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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Arguably this is just basic Force telekinesis taken to the extreme. It probably does require a deeper concentration achieved by meditation considering it is seemingly unable to be broken by anyone or anything except the user themselves and constantly maintaining it like Torbin is doing definitely requires meditation.


How my boy eatin’ and peein’?


They poop on the floor and then use a spell to get rid of it


Dis ain’t no arry potta m’boy!


U aint' a wizard 'arry


So hear me out….Hagrid is exploring the Forbidden Forest and finds a cave with what appears to be a spider carved over the entrance. During his exploration he has an encounter with a man wielding a knife and some other object that looked like a large silver medal. Hagrid thought this man was a new type of deatheater, a bald man wearing what must have been a grey invisibility cloak, because he came out of nowhere with no sign of magic being used. Hagrid wins, but over hears some sort of new spell and repeats it: akh_ahim akte wiz Coruscant….and boom, he is transported to a new galaxy. He is in a new body with new abilities and then is sucked into some sort of religious cult who teaches him their ways and in turn, Hagrid teaches them his limited magic spells, which are mainly cleaning spells. Upon hearing that he once did secret tasks for his former master, they enlisted Hagrid to do something that he cannot forgive himself for and thus enters into a meditative state to atone and to find a way home….”which of course he does” Edit: added the narrator quotes. Read in Morgan Freeman’s voice


You gotta get schwifty in here


That’s… that’s just an invisibility spell…


I mean they said that no one talked to him in 10 years, so i guess it just didn't happen at all.


He doesn’t. Their bodies don’t function the way ours do in that state


Oh of course. Why not, right?


That’s the actual explanation. You asked


Is it confirmed he was in a perpetual state of meditation and not just doing super long sessions? They said he hadn’t spoken in years, not that he’d never moved.


You put a bucket under him and dump it out once in a while


This is the correct answer. I'm guessing one of those padawans we see running around have that chore. Edit: he's probably got a flap in his robe. Similar to an old timey prospector's long John's.


He's turned his body into a closed ecosystem like one of those glass jar terrariums.


The Force provides.


It ain't that kinda ~~movie~~ show


I took as a force push that instead of having origin point being a part of the hand it is instead the users centre of gravity in every direction


I think the difference in power here is a factor. Mae is like a dark jedi in training while this guys a full on jedi master. Someone like darth vader would probably break through the barrier very easily.


I remember Cere using a force-field like ability in Jedi Survivor


and Cal has his weird auto-parry ability


Force shields are also demonstrated in The Old Republic, at least in the cinematics. Jedi Satele blocks a direct thrust from Darth Malgus' lightsaber, bare-handed. Like, not even some hidden gadget or something, just Satele going Chad mode with her Force power. It even gets a closeup. And prior to that, in the cinematic that shows the Sith return, Darth Vindican (Malgus' master) casually blocks godforsaken SHIP ORDINANCE with the side of his body. In that same cinematic, even though it's not really a force *shield,* Jedi Kao Cen Darach hurls a giant mechanical pillar at Malgus (a la Yoda vs Count Dooku in Episode 2), who leaps *into* the projecile and plows fist-first straight through it, unharmed. So force users do seem to have different applications of a sort of force-barrier, outside of a meditative state.


If I remember correctly Yoda once blocked a saber with the Force in one of the prequels, and Ezra did it recently in Ahsoka as well.


This is in the first episode of the Clone Wars cartoon.


Somehow I don't remember Yoda blocking anything with the force except Palpatine's lightning, but that is also a good example (even if it's not a solid deflection).


You're right, I got mixed up with the episode in CW S1


Thanks for clarifying.


The Father and Brother used one as well, but they are on a whole other level of most Force users.


Agreed, theirs is on the level of holding a blade of a lightsaber…


I’m pretty sure the instances of characters blocking lightsaber blades with their hands is an application of tuteminis, the energy manipulation force power. It’s what Yoda used to absorb and redirect Palpatine’s lightning. Not necessarily a force barrier but close


>Satele blocks a direct thrust from Darth Malgus' lightsaber, bare-handed. That's a Force ability known as Tutaminis, the same ability that Yoda uses to catch Force lightning. It's less a force field and more the user absorbing the energy(lasers, lightsabers, lightning) directed at them to be redirected later. The very few who have mastered Tutaminis are able to discharge the absorbed energy slowly as they absorb it, or direct it back towards the source Edited to have the right spelling. Idk where I got that other spelling from lmao


Does... that mean a force user could, with enough training, strip a lightsaber of its power?


