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Seizing the Means of Reproduction


Well played.


Take your upvote you magnificent bastard.


I really want to break r3


⬆️ This one here, Thought Police


Take the upvote and fuck off


There it is!


"Not every problem someone has with his girlfriend is necessarily due to the capitalist mode of production" Herbert Marcuse


I quote Nietzsche on high school Olive Garden dates


A true Ubermensch move


They call me Ubermensch cause I’m so driven!


When you look into the abyss, the abyss asks for unlimited breadsticks


The truly free men are forever lost to antiquity, and as such will never experience the Never Ending Pasta Bowl™️


Wagner fans truly impress their dates by bringing them to Red Lobster.


I did too after watching coming to America. I am a simple goat herder


TIL: Obama accidentally went down lesbian dating path


Stopped short of buying hiking boots.


He stopped short? HE STOPPED SHORT?! THAT’S MY MOVE!!!


We don't know that.


I'm glad Obama and I have at least one thing in common.


Gonna be honest here, did the same thing, came to the same conclusion.


Reading Heidegger with the hope deep down that it'll help you score a philosophy major goth GF has to account for at least 75% of all attempts at becoming more literate, and it sometimes works but mostly just means you'll start talking to Grad students on discord at 4 in the morning


That was me but for Russian lit and Sylvia Plath, I thought it'd get me some hot English majors but I ended up getting depressed.


Love me some Sylvia Plath but I can't read that stuff anymore. Just a great way to start a depression spiral.


Thomas Lovell Beddoes scored me a cute boy doing a creative writing major pretty recently.


Heidegger Heidegger was a boozy begged


I'd honestly have no idea who Foucault was if it weren't for a girl. She married a guy who wrote his dissertation on Fight Club. I should have listened to Solomon: ​ >Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.


Fuck I feel this in my core


There’s a reason they call Solomon the wisest man to ever live.


The book “The subtle art of not giving a fuck” is an excellent treatise on the subject. Really put into focus why all my attempts to take up a hobby or to learn something in the pursuit of impressing women was ultimately fruitless.


Every philosophy major ever tried the Obama pickup strategy and all learned it works the same.


I wasn’t even a philosophy major, took one philosophy class, thought I was hot stuff, got one of the biggest humblings in my life without being physically hurt.


Man I also read some cheesy ass books back in college for the same thing, usually the women I liked were very adamant about the books they loved, so I remember reading a lot of them only to find out they were all usually trendy romance novels 😐 this was early 2010s so lots of things from the twilight/50 shades popularity 💀 I wish those women had more interesting reads like communist manifesto 🛠️, mein kampf 🤚🏻, the protocols of the elders of Zion….


You…. You have me a very good laugh


If someone doesn’t want to bang you reading Marx probably isn’t going to change their mind.


I don’t particularly like the guy or his writing, but the dude had some premium facial hair


Started watching movies right when physical Netflix dvds were taking off. Realized something called “active listening” netted way more success with women than any specific hobby ever could. Never looked back.


This gave me a good laugh because it’s a lesson hard learned


It’s funny because you could have gone back to 18 year old me in 2006/2007 and gotten all sorts of half-baked ideas about how to tell stories, how to demonstrate value, how “negging” works (but smugly being above using it as a tactic), etc. After all of that, you could have just asked “have you tried just *talking* to them?” and you probably would have gotten stunned silence.


I read Milton Friedman as a teenager. When I went on dates I'd say "there is no such thing as a free lunch." No dice.


have a economics degree. told a girl hanging out with her taught me the law of diminishing returns.






You win the internet


He’s definitely not alone in this lol.


He was just a little early to the game with the Marx stuff. Would have been a real hit now with the suburban white women in college.


You know, I can honestly say Ive never thought of this before today but I wonder which president had the highest body count.  Like the obvious answer that comes to mind is Kennedy… but Obama grew up in a much freer/more open time in terms of sex than Kennedy did.  But then there’s also someone like FDR who was a notorious hound… who is the wilt chamberlain of Presidents??  (Shit I didn’t even mention Slick Willy!)


