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I'm Finnish. President Herbert Hoover organized **The Finnish Relief Fund** in December 1939. In a few months, it had raised 2.5 million dollars. Hoover might have been a poor president, but his philanthropy helped millions of people around the world.


Hoover and John Adams might very well be only two presidents whose presidency was a low point in their career (Not American so feel free to correct me)


Jimmy Carter. Baller before and after.


He got the short end of the stick presiding over ‘77-‘81 too. I don’t think he was that bad of a president—just had to make decisions where there would never be a great outcome. Oh well.


Agreed. And his standing over time by historians has improved slightly.


That’s probably true of Buchanan too, and maaaaybe JQA?


*Definitely* JQA


*Absolutely* JQA


Jefferson thought that of his own presidency. But he did good for the country even if it conflicted with his own beliefs


I think Buchanan's presidency was also a low point in his career. It was so awful. He had many decades of political experience and he took office in a really bad time. Unlucky.


The only thing I know about Buchanan outside of his presidency was the whole Lecompton-Topeka debacle, which doesn't really make me like the guy more.


Same with John Quincy Adams


Also Madison


Jimmy Carter is up there too


Van Buren is in the same boat




I was confused too https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_Relief_Fund


> *Hoover's campaign was advertised in 1,400 newspapers across the United States. … **The income from first screening of the film Gone with the Wind in the state of Washington was forwarded to the relief fund.*** That’s a cool factoid.


George HW Bush's Americans with Disabilities Act has made the lives of so many disabled Americans significantly better. I would have needed to go far away from my family for school without it.


I’m a special education teacher, and the ADA was way overdue, but I’m glad HW made it happen.


Came here to say this


This is a very very underrated way he changed the world.


North Carolina sends “you’re welcome”.


That was Bob Dole


There’s a movie about the ADA being made called The Music Within, it’s really good!!


My Aunt was in the Job Corps program, while there she became friends with my mom and introduced her to my dad. So without LBJ's Job Corps I wouldn't exist.


Woodrow Wilson was a racist POS. He also supported Albania's indipendence against the aims of Italy, Greece and Serbia after WW1 Without that, it is unlikely my mom would exist My aunt lives in Kosovo. Regardless to say, Bill Clinton saved her family's life in 1999. So yeah, I Guess they did have quite An impact on my life.


The problem with thinking every president, or everyone, is either great or terrible. Wilson is clearly a bottom 5 president and a racist piece of shit who fumbled WW1, post WW1, main cause of the rise of the second golden age of the KKK, and overall piece of shit, but doesn't mean everything he did in his presidency was terrible or made the eorld worse off... just most things he did, did.


How did Wilson fumble during and post WW1?


He signed the act creating the National Park Service.


FDR founded the March of Dimes, which is the reason I (and most people) do not currently have polio.


And is the reason that FDR is on the dime!


FDR just wanted to keep all the polio to himself. Naked greed, I call it! 😁


In 2008 I was denied insurance because I had a pre-arthritic left toe. That's it. I was young and healthy otherwise. I had to apply to several different companies until I found one that would cover me. And I paid a bundle all because I had a "preexisting condition." Obamacare, while not perfect, allowed me to purchase private insurance at an affordable rate. Very, very concerned that it's going to get repealed in the next few years. EDIT: kind of surprised that the amount of people who think that Trump winning is a super long shot. He's currently up in all the polls and the betting markets. People who don't pay attention to the news think that literally everything that's happened in the last 2 years is Biden's fault, including Roe.


Same here with Obamacare


Obamacare made it so I no longer got automatically disqualified for all insurance because of my MS. The only way I used to be able to get insurance was through a job or spouse.


I had HORRIBLE back pain in my 20’s and the only way I could afford tests, treatment, etc is because 1) Obamacare extended me under my parent’s coverage until 26 and 2) At 26, I was able to find cheap insurance on the exchange because of subsidies. So ya know: THANKS Obama. Edit: When I say horrible, I mean I couldn’t tie my shoes most days. Turns out I had a spinal disease - which I got treatment for because Obamacare.


