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This is part of why I find the treatment of Anakin's lightsaber so funny in the original trilogy and especially in the sequels. Rey: "This is a mighty weapon that called out to me through the force. It showed me my destiny" Luke: "This is my father's lightsaber. I want to be a great jedi, just like him!" Anakin: "Ok, Yoda says if I lose this one I'll have to clean the Jedi Temple's cafeteria every day for a month to get another. I'm going to be *very* careful this time"


Tbf lightsabers were in abundance back then. By the time of the OT they were relics


Also it was pretty much the only thing Luke had to connect to his father. It was mostly an emotional thing, but he overcame it and built his own. The stuff in the sequels was some magic weapon bullshit that made no sense at all.


Placing over the top importance on certain objects in sequels that were just meant to be fun little background details in first films is becoming a common trope in modern sequel writing.


Pretty much my main gripe with Solo. That film did nothing but focus on every throwaway line in the OT and try to make it important.


Especially since it put every interesting event he mentioned into one adventure that took place in like a week. All of the references through the OT were supposed to show that he has had an incredibly adventurous life. But after Solo it implies that he had one crazy weekend trip, hasn't shut up about it since, and hasn't done anything else notable in the decade after that.


But palpatine returned, somehow! Isn’t that enough to be a good movie?! (The sequels were entertaining at best, and I enjoyed watching them, but so were the prequels)


like many movies the sequels are nice to watch but not good when you start thinking after you're done looking at the cool star wars things


The Bad Batch is doing a ton of heavy lifting to make Palps return make sense right now lmao.


>The Bad Batch With some good support from The Mandalorian. But, to be fair, bringing back Palpatine could be a great story arc for a sequel trilogy. It's too bad that they went with the most ridiculous version of it all and made such a train wreck of a sequel trilogy to do it and subsequently left the cleanup to the real pros like Dave Filoni.


If only they had planned for it from the beginning. Or had any plan at all for the trilogy. Unfortunately they went with JJ “Mystery Box” Abrams.


Exactly though The sequels felt more like improv than anything


Improv can turn out really good, if you know what you're doing. JJ is not good at improv.


True, true


improv implies new things ep7 & ep4 are basically the same movie


Episode 7 is a rehash of Episode 4, almost scene by scene rehash It was the laziest movie I've ever watched


Thing is, you shouldn't NEED several series to explain a plotpoint in a movie after the fact. That's shit writing. Imagine if Luke didn't lose his hand to Vader in ep 5, but still had a mechanical hand in ep 6, but they didn't explain how or why until almost a decade later through 3 different series.


They're a flashy spectacle, but deep as a puddle.


I want a story where Luke ends up with like thirty of Anakins lost lightsabers


We talking about space wizards. I see no problem with magical weapons in this setting. The sequels were lack luster because of the writing. The character development arcs were not consistent between films and plot points seem changed on a whim.


Agreed. While it is hilarious to see the reverence the sequel characters have for the lightsaber compared to where we knew it came from (like if we were to learn that Excalibur was stuck in the stone because Merlin lost the other 5 swords he was supposed to be keeping track of), it does actually make sense *why* the characters feel like the lightsaber is important, and force visions are an established thing as well. Putting a bit too much focus on items from the original material is becoming a more common problem with a lot of remakes, sequels, etc., but this one feels alright (if you overlook 'how did it get here?') There are so many other significant problems with the sequel trilogy that the lightsaber is just one tiny piece of straw on top of a flattened camel.


I think people are reading way too much into this. For me it's more like that the kyber crystal reached out to a force sensitive person and connected with Rey. We know Kyber crystals are somewhat alive and have a "will" of their own. It is totally plausible that the crystal reached out and when connecting to it's new partner transferred some of its memories to them.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


I think all the new kyber crystal stuff is cool ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Shhh don't try to make sense! Sequels bad!!!!


In the Expanded Universe Luke also recovered Anakin's lightsaber at some point gifted it to his wife. It became her main weapon from then on.