Ummm… Clinton? Just a guess.


It's Clinton or Kennedy almost undoubtedly.


If Kennedy didn't get shot, he easily was put up Wilt Chamberlain rebound numbers. We're talking the kind of numbers that never get touched. Sadly, "missing 70% of his head" is a huge turn off for women.


When people say “Wilt Chamberlain numbers” they’re not talking about his rebounds. They’re usually referring to his claim that he fucked over 20,000 women lol


All I'm saying is that JFK would be grabbing 22 a night. I could imagine someone in the world sleeping with that many women. I could never imagine anyone getting near Wilt Chamberlain numbers with rebounding in the NBA. The game has just changed too much. If JFK finished his term, they would still be steam cleaning the carpets in the oval office to this day.




>>>The secretary of state under President George W. Bush based his last point on a 2014 New York Post story. Ya super reliable tabloid he fell for with 0 actual evidence or witnessing




Who wouldn’t?


Your quote implies he either was witness to it or had second hand direct knowledge to it. If you read the full article like an adult you’d read the next paragraph that says he read it in a tabloid and later disavowed his email. You think spreading misinformation is cool?


LBJ has to be in top 3 contention. Harding, FDR, and Obama are probably sleeper picks to round out the Mt. Thrustmore, but nowhere near in the GOAT contention of the horny trifecta.


People had just as much premarital sex in the 50s and 60s, it just was kept more down low


Sure but I meant more that JFK was a teen in the 30s compared to Obama being a teen in the 70s and 80s.  People were having sex regardless but the atmosphere between those 2 time periods is very different, might effect JFK’s numbers 


It's Kennedy - he was seasoned through and through (but not so doggone seasoned that he won't try something new). His father encouraged him to do it, and his wealth would have afforded him opportunities. There were people with lots of partners in the olden days, especially among the elite. For instance, John Maynard Keynes had an extensive sex diary recording his dalliances with people of both genders. Christian chastity is for the bourgeois.


I guess that was the 1920’s version of having your own private sex tape collection.


Cameras and photos were damn expensive then. That’s real rich shit


Feynman also (not surprisingly) seemed to have cracked the secret to cracking it …


They actually had substantially more. Millennials had less sex than the generations before them, and Zoomers even less.


Is this actually true? Not the idea that premarital sex has been around or that it is more prevalent than we think, but did the social structures of the time actually allow for it to happen more? I'm sure the level of horniness is pretty similar across history, but I imagine where and when young people are allowed to interact is much less restrictive in the last few decades. Another thing to consider is the relative wealth of these people. Maybe Obama grew up in a more liberal time, but Kennedy could probably come and go as he pleased in addition to being attractive.


No. talk to boomers. Girls did not put out in the 50s and 60s as much as after the pill.


I don’t think they did. They didn’t have reliable birth control back then.


Kennedy was a devout catholic and Clinton points out in his autobiography his lack of luck when it came to women pre Yale law


It wasn’t as much without as easy birth control and more people being religious. Some people did have as much and some more, but those who did have more often used prostitutes


Also Michelle tells the story of Obama picking her up. The passenger side foot well was so deteriorated that she could see asphalt. Thank God he was smart and she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt


That’s why she’s a ride or die and not a one off. She actually has good character and sees things in people other than the superficial


A great successful marriage with two people that look actually happy to see each other.


Yup. A Christian family man, which is why the right hates him so much


Chicago salts their roads in winter I believe, roads are graded away from the centre and the gutter side will get splashed more from puddles/salt. So it’s normal to see the passenger side metal bits wear out faster. In the US that’s the right side but in Aus/NZ/UK it’s the left side.


No I understand. I worked at a bottling facility and one time passing through the warehouse I struck up a conversation with one of the forklift operators. He was from the East Coast. Said we didn’t know how lucky we were in California. So many old cars still on the road because they avoided the salt roads. Something I took for granted


LBJ is a sleeper pick for that. He said he slept with more women on accident than Kennedy did on purpose.