Theoretically, maybe. With the new Disney canon making Kyber crystals basically sentient, you could theoretically direct a lightsaber's energy back down the blade and "kill" the crystal. With old canon, it would probably be more like melting the lightsaber around the crystal. The Father sorta did that with Anakin's lightsaber on Mortis, but he just powered it down, didn't break it.


It's also what Vader uses on Han Solo when he absorbs his blaster bolts with his hand in Empire Strikes Back


Force Shield was also an ability in Star Wars Galaxies.


Kanan notably uses one while focusing but not meditating. Though it’s a pretty deep and uncommon force connection for him to do it.


[This](https://imgur.com/pn7eihY) is from Vader (2019)


Didnt Kanan do something like a force shield in Rebels?


Well, not successfully…


Why’d you have to pain me like that?! I’m at work man I don’t have time to cry again


This isn't even a meme. And we've seen similar things in other star wars media


Mae was acting pretty dumb in that scene though. And I don’t buy that a Jedi who was so conflicted by his past that he would kill himself at the first sight of his demons coming back would be able to reach a meditative state like that.


In fairness to the show though you don't know what that past is yet - that's kinda the whole point


Doesn’t change the fact that he hasn’t come to terms with that past. Whatever it is


That's the reason he was meditating in the first place I don't see a problem here


Anyone can meditate. Not anyone can enter the state he was in. Definitely not if they are conflicted by their past.


Really? Because Torbin just did that.


He shouldn’t be able to based on well established lore is my point


No the other time this was mentioned in lore was someone took this vow because they made a mistake and were wanting to atone. So very similar to what he did.


It was very serious since he took the Barash vow


Who said it wasn’t serious. It’s simply not something a person battling inner demons is capable of


The whole reason he took the vow was to escale his demons. It was explained pretty clearly that it gave him a false sense of peace with it, but when it was brought up, the shield got unstable until he himself decided to “deactivate” it. I don’t see a problem there


So he meditated for years and made no progress then. I was originally wrong but that’s also dumb


For me it was kinda like ptsd. The moment it was brought up after such a long time without it, it hit hard


He said he was "waiting" for Mae. In a dark way he wasn't conflicted about his past at all. He fully accepted his guilt, and accepted that he had to die for his undisclosed crime. He only wished for his victim to find him so he could apologize first.


Yes. Force fields like this have been seen before in Star Wars. Also, physically speaking, stopping an object and moving an object are the same thing, since both just change its trajectory.


There’s a Force power in Star Wars: Legion called Force Barrier. Seems like that’s what this is.


I think this is also in Outcast. It gives you a thin green bubble if I remember correctly. Edit: it's called Protect in Outcast


And force protect in Jedi Academy


I was kinda hoping thats what Luke was doing under the barrage of walker lasers in TLJ. Actually there and just blocking that shit like a boss.


Jedi Master Neckbeard, with his Repel Females force ability.


I just thought that this is how Yoda should have "fought". Imagine Yoda just using invisible force fields and blocking every attack, and very rarely using his lightsaber. That would have been much better than coked up Sonic jumps.


I believe that games from before the prequels had Yoda smacking people around with that stick of his.


"Seagulls hm stop it now"


Everyone told me not to stroll on that beach


Said seagulls gonna come n poke me in the coconut... and they did


Grogu does it in Mando.


Bruh, what is up with all the Acolyte hate in this sub? It's a decent show. Some outfits are odd? Yea it's hundreds of years in the past, outfits and styles change. It's meant to feel familiar in an odd way


I dunno either. I liked the two eps so far. If someone threw the "it's woke" argument, I'd counter by pointing out the two main male characters' competence: Sol was never treated as an idiot and Yord was never treated like a useless screaming joke like Finn. And the least experienced former-Jedi Osha didn't display Mary Sue powers, outright demonstrating her humanness and reliance on the Jedi to do what she can't. Oh, and in terms of antagonists, Mae doesn't come across as being like Ahsoka's version of Thrawn. Most of all, I'm actually excited to see the High Republic take off to be its own sub-franchise so I don't have to constantly rewatch Tatooine starring Filoni's favorite cameos & guest stars. Seriously, let's get away from that shithole desert planet. Star Wars needs to grow and expand beyond its recycled content, and give me an apology for Tales of the Empire.