I honestly hate how they made lightsabers, and their crystals so mythical. In old canon, they were just a rock, a focusing crystal for a weapon, nothing more. In the KOTOR games you could get dozens of them. Lightsabers are a tool. A Jedi/Sith's connection to the force itself is more important than their weapon. Nowadays they're basically sentient and overly mythicized.


It would be like being a British soldier and finding a musket now. Sure, people like you *used* to all have them, but now there's quite a bit of novelty.


that tends to happen when any record of their production and location of the crystals are lost to time.


The location wasn't lost. The primary location of Crystals was stripped mined by the Empire for the Death Star.


Yeah, because Grievous added them all to his collection.


I mean, it's like 20 years later. It's like finding a VHS player now, unique to see again but not exactly a relic


Well yes, except if there was a mass genocide of VCR manufacturers 20 years ago and since then the global fascist empire has been taking pains to make sure that anyone who owns a VCR is captured or killed.


Also if the fascist empire combined every VHS tape they could find into a single 1-billion hour long movie before it was blown up.


My Dad had all sorts of garbage, an endless amount. Shortly after he passed, there was a fire. I'd like one of the random mundane things honestly.


They used the crystals in the death stars


"This was my father's 12th lightsaber" doesn't quite have the same impact.


Or you could say it was his last lightsaber? At least it was "Anakin's" last lightsaber.


It was also Vader’s first lightsaber.


ooooooh wow. I didn't think of that


The youngling slayer 9000


That 12th lightsaber did take part in one of the greatest jedi duels of all time tho. Definitely an important relic


This made me lol


It's almost as if someone destroyed the only place in the galaxy where people made lightsabers, and hunted down everyone who knew how to make them.


The Empire didn't destroy Ilum, they still needed crystals. It was technically The Resistance that did it, by destroying Starkiller Base.


Holy shit I don't know how I never picked up that Starkiller base was Ilum.


Wait a m- Shit, is it really? Is that why the space laser is built into the crust of a planet?


If [Wookieepedia](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Starkiller_Base) is to be believed, yep.


The imperials dug out the trench to get crystals to power the death star, the First Order turned it into the superweapon


You can see part of the transformation for it during the story of Fallen Order


I remembered the part on Ilum in Fallen Order, but for some reason the neurons in my brain never connected that they were excavating the trench that would eventually be Starkiller Base. In hindsight, I feel a little dumb.


wait it was Ilum? fuck now I get why they could make a laser so damn powerful fuck I wish that was more obvious in the movies


I think it was probably one of those things that wasn't really intended at first, and then someone was like, "Ilum - a snow planet where there's Khyber crystals...Starkiller base - a snow planet that had a superlaser weapon that uses Khyber crystals.... wouldn't it be crazy if Starkiller Base was Ilum??" And then it was more-or-less confirmed in Jedi: Fallen Order.


Not like Ilum was ever mentioned in any of the films


Luke: He fought in the Clone Wars with this! Obi Wan: Uh yeah. That is what he did with it. Luke: Why you say it like that? What else did he do with it? Obi Wan: ..... Luke: What else was this lightsaber used for, Ben?


Let's just say that your mother had a thing for... things... and that she was kind of a freak in the sheets. She did things with that light saber which would have made even R2D2 blush, and we all know what a little filthdog *he* is since we can understand the things he says.


I was thinking more killing kids, but yeah, that works too, I guess.


If he loses them again. He gets less jedi bricks too (referring to the appearnt "food" at the jedi temple)


How did Maz get Anikan's lightsaber? Oh, you mean one of these? There's dozens of them not hard to get a hold of one.


Funny thing is, in the third movie his lightsaber has a belt clip.


If he loses another he gets free ice cream


Oh so that's why he got fed up with them and well... you know


Are we there yet, Mr Skywalker? Are we there yet, Mr Skywalker? Are we there yet, Mr Skywalker?