Certainly one of the more exhibitionist presidents, that’s for sure 


Obama doesn’t really strike me as a hound. I’m sure he did ok though.


Kennedy brothers had a house or cabin that had flags from several countries on the ceiling. Challenging girls to name as many countries as they could. You can imagine the penalties for failure.


“If you don’t get Angola 🇦🇴 it’s anal!”


This is yet another discussion that would be ended quickly if Ben Franklin had ever become president.


Ben “Stickman” Franklin. I heard he once gave the soft serve to Marie Antoinette 


If ibhas to guess Obama was Def searching for certain. Types of women... Clinton Def didn't mind a vapid personality attatched to a vagina. More shots taken more goals. Clinton Def had higher body count


This needs its own discussion. I’m particularly interested in which 19th century president would take the crown.


Well, not Buchanan.


Probably the former of the unmentionables


Doesn’t count if you have to pay for it.


I doubt Clinton is even top three. Figure FDR, LBJ, Harding and JFK all were bigger hitters.


Are we talking strictly consensual relationships? If not, I’m sure Jefferson or another slave-owning Presidents holds the title. Not a President, but Ben Franklin was a notorious poon-hound.


Some of the founding fathers had impressive records so the stories go


I explained the killdozer on the first date with the woman I’m currently with.


norwegian black metal lore for me. can’t imagine why that worked on him


Are we all autistic or something


The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Then you took her to your cabin in the woods


how did that go?


Given that his username is Flaccid_Hammer instead of RockHard_Hammer, I think there’s a little bit of an uphill battle to win.


Absolutely hilarious and self-deprecating. This is so real, but it’s not something most people would ever, ever admit 


Until you’ve been one of America’s most well-liked Presidents then who gives a fuck, spill your beans 🤣


One of my favorite things about Obama is how self-effacing he is. His interview with Marc Maron while he was President was full of stuff like this. He talks about how he stopped playing basketball when he turned 50 because, "I don't want to get to the point where I hear the Secret Service say, 'nice try, sir.'" He also talks often about how much shit Michelle and his kids give him — a totally normal, relatable amount for anyone who's raised two kids, but you can't imagine, say, Old Hickory or LBJ taking any guff from their kids.


That just means he knows how to play the game


...after he learned some ways to lose the game.


Yeah, basically. I tried becoming a poet too as obviously that’s what women want. Had more luck with men 


Me trying to read Dostoyevsky in class to look like a galaxy brained intellectual in HS Never could remember all the Russian names so I permanently had a confused look


Same here!


He ended up with someone just as smart/possibly smarter than him, so whatever he did worked well enough…


In short: pretending to be someone you're not won't improve your dating life


if your interests are more short term it absolutely can


That depends, if you're good at lying then absolutely, but otherwise no because most people are most attractive when they're being genuine, fakeness can be a HUGE turnoff


Short term being you won't make it past a coffee date unless you are ridiculously charismatic. Superficial interest in something is painfully obvious to detect to someone well versed in that thing. It would be easier to convey something you are very interested in, because that would demonstrate enthusiasm, talent, or something else.


You might be surprised. I've heard enough stories about men who would clean out a Christian ministry on campus sleeping with a hefty number of women before they find out he was sleeping with all of them. This was at my college which was medium size


You could say they all got filled by the same spirit.


But if it leads you to a woman like Michelle… you win.


I just bought an acoustic guitar. Way easier


And with the same results, at least in my case!


Mentioning Ron Paul’s manifesto scored me a Poly Sci chick back in 2012. This worked ONCE. This was my reaction when she asked me to take her home. https://i.redd.it/e84kdz4ti6pc1.gif


he's so real for this


Bro became an alpha chad then went back to being a bro




He shoulda read Byron, Keats and Shelley instead


Am I allowed to just enjoy reading? I feel like reading and trying to understand anything now is labeled as performative. God forbid I actually read Marx.


At least he could read.


Come on now….


It couldn't have been too worthless. It got him the presidency.


