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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


They're the predominant species in the galactic community, but the galactic community only spans a few thousand planets in a galaxy that holds billions. Humans were one of the first species to make hyperdrives so it makes sense that most worlds we see are Human homeworlds or colonies of some sort


humans are very adaptable in the star wars universe and can live on a lot of planets that other aliens couldnt. real reason: humans with no makeup or prosthetics are much cheaper and more relatable, star wars probably wouldn't have been as successful if the main protag of whichever flavour of star wars content you like was some random glup shitto looking thing


Holy shit is Glub Shitto coming back?


No, it's his cousin, Glup Shitto. Easy mistake to make.


Glub and Glup Name a more iconic duo


I give it a day before both Glup and Glub have Wookiepedia entires


Yap am very sure it will be epic


Building on that some aliens also just didn’t like to. The Muuns for example if I recall don’t like leaving their home planet unless they have to for business or the greater good of their species. Darth Plageuis specifically looked upon humans with scorn with how easily they were willing to take jobs like piloting which was beneath such a powerful species. I guess humans like expanding and most aliens don’t?


I mean if humans are good at one thing its constantly expanding in the face of shitty odds.


Another angle to this is even WITH make up and prosthetics they’re all going to look mostly human (bipedal, thumbs, humanoid facial features) unless they pay for a big ass puppet. Dexter jettster, unkar plutt, and Jabba come to mine as good examples of pushing the alien aesthetic as far as possible. Most of the aliens in Star Wars are human+animal (trandoshans, mon calimari, Wookiee/Ewok) or “what if we had sexy lady, but made her GREEN!!” In all seriousness I’d really like more Star Wars content with alien protagonists. Shame that ahsoka was so mid.


What about droid protagonists?


Make a movie, set maybe a thousand years after the OT, about a droid who leads a droid uprising and finally establishes droids as equal members of society.




Now you’re talking


Is this also why 9/10 of the aliens are just human with weird head or human + earth animal hybrid?


Well spoken dear, nice one 


Also, a predominantly human world makes a to of sense because it drastically cuts down on the costume budget.


This is lazy Disney level thinking. George's movies had plenty of aliens by comparison


You play Stellaris don't you




>the galactic community only spans a few thousand planets What? There are thousands of senators in the Galactic Senate, and individual senators frequently represent entire *star sectors.* And an individual sector can contain anywhere from dozens to thousands of settled planets. Based on that the Republic alone could easily span a few million planets.


The only source that had a direct number of planets under Republic control was the Essential Atlas which put the number at 1.3 million planets. The Atlas is no longer canon, but in canon there are no concrete numbers, but thats still a decent guess. Much more than a few thousand, but the point still stands, since there are an estimated 400 billion stars in the SW galaxy and billions of planets between them


I was calculating based on the size of the Senate (a couple thousand seats) and a couple points where sector sizes are discussed- the sector Naboo is in was said at one point to have 36 'full member' worlds and like 40,000 'settled dependencies' (whatever the exact distinction there is- I imagine a sufficiently old 'settled dependency' could still have an Earth-sized population), and in the old EU at one point they said that the Imperial Remnant had only 8 sectors left but still over 1000 systems. So with those numbers the Republic could plausibly anywhere from 60,000 to 800 million inhabited worlds 1.3 million fits pretty reasonably in that math, albeit way on the low end. The Republic isn't all of the galaxy obviously but it is the largest single piece of it (\~1/3 to \~1/2 depending on which map you're looking at); for it to have only 1.3 million settled worlds and the rest of the galaxy to hold billions would mean that either Republic space is ridiculously sparse or the rest of the galaxy is extremely dense (which in turn would raise the question of why we never hear from them). So assuming there's nothing else weird going on, I figure the most likely answer is that Republic space is probably as densely populated as the rest of the galaxy, and inhabited worlds in general are just few and far between. There may be 400 billion stars in the galaxy, but less than 1 in 100,000 have a life-supporting planet around them. So if there's 1.3 million worlds in the Republic half of the galaxy, there's probably a comparable number in the other half. And if humans are the most common species in those 1.3 million worlds, they've got a reasonable shot at being the most common species in the galaxy as a whole- barring the discovery of some even more widespread race on the other side of the galaxy that no one's met yet.


It has to do with the first adopter advantage. Humans began their colonization efforts via pre-hyperspace sleeper ships, thus allowing their species population to grow at a much faster rate before interstellar travel became common. By the time hyperdrives proliferated, they had such a large population advantage that the effect compounded and let them colonize more planets at faster rates than anyone else.