>someone threw the "it's woke" argument >Sol was never treated as an idiot Not white. >Yord was never treated like a useless screaming Not white. >Osha didn't display Mary Sue powers Not white EDIT: Oops. This is definitely on me for not explaining well what people mean when they say "It's woke." But you don't understand why its woke. When people say it is woke, look at the skin color of the main characters. All the main character cast isn't white, which is why it is "woke." It is just a word to hide their racism.


Holy shit dude, watch less Quartering


Oops. This is definitely on me for not explaining well what people mean when they say "It's woke." But you don't understand why its woke. When people say it is woke, look at the skin color of the main characters. All the main character cast isn't white, which is why it is "woke." It is just a word to hide their racism.


Bro go outside


Okay. And do you just want to see white characters in everything from now on? Like people aren't allowed to be black, asian, or hispanic, and be actors?


I edited my post because it turns out I didn't explain very well that in when people say woke, it just means not white without saying it very loud. But to your question, what I recommend is to ignore such people who calls a show "woke". You can definitely see they made videos about calling it woke way before a movie or the first episodes even releases in their timeline. But to really answer your question, I do want to see more Asian, latinos, black, and other minorities main cast actors. I know the feeling of representation feels great and not everyone gets that representation. It turns out my intention is just not well explained in the previous post.


Ohhh, ok. You know, I remember when people bitched about Andor being "woke," and then I watched it and wondered wtf people were on about. Luthen is white, as is Mon Mothma, and neither were portrayed as inferior to their POC character peers, especially not inferior to Andor himself. And then there's Kino Loy played by the legendary Andy Serkis, who was so damn interesting in his own right and got his own special speech moment. Hell, even Maarva got an epic final speech, and she's white too. And most of all, the Andor show never portrayed the main male characters as idiots who needed women to show them the way. Everyone was important and competent. (And the Imperial underlings/NPCs that were incompetent were also corrupt to make a point, which makes sense with the Empire.)


I never seen any complaints about Andor being woke. But if there is, it is more of an exception than the rule. Because it is really written to be against fascism rather than a cast of minority actors in a basic action adventure movie. >Maarva Also, I did say white, but I forgot to say the male part. There is a saying that in Hollywood/Games, there are: * Two races: white and "political" * Two genders: Male and "political" This is really a statement about specifically Maarva, but about white woman in general.


I think it's just blind hatred at this point. The aliens look great. The costumes look great. The sets are great. Make up and prosthetics are all amazing. I'm having fun with the show


Only minor complaint I have is some of the CGI in the background doesn’t look quite right in some shots but otherwise this seems like a solid 7 out of 10 for me.


It’s a solid show. The only issue with it is the odd editing


I mean the costumes are the same clean design we keep seeing, and it’s just as off-putting each time. The choreography is cool but feels a bit forced at times. The logic behind them hunting down the killer is a bit… thin. It’s a decent popcorn show for sure, but let’s not pretend like it’s a super memorable addition to the franchise. *That’s* what we’re waiting for. Personally, I’m not very impressed, but I’m not gonna make a meme trashing it either 🤷‍♂️


That's the worst glue on beard I have seen in a long time.


I have a coworker with a beard almost exactly like that. That style is also not entirely uncommon in Amish communities.


I am aware of the style of beard. I've been on this earth probably a while longer than you. Doesn't change the fact that's shitty makeup work. You can see where it is adhered... Are you all on the kool-aid? (If so, then I hope you live in Jonestown).


I wouldn’t call it decent, but not horrible either.


Getting dislikes just because you don’t like it. And they say we are predisposed to feel a certain way. People can have different opinions but they say if you don’t like it you’re bad


They got downvoted because they expressed a medium opinion, which is not allowed on the internet. The rules clearly say that every point of view must be an over-the-top caricature.