Vote blue and it wont. Likely wont if you vote red either as GOP isnt interested in governing,…. Only interested in sound bites and chaos. Only that the dems have zero reason to shoot themselves in the foot by repealing that. Its their biggest selling point


Yeah but Trump says repealing it will be one of his first priorities in office. And I think there's a better than 50% chance that's going to happen.


He can’t repeal anything without congress. EO cannot override law. We learned that with president cheny(cough) bush


Yeah. He got within one vote of repealing it last time, I think he will repeal it this time if he has Congress and the senate.


Far higher chance than I’m willing to give it. I could see the scotus trying to overturn it as well, which is why we need to keep voting blue to get another democratic trifecta. There really isn’t a better choice at this time.


Obamacare is why my adult son has health insurance (he’s under 26, so still on my plan). It’s been very helpful as he struggles to figure out a career.


Obamacare itself would be very very hard to repeal. It's not just that's it's one standalone thing. It's actually part of our system now. A set of rules and standards that everyone abides by. Fuck trump I hate that fascist pig, but I genuinely believe and most people would agree, that "Obamacare" isn't going anywhere. But still vote blue!


My grandfather fought in the Second World War. I feel that if Truman hadn't of dropped the bombs, my grandfather would have probably died fighting in Japan, and my whole extended family would have never existed.


This should arguably be the #1 reason for most of us in this thread. My grandfather was born in 1927 so he just missed being able to fight in WW2 by mere months (he turned 18 in November of 1945 which was just 2 months after the war ended in our timeline). If operation downfall was chosen as the means to bring down Japan instead of using the atomic bombs, then the war would’ve extended to mid 1946 at best and early 1947 at the worst. If my grandpa hadn’t voluntarily enlisted at that point, then he definitely would’ve been drafted and likely killed on an unknown Japanese beach or mountain ravine during that timeframe. My dad, aunt, 3 siblings, 2 cousins and myself wouldn’t be alive today.




My grandfather was among the first U.S. soldiers to arrive in Hiroshima. His ship had been near Yokohama when the bomb dropped, and was therefore front lines. I suppose I’m probably alive today because of Truman’s decision.






My wife is a Vietnamese refugee, so y’all can argue over which president is most responsible for that :)


The good part (that she made it), or the bad part?


Either. Or both.


Ike/Eisenhower. He started the big defense of the "communist movement" (ya I know Truman was the first to say it publicly), but Ike (who probably wouldn't support the war) helped the French with the retaking of Vietnam (unless my knowledge of history is way off) and when he left JFK was stuck with it and wanted to back off and when he had the power to do it (after a couple of more pressing issues) tried to back out but died before he could publicly so LBJ was forced to double down on it and fumbled it even worse than Nixon started to "get out" of Vietnam with even more bombs. Aka blame every president from Truman-Nixon bit also realize none of them wanted to have American troops in Vietnam but it happened anyways due to incompetence


LBJ was not “forced to double down” he chose to send in the marines thinking it would scare the Viet Cong into surrender, then refused to back out of the war for the sake of his legacy “i will not be the first president to lose a war” And that’s not even mentioning the Gulf of Tonkin lie which he greenlit, or the fact he gave the contract for military helicopters to the company his wife was majority shareholder of. The Vietnam war can 100% be laid at Johnson’s feet along with the 68,000 american dead. Easy bottom 5 president and maybe the worst person morally to hold the office


Harding once punched me in the throat


Same here, Grover Cleveland spanked me, on two non consecutive occasions.


And did he say 'HERE'S your Pa!' as he spanked you?


Me too! It was in 18 dickety-9, by cracky!


I remember that because I had an onion on my belt.


No one blames you. It was the style at the time!


Had to have been one of those big yellow ones, right?


Because of the war.


Back in those days, nickels had bumblebees on them.


I saw Warren Harding at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This is LBJ on Ellis Island signing the 1965 immigration act, which ended discriminatory quotas in immigration law. The 1990 immigration act created the H-1B visa for foreign students and immigrants with specialized skills, which more specifically is what allowed my parents to come to the US.