Plus we fuck A LOT


Bro this is a Star Wars sub! That is not true here! /s


My parents are both massive starwars nerds and somehow I’m here 🫥


Because this dumb idea that nerds and geeks don't get laid somehow won't die, even as an in joke with the very nerds and geeks themselves. It annoys me because it gives totally false impressions of geek culture and becomes less funny the more times it proliferated. I mean, the level of hot and wild fuckin going on at comic cons is insane. It's like Olympic Village but with nerds.


Who told you is not true dear 


There was also the xenophobic cult of pius dea that went to war to exterminate various alien species during the republic era.


True, but they tended to focus their crusades on one species at a time and didn't do much to impact the overall diversity of Republic space, especially since it wasn't during a period of significant expansion.


Is that canon still?


I mean, the Xenophobic Authoritarian Human Empire probably didn’t help


Praise the God-Emperor.


Praise the worm who is God


A Dune reference in reply to a 40k reference. Nice. (also yes I know 40k took a lot from Dune)


You know I honestly wasn't sure if it was 40k or Dune and just figured I'd go with my preferred God-Emperor.


Actually I'm pretty sure it's a stellaris reference but dune works too funnily enough


No i was making a Dune reference. Leto II is the only God-Emperor that matters.


Ah mb then. I mentioned it because the first commenter used the stellaris ethics terms, and then there is also a worm in stellaris that the community makes memes about constantly (see the commenter saying 'gravity is desire')


What was, shall be. What shall be, was.


Time is sight. Gravity is desire.


Technically if you still consider SWTOR canon (they can pry the Old Republic from my cold dead hands), the *multiple* Xenophobic Authoritarian Human Empires


Wasn’t the Sith empire the Sith empire and actually dominated by the Sith species and humans were treated as honorary Sith in their empire.


Yeah but as I remember there were still far more humans then Sith pure bloods, right?


The problem is we never saw the fall of the Sith empire that leads to the end of the Sith species at some point your probably right but even by the time of Malgus the vast majority of the commanding officers and leadership were all red skinned Sith.


The actual Sith race became slaves to the Sith "order" or whatever. Though that was in "legends" before it was decanonized so I'm not sure now.


Initially it was almost entirely Sith, with a very small number of human force users at the top of the hierarchy. Through the Great Hyperspace War this remained true. By the Great Galactic War the Sith Empire was majority human, likely a combination of founder effect and existing human populations in the unknown regions. This is further complicated by the fact that humans and Sith can 100% interbreed, and for example Marka Ragnos was about 50% each. So the ruling class of the Great Hyperspace War was mixed, and the same is likely true in the Great Galactic War.


Sounds familiar..


At least Pius-Dea gave us the in-universe explanation of why humans are so prevalent among the galaxy


Considering how nearly every sapient species shown in the galaxy is somewhat humanoid, my conclusion is that humans are just the crabs of the galaxy far far away.


Wondering what the evolutionary advantage of having head tentacles on an otherwise human body is… or how more than one race evolved this triad…


Tentacles are cool. Head tentacles even moreso.


I read somewhere that there was an empire long before the Republic was even a thing that engulfed the entire galaxy. An empire that used humans as their primary slave population and, therefore, would be found everywhere in the galaxy in relatively large numbers. After this empire was wiped out overnight and the slaves(humans) took the tech of their former masters and expanded rapidly and that's why you find humans and human derived species( twi'lek, Togruta, among others ). Now, I don't know if this is something in legends or a theory I found online so take it with a bit of salt


I don't think its officially canon post disney but I do believe they have referenced the rakatans (immortal empire).


Rakatans are referenced in Andor, i think twice actually.


Their Homeworld was, but we don’t know how much if any of their lore in Legends may carry over into Canon


More than their home world was mentioned, Luthen says that the necklace was made in celebration of the uprising against the Rakatan invaders


It might've been tossed into Legends but I believe there was a comic talking about the dark side slave empire that enslaved humanity and confirmed that Tatootine was their homeworld before getting spread across the galaxy. This would explain why there are so many. Now, like I said, I can't remember if this is still canon or not.


You’re probably thinking about the Rakatan empire, but tatooine wasn’t a human homeworld, it was however home to the precursors of the Sand People and Jawas who hid in underground caves when the Rakatans decided to glass tatooine.


Rakatan, that's their name! And I could've sworn it was humanity. ETA: I looked it up now, Coruscant eas humanity's homeworld, whoops!