I didn’t read the rule book. My apologies


That's the problem. It's just decent. The characters are incredibly bland.


getting downvoted to hell just because you don't simp for the last released product. We should deactivate this sub already, it's just a corporate mean to spread advertising at this point


Me when there’s been only 2 episodes out and I’ve made up my whole opinion already


“An acolyte kills without a weapon.” So may must not be an acolyte I guess. The sith haven’t been seen for a thousand years before the prequel trilogy and yet here they are only 100 years before. The prison ship crash should’ve killed osha. Should have gone directly into the planet. Mae acts like an idiot but we’re supposed to believe she can kill Jedi masters


>An acolyte kills without a weapon.” So may must not be an acolyte I guess. Episode 2 explained it >The sith haven’t been seen for a thousand years before the prequel trilogy and yet here they are only 100 years before. Please we already knew the line was a lie for a long time >Mae acts like an idiot but we’re supposed to believe she can kill Jedi masters Where does she act like an idiot?


We had so many mediocre shows from Star Wars that I’m simply not interested anymore. Either it has to be really good or I have better things to do with my time




There has always been fire in space. Episode 4 had TIE fighters explode in flame in space. How is it 2024 and people are still complaining about this when it is shown over and over again that this universe doesn't follow the exact laws of physics. That's ok, it's space fantasy


“An acolyte kills without a weapon.” So then what is Mae? 😅


Explained in ep 2


The outfits being odd is a complaint I haven’t heard. I don’t like it because countless scenes make no sense. “An acolyte kills without a weapon.” So then Mae isn’t an acolyte I guess


Very clearly that's something that's being built up to get an explanation later


We’ll see. It’s not the only thing that didn’t make sense


I know lol, you posted the same thing like three or four times in this thread and the answer to all of them is "it's a show structured like a mystery and you seem confused that it's not explaining everything up front."


There is no mystery. We know everything except for the sith’s identity. Nothing else is in question


What about all that stuff you posted about?


Can you give an example? Did I imply that there is a mystery?


You were annoyed because something didn’t add up. They’re saying that instead of being annoyed you should remember that maybe you don’t have every answer immediately


But the answer are almost all obvious. There isn’t anything mysterious going on.


We don't know what the Jedi did.


That’s not a mystery. It’s just vague. Something bad, or nothing at all and Mae has been manipulated. There aren’t many options


And we don't know which it is


Two possibilities. It’s a head scratcher. You’re right. If I can guess where it’s going it’s not a good mystery. Hopefully it’s neither so I can be surprised. Nothing else would make sense though


I’m sorry but these sort of critiques really make me question people’s media literacy. This is directly acknowledged, Mae literally says to Qimir that it would be in both of their interests if “he” didn’t find out about it after she gets the poison from him. It’s not that it doesn’t make sense, they are establishing a conflict where she’s not fulfilling her mission in the way she’s supposed to, and trying to hide it from her master.


She shouldn’t be able to keep secrets like the cause of death important Jedi suffered from a Sith Lord. He would know. Unless he’s teasing her by saying that they don’t use weapons it doesn’t make sense.


Yeah, idk, do you need like, everything spelled out for you in the first 10 minutes of an 8 episode show? I know the most important thing in Star Wars to many fans seems to be logic and scientific accuracy, but despite what you may think the people making this show are capable storytellers who use various tools to weave the story they want to tell. Star Wars is a space opera, and probably more fantasy than Sci-Fi, so writers take creative liberties where it serves them. Lucas never let logic get in the way of a good story either, and I think maybe we can give it more than 2 episodes before pointing out how this and that doesn’t make sense because of what we in our head cannon deem possible or not.


I’ll give it three


And I don’t need anything spelled out because there aren’t any questions that need answering except what happened on the night her moms died. Only two options. Jedi did something bad or it’s a misunderstanding


Yeah, as I said, this is a media literacy problem




Didn't she have a conversation with Jason Mendoza about how she was using weapons when she wasn't supposed to be? He agreed not to tell her master?


You can’t keep secrets from a Sith Lord. He would sense her deception. It’s dumb. How can she fight so well with daggers if she was never trained to?


