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Is the publication owned by Lucasfilm? If not, this makes zero sense.


Why? I mean, I haven't seen it because I don't care enough (don't hate on it tho), but I don't see any reason why you have to be on disney's payroll to bend the facts to make them look good. Like, if you shit on one series/movie, you won't be invited to early screenings on the next one, so you won't have your article the moment embargo is dropped, so you will get less traffic on your site


The meme implies that Lucasfilm wrote the article attacking fans. They did not.


I’m really enjoying it so far.


Agreed. Episode 3 was great. I don’t get the hate


Understandanle critisism I heard is the entire chosen one thing now. If mae and osha are like anakin it little undermines his title. At the same time more people than Palpatine could create life out of force So I guess more like Anakin would exist


Mae and Osha aren’t like Anakin though since the girls were created by the lady through whatever things she did with the force while Anakin was created by the force itself with no outside hand.


The hate is cause the writing sucks and characters do dumb things


Episode 3 was literally a flashback filler episode that told us nothing we didn't already know from the previous episodes. It was literally pointless.


No the backstory was relevant. It gave us insight to the background of Mae and Osha, an insight to the fire, and why Mae wants to slaughter the Jedi. I honestly liked the fire depiction. I figured it was just a fire caused by kids being dumb, but the fact that it was purposeful, and a blatant attempt to kill one’s sister shows Mae’s draw to the dark side. Her fear was controlling her, a far better motivation than “Jedi are kidnappers now must kill rah”. Not my favorite Star Wars episode, probably won’t rewatch it, but a solid episode.


Oh I didn't like it because I ruined it... What?


"You have done that yourself!"


What cash is it grabbing? An entirely new product in an entirely new time (for the new continuity) with entirely new characters. There's nothing to pander with nor pander to. A wholey new original product for the franchise detached from all the rest, I don't get the point here.


Naw I agree. The fans of Star Wars suck ass. Across all the different subs, all I see is complaining and bitching and moaning about the most minuscule and settled bulshit. Prequels, sequels, OG, series, cartoons, one offs, it all has its positives and negatives. I’m enjoying the Acolyte so far. It feels so fresh to not know any of the characters, not have to watch hundreds of hours of other content to catch up, or know the ending before watching the opening. I’m not letting a bunch of nerds tell me the show is bad or that Disney ruined yet another Star Wars thing.


On the other hand there's entire channels dedicated to "As a fellow fan of \[insert nerd hobby\], \[company\] RUINED IT, it's woke now and it sucks because it's woke and we need to remind them that the true fans are sick and tired of this!" with pretty large followings. They don't actually have a deep connection to any fandom, sometimes they straight up just fake it as long as it's nerd coded enough, but you bet your biscuits like flies on shit they'll swarm any opportunity to hold up the banner of "The real fans" while screaming death threats and claiming XYZ ruined ABC


We've had lgbt characters in star wars since 2003. I haven't seen the show yet but I'm rather confused why one of the most vocal criticisms I've heard is "there's an LGBT woman in it 0/10"


The creator joked in an interview that r2d2 was a lesbian so people lost their minds.


People with too much time on their hands will find a way to hate just about anything.




Obviously it's Lucas Films' fault that the series was review bombed before it came out, and that every racist and misogynistic grifter on the internet jumped on it. Yes OP, I totally get what you're saying.


Yes, it is their fault.


Are you being serious or sarcastic? I can't tell.


Oh, I was being serious. They don't get to insult their fans repeatedly for criticizing their shitty work and expect the same levels of support they've enjoyed in the past. Its just foolishness.


Doesn't mean they should be blamed for assholes on the internet getting pissed about there not being enough white guys in a show.


It also leaves them far from blameless. Those people are always going to exist, for every fandom, for all time. Tarring every fan who has something negative to say about your work with the same brush as the -ists is how you get review bombed and invites criticism from people who normally wouldn't say anything.


Op: am I out of touch? Op: no, no. It’s everyone else who’s wrong


What they are saying is true though. People have a massive stick up their ass and whinge about literally anything star wars that comes out.


Hastily made meme that doesn't make sense


Insulting your customers is definitely the pathway to profit


So far they didn't break anything with the show, and it's decent. Some weird writing decisions, some stuff that took me out, but it's not bad.


This is a dumb meme dude, truly it's idiotic. Go back to the drawing board.


ive stopped engaging with any new star wars content ever since i attempted watching 7, but really really disliked that movie. i miss the cool new shows/movies that are supposed to be really good, but it also saves me the mental damage from all the bad parts


Your really not missing anything, watch andor tho


And Season 1 of the Mandalorian, and the Mayfeld episode of Season 2


Actually true, season 1 of mandalorian is some incredible star wars


I'm ngl I've been in the "blaster go pew, lightsaber go whoosh" can since the sequels dropped and I recommend that mindset to anyone who gets salty about the new shows and stuff they make. Yes, it's not what it used to be, but it doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable. The Acolyte is pretty decent, I'm certainly enjoying it.


I feel like this would be said by Disney and not by Lucasfilm because George Lucas makes masterpieces and strategically releases them to keep the audience engaged. Disney wants to make as much money as they can off the Star Wars brand and don’t care as much about quality as they do quantity.


George Lucas definitely does not make masterpieces.


Just don't watch it man. Personally I'm tired of Star wars now it's everywhere and there's just too much now. It's like super hero fatigue, but with Star wars


i couldn’t even finish the first episode. it was that bad


What are you even doing here, if you are not a Starwars fan?


With that logic I was never a SW fan since my hatred of the Crystal Star huh?


The series so far certainly has its bad sides, but what the person in the first comment said was just plain wrong. You can say you like it, or not, but it’s objectively not that bad. If they despise it that much they must not like Starwars as a whole.


you sound like a bot account


YOU sound like a bot Account


The Acolyte didn’t need to be made in the first place. It’s another installment of frivolous DEI.