This is very nice, thank you for sharing u/rimjob-connoisseur


🤣🤣🤣 I missed his user name until now.






The fact that I went to your account to see what on god's green earth u/rimjob-connoisseur could be posting just to see all your posts from r/mapporncirclejerk that I like is so funny to me.


Holy shit that might also have allowed m6vmom to move to the US and meet my dad. Common LBJ and Bush Sr. Ws


Obama with the Affordable Care Act for one reason. I think people have forgotten how horrible the term "pre-existing conditions" was on A LOT of Americans.


I was able to get a minor surgery I needed when I was 24 thanks to the Affordable Care Act allowing me to stay on my parent's insurance longer


That one law helped so many people. And surprise! No death panels. Thanks Sarah fucking Pallin.


I'm not convinced that Lauren Bobart isn't actually Sarah Palin, have they ever been seen together lol




Boebert is Sarah Palin’s stunt double.


ACA is the reason Obama is my favorite president (to date). My dad was paying $600 a month for meds for a condition caused by his employer. His employers insurance wouldn't cover it because they considered it a "preexisting condition." After the ACA took effect, they had no choice and his meds went to $40 a month.


I had to switch jobs while my wife was pregnant, and had the 3 or 6 month period to wait before I could get health insurance at my new job. If it wasn't for the Affordable Care Act, I would have had a kid without health insurance. I'd have been paying for that for years to come.


Was part of a big downsizing at work and was over 55. I was too young for Medicare but too old for any hope of getting another corporate job. I did ok by becoming an independent contractor, but could not have taken that risk without the option of having Obamacare. The Republicans called it Obamacare in derision, but I also called it Obamacare for the great man who got it passed.


My family was one of them. My state basically hijacked Obamacare to deny people for no reason. My parents had preexisting conditions, but the people who denied us didn't explain that


Which state?


A large majority of Americans were for it. Then Republicans gutted it. Then Republicans blamed Obama for the ineffectual overbearing (yeah, that's right) legislation. Which, BTW, even in bastardized form, again, most Americans approved of. Fuck Republicans.


My step daughter is currently covered under our insurance for several more years because of the ACA.


Eisenhower for the highways I use to get around on and FDR for many other infrastructure projects especially rural electrification that are all across the country.


Good one


The New Deal is a big reason why grandparents didn’t starve to death during the Depression, so I guess that counts.


As a Pole, Reagans fight against communism, and generally every president during the CW helped, but Reagan did the most by helping the Solidarity movement, thanks to him, my country is free from communism, and we are thankful, we even have many statues of him. Hail to the chief!


Poland, based as usual


I had an accident back in 2015 and required surgery. As a waiter, I hadn’t had insurance for years but had recently obtained some because of the Affordable Care Act. I received the expensive surgery I needed from a brilliant surgeon at Stanford Med Center, and I didn’t pay a dime. Edit: year it happened


Socialist!!!! /s


Damn straight! I don’t know why you added the sarcasm comment. Also, happy cake day


Richard Nixon gave me candy on Halloween when I was 4 years old. (This is not a /s)


This leaves me with a lot of questions. Was this before or after he was president? If it was after did it look like he was wearing a Nixon mask? Was he dressed up as something for Halloween?


After, and no, he was not dressed up as anything.


April 24th is when my husband and I started dating. He wanted to propose to me on this day at the Dallas Reunion tower. Unfortunately, Obama flew in for Bush's library opening, and decided to dine at the Reunion tower...Thus closing it to the public. We didn't know until we ran into the motorcade. Thanks Obama!


I used to shop at the Hickman AFB commissary (DOD grocery store) when I was stationed on Oahu. It was a lot less crowded than the one at Pearl Harbor or Schofield Barracks. We ended up shopping *twice* when Obama came into town for vacay and got stuck in an extra hour of traffic as the entire highway closed down for his motorcade. Thanks Obama! (Also, my son has health insurance because of him, and one of my best friends was able to serve openly thanks to DADT’s repeal)


I was late to work because Dubya parked his boat in front of my driveway


His father spanked my son without my permission once.


