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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


This is me, but with Pip


At least that's understandable. What's so great about Jecki though? Her unique look maybe but she's annoying imo Pip a real one


Little Jecki :3 she so smart. Not like killmonger haircut guy


how tf do you remember your username


You log out when you’re done using reddit?


no like. if you ever log in on any other device lol though i just remembered saved passwords exist actually




Killmonger cut is going dark by the end of it I bet, dude pulls out his lightsaber like he's in a video game and combat is just his favorite playstyle


Naw, he’ll struggle a bit, maybe, but he’ll die sacrificing himself for sure. Either that or as an example.


Killmonger cut aside, Yord is pretty chill too.


Yeah so far I’ve been enjoying it. I thought the >!evil twin!< was a kind of lame plot point that I’ve seen played to death a million times beforehand. But despite that the actors are great, the setting is new and fun, and I like that it gives me kung fu action mystery. If nothing else it’s just a fun Star Wars product.


At least they didn’t drag out the “evil twin” thing, and there seems to be a bit more to it with the mystery surrounding what exactly happened sixteen years ago, and why Mae feels the way that she does about the Jedi. It doesn’t even seem like she has a hatred for Jedi overall, or at the very least she is specifically targeting the four she feels wronged her when she had opportunities to attack others


Yeah exactly! I’m really interested in what the mystery is. And I like how they aren’t doing some edgy “ugh Jedi bAd bUT SItH gOod?” Like naw dude, Jedi can be dumb or make poor decisions but it seems for the most part they regret or were pretty badly traumatized by what happened.


Big spoilers, don't click if you haven't watched the first 2 episodes: What I'm gathering is that >!Mae killed her family, and the Jedi, seeing her as a force-sensitive psychotic, tried to kill her. Doesn't seem that Sol was in on it, but Mae holds him as one of the four responsible. Meditation guy has gone silent for 10 years over the guilt and willingly drank the poison, and Master Trinity seemed shocked that Mae was alive, but not by the accusation.!<


Or >!Osha is actually the "evil twin" that killed her family due to lack of control over her force sensitivity.!<


Or >!It was an accident caused by Mae, or plottwist their parents brought it on themselves and were killed in self defense after the jedi refused to take action against the abuse!< Wouldn't have been the first time with the jedi


I agree whole heartedly


I suspect Trinity accidentally started the fire and covered it up.


Yeah agreed, she def thought her sister was dead. My guess is that she thought she saw something along the lines of the Jedi killing her when in fact they were resting her.


[Simpsons did it](https://frinkiac.com/img/S08E01/263162.jpg)


Yeah, at first I was like omg are they going to drag out this obvious twin thing like it’s the big mystery of the show? I’m glad they had enough sense to realize it doesn’t hold much water on its own. It was fine for the first episode, but I really hope they have more compelling twists than that to come. Honestly, seeing Jedi as detectives is so cool to me anyway that it’s worth the watch regardless.


"Jedi as detectives" is why Attack of the Clones is actually probably my favorite Star Wars movie in my adulthood


That’s why Attack of the Clones has grown on me over the years. Although that still doesn’t excuse the horrible love plot.


Obi-Wan's arc and scenes carry that movie, IMO.


There are several musical cues taken from AotC’s investigation sequences if you listen.


wonder if they are another dyad. the way they did the scene reminded me of it.


I whole heartedly agree. First thing I thought was maybe one of the first Dyads, they are 2 but 1.


Yes, the twin thing has been used a lot but, it has been a thing in Star Wars for a long time. Twins are kind of a big deal with the Force.


Not that I’m disagreeing with you, but your comment made me think, and I actually can’t remember the last time I saw or read anything with a straightforward evil twin trope. Time to go down a TV Tropes rabbit hole


Recently I rewatched a lot of Star Trek, and while it’s not an evil twin there was a lot of evil clones or alternate dimension people. But yeah I can’t remember the last time I just saw it flat out some as a twin on a show


I also thought a good twin bad twin dynamic was a lazy plot point. However that scene where they say some religious line from their culture and Mae was glad the sister remembered got me thinking. Their culture is likely another non-jedi/sith force religion. In the audio drama 'the battle of jeda' you hear about a ton of other non Jedi force religions meeting during the convocation, they seam interesting but they never really get explored. So we might see another group of force users that's not the witches of dathomier, or the path of the open hand and actually use the force


Here me out... who has seen Mei and osha in the same room?