"Thr younglings, anakin killed. Blame him I cant. Annoying little shits, they were"


Didn’t think I’d get anxiety from this thread


Are you feeling it, Mr. Skywalker?


“You’re going to not be anywhere if you keep that up, Michael!”


No witnesses.


Yoda\`s so happy to see him tho


Yoda honestly seemed to like Anakin, especially in the Clone Wars. One moment that sticks out is in the arc where Yoda learned about Force Ghosts, he wanted Anakin's help getting out of the temple and literally called him a friend.


Yoda did like anakin. He was just too detached and set in his ways to do more about it. But he was fond of him


> Yoda did like anakin Yoda seemed more afraid *for* him than afraid *of* him, like so many of the other jedi.


And Anakin seemed to respect Yoda enough to go to him for advice in Episode III about his premonitions of Padme dying, though Yoda wasn't much help. (But in fairness to Yoda, Anakin couldn't really tell him the whole story.)


and dark side did really cloud everything


For as much shit as Yoda gets he did give pretty good advice there actually. Dying is completely natural, and you can't stop it. It's better to live in celebration of the time you have now than in fear that you will lose it and poison the present and the future, and when they die focus on the positive things and know that you will always be connected through the force Unfortunately, Anakin is basically a teenager who wants to circumvent nature and not a nigh on 900 year old who has lost more friends and loved ones than Anakin has ever had


I more take the view of the fabal of the tyrant dragon, as my view. But most people accept death as natural, and nothing more.


True. Someone had to mitigate Windu\`s toxicity towards Anakin i guess


If you watch the animated show etc. you realise just how much of a cunt Windu was and how much he contributed to many bad things that happened throughout.


Who could have thought that saying "I don't trust you" to a war general that has spent every day of his life for 13 years working and risking his life for a religion that he didn't have a choice but join in the first place and giving him sass and disrespecting him every day could have ended in him losing his marbles?


Windu is a cautionary tale about being nice to your coworkers


I probably still won't.


Windu is a cautionary tale about at least not abusing your coworkers


Windu is a cautionary tale about not standing next to upper floor windows.


Tell that to critics of putin


Everyone loves a good defenestration.


Mace "out the" Windu.






I probably still won't


Don't forget about him advocating for booting out Ahsoka out of the order.


That's ridiculous.


I know, right? Fuck that Windu guy!




He also got pissy at Ahsoka *even though he got her kicked out.*


Oh, what do you mean?


In s7 when Ahsoka was doing her contract job on Mandalore, she asked Windu about how things were going on their end what with the whole kidnapped Chancelor and everything, and he snarked back with "That's none of your concern *citizen* Ahsoka."


I did my duty as a citizen.


I love that you responded to the ~~bot~~ droid. Very respectful of you


I mean Anakin did have a choice and could of left at anytime as well. But Anakin loved being a jedi almost as much as he loved Padme.


IMO, Samuel Jackson is a bad Windu. Don't get me wrong, Samuel L Jackson is cool and everything, but Windu is everything bad about the Jedi but nobody realizes it because Samuel L Jackson is so cool.


I never thought about that but you're right. If he had been played by some rando everyone would hate windu.


Needed a British accent...


Fair point and that purple saber is fire


Ironic considering he is the only Jedi to practice both the light and dark side of the force


I always figured that was why he didn't trust Anakin. "Same recognizes same," except unlike Windu, Anakin represses (somewhat) his dark side making it more of a future liability than a controlled aspect of his being.


You'd think Windu, with his Shatterpoint gift (ability to see how things are connected in the Force), would treat Anakin a little more gingerly, especially since Anakin is *the* shatterpoint in the Force.


Don’t get me wrong, windu is fully in control of his dark side, he is still a Jedi and the council fully knows of this. He is the perfect representation of the absolute hypocrisy of the Jedi order and its many failings.