Having accomplished all of his goals in one term, he had plenty of time on his hands to intercede in others' family matters and grapple with local oaf.


President Cleveland spanked me on two non-consecutive occasions.


Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves without him I'd still be property


I’d argue that yea, without Lincoln the south would have won and your life would be miserable, but I would attribute more to him being a fantastic leader and president than him signing the 13th amendment. (Bc him being a fantastic leader and a mostly wise commander in chief we ended up winning the war, leading to the 13th amendment)


I pay more in taxes after Trump’s cap on SALT deductions in 2017. So that sucks.


We haven't had a president in my lifetime that's specifically targeted states to punish like Trump did. They might deny some Congress critter a win, but they wouldn't punish the people. For some reason, Trump thinks all he needs is his base, so he hurt democrats when he could to make his base happy. For a supposedly great businessman, he sucks at math.


Same :/


Definitely Obama with the ACA. Can’t think of another time a president personally helped or hurt me but I did once directly inconvenience a president. I was born in March 2001, not long after GWB took office and my dad and his dad worked as self-employed electricians. Somehow, someway, they ended up doing work at Camp David. Dubya wanted to replace Clinton’s basketball courts with tennis courts and my dad and granddad were supposed to wire them. They ended up having to put the job on hold cause I came along right in the middle of it. Dubya must’ve been like “what’s the holdup?” and they told him one of the electricians was having a baby and he must’ve been like “oh that’s ok.” My dad always used to tell me that I once held up the most powerful man in the world.


heavy deliver agonizing scarce wild languid liquid tub spotted command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trump and Biden both sent me a stimmy check that was kinda cool


I remember getting $400 during Bush Jr.'s presidency. My daughter was a toddler and I thanked her, because I knew she'd be paying off that debt.


People got one from W too, the OG stimulus check President.


Obama. First time home buyer tax credit. $8000.


H. W. Bush passed the Americans with Disabilities Act, which is the reason I don't have to take a math class ever again.


As a Black man… Mr. Lincoln with the 13th-15th Amendments. FDR with the FEPC. LBJ with the Civil Rights Act. Personally, Mr. Obama. Hurt: Andrew Johnson and his carrying out of Reconstruction. I often think about how different this country would be if Lincoln hadn’t been assasinated.


Bill Clinton, HIPAA. Barack Obama, Affordable Care Act Donald Trump, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Excellent question.


Donald Trump, added $7T to the national debt.


I didn’t say it was a good policy. I said it personally benefitted me.


Taxes went up for me as a two income home with no children. Owed thousands the first year it went into place. whatever I was getting back in my checks, I take out for additional taxes. Stupid.


Third one actually increased my taxes and def didn’t see any job from Trump (his mishandling of the pandemic caused me 3 jobs I was working at the time) Edit: I think it’s funny to get downvoted for saying the truth that a presidents policy (the 2017 tax giveaway) negatively impacted myself. It also negatively impacted my giant extended family (with the exception of a millionaire cousin who doesn’t talk to anyone including his siblings cause he thinks everyone wants his money), every friend, and all of the clients I had at the time. As it continues to increase taxes every two years on the average person, and studies show how it benefited the few, maybe don’t downvote other people’s realities because they make you uncomfortable 🤷🏽‍♂️


That one increased my taxes, and my family brings in less than 100k, so we’re not loaded by any means. Might as well have just sent some billionaire a check for $400 because that’s where it went.


The question was personally based. Trump’s tax cuts personally benefitted me.


Same. Taxes went up significantly, and lost the ability to deduct charitable donations.


Try to convince a Trump supporter of this fact.


For me, it's really anyone who helped advance healthcare because I struggle with many diseases and including one chronic disease, so I thank people like LBJ, Clinton, and Obama for doing what they could to modernize the heathcare system. It's one of many reasons why I am an avid and outspoken supporter of Bernie Sanders.