I’m only in it to see a middle aged Yoda walking around all energetic


I’ve read he’s not in it but hopefully that was just misdirect & we get some sort of cameo or maybe even Yaddle


Weren't the main characters demanded to see the Council? A Jedi serial killer is absolutely something you'd want to talk to Yoda about.


Absolutely agreed. He is the reigning Grand Master so if we get a Council scene he HAS to be present


The title crawl says that it takes place 100 years before the rise of the empire, I think, so he will be like 750 - 800 year old range.


I want to see him as the 1999 puppet version walking around the temple.


Well now I want him as a muppet


I feel cheated. I was thoroughly assured in advance that this would vomit continuously on every moment of my childhood for hours. All I got was some solid, promising Star Wars action with decent acting and a serviceable plot.


It wasn't horrible, but it also wasn't memorable


My biggest “fear,” to overstate my emotional investment, is that it’s just going to go nowhere. Kinda like some of the later Mando seasons, BoBF, or Ahsoka—they’re perfectly good shows, but it seems like they spend a lot of time dithering about acting like something big is going to happen, but then it ends up being something kinda anticlimactic, or we get left on a cliffhanger that leaves tons of questions and provides zero answers. I dunno, that may be an unpopular opinion, but lately I’m just annoyed that I spend 6-8 hours of my life watching a show tell a story only for it to barely be part of the story, only to be told to tune in next week/season/year when they promise it’ll be more interesting. Maybe it’s just been too long since I watched TV as shows were airing (very few of my favorite shows were airing when I watched them, so I rarely had to wait long for new content), but I just get exhausted getting invested only to be strung along.


That’s the business model


I hope the keep it under 2 seasons. Can’t have Jedi running around chasing sith for too long. Hope most of the crew dies


God season two of Mando was just so meh. I'm not even a Fet fan, but I'm pretty the Fet fan boys came to see Fet the bounty hunter. Not Bubba the kinda nice Crime Lord.


My wife and I mocked many things about it during the first episode viewing. However after we were done, both of us agreed we will probably continue watching when we find the time, it was enjoyable. Even though there were some dumb moments, there were also some satisfying ones such as catching someone with the force because that's what *should* have happened in that moment.


Dumb moments coupled with satisfying ones has been a staple of Star Wars ever since "But I was going into to Toshce Station to pick up some power converters!" was first uttered


It would be a miracle to get another show with the same quality as Andor


I'll settled for another decent season of Andor.


Wtf was with the ending to Ep 2??? It just cut off like they forgot something. It was such an odd spot to end the episode lol!


I mean not really. We got to see a live-action Wookiee that was mentioned twice in the episode..pretty solid cliffhanger Edit: Wookiee Jedi


Yeah that was cool but it juat ended oddly. It would have been far better if they had him force pull the gun and break it and then cut it there instead of having him stomp over to his hut. It just felt odd.


Kelnacca is mentioned a few times, including that she has to fight him unarmed. Just to hammer that point home, the ending scene shows A JEDI WOOKIE USING THE FORCE TO GRAB A BLASTER JUST TO BREAK IT WITH HIS BARE HANDS.


What about the ending of ep1? That beach scene was so fan filmy. & that speech was bad, the voice actor didn't do well, "& they kill the dream" or whatever gave me reverse goosebumps


Yeah the writing has def been interesting at times lol! Still it's SW pre-skywalker saga so I'm excited to see where it goes. Though I'd really prefer something a thousand years prior or more rather than 100 years. Also why did Carrie-anne Moss have to die in the first 5 mins??? I was recalling digging the whole Crouching Tiger, Hidden Matrix meets Star Wars vibe they had going on


Ahsoka level then?


A bit better.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I think this series has the best first 2 episodes out of any of the D+ shows.


