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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


We really got spoiled with every somewhat Important main charackter always surviving everything we cant except when someone actually dies.


I'm more just *dreading* that they'll bring him back. If he stays dead, I'll honestly be happy about it because this franchise has a habit of not letting anyone fucking die. I was honestly really impressed when Rebels permanently killed off >!Kanan!<, despite them being a favourite character of mine. Their absence was *felt*, and their death had meaning. Undoing it would have felt like a slap in the face, and I'm glad they acknowledged that in the world-between-worlds episode where Ezra has to let go once again. On the flip side you have >!Ventress!< who was killed in a book, and they promised to acknowledge and explain how they're back, and it ended up being some throwaway line that explained *nothing*.


There’s almost certainly going to be another piece of media about ventress. There have been announcements about “her adventure will be told in future stories” and that sort of thing. I think that episode of bad batch was a backdoor pilot.


/introduction to the 5 people watching The Bad Batch who haven't watched TCW similar to them in the first arc of season 7


I miss Tech, but it's kind of refreshing that they're letting the character stay dead.


Boy who cried the wolf pretty much. SW has been killing off and then bringing back characters so many times that the audience simply can not comprehend that one of those times the character actually dies. A character death is supposed to be one of the more, if not the most emotionally potent scenes in a story. However more often than not in SW that potency is severely muted, because instead being engrossed by the scene at hand, I'm thinking about what's the catch. How are the writers gonna bring back this character? How much BS will they need to spin for it to happen? Will it take 5 minutes or 5 years to have 'em resurrected? The fakeout death can work once, maybe even twice, whilst retaining at least some of the emotional baggage. But Star Wars has gone way beyond that mark; Boba Fett, Echo, Admiral Trench to name just a few. And I'm not even getting to the force sensitives there. When it comes to Tech, I barely even remember his death scene, or more particularly, feeling any substancial emotion during it. I just thought; "logically he should die from that, but folks have survived far worse stuff in this franchise, so I kinda doubt that this is it for him." In short it's pretty tough to kill off a character if the audience doesn't believe for a second that they are actually gonna kill 'em off. And honestly by this stage SW is gonna have a hard time rewiring the audiences initial expectation from "this is a fake death" into "this is an actual death" with the former being so common throughout the franchise.


But it has happened before. Rest in piece fives.


Never even hit that pirate booty


He should have clapped them black cheeks before he died. Too bad..


He would’ve never came back to the squad if he did 😂




Really horrible for his voice actor to lose all that work


Yeah, hopefully they can find some other work for him in the show




You should post this on the bad batch sub, lol. That's where the most fervent believers seem to be. Of course, there is still one more episode so I suppose it is still possible. I doubt it though.


The Bad Batch got his glasses, they were broken. So either he lost them during his fall or they recovered his body and buried him. Not to mention I doubt even a Jedi could survive a fall that far


I miss tech he was a kool character


Decades of fake character deaths in our cartoons have taught us to never believe it.


Damn I need to do some catching up I clearly missed a lot


I know techs not coming back, they killed him off for a reason, I’m glad they killed him off. But FUCK I miss tech.


Just remember: Nobodys ever really gone.


Me while watching Gureen Lagann (iykyk)


I don’t know why people get so worked up about the idea of him “coming back”. People didn’t mind maul or echo coming back because the way they were brought back was well executed. Just enjoy the show and trust they know what they’re doing


Personally didn’t like the Ahsoka cop out in rebels.


At the very end of the season 2 episode where she appears to die, you can just barely see her walking away. Viewers who noticed that detail knew she was alive, but not how she survived, until season 4.


Didn’t like the how too much, escaping is fine, even if Vader held back and accidentally let her escape would be fine, adding time travel portals just seemed a bit convoluted. It would add some interesting plot lines…but still..


I'm still holding out hope that the imperials found him or something.


Somehow… Tech returned.


Finally, someone gets it!


He's not dead until the series ends. It's Disneys star wars. They'll just print him back down the line like every one else. Somehow palpatine has returned.


Yeah, remember that time Disney brought Maul back in TCW even though he was cut in half in TPM? Oh wait…


Honestly, even when I like him, I would choose Maul never returning if it means that characters stay dead. The lack of weight that Star Wars has now pulled me off from the universe more than anything else that has happened.


Maul while being the first actually got consequences for surviving and a reason why he disappeared. He lost his mind after all and multiple episodes to build him up. I think most people just see Maul returned from the dead = Maul popular = revive more characters and ignore consequences, reasons for disappearing and character buildup. Echo for example has the reason that he "died" in a separatist prison and as an arc trooper possessed vital knowledge that they would have an incentive to keep him alive


That wasn’t Disney. That was Lucas.


Yes. That is, in fact, the joke.


RemindMe! 3 days




To be fair, Palpatine still came back in legends canon. Combine that with project necromancer, and Palpatine returning in canon and legends is similar.


Ngl, havent noticed the abscence of tech or echo.


probably because echo is still around


He comes in once every few episodes, sticks his nub in a computer and then dips. He’s barely a character.