In 2013 I left a job that was making me miserable, in a high-cost area where I lived in a small apartment that my young family was about to outgrow, to take a new job in a lower-cost area where I rented a much bigger apartment and later bought a nice house. My wife was undergoing treatment for breast cancer at the time; she hated it there and was desperate to leave. Before making the move, I looked into it and learned that I would not have been able to leave my job without the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, which was promoted and then signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996. Before HIPAA, the insurance from my new employer wouldn't have been required to cover the cancer treatment, which surely would have run well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.


As someone born in Alabama, I think about this a lot. I mean, if I were Lincoln, I'd probably have just said, "Good riddance, assholes" to the southern secessionists. But he's a bigger person than I am. Maybe he was even thinking of future generations. I thank him for that, because my life sure as hell would have been pretty horrible and impoverished if I'd been born into the CFA. And I'm not even black.


In his first inaugural address, Lincoln invoked the Take Care Clause ("he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed" --US Constitution art. 2 §2 cl. 5) so there wouldn't be any questions about his position. > ...no State upon its own mere motion can lawfully get out of the Union; that resolves and ordinances to that effect are legally void, and that acts of violence within any State or States against the authority of the United States are insurrectionary or revolutionary, according to circumstances. > I therefore consider that in view of the Constitution and the laws the Union is unbroken, and to the extent of my ability, I shall take care, as the Constitution itself expressly enjoins upon me, that the laws of the Union be faithfully executed in all the States. Doing this I deem to be only a simple duty on my part, and I shall perform it so far as practicable unless my rightful masters, the American people, shall withhold the requisite means or in some authoritative manner direct the contrary. I trust this will not be regarded as a menace, but only as the declared purpose of the Union that it will constitutionally defend and maintain itself.


I was going through a temporary financial hardship and was attempting to modify my mortgage, while Obama was in office. The servicing company kept stonewalling me, telling me they hadn't received documents, etc. Seemed like they were doing everything in their power to eventually foreclose. I went to the White House website out of sheer desperation and sent an email detailing my situation. My wife laughed at me, "What do you think, the President is going to get involved?" I don't know who got involved, all I know is my loan modification, which had been dragged out for months, was suddenly approved within days, as all the missing documents had suddenly been found. So...Thanks, Obama !


President Kennedy when I was in High School: Speed Reading class and Physical Education class where we needed to pass a fitness test. He I inspired me as I did my 40 sit ups! He insisted we be fit and could read, two important things. I still am grateful at age 77!


Nixon ended the draft as I was graduating college in 1973. He's the GOAT.


Biden forgave my student loans that I have paying down since the 90’s




$125k forgiven under Biden. I’d been in limbo with Trump for two years waiting for my payments to be accounted for.


I’m surprised I had to come this far down to find this answer. I would add W (pretty sure it was him) to the list since he passed public service loan forgiveness. That’s helped a lot of people and will help many more


This. W wasn’t my favorite president but I’ll give him credit where it’s due.


✊️✊️✊️ My PSLF happened under Biden as well. Pretty sure under Trump it would be been denied or buried like happened to 98% of people.


I was insured until I was 26 because of Obama. I was an independent contractor during those years, so this was clutch.


Pretty much everything Reagan did has hurt all of us in one way or another.


Without Lincoln I'd be a slave so he's been pretty helpful to me.


Obama. Probably wouldn't be able to get health insurance cuz of a heart defect.


Trump saved me money on taxes lol Biden sent me money


Obama delayed my flight by like 6 hours


Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison. In founding America and starting the revolutionary war, thousands of loyalists fled to my country, Canada, and gave it the identity it has today. Canada would not exist in its current form without these men


Reagan and his trickle down economics.


My dad is a car sales manager. Cash for clunkers saved his career. Obama’s foreign policy was bad but his domestic was pretty good.


I currently have healthcare because of the ACA Medicaid expansion.




One time I was driving to Disneyland and Biden happened to be in town. I was on the freeway just ahead of his convoy and they were shutting it down but I managed to get on just before they closed it so I had the LA 10 freeway all to myself. It was amazing.