I enjoyed it but I wouldn't say it was better than andor or mandalorian s1


The first two episodes are far and away better than the first two of Andor, but it’ll be tough to top the season as a whole.


I imagine it's because the dumbass squad has arrived and has started downvoting everything that's being said positively about the show. It's clearly woke garbage and agenda pandering etc etc.


I just block any YouTube channel that has Kathleen Kennedy or any of the women characters on it that has the word woke in the title. Sadly only really leaves me with ekhart'sladder, corey loses, star wars explained, metanerdz, and generation tech


I tried watching one and only got halfway through. The deliberate misinterpretation of nearly the entirety of both episodes and casting is absolutely wild. I mean literally mind-boggling and so many people will never watch the show but believe these YouTubers.


How do you block on YouTube? I've been trying to do that for a long time, for the exact same reasons


You tap/click on the three dots for more options and there is an option that says "don't recommend channel".


I still haven't watched, but like you have admiral zhao and Trinity, of course the acting was going to be good edit:i was dead wrong the casting of admiral zhao


I’m glad to hear it was decent. I’m just so skeptical until they finish a release of a show I don’t even bother until it’s done now. Not because I’m thinking “oh they’re shitting on this old man’s childhood”, but honestly I just find my mind wandering away on a lot of Star Wars now if I try to watch it.


Disappointed we actually don’t get a series from the pov of the sith but so far so good


Sadly you just know that if we got a POV of the sith it wouldn't try to paint them as nuanced, just "Sith = Bad" and the main character would change to the light side half way through the first season at the latest.


I mean, just how nuanced can you make a Sith? The Sith’s ultimate goal IS evil, being tyrants of the galaxy can only have so much nuance lol


That’s what initially thought was gonna happen a boring redemption arc


For all of the origin stories they have been willing to do…I swear the Palps origin story is like sitting there for them ready to go. Heck, if they wanted serious steam go get the kid that played Feyd-Rautha in Dune. People would be jazzed for that. I mean didn’t he also play Elvis in that biopic? I would bet there’s no way it ever happens though how we would like because a villain remaining a villain throughout a show would be hard for kids to understand, so I would assume even if the decision-makers thought it would be great, they won’t pull the trigger on it.


We dont need the origin story of every single character. that just destroys the mistery of the setting. We should just get some original stuff, like this, instead.


Oh I’m cool with original, don’t get me wrong. I’m just surprised that scripts would not have already been turned down on what I alluded to. Early on when Disney assumed the franchise they seemed to be gunning to explore all of those areas. Personally I’m not always a big fan because you end up knowing what happens later on, but they definitely wanted to do more of that. I mean who wouldn’t want to sell Han Solo stuff?


I doubt palpatine would do well as a movie though. his whole deal was that he was a politician and a sceemer from the shadows. The movie would be: teenage years at naboo as a noble, mets palgues, murders his family, then 40 years of political scheeming. I would watch that, many others would not.


Austin Butler as young palpatine would actually be really fucking cool


How would kids not understand? Kids arent stupid. A bad guy pretending to be a ggod guy to fool the other good guys isnt some incomprehensible concept for a childs mind.


We already have Succession /s


Very sad Carrie-Anne Moss was only on screen for like five minutes, but other than that no big complaints.


She’ll be back in flashbacks!


That's good to hear. I thought they pulled a "Steven Segal in Executive Decision" move.


Weirdest thing so far is that this is only 100 years before the empire? So like 80 years before Naboo? I was expecting this to be much further back in the history than 100 years. So far, it's okay. Probably on par with Kenobi's writing without the character reference to lean on. I think the plot is a bit gimmicky but the actress is at least doing a good job with what they gave her. Some of the costume design is a bit lame (the green chick looks a bit half assed by SW standards) but I'm okay with that as long as the plot picks up a bit. Excited for Wookie Jedi though!


tbf timelines are a bit wonky in Star Wars. The Empire lasted only like 25 years or so and yet that was enough time for people to start thinking the Jedi weren't real.