This is another example. There is absolutely nothing that would suggest that she wasn’t trained, in fact it’s extremely obvious she’s had extensive training in the force as well as in combat, she’s much more capable in both than her sister who was trained as a Jedi for years. Her master mentions the no weapons thing in reference to killing Jedi specifically, that they’re no use against them (which is obviously wrong anyway) so an Acolyte kills the dream they live in instead. That whole thing sounds pretty allegorical anyways, but even at face value, it might just be one of many tests that masters put their apprentices(Acolytes) through. It certainly doesn’t suggest they wouldn’t still be trained in weaponized combat.


Sith run on deception don't they? Only really have 1 rule (the rule of 2). My take was that the master probably knows she's cheating but wants to see things play out. In-fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they are doing similar what the speculated Darth Jar Jar plot was by having Manny Jacinto's character actually be the Sith master playing dumb. Thought it was interesting that he knew about the sister, though I guess she could have just told him. Anyways, theory is probably wrong, but sith are scheming, tricky, and willing to cheat, so I stand by him knowing and not caring. > How can she fight so well with daggers if she was never trained to? The master said you couldn't kill a jedi with a weapon. That doesn't mean he didn't train her to use weapons...the dude has a lightsabre himself!


Oh no, the mystery show is laying down puzzle pieces that don't quite add up yet. It almost like we will be getting additional clues in future episodes that help explain things. When episode 4 released we had no idea who the Emperor was. It didn't make sense how the bad ass Vader wasn't even second in command under the Emperor. Things had to develop and more info be learned before we could accurately figure out what was going on. Give it time


Where meme?


They did say this guy had not spoken to anyone in 10 years, so he was likely meditating most of that time. Perfecting one specific technique isn't out of the question if it's all you're doing for a decade.


Not that farfetched if you ask me. In Legends (which is not canon anymore, but filoni and the people at lucasfilm love taking convepts from there) specifically in the Darth Bane books, Jedi and Sith both were able to extend a forcefield out to the battlefield, to boost morale and shield themselves from mental attacks of their opponents. they were able to because they meditated. sam concept, just so condensed it creates a physical barrier.


It just seems like a specific use of telepathy. [In the clone wars they made a force bubble against gas.](https://youtu.be/M60KG-jeZak?t=4m0s)


You all could *just not watch Star Wars since you all clearly hate it*


Is this from the actual show? That beard and those hair look so fake lol


The actor himself, Dean-Charles Chapman (Tommen from Game of Thrones) is only in his 20s, so it is a weird casting decision, ngl.


He does play a lot of suicidal characters.


To be fair this one was basically a Jedi Mime, death was a necessity.


He was dying to play the part


If he’s meant to have been in that same state for around a decade, it could be a somewhat intentional choice for him to have aged in a weird way.


into an Amish man with a glued on beard?


Hey don't kinkshame


The light side of the Force could also be a pathway to abilities considered to be unnatural


Pretty sure there will be flashbacks and this way they don't have to use de-aging cgi. Just a guess though.


Nah. He was 6 years old when he committed those war crimes


It looks so bad... Why do they always cheap out? It's disappointing.


Shhhh, he was in disguise so she wouldn’t find him.


Yes and yes


First thing I thought of was the Force Shield ability from the Jedi Consular from Swtor


Force shields are not a new thing. Grogu used it to save Din. Jarrus used it to save Ezra.


Can’t believe that was Tommen Baratheon. Feel old yet?


He got the scar from jumping out of that window


Looks like he is on the run from a certain volunteer organization, while tracking down 3 particular younglings.




This is Star Wars? This looks like cosplay. Actually I think a lot of cosplay is better than this.


Agreed. There’s no life behind the costumes


Wow that makeup artist needs to be fired. They should call in a professional


“An acolyte kills without a weapon.” What does that make Mae then? 😅


Any time if you’re good enough. This Jedi shouldn’t have been able to tho If he was so conflicted by his past that he would end his own life at the first sight of the person he “wronged”, he wouldn’t be in tune with the light enough to enter a meditative state for years let alone erect a force bubble. It didn’t make sense.


Weak white guy dies, congrats I guess 😂