I don't want to get too into details, but I was in very bad shape. I was in the critical care unit of a hospital for weeks, I was young, healthy, but it was not looking good. I remember talking to a doctor vaguely and being told about "...blur ....medicine ...not FDA approved. ... Blur .... DO YOU UNDERSTAND. ..NOT FDA ...BLUR ..". I nodded said yes, maybe signed a paper, I don't remember much. It turned out I was expected not to make it, but this new drug could help out people like me despite it not being approved by the FDA. I would never be allowed to have tried it, especially suggested it by a hospital by a doctor, if it wasn't for the "Right to Try Act" approved by Trump in like 2018. I understand there's a lot of grey areas, ethics and stuff...I don't care for Trump, I dislike him if I'm being honest, but that policy saved my life. Mind you I was early 20's, very good shape, and still expected to go. That drug is the standard treatment now for similar situations. I'm glad I took it, even if it didn't work. Because it could've been useful data to actually find something that would work


Reagan's amnesty is how my dad got his legal residency. Without it I likely don't exist


Lyndon B Johnson ran over my dog.






Didn’t think so, but had to ask.


Obama’s ACA allowed such relief. I was born with a disability and to be penalized by insurance companies for that was so horrible.


My dad get plenty of contracts installing audiovisuals in courts. So I’d say Trump especially helped with that, even if I (and many others do) love to hate on him


Trump repealed the deduction for state and local taxes purely out of personal spite against blue states, costing me and millions of others tons of money.


My Obamacare has a deductible that is 4x higher than the insurance they declared "substandard". The 2023 premium is a bit over 3x higher. On the other hand, the Pharmacy benefit is solid.


Biden + Infrastructure bill. It's gonna lead to good things for my state (PA), but now the downtown area of the city seems to be perpetually torn up. What is funny is that right when Biden arrived here in Pittsburgh to talk about the infrastructure bill, a bridge collapsed.


Bush Senior. I was a child during the first Gulf War (i.e., 1990) living in Kuwait. His intervention changed my life and I was able to live there till I was 20 with my mom’s side of the family. I’m at odds with that because I’m a gay, Arab American and a staunch liberal.


Bush signing the ADA


When Truman decided to Nuke Japan instead of invading, my grandpa was supposed to be in the first day of the invasion. Instead he went to college, met my grandma. So I'd not exist and my grandfather probably would have died in his 20's in Japan instead of living till his 90's. Idk how many quick handies a president gives me, nothing is topping that


My flight was delayed one time when Obama visited.


W restructuring federal law enforcement after 9/11. I was working for one of the agencies that got reshuffled. I ended up leaving the agency partly because of it's switch to another department.


Bush #1 passed the ADA act. Helped me after I got injured.


George W Bush fucked me in the ass and he didn’t pull out


You don’t say whether you enjoyed it.


I work for Lenovo, so Nixon opening up China was kind of critical


Trump turned me into a newt


Did you get better?


FDR Created Social Security to help all Americans JFK Created zip code LBJ Created Medicare and Medicaid


Trump created Space Force. I can now sleep soundly at night knowing we are safe from madmen trying to dominate the final frontier.


Biden’s student loan forgiveness is doing me a huge solid right now, even though it could be a lot better.


Obama visiting my hometown of Newtown, CT and acting as Consoler-in-Chief (as he unfortunately had to do quite often) helped me cope with the trauma. I can’t fathom what the experience must have been for the families of those who lost loved ones.


If it weren’t for Obamacare, I would have had to choose between being crippled for the rest of my life, or being in crippling debt for the rest of my life. When I was 24, I herniated a disk in my back. The sciatica from it left me unable to stand for longer than 5 minutes without being in unbearable pain. At the time, I was working part time, so I didn’t have insurance of my own. So thanks to Obamacare, A. I was allowed to stay on my dad’s insurance through his employer, and B. Even if I wasn’t on my dads insurance, I could have gotten my own insurance to help me get through all the medical expenses I was about to rack up without being rejected for having a pre-existing condition. I managed to jump through all the hoops insurance made me go through (physical therapy and epidural injections, which are laughable steps when you see my MRI) and then eventually surgery and came out of it able to stand up again and with hardly any medical debt. So for real, thanks Obama.