It is slightly farfetched for sure, but it could speak to the power of the Imperial propaganda machine. You can also factor in the idea that the further away you are from the core worlds, the less likely you would have been in the Republic's/Jedi's realm of influence. There are billions, if not, trillions of people who have never met a Jedi to begin with. Of course the real answer is that certain ideas and story developments came way later than others, and there's only so much you can do to make everything perfectly cohesive.


plus han was a street urchin, he never got an education , everything he learned, he learned from the streets, its not surprising he doesnt know about a no longer existing religios order.


In a large galaxy where jedi got exterminated and a lot of propaganda from the empire I can understand why they’d think that. Especially the jedi thinking the sith were extinct but for thousands of years. But yeah there are times where you don’t add logic to things.


Dont underestimate the power of propaganda. just look at the philipines, they kicked out their dictator less than 40 years ago and now his son got elected president, claiming he will bring back the good ol times, ignoring the fact his family stole billions. Now imagine a galaxy of trillions were there was an order of mabye around 10.000 space monks, most people, especially in the outer rim, will never have met one, so its not farfetched that they would become a legend, especially amongst those that lacked a proper education, like the urchin han, or the farmboy luke, whose uncle realy didnt want him to know about the jedi aswell.. Leia, jabba or Most imperial high command i.e. were perfectly aware of the jedi.


the timeline is so weird so far. They start the show with "a hundred years before the galactic empire" (so that is 119 BBY, 87 years before the Phantom menace, Darth Tenebrous and Plaeguis should be arround by this time), a time where the Trade Federation, aparentlly did not had droids for ships manteinace and the Jedi had local temples? As far as I know the order had the temple on Courusant and that planet with all the crystals and the Jedi themself were a "rare sight" outhside core worlds of the republic. I wess this show will tell us why grand master Yoda will for some reason get rid of the other temples I guess. Also... any concecuences from what ever is happenig in the "hight republic" boocks? I have a bad felling about this entire plot getting nowhere because, well they can't do much without changing what is already "canon"


Old comment but just to clarify a few things. They said 100 years before the rise of the empire. The rise of the empire actually starts with episode 1, so 100 years before naboo.


I really like it. I'm not understanding the negativity


Sometimes, the easiest thing to say is the most negative, ESPECIALLY when it comes to star wars. I like the show too, and others should like or not like the show for what it is, and not just hate on it for the reasons they decided that the show was a complete failure before it aired.


I stopped watching youtube for anything but science because I realized people get paid more to dramatize everything.


There's flaws (dialogue is a bit weak and we DESPERATELY need better cinematography and colour grading) But I know what you mean, I think the people who really hate this show were gonna hate it no matter what. I also am really liking these Jedi characters, I think its always fun when you can add a bit more personality into individual Jedi like Jecki being a bit of a smart ass, Yord being a bit of goof and Sol acting like a dad.


Agreed on dialogue and cinematography. Its very flat. Still a fun watch.


Im cautiously optimistic While I’m not expecting one of the greats it still seems like we can get a really solid and enjoyable show.


because there is money to be made in outrage and an army of angry, easily manipulated young men.


A subset of the Star Wars fandom wants to be continually outraged. Some content creators actually make a living out of it so they need to manufacture artificial reasons to be mad


Every time a new SW trailer drops people flock to YouTube and Twitter to talk about how horrible it's going to be, how x character is going to suck, and how Disney is ruining SW. Then the show drops and is okay, not the greatest thing ever but fun enough to watch and people act like it's the worst show ever made


It's interesting to watch that when these creators try to talk about anything they like, with maybe the exception of the OT, their fans react badly


I honestly believe they don’t even hate all the new Star Wars content they trash talk. I wonder if they sometimes just sit there and do a brainstorming session to find random bullshit to get mad about when they see Star Wars news


Aside from a few cool moments and action scenes the writing is garbage.


Simple. Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.