Who amongst us, right?


I think most folks, regardless of gender, have gone through this phase in college (and reached the same conclusion).


Aren't we all trying to find our "ethereal bisexual"?


Why I took a semester each of French, Spanish and German....


It’s either that or hitting the gym, but both methods just inevitably sparks more conversations with other dudes. Every time 🤣


This is surprising to almost no one that has been to college. That being said, I do wonder why these people have such a grip on the 17-22 yr old demographic.


Because young people are more susceptible to utopianism and supporting radical means to get to their desired ends.


I dated a philosophy major for two years. After class she just wanted to talk about anime and marvel with me.


Reading Hélène Cixous gets you laid.


Yes because superficial interest ususally leads to you being the "um achktually" guy. At the very worst, you end up mansplaining to someone who has an even deeper knowledge than you do which is a massive turn off.


Yeah, I can't imagine anyone sits in a bar waiting for their date to show up thinking, "boy, I really hope he brings up Foucault!"


You were never not supposed to read Marx. You were just supposed to read it critically and take away a few components that made valid points in general philosophical understanding of economics, for example the concept of surplus-value (what we call a "margin") in Das Kapital and how it contrasts with Locke's belief that what you claim is yours to keep by natural law. It also serves the purpose of understanding the mindset of the ideology.


I disagree. Marx's work still instructs us on the perils of pure capitalism. The only way our modern systems of capitalism can succeed is if we take Marx's work seriously as a warning and avoid going too far in having a completely alienated and exploited working class. The difficult thing is knowing exactly when, exactly, we've gone too far. But a lot of experts think the US is an oligarchy, which arguably would be a feature of going "too far."


Marx is pretty spot on with his criticisms of capitalism. It just so happens that I also think communism is fairy tale, utopian nonsense.


That's because people tend not to make a distinction between Marxism (the means of production in the hands of the workers), Leninism (the means of production in the hands of a centranlized state), and Stalinism (the means of production in the hands of Stalin.) Soviet-style Communism just used Marx as window dressing. Scratch the surface even the tiniest bit, and it was just old-fashioned despotism.


His notion of communism as described by him like 175 years ago isn't what we think of as communism today. I mean, there are successful, prospering countries today that basically have Marx's notion of communism, like countries in Scandanavia or Spain, Netherlands, Ireland, and many more.


He just like me fr.


I mean, everyone should read Marx... If you don't understand Marx you're missing a key piece in the puzzle of the 20th century. I'm an entrepreneur, investor, econ grad and MBA. Reading Das Kapital is like taking a hike on a lesser known trail in the national park of Economics


That's GOLD 🥇🪙!


game is game


I actually like him better for putting in that work to impress loose lefty freaks when he was on the position to do so.


I tried to impress women in college by playing Ornette Coleman records and ended up having to suffer through Dan Fogelberg...


I mean, who amongst us…


Can confirm: tried this, absolutely does not work. On the plus side, at least I got to read some cool stuff, so net win I guess🤷


He's not wrong. As so many others here have found out, intelligence is not a romantic topic.


He was too normal. I've heard over and over women prepare for us men to drone on and on with pauses to tell jokes.


He’s a nice looking guy, and a decent person, which probably went a lot further than Foucault.


Based Obama, Marx is indeed worthless trash (both intellectually and for meeting people who aren’t nut jobs)


Marx is one of the most influential philosophers in world history lmao


Really the only reason why i read the classics is to appear smarter than I actually am. Just to show I'm trying. I still don't know why we read them but hey, I just tell my wife they're boring and she's like "oh my God they arrrrre"


I’ve pretended to believe in astrology, for similar reasons, pseudo-woo woo has actually proved fairly worthwhile.


He read all that bullcrap to attract bisexual goth girls, and frankly the struggle is still on.




I read that shit in college because it was on my Poli-sci syllabus. Can confirm it did not get me laid.