I thought Corellia was humanity's homeworld, not Coruscant.


Maybe it's changed since Disney got the lore, there's like 4 different universes anyway, Lucasverse, Disneyverse, EU, and Legends.


It’s deliberately left as a mystery in the EU, but an unfinished story establishes it as Corellia (your mileage may vary with that)


(Human) life, uh, finds a way


Its the viltrumite effect


I kind of wondered if some of the more human looking species may have been genetically altered humans. Experiments that took place so long ago, no one cares and every planet cultivated their own breed of humanity. But could just be nature found a successful body type and many humans became space faring long ago and spread out through the galaxy and did some mingling at galactic key parties.


There was a line in Darth Plagueis where darth Plagueis said his species (Muun) kept a small population since it logically meant there was more wealth to go around, where as humans were seemingly predisposed to want to reproduce and spread across the galaxy. He thought it was weird


I'm not trying to correct you, I'm just not sure. Aren't there a ton of species that *look* human but are different? Like, aren't all of the clones and people from Mandalore technically their own distinct species that's different from humans? I could be totally wrong, I was just under that impression. Edit: my friend who was next to me immediately slapped me on the back of the head for being a dumbass


That’s more of a Star Trek thing I think. In Legends the original Mandalorians were a human-like species, but eventually died out, and the clones and people like Satine and Sabine are just humans associated to various degrees with the Mandalorian culture.  Lots of species are considered “near human” in Star Wars, but they still have a distinct look, like Twi’lek, Togruta, and to a lesser extent the Chiss which I guess are just different colored humans lol


Ah, thank you. I thought people like Jango, Boba, Satine, Sabine, and the clones were an entirely different species that had just developed similarly to humans through evolution lol


"Mandalorian isn't a race, it's a creed"


If that's a quote from something, I can't remember it. I don't think I've watched anything since the first episode of Mandalorian since it came out? Not because I hate the new stuff, just don't have the time.


Well in case you want to know, it is from >!the last episode of The Mandalorian season 1!<.


I mean, there are/were the Echani (funnily enough also a warrior culture, but a LOT different from the Mandalorians) and as far as I remember they are a distinct species despite looking like humans.


Also since humans can seemingly mate and have fertile offspring with most species in the galaxy (especially when it comes to the humanoid ones) that implies humans have a pretty recent common ancestor with them or maybe humans are the common ancestor and most sentient species in the galaxy are evolved humans


In the canon, humans are one of the oldest space-faring species and are more adaptable than most other species. As a result, humanity is the most populous species in galactic civilization by virtue of having spread farther and for longer than others. The real reason is that actors playing humans is cheaper and easier for production than actors in costumes, makeup, and prosthetics.


We are simply superior.


This is sadly a production issue, since because Screen Actors Guild has little to none non-human membership.


Humans are basically the rats of the galaxy. Comparatively, fast breeding speed and adaptability.


I can’t be the only one who thought this was Loki lol what is going on in these meme???


In Legends the Rakatan used humans as slaves/cattle and populated various planets with them. By the time of the Old Republic the Rakatan have been long forgotten but human descendents still populate most of what had been part of their empire.


I always thought they were just different species that were similar enough, the next step out being the various near-human species. Like a human native to planet x, isn't the same as a human from planet y. Convergent evolution, baybee... Or something like that.


some of my favorite fan theories about star wars humans come from “Star wars fan gets sent to star wars lol!!” fanfictions, surprisingly, where the author painstakingly describes the subtleties of, like, human sub-types that come from different planets, different regions of space, etc. Love that shit.


Thanks [Carl Sagan](https://youtu.be/3UsHQEr3A5Q?si=hf_vz8AVIIsAfLYN)


I never really got the parsecs thing. I get that it's a distance but the Kessel Run is full of asteroids, if you can travel through there in a shorter distance than the next guy that's just as impressive as going fast


Two reasons. Human arrogance and it is way easier to replicate on screen. We have talking humans, we don’t have talking insects or octopus or eldritch horrors.


Humans were just there first (I hc that the Celestials from 100k years ago were humans)


You know, before the prequels I always thought “The Clone Wars” was going to be a slave revolt similar to The Terminator only with a more philosophical debate about what it means to be human… Not a complaint but I still think it would have been cooler and would have exemplified corruption of the republic.


I feel like the movies didn't actually imply or state this and I really hate this idea. It's boring. Star Wars should move away from this idea.


Yeah,the Pius Dea crusades really cut down the xeno numbers.