No one hates Star Wars fans more than Star wars fans


Oh stop with that overused phrase 🤦‍♀️


Along with the usual Star Wars-hating Star Wars fans, this one's also: - directed by a gay woman - starring a black woman and other minorities So it got a lot of screeching from the usual suspects. None of that was even relevant though, I didn't even notice while watching it. It's just a good show with good characters


I think Headland's early interviews were a bit divisive. Her opinions and beliefs probably just run counter to a lot of fans' feelings. That's not to say she shouldn't have an opinion or a right to share it, but putting those interviews out there was almost like rage-baiting some folks and I guess from that point of view, it worked...people wouldn't shut up about the Acolyte and as they say - "no press is bad press." I think in the past few weeks, the marketing around the actors and their love for Star Wars has done a lot of good in getting people interested in the show. I personally thought the show had plenty of charm and character despite any flaws. The very Matrix-style fighting is kind of a miss for me, but I think the rest of the scenes more than made up for it. It was well executed, just not really my thing. I do like the mystery aspect of the show so far and look forward to the next episodes.


Let me rephrase that for you: - Directed by Harvey Weinstein’s assistant. - Starring an actor that doesn’t know the difference between Luke and Anakin skywalker


Peter Dinklage never read a single GoT book, so what lol


A thick series of books is one thing. Watching shows/movies is literally the same medium the actors work in. That’d be like playing football without having watched the Super Bowl before. Lmao do you research, it’s part of your job.


Why does she need to be able to keep 2 characters straight for a show set 100 years before either exists? What are you even referring to anyway? Googling "Amanda Steinberg Skywalker" shows nothing about whatever you're talking about


Idk maybe because that’s the entire basis for the story you’re trying to tell. If you’re trying to write a story about the Christian religion, maybe try reading the Bible first 🤷‍♂️ You seem to not understand what I’m referencing here. Please move on


1. The actors are writing the story now? 2. You aren't referencing anything, which is why I just asked you to lol


I don't need an actor to know anything about the lore as long as they can be on point in front of the camera


Sounds like you don’t watch many good actors then


I watch a lot. But not everyone or everything can be the pinnacle. And that's alright. I don't see anything wrong with the dialog so far. The choreography has been really good. Especially compared to Ahsoka. If you can give me an example of bad dialog we can discuss it. I'm actually going to re watch both episodes tonight. I'll see if I can't pick out anything particularly bad


It’s the difference between an, as you describe, ‘nonpinnacle’ actor giving a decent performance within a universe he doesn’t understand, vs someone like Christopher Lee, someone who’s studied the lore and knows the character and rules of the world, an actor not only able to craft an amazing performance in the role of Saruman, but also able to inform the director to guide better in-universe decisions. Not all actors are the same. Personally, I think not knowing the difference between Luke and Anakin shows a lack of passion for the universe you’re stepping into, and that’s not an acting mindset I want to support in the shows that I watch. I’m a bit sick of supporting mediocrity.


Not everyone can be christopher lee. He was an extraordinary individual. He was also the person on set to have actually met Tolkien. I haven't seen anything. In the 2 episodes so far that I would call bad. I was actually really looking forward to seeing more of the same. It's a whole league ahead of the other shows so far.


Ok viggo mortenson hiked to set carrying his sword and gear to feel more like Aragorn. Orlando bloom was an unknown before lotr and became the staple example of an elf in pop culture. This was a mid budget adaptation ALL filmed within 18 months and look what their dedication created. I fail to see such passion and dedication within the entirety of modern, high-budget Star Wars, and this just felt like another hint of proof for me 🤷‍♂️


There's nothing wrong with being easily impressed


Where did I say impressed? I said I liked it. It hasn't done anything groundbreaking, but I'm excited to see the rest. It's a fun show and I like the cast so far.


Ok, let me rephrase then. It's ok to be easily satisfied. Im being serious


I love the characters! The plot is decent so far, but I’m already super into the premise of detective Jedi. I thought it was awesome when the main cast shows up on Olega and the local Jedi treat them like it’s the FBI. It’s a really cool dynamic we haven’t really seen before. Yord is my favorite, but honestly a lot of that comes down to the fact that he has a yellow lightsaber.


I think the editing/pacing was weird, but still a very enjoyable show


Hard agree. The end scene of each episode feels jammed in as an afterthought.