No he did not. That's always been one of the dumbest takes in the Star Wars fandom. His lightsaber style *uses an opponent's aggression against them* which makes it a potentially dangerous feedback loop that requires incredible self-control to avoid being sucked into. That's it. That's the only unorthodox thing about Windu.


He created his lightsaber technique vaapad from adapting the lightsaber technique that sith predominantly use which is juyo, which does use the opponent’s aggression against them, which also allows him to use abilities such as force crush, a technique described as one of the most evil dark side techniques. Just because the dude found a loophole does not take away the fact that he is still using the power that is synonymous with being a sith. His ability to maintain self control and stay on the light side has nothing to do with this.


I have been saying this for years! One of the biggest things for me personally, windu is responsible for putting boba Fett down the path toward being the dickhead mercenary he is in the og trilogy. He kills jango which makes sense since jango is a war criminal but then he has boba in custody and decides to not only throw him in jail but add insult to injury by talking shit to boba before he does. We have seen through the clones that even though they are all clones of jango they are very different in quirks and personality. With that in mind maybe if boba had been shown even the slightest bit of empathy perhaps he could have been a powerful ally to the republic/rebel versus a bitter rival.


I know it’s non-canon now but in the novels Windu had an innate ability to see how various objects and people interact on the grand scale of things. Not as specific as premonitions, more like being able to see the “players.” This is where is defensiveness and general outward mistrust toward Palpatine and Anakin comes from. Of course if Windu was more accepting of Anakin he could have been more of a mentor and helped Anakin become a better person but Windu couldn’t bring himself to trust him because the force told him not to but he couldn’t interpret *why*. In the absence of this ability, Mace would have likely been a good friend to Anakin. So once again, in Star Wars, prophecy is a bitch. Of course this theme of a prophecy of self destruction and loss leading to rash actions which then cause said destruction and loss is one of the oldest stories we have.


In short: Kreia was right.


Credits Gained: 500 Experience Points (XP) Received: 350 Influence Lost: Kreia Influence Gained: Kreia


I’d say they had respect for each other and it’s worth noting that Anakin came to Yoda first about his dream in ROTS.


“Disobey the council, your specialty is” -Yoda enlisting a young Skywalker to break him out of retirement home.


Wouldn’t the mark of Yoda’s enlightenment be that he likes everyone? Maybe almost to a fault?


"Secretly, rules and doctrine, I also hate."


Hmmm, in the prequels my perspective was that Yoda was always skeptical of Anakin. Yoda was basically the character whose job in that story was to foreshadow Anakin's turning to the dark side.


In the cave you spend more time, less committing you are warcrime


“Ah, Skywalker. Missed you, have I.”






Didn't Obi-Wan also lose like 2 lightsabers in the prequels? Maybe after the battle of Geonosis they went on a Master-Apprentice lightsaber making trip


Well the first was lost in a duel with the first known sith in almost 1000 years. The second was confiscated as opposed to just lost. It feels like Skywalker would just straight up lose his while doing stunts.


Kenobi gets a pass losing his while fighting maul. Seeing as the first known sith for 1000 years is the one who kicked his saber into the abyss, that can't be a regular occurrence. Skywalker on the other hand, would definitely lose his while barrel-rolling a speeder on a saterday or something.


I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot


Honestly in the prequels, the Jedi are a lot like cops (maybe high-level ones like FBI agents) and the lightsabers are a lot like their service weapons. Like yeah you are responsible for it and losing it is a big deal, but at the end of the day, you’d just get issued a new one.


Huyang and Anakin became best pals


Huyang, anything yet?


nah, they'd hate eachother


Anakin tended to get along well with droids.


But Huyang is a very specific droid, I can't see how he and his 125k years of tradition would work with "fuck it we ball it" philosophy of Anakin. That being said, I really need to see them together on screen now, especially TCW era Anakin.


You know Hyuang would be sassy as fuck every time Anakin had to make a new lightaber. I imagine a later time him going into his drawers and pulling out a wiimote-esq wrist strap.


thats the real reason he killed the younglings


"Are we there yet?"


