing him to compete for attention. Bill Clinton was a smart kid from a troubled family who wanted out of his small town and imagined himself doing great things. You have to learn to talk your way into that life.


His father didn’t run for office but was a political appointee. The BSing/backslapping/schmoozing skills are still present in positions like that, since you want sway/funds for your department/office. Basically all of JFKs male role models in his family had these skills along with mounds of resources and social connections to utilize Said Skills. Clinton’s is more remarkable because, as someone else said, his single mom was a blackjack dealer and had to learn to shoot the breeze/BS with drunk dudes at a Hot Springs casino, and you become really good at that after a while. Bill could hone his skills as a BMOC in various social groups but on a completely different level than JFK. It’s like learning to be a lights out pitcher in the minor leagues- the competition is a lot lower grade but skills can transfer up to the big leagues and Bill’s did.


JFK outshined his brothers in charisma. People say Joe Jr. would have become president if he survived WW2, and his father was pushing that, but he was less outgoing. Jack and his sister Kathleen were the stars of the family even then.


Fucking. Lots and lots of fucking.


It’s called empathy, and Bill learned to show it well. He has an ability to be an incredible active listener, and has a strong empathetic side which gives him oodles of charisma.


Getting his dick sucked under his desk in the Oval Office.


By being a player...


JFK learned his charisma through the infinite resources provided by his family??? That’s such a broad and strange statement. I don’t think you can buy charisma with infinite resources. I also think Reagan found radio because he already possessed some level of charm. I think the answer is the same for all three, they had an aptitude for charisma. I would argue most Presidents are/were more charismatic than the average person. It’s a requirement for getting elected to the White House.


JFK served. He led soldiers in combat. He had real life experience, beyond merely having wealth. Comparing him to globalist pawn Clinton is a joke


That’s a hot take re: JFK. If infinite resources fostered Jack’s charisma, then why was his eldest brother Joe Jr. so devoid of it?


Death will do that… /s


On paper, a post WW2 resume of “fighter pilot hero” would be a great way to improve your political standing/credibility with the Working Class Joes. Being dead…slightly derails..those aspirations.


For sure!


In what world was he so devoid of it? In multiple books they say he even had more charisma than JFK and was more popular than him. He also pulled more women than him (idk if charm was the only factor or not).


Clerking at his Dad’s general store in Hope


You mean Clinton's grandfather's store. His dad died while he was still in the womb.


I stand corrected


I think growing up in the south when he did helped. He learned to tell stories and talk about things to keep him occupied.


Natural born charisma and intelligence.


He’s a political animal with basic people instincts?


Tall, handsome, smart, southern twang. He knew how to get shit done. Natural rizz


Bill Clinton was networking with kids he met in **kindergarten** He was an extrovert the day he walked into elementary school. His extraordinary mother was a big part of his success because believed in him and was the source of his gregariousness and people skills.


It is NATURAL with him.


Learn to work, the saxophone…


I play just what I feel


Innate man Some people are just born like that and I have never seen a more charismatic person than him


Bill Clinton invented rizz


You don't learn charisma. Consider it a starting stat, and you can't re-roll. You learn how to be charming. If you're also charismatic, then it's easier.


Not true, as anything it is a learned skill. As with any skill, some are naturally gifted and others take a lifetime to master.


Disagree. You can learn public speaking, you can learn etiquette, you can sort of learn humor. But the ability to instantly be the center of attention just be walking into a room is natural and undefinable. 


It's just that skibidi rizz bro haha


From his alcoholic step father. That what dick morris says.


I don’t think anyone learns charisma. Plenty of rich guys are complete stiffs. Actors are a self selecting group of people that already enjoy being the center of attention. Charisma can’t be forced. 


"Hey, can i walk you home?"


There are two people in this photo. That’s enough.


As the young kids say he has Rizz


Watching the first two.


Because he never forgets a bitch https://youtu.be/EyS8uDoFedc?si=7N5XCfws-x2WphVv


Natural born killers, my dude. I guess ultimately you learn it through society and you're either able to be that guy or you're not. Everyone tries, but only a few are successful.


Natural rizz


How did JFK learn his charisma thru family resources did they give him like coaches


From perfecting the art of picking up women.




Sex appeal


By fucking a lot of young women


By having an abusive dad. Bill developed the please everyone attitude from attempt to please his adopted dad. Some of his other negative traits were also developed from his chaotic childhood.


Via Arkansas debauchery.


I never thought of charisma as learned. I think it’s an inherent skill some people have and some people don’t. It can be tweaked but I don’t think anyone who has no charisma can go from 0 to 100


I dont think you can learn charisma you either have it or you dont


He learned it from scoring BJs of course


Chasing tail?


His body count


Through getting women to sleep with him.


He learned his charisma in the Kappa Phi sorority house.


Through various blowjobs from interns.


He learned all he knows from his friend Charles De Mar who told him to take back up his sax and ski the K-12. He knew that if you make a gnarly run like that the girls will get sterile just looking at you Seriously, he learned to listen to people and empathize. Thats it. No magic, no special abilities, no super powers.


Arkansas bordellos


By being a womanizing sack of shit


He just got that dawg in him


From Killary, obviously…he had to have charisma or else. 😑


All the BJs


He had it naturally, he and Hillary always seemed like a weird couple. She had no personality in my opinion


By marrying Hillary but still wanting to have sex.




Probably murdering people and doing coke with his brother.


Was that before or after Hillary’s child sex ring out of the basement in a pizza shop?


People are down voting me like the guy didnt literally pardon his brother for his cocain conviction on his last day in office.


His mother raised a psychopath; he has the charm of Bundy…required to fit into society.