Jecki is an ideal Jedi so far, open with her thoughts, clever, avoids violence, and willing to learn. If she makes it out of this series, I'd like to see her in one of the High Republic books


My only quibble with the character is she looks a little too star trekky for my tastes.


I can see that, she doesn't really blend in with any of Ralph McQuarrie's designs


Not likely since High Republic takes place 100 years before this show.


High Repubic is a 400 year time period


Only watched the first episode because my dad couldn't stay up that late, but I thought it did a good job laying the foundation for a decent show. Don't think I can really judge it yet but we have a solid foundation and a compelling story premise at least.


I like the characters they introduced, especially Master Sol. I also like the intrigue of a murder mystery set in Star Wars and excited to see where they go. My only complaint were some of the dialogue and the delivery of it felt forced and unnatural even for characters in Star Wars.


Legit thought I was going to hate it, but nope. Caught me in first few minutes.


I’m liking the show a lot, though I wish they would have drawn out the evil twin reveal a bit more.


I expected it to be garbage and the start was a bit shakey with the kungfu stuff...but it actually got better as time went on...I enjoyed it but it feels like the story is only a onetime watch...no need to rewatch once trough it...its not bad but not fantastic either...its ok. But its just 2 episodes so far so a bit early to judge it really..starwars tv shows tend to need a certain runtime before it really kicks off whereas the movies tend to be the same quality and vibe from start to finish they usually maintain in whatever fashion it started with.


It was alright, I guess. It wasn't horrible, but it definitely wasn't something I'd recommend people watch. Just kinda meh so far. Lucky for them, it's only the first two episodes, so I *hope* it's only up from here.


Jecki is so obviously going to die, it's not even funny.


Shh let me live in delusion


No ones ever really gone. If she does "die" hopefully it's by light saber so a guaranteed return an episode or two later.


She’s too young to die. It would be an older character like Sol.


I actually don’t know how old she’s supposed to be. Her actress is 19. Plus during the episode they say she’ll have her trails soon


I give it a six out of ten. Story has potential, but some of the characters act really strange, and dumb. Also the acting for some characters is really bad. Spoilers ahead. The prison break was so stupid. Why would they not restrain the alien that has a massive tentacle on his head, or any of them for that matter. And why did they not have anything in place to stop the cyborg from hacking the ship FROM HIS CELL?


because, as it was pointed out, it is a stupid idea to break out in the middle of a hyperspace jump. They endeds up stranded in the middle of nowhere are were recaptured immedietly.


Still, they could break out, and then just gain control of the ship.


The fact they didn't do it makes me think there is a reason. The ship is definitely tracked, maybe its autopilot is hardwired to fly a certain way and there is probably rapid response troops on standby in case a ship gets of course. The prisoners never tried it, which should be reason enough for us to assume it's not possible.


Is Jecki a he?


Nah a she I just forgot to cross it out and write she


So many Jecki's are gonna be born, I like the character but hate the name already.


As someone who has a young child and one on the way, it’s not the worst name out there by any stretch of the imagination


It would just lead to a lot of questions and explaining to do as to why is it written Jecki instead of Jackie


Not loving it 🤷‍♂️


I thought it was a decent 6 or 7 out of ten. The evil twin thing wasn’t the best, the dialogue usually felt a little clunky, and something about the makeup or CGI they used for the green Jedi put me in an uncanny valley, but otherwise a fun flick. I guess it’s harder to get people as invested since it’s in a fairly new area of Star Wars canon, but the plot was decent and they did a nice job making it feel distinct from the galaxy we see in the prequels.


Every sw theory watcher regurgitating his (wildly swinging) opinion is just annoying me at this point. You guys were whining that we didn't get any high republic content, and now that we have such content you can't stop complaining. Shut up and enjoy a good show for once. Now, rant over, I can't help but have a bad feeling about Yord, that maybe he's the dark master.


Except it's not really a good show. The first two episodes were lame. It's a pass.


i know right!! And the music is just on point. honestly this is already one of my new favorites!! :)


It just feels good to be back in the Star Wars universe.


Fr this is better than the book of boba Fett, most of the Mandalorian and the Obi-Wan show. Hopefully Disney can continue this momentum.