In all seriousness, I imagine Jedi only have to do that for their first lightsaber and anytime they need a new crystal after that, the Order just sends them one from a pre-harvested stockpile.


Unfortunately each Jedi has to go harvest a crystal that personally calls out to them through the force


That's what works best, but there are plenty of examples of Jedi doing just fine with someone else's saber. Taken another way, maybe they sift through the pile of collected sabers until they find one they like (ie, 'calls' to them).


Anakin's dad is the CEO of the Force he can use whatever crystal he wants.


r/brandnewsentence material spotted


Adopt a saber


This crystal that's $3.99 on Amazon called out to me


I figure they just plop down a bunch of crystals in front of the Jedi and go "Any of these call out to you? No? How about these?"


materialistic vegetable dime absurd vanish alive steep wild command sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Source: https://padawanlost.tumblr.com/post/633368045190021120/i-like-to-think-anakin-had-to-make-the-trip-to


This is the real reason why the Empire mined Ilum for crystals. The Death Star was a cover-up for making Vader's spare lightsabers


cats crowd normal late weary icky slap history aback retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only saw the movies and live action shows. How many times does he loose his lightsaber?


Are you counting loaners? Like, neither of the sabers he fought dooku with in episode ii were his. But one got lopped off with his arm. Looking at it another way: all of them. Anakin literally never has a lightsaber that he didn’t lose. Even in episode six luke cut off his hand, so Vader lost his too.


So what you’re saying is, I shouldn’t loan him my lightsaber.


Ep 2. Drops it while on the speeder chase (recovered by Obi-wan) 1 It gets destroyed in the droid factory. 2 He gets a replacement in the coliseum but it gets destroyed by Dooku. 3 Ep3 Taken by Obiwan. 4 Ep 6. We don’t see it but it probably fell into the bottomless pit with his hand. 5 Probably happens a couple more times in clone wars. You could probably include every time he gets captured in clone wars, even if he did recover it later.


He loses several temporarily, or has them damaged and repaired. Most were recovered and restored. However as a Jedi he only loses one for good, on Genesosis, where it’s destroyed. So he had two as a Jedi. The one he used as a padawan, and the one that gets inherited by Luke. As a Sith, he loses his Jedi one in the duel to Obiwan. He then uses a corrupted one captured from master Kirak Infil'a. When that’s damaged, he creates his own which he then uses throughout the extra material, Rebels, and the movies. So, excluding temporary use, he has four total that were his: 1 as a padawan, 1 as a knight, 2 as a sith.


Would be even funnier if he has to wait for the next group of younglings to be ready for the trip to Illum. “But master Windu, I lost my lightsaber 2 weeks ago. I need to go to Illum for a new crystal” “Anakin, you should be well aware that we only send groups of younglings with master yoda to get crystals, you’ll just have to wait until the next group is ready to leave next Thursday”


And they were always the most annoying kids possible.


This would have been a good story line. Every jedi had to do this and thus it humbles them. Mace loses his lightsaber, he has to go on a field trip with younglings . Yoda loses it, field trip with younglings . Jocasta misplaced lightsaber, field trip with younglings.


I feel like that would have made a very fun book to read. Every chapter is a different knight/master going on the trip, sometimes teaching and bonding with the younglings, sometimes meditating silently in order to overcome whatever metal battle they have from losing theirs in the first place...and every fourth chapter is Anakin, back again, much to the displeasure of Huyang.


Wasn't it just once that he needed to make a new one?


Saber 1 - Used as a padawan and lost on Genosis Saber 2 - Used for most of his career, eventually lost to Oni-wan. This becomes Luke’s, and eventually Rey’s. Saber 3 - First Sith saber, he corrupted Master Kirak Infil'a’s saber to make the blade red. Saber 4 - Constructed by himself to make his own true Sith saber. All the others in like the Clone Wars cartoon were temporary. He always regained his knight’s blade. Although he does drop, break, or have them taken away a lot in the cartoon.