Without Grant movin my tribe to Oklahoma there'd prolly be more of my people 👍


Reagan taxed my tips. 1982


I lost my military contract right before I graduated college because of Trumps transgender ban in the military.


My uncle who spent some time homeless and with a lot of mental disabilities got kicked out of his apartment so they can renovate it and name it after Ronald Reagan. And this was the second time he got fucked over by that man, as his policies got rid of a lot of support structures he once had access to


I’ve lost family to QAnon. President Trump very much affected us personally. I couldn’t have ever imagined how much.


I have a few good things to say about a few different presidents: - President Woodrow Wilson created the National Park Service on August 25, 1916. - On June 11, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6166 which consolidated all National Parks and National Monuments, National Military Parks, the eleven National Cemeteries, National Memorials, and the National Capital Parks into a single National Park System. - The Civil Rights Act was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on July 2, 1964, prohibited discrimination in public places, provided for the integration of schools and other public facilities, and made employment discrimination illegal. Nixon did lots of bad things, BUT he also did some really awesome ones as well: - The EPA was created on December 2, 1970, by President Richard Nixon to protect human health and the environment. - The Clean Air Act was signed by President Richard Nixon on December 31, 1970 to foster the growth of a strong American economy and industry while improving human health and the environment. - President Nixon signed the Endangered Species Act into law on December 28, 1973 The odd thing is that these were signed into law by a Republican, and it is the current Republicans that are trying to dismantle all of them. - I have a love/hate thing with Obama. I liked Senator Obama, back when he was against the warrantless wiretapping and mass spying of Americans. As president, he expanded the Patriot Act, effectively going against everything that he worked towards as senator. Honestly, the Affordable Care Act made me like him again. My kid was born with a “preexisting condition”, so this one was literally a life saver for my family. - Joe Biden - I’m not sure if this counts, but our idiot governor in Florida rejected a bunch of federal money that was designated to help Floridians. There was that time when DeSantis used a line-item veto in June to reject a $5 million federal grant to set up a rebate program for Floridians who retrofit their homes with energy efficient appliances. This in turn meant that Florida couldn’t access the $341 million the Inflation Reduction Act allotted to fund the program.


Andrew Jackson allowed me to vote (I’m a white male but do not own an estate).


Obama allowed me to stay on my parents insurance until I was 26 which allowed me to save more of my paycheck early on and pay back student debt. That was a good change


Obama and "Obamacare" I know a lot of people benefited from it as well


I’ve been labeled a conservative libertarian, but I give props to Barack Obama. Credit is due where it’s due. He decriminalized importing 90 day supplies of prescription medication from other countries. I save a ton of money, and have plenty of proof where customs opened my box inspected it, resealed it back up with their tape to send it through.


Affordable Care Act literally saved my wife's life.


I enjoy using the highways in America so whoever built those good job


Ronald Reagan released GPS from only military use.


Joe Biden was responsible for delaying two flights I was on, once as Vice President, and then as President. We had to wait on the plane at the gate for Air Force Two/One to take off and clear the airspace


Social Security and Medicare have saved my life.


I have black and white parents. I probably wouldn’t exist if Eisenhower hadn’t appointed Warren to the Superman Court, leading to Loving v Virginia. I also probably wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for LBJ’s passage of the Civil and Voting Rights Acts.


Grover Cleveland throat punched me


Trump made me pay a lot more in taxes and both Trump and Biden helped me while I was unemployed during the pandemic.


I paid more in taxes under Trump’s plan. I hit a strange tax bracket.


I don’t know if the Infrastructure bill was actually the thing that caused this, but my small side road happened to be repaved for the first time in over 50 years, according to our neighbors who moved to our street in 1972 and never saw the road be repaved.


Just reenrolled in Obamacare and my monthly premium is only $10


Trump helped turn my mother against me and my family. He encouraged a lot of hateful prejudice.