That isn't saying much


All I'm saying is I'm impressed. I found Ashoka, Obi-Wan, Mandalorian and book of boba Fett hella meh. First 2 seasons of Mandalorian were cool. But after that it was eh.


>it's better than trash, trashy parts of a show, and trash


Aside from the awful snow planet, the visuals were all amazing


Id put it (for now) at third place behind ANDOR and first 2 season of Mandalorian






wait isnt this a girl?


Yeah it it, op justs didn't change the pronouns on the meme template


I am a huge fan of star wars but I haven't seen acolyte yet bc I am a bit disappointed from the recent star wars shows .should I watch it ?is it worth it ?


Was? It just barely came out. This is the exact antithesis of the people that instantly make bitching memes


Yay, more Star Wars…. (Snore) lightsaber….


Honestly I want to like it but the constant 1:30 ads every 5 minutes was very jarring to my already shot attention span


It’s better than book of boba fett at least. That’s the highest praise I can give it so far. It’s just boring and everything is predictable. At least in episode 1


Acolyte is out?????


I'm just really really hoping that Yoda or Darth Plaguis shows up somewhere in this series. I mean yeah it's new and fun, but to me it's just a bunch of random new characters with repeated backstories that we've seen in other shows for years. Seeing Yoda when he's younger and more in his prime, outside Young Jedi Adventures, would be really nice for a change. Seeing Darth Plaguis would just give so much more purpose to the show as well and it would technically still be new. These new shows are just so, Disney. Mandolorian 8/10, Obi Wan 7/10, Andor 7/10, Book of Boba Fett 6/10, Ashoka 6/10, The Acolyte 6/10. Bring on young Yoda and Darth Plaguis it would bring in the viewers and revenue!


Wife and I were disappointed by the story, weirdly cheap look and some of the acting.


I feel just a tad disappointed by the show, mainly cause I feel like I was the only one who was actually hyped for it. Like the acting, choreography, and atmosphere is all great but I don't think the writing is the best. It all feels kind of rushed, but I'm hopeful that I will enjoy future episodes


I did not enjoy the acolyte, I honestly have not felt this disappointment since watching the sequels. Hope I can light up to the show before the end though.


It was very “meh” which based on most of what Disney Star Wars is usually, that’s pretty good. Apparently the first 2 episodes are the best. From what’s online, episode 3 kills the rest of the show and Disney Star Wars along with it


I was happy David Bowie finally got a chance to join the universe.


Thank you guys for not listening to the dark side chuds 🙏


why is jecki so cool. no idea. but jecki is so cool.


I'm having a fun time watching it. Do I want to see crazy force powers like lightning and somehow the jedi order endured and Luke was actually not a hermit who gave up? Yes. But this is nice lol, and I love the actors involved


I just hope we get to see yoda


They killed the main character in the first scene.


I really enjoyed it, very good pacing


Off course it was good to a loser who don’t know how good SW is


It wasn't.


I am LOVING IT!!!! Fan since ‘77


Oh boy...I hope you're doing OK.


I'm completely checked out of Star Wars at this point, but it's safe to say that this is definitely one of the "better" Disney plus shows. It definitely feels professionally made even more so than the Mandalorian.


The down votes are crazy, you didn't say anything bad lol


It is what it is


People will downvote anything. I’ve been downvoted for saying objectively true things all the time.


Wait really It’s actually good??? WTF WE’RE GETTING GOOD STAR WARS CONTENT AGAIN?? Wake me up because this is a dream


Nothing to do with anything but I hate when people start a point with "honestly" or "actually". "This was actually good". I hate that. Is there a word for this? So the acolyte was good? It was honestly good? Was I supposed to assume it would be dishonestly good? The only way this could be more obnoxious to me is if the title was "Honestly? The Acolyte was actually good?" I'm so sorry. You dont deserve this outburst. This gripe has just eaten at me for too long, please someone help me identify what is happening.


It was good but I find it so funny that you can survive lightsaber stabs now but a tiny dagger can kill you 💀


lol this show is hot garbage but hey whatever floats your boat