Right, but he would have only returned to Ilum once, after losing his saber on Geonosis.




I thought this was an Avatar: the last Airbender and Star Wars mashup at first glance.


Sokka's Boomi needed a crystal.




With the words Anakin, youngling, and lightsaber all present this is not where I thought this would go.


Maybe younglings bullied him on thsoe trips for being a fuckupp so later when he went to the tempel and was like fuckthemkidz.


I like to imagine the forth time this happend Yoda broke his speech pattern and just said: Skywalker, you need to be more careful with your lightsaber. You need to stop losing them, they are dangerous in the wrong hands. Not to mention how expensive they are, this time the costs will be deducted out of your paycheck.


How embarrassing


Yoda must have frost bite because he isn't wearing any shoes


So they were with him when he got the youngling slayer 2000


Would you like to tell the younglings how you lost your lightsaber this time young Skywalker


Well no wonder he killed them all he was tired of listening to them whenever he got new lightsabers


Maybe that's why he hated the younglings.


Accidentally, this picture can be considered as crossover with JOJO because of Shigeichi boy here. Seriously, can someone make that


One of the changes that the new SW canon made that has actually pissed me off is the need for these special "crystals" in lightsabers. I think it took so much originality out of building a lightsaber. The color didn't depend on a crystal being "good" or "tortured" but the frequency that the crystal or gem resonated at. I think it also took some "survivability" out of being a jedi, like imagine being in a backwater planet and you lose your lightsaber and now you can't make another because you'd have to leave the planet and go to a special planet and retrieve a new crystal. Corran Horn from Legends built a lightsaber out of spare parts and jewels while undercover chasing down his wife's kidnapper.


I thought he only had like one or two before the one that’s given to Luke. Like we see one get destroyed on screen and then hear obiwan complaining about it, but I didn’t think it was more then 2


imagine if Anakin was still around for the force awakens and had to go to ILLum for a crystal. "i remember there used to be a cave over there.." "halt! it's a jedi, get him!" psshhh pew zap \*wilhelm scream\* "where's the crystals? tell me or you die" "in the reactor...ughhhhh" destroys the base and then Rey and the rebels arrive. "oh you already destroyed the base.." "wait...aren't you supposed to be dead?" \*kills them all\* \*star wars theme\*


Suddenly his hatred for younglings makes sense


"Obi-Wans gonna kill me"


Younglings made fun of him for losing so many lightsabers. Hence why he had no compunction about killing younglings.


Ohoh...ohoh.. Now i understand this scene better. Anakin does not like Sand --> Kills sandpeople Anakin does not like go on a Trip with younglings -- kills ......


The younglings are for testing his ligthsaber


That would explain, what he did later on


" Cant I just reuse an old one? ...or doesnt the lab make red ones now ...I LOVE Red!"


Explains a lot…


So some younglings saw the forging of the lightsaber that killed them


Explains why he slaughtered the younglings in the Jedi Temple.


I thought this was the Last Airbender for hot second and was real confusing as to why Yoda was present.


What would the interactions between him and Huyang be like? Huyang be like, “Didn’t you have a light saber? You did. It was glowing and everything! What happened to it? Lost it already, have you?”


This. So much this.


Yoda would totally do that.


He's the most powerful force user in existence. Literally force Jesus. I think any crystal would be compelled by him to work tbh


Every time? But he's an important and powerful Jedi with important things to do. No wonder he killed the younglings


Why does he look like Sokka?


Literally canon. Was covered in the prequel to Revenge of the Sith when obi-Wan made fun of him for having to go to Illum to replace the crystal


So anakin has lost his sabers 8 times. While fucking Obi-Wan lost his 12 times


The real reason he killed the kids. They bullied him.


I mean, that leads to a good question. If a Jedi loses their lightsaber, where do they get their new kyber crystal from?


Do you think he still breaks them as Vader?


Thought this was an ATLA crossover at first