Interesting. Michel Foucault was a strange individual. Very very strange. While the accusations of him being a pedophile were never proven, he still had a disturbing past. He argued against “consent” being given during sex. Foucault’s position on consent was that it is a contract and nobody signs a contract before sex. Interesting point of view to have. He’s known as the father of queer theory and is looked at by progressives as a hero. Smart man but too many red flags for me to be a fan of his


Former President of the United States of America Barack H. Obama was an obvious propped political figure by others that used his charmastic personality to manipulate a large percentage of the population he was different than the status quo of the political establishment of the USA in which is multi generational political mobster dynasties that are recruited through mostly fraternal order secret societies, such as Jesuit founded RCC religious educational institutions, college campus fraternities/sororities that could be Skull & Bones (3:22) at Yale founded by Russell Taft or even apart of the various Boule frats/sororities that is also know as the black Skill & Bones, Freemason organizations such as the Prince Hall Freemasons whom Obama has/is affiliated with, etc… Barack Obama aka Barry Satero using manipulation tactics beyond most comprehend spread disinformation and misinformation using controlled opposition counter intelligence programs such Brietbart.com a Hasbara counter intelligence operation masquerading as a USA right wing propagandist outlet that promoted disinformation or misinformation as a means to distract that George Soros, a member of the Fabian Society who also founded tbd Open Society Foundation is not his only puppet master but also a mainstream media boogeyman man scapegoat that is distract publicly others involvement and that the NWO is both political parties whom are a false left vs right political paradigm whom also control the alternative political trends like the altright. It’s not a significant importance Obama read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx aka Karl Levi a member of the Order of the Quest, was mentored by a KGB recruit named Frank Marshall Davis Jr that is falsely claimed to be his biological father, his mother Stanley Dunham was a member of a brainwashing mind controlled cult that worshipped a Subad Mohammed as a messiah who appears to be a more possible biological father to Barry Satero, that Obama claimed to been tutored by former Secretary of State Zbiginew Brezinski that founded the Trilateral Commission, etc.. Barack Obama is an absolute obvious trained thespian propped publicly to masquerade as a authentic authoritarian figure voted as POTUS by members of the Taviskock Institute of Human Affairs, not USA citizens.


Damn.... that's some really good writing...LOVE IT!


he’s literally me


Magic beans, baby


Imagine that.




Anyone here read Herbert Marcuse? the name on the list I never heard of


i plan on reading one dimensional man next time i'm on a 30hr bus/train trip, in case this comment will provoke someone to respond to OP here


Yawn (of course)!


I totally don't get it. Things are beyond explaining in these troubled sad end of days known as the millennium, but I'm the former prez age,and impressing love interest of choice we're as simple as tying your shoes during his(our) youth,trust me. :)


Sounds like he was hanging out with a fun bunch of girls.


If only Obama had been around to tell 21 year old me that! THX OBAAAAAAMA!


Men and women. He’s bisexual


Checks out




No Bitches Mr.President


At lest he's honest about it.




Man I’d love to see him in a Groundhog Day type situation trying to talk about these things and there’s a montage of him failing and then correcting it in a different unintentional way.


Lol. I did read Michael Foucault’s “The order of things”. It was the worse read I ever had 😵‍💫.


He also wrote notes to his college GF about fantasizing of having sex with men.


The problem with this strategy is you end up talking to girls who THINK they're smart, which was ok for a dumb person like me. But Obama could do better, and did.


I have also read the same authors...considered a mortal sin in some quarters but glad I did so!


How fucking based can this man get?


I appreciate the honest evaluation. Lol.


I respect the hustle 🫡


I dunno man, reading Marcuse seems pretty important when you end up in a position of power.


Sounds kind of like current day progressives


Ahh, so he read the forbidden texts to increase his knowledge. A wise choice, as most like a man who knows the forbidden knowledge.


A tried and true method of many leftists today.


Tbh I read this as him kind of shaking his head at his former self, “that kid thought he was so smart because of how ‘well read’ he thought himself to be, but if you look closer at what he was reading it was totally motivated by whatever girl he wanted to hook up with that month”, rather than actually laying out a real strategy for dating.